I'm learning to code and now I am on the stage of a small pet project with Sanity as a CMS. Long story short, making an API I'm trying to fetch cocktails data with votes for the cocktails. The votes are stored within persons who voted:

GROQ query

  _type == "cocktail" &&
    !(_id in path('drafts.**'))
 ] {
    "votes" : *[_type == "person" && references(^._id)] {
    votes[] {
        "id": cocktail._ref

which returns

    "_id": "pdUGiuRzgLGpnc4cfx76nA",
    "name": "Cuba Libre",
    "votes": [
        "votes": {
          "id": "pdUGiuRzgLGpnc4cfx76nA",
          "score": 2
        "votes": {
          "id": "pdUGiuRzgLGpnc4cfx76nA",
          "score": 2
    "_id": "pdUGiuRzgLGpnc4cfxBOyM",
    "name": "The ERSH7",
    "votes": []

As you can see, the merge provides embedded arrays of votes meanwhile I want sth like:

  ...cocktail attributes...
  "votes" : [
    {score: 2, id: pdUGiuRzgLGpnc4cfx76nA},
    {score: 2, id: pdUGiuRzgLGpnc4cfx76nA}
... more cocktails....

Trying to get this I modified the query:

  _type == "cocktail" &&
    !(_id in path('drafts.**'))
 ] {
    "votes" : *[_type == "person" && references(^._id)].votes[] {
        "id": cocktail._ref

which should take a projection from every element of the votes arr. Unfortunately I get empty arrays:

  "_id": "pdUGiuRzgLGpnc4cfx76nA",
  "name": "Cuba Libre",
  "votes": [
...more cocktails

How can I achieve the desired result? Thank you for reading! Would appreciate any help!

2 Answers 2


Yes, had similar struggles with "flattening" the projections my self. I solved it with dot-syntax. Try just adding .votes on your first attempt:

  _type == "cocktail" &&
  !(_id in path('drafts.**'))
  "votes" : *[_type == "person" && references(^._id)] {
    votes[] {
      "id": cocktail._ref

If this is correct, the whole query can be simplified but I'm not at the level, yet, where I can do that without testing against a similar set ,'-)


Actually, GROQ has syntax to flatten array starting from v2021-03-25

find this example:

  'nestedArray': [
    {'foo': [1,2,3,4,5]},
    {'foo': [6,7,8,9,10,11,12]},
    {'foo': [13,14,15]},
  'stillNestedArray': @.nestedArray[].foo,
  'flatArray': @.nestedArray[].foo[]

Note the [] right after foo - this is what's flatten it

So the original query from the question should look like

  _type == "cocktail" &&
    !(_id in path('drafts.**'))
 ] {
    "votes" : *[_type == "person" && references(^._id)] {
    votes[] {
        "id": cocktail._ref

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