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how to get a portion of useState stored data in another useState

In the project that I am working on currently I am fetching data from sanity and storing that data in a useState(), and that data is a collection of multiple restaurants, each restaurant has different ...
Abdellah Slimani's user avatar
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React update state of component after search through object

I have an object that is outputted from the reactIcons npm package I am importing everything from one of the folders with import * as ReactIcons from 'react-...
Anders Kitson's user avatar
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React button not rerendering the component

I am making a blog with React and Sanity, and am trying to use buttons to allow the user to sort blog posts by tag (category). Currently, the sorting works fine if I hard code the tag I want to sort ...
Brandon Pyle's user avatar
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React: Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components)

I am building a blog with React and Sanity everything so far went pretty good but now when i am trying to add SinglePost pages for each blog the code was fine but when i went to a post and clicked i ...
Developer dayan's user avatar
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Unable to update the state in useState Hook

This is my code. I'm using sanity for content management and developing react native app. Here the API call is returning correct value however setdata is not updating the state services. So when I try ...
Manoj Bhat's user avatar
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nextjs sanity TypeError: Cannot destructure property 'params' of 'param' as it is undefined. when using 'use client' directive on server component

I am new to Next.js, and I'm building an e-commerce site using Next.js and Sanity. I have a getProducts function that fetches product details from Sanity. In the ProductPage,I import the getProducts ...
Antony Ponson's user avatar
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User-profile undefined only in the navbar and pin section of the React sanity app

I’m trying to get the user's Google name and profile photo into my React app (with sanity as backend), but it only works in the home and sidebar section of the app, but not in the navbar and pin ...
Jefferson Chidiox's user avatar
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Having issue fetching comment from across all pages in Next Js

I have collections of comments from, am trying to fetch the comments to make them available on all pages. I tried fetching it in the _app.tsx using getServerProps but am receiving undefined. ...
Rengkat's user avatar
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NextJS Dynamic Loading of Components

I am using as a storage system, and I want to dynamically load components based on the content type. In the builder, each content element is assigned a "_type" value (such as "...
Ourelius's user avatar