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1 answer

Is it safe to edit the schema of a blog post in Sanity, after I already have added 4-5 long posts (using the same schema)?

I currently have a blog running on Next.js + Sanity. I have had a lot of success, but in the past when setting it all up encountered a scary error while editing the blog post schema, that basically ...
Zach White's user avatar
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How do I add more than one item in orderable document list in sanity

I added 2 schema - 'abouts' and 'works'. In the Sanity dashboard, it is only showing the 'works' document list since I added it in the structure plugin... import {defineConfig, isDev} from 'sanity' ...
Fjgonz's user avatar
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Creating a 3-Level Hierarchical Schema for Efficient Content Management

I need help creating a schema that allows me to structure content in a hierarchical manner like the following: - Hub 1 - Guide 1 - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Guide 2 - ...
user1704894's user avatar
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2 answers

I am getting this error Parsing error: Cannot find module '@babel/preset-react'

I am getting this error parsing error: Cannot find module '@babel/preset-react'. After creating schema.js, tweetSchema.js, userSchema.js I got redline under import, export and export from all the 3 ...
ANIRUDDH SHARMA's user avatar
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How can i make nested schema for a course with sub-topic and every sub-topic having Sub-topic Name, time duration, video URL in

** I don't Know how to make this please help if possible or tell me where can i find some similar Schema I want to create video lecturer website with topic, sub-topic, time-duration ** export default {...
abhishek sahu's user avatar
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2 answers

How to create a new user along with their profile images in Sanity?

Hi I am a beginner to Sanity and I am working on a personal project. All I want to know is how do I add a user along with his profile Image selected as a file from his device to the Sanity Database. I ...
Joshua Daniel's user avatar
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129 views field-level localisation

I need to have proper localisation for my Sanity CMS. I found the official information here, but it doesn't get into details. I tried to apply the same approach for block type: export default { ...
RCKT's user avatar
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array of references in Sanity NextJS

I need to render my array of references from Sanity! When i do this on Sanity Vision all good but how can I render this in my NextJs code... I have first page with countries and each country has ...
Dmitry's user avatar
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Duplicate Error Messages for Slug Uniqueness Check and Compatibility Issue with Email Field Validation in Sanity

I am facing a validation problem in my Sanity schema, specifically related to the uniqueness check for slugs in the post type. Additionally, there seems to be an issue with the custom validation for ...
Sikandar's user avatar
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Not reversing the data when update the one schema in sanity studio

I have two schemas called "Project" and "Employee" in my Sanity studio. I want to establish a reference between them so that I can associate projects with employees and vice versa. ...
Dhivahar M's user avatar
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What causes 'SyntaxError: Unexpected token u in JSON' when accessing Next.js admin at http://localhost:3000/admin?

I have been following a tutorial on YouTube ( and I am currently at the 1:07:02 mark. The tutorial is about creating a web application using Next.js and ...
Mateo Ruiz's user avatar
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1 answer

Getting error instead of empty schema in Sanity

I set up the project and everything went right but when I run the npm run dev command in vs code, in Sanity, I am getting an error. No document types Please define at least one document type in your ...
user19637275's user avatar
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Display all properties of an array of objects in

In a Sanity project, I've created a schema containing an array of objects. In Sanity Studio, this appears as a list of those objects' first property, but I really need to see at least 2 properties for ...
Aislinn's user avatar
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useEffect isnt fetching any data from sanity

i am using sanity with react i made a sanity schema and now i am trying to fetch the data from sanity using react. projects.jsx export default function Projects() { const {projects, setProjects} ...
isabella-re's user avatar
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2 answers

Super Basic Sanity Schema Import

I need some help importing schemas from Visual Studio Code into the Sanity console. I'm importing everything as usual and when Content Studio is successfully compiled I'm still not seeing anything in ...
Lawrence Telfer's user avatar