Questions tagged [sanity]

Sanity is a structured content platform and API that also offers an open source, React-based Studio that functions as like a headless CMS on top of the Sanity APIs.

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Next Js Api routes response helpers (redirect)

I'M trying to create a login functionality in Next js. Everything is pretty much done but I'm unable to redirect to homepage after login. I'm using Next js with sanity as headless CMS This is my login ...
NexCodes's user avatar
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How to use the Sanity Studio with a Custom backend?

We have a legacy app and would like to migrate to Sanity for the new editorial content, but want to keep the previous backend intact with the ability to edit it in Sanity. Curious if it is possible. ...
Bake's user avatar
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What's the proper way for returning a response using Formidable on Nextjs Api?

I'm sending an uploaded file to a Next.js API route using FormData. The file is then processed on the API route using formidable and passed to sanity client in order to upload the asset, but I can't ...
ivanatias's user avatar
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Refreshing Server side props - Nextjs

I have a list of posts, fetched with getServerSideProps in the home page, then these posts are passed as props to a Posts component, which maps those posts and pass each one to a Post component. ...
ivanatias's user avatar
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Missing 'fixed' and 'fluid' fields on image asset with `gatsby-source-sanity`

I'm trying to source images from Sanity with gatsby-source-sanity and gatsby-image. In the past I've had no issue querying the fluid image asset like so: export const query = graphql` query { ...
Finnian Langham's user avatar
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Dynamic pages at load time, not build time

I'm building an editorial site that regularly adds new content. As such, they've requested that articles and article content is loaded in at load time rather than having to run a build and wait for it....
Chrish D's user avatar
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How to Async/Await using useEffect for fetching data? [duplicate]

I have looked up some questions but didn't manage to fix this issue. I am trying to add async and await to my useEffect where I am fetching for data. Also, how can I add a simple loading text before ...
Galanthus's user avatar
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Is it possible to query document schema metadata in Sanity/GROQ?

I have a simple singleton document schema defined in my Sanity/NextJS project, to model my "Colophon" page (richText is a custom block field type): export default { title: 'Colophon', ...
BigglesZX's user avatar
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...GatsbySanityImageFluid - Cannot read property 'fluid' of null

I'm working with Sanity and Gatsby I'm trying to map over an array of images to display them in an image gallery. My GraphQL query is working, I am able to display a single image but I receive the ...
aglasier's user avatar
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How do I access an asset's URL when linked via reference in Sanity Studio?

I want to upload PDFs in Sanity Studio, then link to those PDFs in the main site content. I've added a reference to a document which has a 'file' field in it to my simpleBlockContent input in Sanity ...
Orchis's user avatar
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Is it possible to do geospatial queries in

I found out that sanity supports Geopoint type, but I could not find any information if it's possible to do any filter operation on this type. Are geospatial queries possible?
Vladimír Polák's user avatar
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Storing Sanity token as a secret with Now doesn't work

I am trying to store a Sanity token as a secret when deploying my project with Now, but it all doesn't seem to work. Here is my situation: I added my Sanity token as a secret to the CLI (I called it ...
MarekMinor's user avatar
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How can I import a custom Portable text editor into my schema files

Trying to build on text editor and share it among all the schemas that need it in Sanity but cannot figure out how this is done. I did look through the docs but they just build it to show in the view, ...
Rockwell Rice's user avatar
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Nextjs 13 'use client' components rendering on server anyway with sanity

I'm trying to setup simple Nextjs application with Sanity studio, where Sanity is appended to my Next application, and lives under the route like /admin. The problem is that when I try to access my ...
BlackH3art's user avatar
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Next.js 13 'TypeError: fetch failed' while trying to render static pages using getStaticProps. Need help fixing code

I'm new to APIs. I'm using Sanity for my backend. This is the error I get in the terminal: - info Linting and checking validity of types - info Creating an optimized production build - info Compiled ...
Ishaan2053's user avatar
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Sanity - How to populate a list of predefined strings based on another field in the same document?

I want to make a section field which it's options will be based on the category value I tried this but it didn't work defineField({ name: 'category', type: 'string', title: 'Category'...
Abdirisak's user avatar
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How to implement nested list using @portabletext/react npm in nextjs with

i get stuck when wanna implement nested list using @portabletext/react package in nextjs, i need to show my list (in this case using bullet list) in different condition. In the normal condition to be ...
Toss's user avatar
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POST request to Sanity CMS using Next.js API & next-connect resulting in 500 ERROR

I am having trouble making a POST request of user info on a register form to the Sanity CMS.I am using Next.js & next-connect. I am getting a 500 error when making the request. Here is a snippet ...
Calathea's user avatar
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Next.js page working on localhost but not on vercel

I'm building the blog for a website, and I just completed the search results page. When I tried it on localhost, it worked perfectly but when I deployed it to vercel it doesn't work at all. The ...
user3040230424's user avatar
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How do I add more than one item in orderable document list in sanity

I added 2 schema - 'abouts' and 'works'. In the Sanity dashboard, it is only showing the 'works' document list since I added it in the structure plugin... import {defineConfig, isDev} from 'sanity' ...
Fjgonz's user avatar
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Next.js 13 with sanity studio unexpected behaviour with layouts

I am trying to make a bloglike application using next.js 13 and sanity for the CMS. I have created a navbar that I would like to only show on the standard page but not on the stanity studio page. The ...
Mark Scholes's user avatar
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Uncaught TypeError: Method Promise.prototype.then called on incompatible receiver #<Promise> at Proxy.then (<anonymous>)

Been trying to fix this for a while and it's becoming quite annoying, help would be really appreciated. Context using cms and I think the error may come from client.js, where the client is ...
Joe Matkin's user avatar
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Vercel, Next.js, production deployment fails

I have a Next.js + project and when I deploy from local build using vercel CLI with vercel build and then vercel deploy --prebuilt, it works great. However, when I do vercel --prod to create ...
JL.'s user avatar
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Object object being displayed when trying to render blockContent on React

I am working on a website and trying to render a blockContent from, in my React application, but it's displayed as only [object Object] on the website. I tried different queries on Sanity ...
Sanjay G.'s user avatar
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Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length') Lottie React

I get an undefined issue while trying to set lotties using lottie-react I am setting CDN link instead of just importing it directly . This is the code : { : any) => ( <...
Yaakoubi Mohammed's user avatar
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Uncaught TypeError: (0 , _sanity_client__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.sanityClient) is not a function

I'm trying to fetch data from Sanity into my react app for the first time. At the moment, I'm trying something small, so I have a schema called website_images, that has an image type called about and ...
paparonnie's user avatar
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Unknown type: code || getting this error in sanity as schema error

I Have installed sanity code-input plug-in using yarn. Now I'm having this error Error Here I'm using type code { name: 'exampleUsage', title: 'Example usage', type: 'code', }...
NexCodes's user avatar
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how to disable button until a request is completed

I have a like button and once a user clicks on it, the button should only allow one click (i.e allow only one like per user) <button disabled={buttonState} onClick={() => {like(item)}}> &...
Sai Krishnadas's user avatar
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Getting error while doing sanity start: Module not found: Error: Part "sanity:css-custom-properties" not implemented by any plugins

Error in ./node_modules/@sanity/base/lib/components/GlobalStyle.js Module not found: Error: Part "sanity:css-custom-properties" not implemented by any plugins @ ./node_modules/@sanity/base/...
UTKARSH SINGH's user avatar
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Why does sanity cli get error while install it?

I'm trying: npm install -g @sanity/cli >> sanity init --coupon javascriptmastery2022 and I get this message: sanity : File C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\npm\sanity.ps1 cannot be loaded. The ...
Ronen Amir's user avatar
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How to set default value for radio button in Sanity Studio?

I'm trying to set the default value given a list of radio items in Sanity Studio. Code: export default { name: 'banner', title: 'Banner', type: 'document', fields: [ { name: "...
jayweezy's user avatar
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fetch 'Object' type data from sanity CMS

I am working on a blog project built with nextJS, typescript. I have successfully been able to fetch data from sanity CMS. I am able to see the 'blog_title, author_name, description and etc'. The ...
Mohammad Miskatur Rahman's user avatar
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I have problem with deploying Sanity studio on Netlify

it maybe silly questions to someone here but I have nowhere to ask so I came here. I deployed my portfolio page with Sanity & Gatsby Starter. It works okay → deploy status ...
user18172936's user avatar
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Next-Auth v4.0 adapter for

I have tried to modify the existing adapter @ to be compatible with Next-Auth V4 to no avail. As I have read that Next-Auth V4 introduces some breaking ...
CWsp's user avatar
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Error: Unable to resolve image URL from source (undefined) SANITY.IO

Error: Unable to resolve image URL from source (undefined) I did my ImageBuilder configuration in another file and imported the urlFor function into my component. While I am able to map through/...
Badt0men's user avatar
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How to read/pass vercel system enviroment variables to code in Sanity?

I want to pass the VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_REF variable to my javascript bundle. I've deployed Sanity in Vercel and it only passes variables with the prefix SANITY_STUDIO_. So, I've created an environment ...
Hariharan K's user avatar
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How to auto-populate referenced documents in a schema?

Here are the relationships I have: Artists Artworks -> references Artist from Artists What I would like to do is view all the Artworks that reference a particular Artist inside the Artist Document ...
Dwaine's user avatar
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setPreviewData on Next.js /api serverless throws error (not a funciton)

I'm using next.js for presenting data from and I'm deploying it as a serverless application on AWS (edge-optimized). At first this functionality was working but at some point it just stopped ...
vladimir's user avatar
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Sanity CMS, referencing arrays within a document

My goal is to have a custom internalLink mark that is able to reference not just the post (which is easy enough since its a type: document) but also reference name: sections which returns array of ...
umbriel's user avatar
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4 answers

I am building a React Application using the Sanity CMS for the backend but I am running into a client error when sending data to the backend

I am building a react application and using a Sanity CMS for the backend but I am running into an issue whenever I try to load data into the backend from the client. Everything else works perfectly ...
coding beast's user avatar
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TypeError: (0 , next_sanity__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createImageUrlBuilder) is not a function [closed]

I am trying to make nextjs typescript project using but im not able to solve this problem. itis showing that createImageUrlBuilder is not a function. enter image description here here is my ...
ajay sharma's user avatar
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Error: Errors while building: ./node_modules/@floating-ui/dom/dist/floating-ui.dom.esm.js Module parse failed: Unexpected token (307:11)

Hi everyone hope you all doing good, I am trying to add a plugin to sanity and the plugin is sanity-plugin-order-documents .I have followed all the steps shown in the documentation step by step. I ...
Abdellah Slimani's user avatar
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Error: Unable to resolve image URL from source (null)

I am using Sanity and React to create a blog page. Everything seems to be okay but when you click on a blog to read more I get the error message "Error: Unable to resolve image URL from source (...
Susan's user avatar
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Sanity CMS data is not showing on the react app

I was following a tutorial on youtube ( for creating a portfolio website. I hosted the website using Netlify, 20 days later when I revisited the website, the website was ...
pppratspota's user avatar
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how to display images from (block content) rich text in portable text

how to display images from (block content) rich text in portable text using sanity as backend and next js as front end. my portable text look like this <PortableText value={blog.body} /> no ...
Mohid Naeem's user avatar
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Vercel Build Error: It looks like you're using options meant for '@sanity/preview-kit/client'

Hi Im having an odd issue with Vercel deployment because of sanity, this is the Vercel build error: Error: It looks like you're using options meant for '@sanity/preview-kit/client', such as '...
André Gomes's user avatar
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How to filter dataset based on a field on references

How to get all posts by a category slug in GROQ? You can see that a post is added to one or more categories. I would like to get all posts by a category slug to show the posts on a category page. I am ...
Ben Jonson's user avatar
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How to delete a document attribute in Sanity iO?

I have an array of objects in my Sanity Document called Images called Comments an example comment object in comments[] array looks like : { "_key": "6510dc79cf8b", &...
dev's user avatar
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Operation times out with observable subscription

We have a subscription to an RxJS Observable that's obtained from the Sanity javascript client's listen method. This works fine except that every now and then we get an error "The operation timed ...
jorgen's user avatar
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Access to an Array inside a Post Array with Sanity using next.js

I have an issue here trying to access a Post array that has inside a categories array. So if I console.log the data I see something like this: { posts: [ { _createdAt: '2021-10-23T05:02:...
theKid's user avatar
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