Questions tagged [spring-batch]

Spring Batch is a lightweight, comprehensive framework aimed at enabling the development of batch applications vital for the daily operations of enterprise systems. Batch applications in this context refers to automated offline systems targeted towards bulk data processing.

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0 answers

Spring Batch Linemapper for reading a CSV file which can have multiple columns with the same name

The requirement is to read and apply certain analytical functions on the Jira extracts for several projects(in order of 100s) in the organization. The Jira extract function exports the CSV file which ...
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0 answers

Restarting the appropriate chunk due to abnormal shutdown of the spring batch

There might be some awkward parts because of the translator I'm in the process of deploying and I'm going to start again when I'm out of trouble job execution-exit_code = unknown step execution-...
-1 votes
0 answers

Spring Batch : async with AsyncItemProcessor and AsyncItemWriter

I want to improve my spring batch performance with async processing I have noticed the class AsyncItemProcessor has a method setTaskExecutor : public AsyncItemProcessor asyncDataProcessor() throws ...
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0 answers

Spring Batch : Adding TaskExecutor bean on my config causes errors

I have a basic Spring Boot batch application (reading datas from SQL Database, processing it and updating in the same SQL database). I don't put the code as it is long but it's very basic. My ...
-1 votes
0 answers

If the spring batch ends incorrectly, start with the chunk [closed]

First time writing on a famous stack overflow. Thank you Spring Batch question. We are developing a batch program that reads all csv files from a specific path and writes them to db [problem] I want ...
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1 answer

Can Spring Batch run in Master Slave mode on AWS Batch?

I'm developing a Spring Batch application to process 1 million records within 1 hour duration everyday. I'm planning to use Remote Partioning feature to concurrently process the records in multiple ...
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2 answers

Specify separate skip limits for reader, processor and writer in Spring Batch 2.1.x

How do I specify separate skip limits for reader, processor and writer in Spring Batch 2.1.x? At present I have <chunk reader="Reader" writer="Writer" processor="Processor" commit-interval="100" ...
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1 answer

Spring batch-5 ORA-08177: can't serialize access for this transaction using Oracle database

I am using spring batch 5 using oracle. I have more than 15 batches running using the database. But it shows below error: error code [8177]; ORA-08177: can't serialize access for this ...
1 vote
1 answer

AOP configuration seems to be invalid - Spring batch (Skip Listener)

I am using spring batch and I'm trying to do a POC to skip the entries for which I get an exception. To do this, I have written a SkipListener with some logic to populate an external table with the ...
-1 votes
0 answers

How can i restart my Spring batch step successfully

I have a spring boot 3 projet with spring batch with one step. When I execute my batch for the first time, at the batch_job_execution table level everything goes well and when I want to execute it for ...
1 vote
0 answers

How to Pass Data Among Steps in a java Spring Batch Application

I have a spring batch project to read two txt files (Cyties and Histories) in two different steps. I use the ItemsReaders, everything is fine, I can even write them together in a single new file in ...
1 vote
1 answer

Caused by: com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: connection is closed by foreign host while using DefaultSftpSessionFactory and SftpInboundFileSynchronizer

I am using spring batch remote partitioning to read input files and process them. To make input files available on all servers, I have added step listener which checks if the exist or not and ...
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0 answers

Partitions are getting repeated in spring batch

I am using partition in spring batch and pgbouncer (Connection pooler for postgre) and I am creating the Partition in my code using following code - public Map<String, ExecutionContext> ...
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0 answers

Spring Batch step write_count less than read_count and filter and skip counts are all zero

We are facing a situation in Spring Batch that step write_count sometimes is less than read_count and filter_count and read_skip_count, process_skip_count and write_skip_count are all zero while the ...
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0 answers

Parameter 0 of constructor in required a bean ... that could not be found

In a SpringBatch application I'm developing, I want to make my REST calls from an infra-rest module, but I'm encountering an error concerning bean recognition. Here is the classes : @Service @...
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0 answers

How to deal with the removal of support of running multiple batch jobs at once?

Spring Batch recently removed the opportunity to run multiple batch jobs at once. So now, you can still package multiple batch jobs into the same application but for every execution of the batch ...
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1 answer

spring batch exeption java.lang.IllegalStateException: Transaction manager must be provided

org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'runjob' defined in class path resource [com/example/inseespringbatch/BatchConfiguration.class]: Failed to ...
1 vote
0 answers

Caused by: Error : 8177, Position : 0, Sql = INSERT INTO BATCH_JOB_INSTANCE(JOB_INSTANCE_ID, JOB_NAME, JOB_KEY, VERSION) in spring batch 5

I am using spring batch 5 using oracle. I have more than 30 batches from multiple projects running using the database. But it shows below error: error code [8177]; ORA-08177: can't ...
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0 answers

extend execution time limit in Spring Batch

I have a big problem here, Spring Batch + TaskExecutor doesn't execute a thread by more than 10 minutes and of course that I need that eventually the batch job should take 2 hours if necessary. Y just ...
1 vote
3 answers

ResourcelessTransactionManager could not be found

I am trying to schedule a Spring Batch on top of Spring boot Application. The following are my configurations. However, i see an error when application start up fails with the following error. ...
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0 answers

Multi-Threading KafkaItemReader using SynchronizedItemStreamReader in Spring Batch

I'm comparing multiple options regarding to KafkaConsumer in SpringBatch. With the example from spring batch project, I wrote simple code which runs KafkaItemReader as it is intended to use - single ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Initialize secondary datasource based on JobParameter at runtime / lazily

I'm working on a Spring Batch app where I have a batch data source configured during context startup (as standard) and I want to have a secondary data source that must be initialized based on a job ...
-1 votes
2 answers

How to customize the Spring Batch default configuration without breaking autoconfiguration

How can I customize Spring Batch's DefaultBatchConfiguration without breaking the autoconfiguration provided by Spring Boot in SpringBootBatchConfiguration? I am using a Spring Batch job in a Spring ...
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1 answer

How to do Spring batch record partition on large file?

How to do Spring batch record partition on large file? Example say if I have 100 records in file, I need to improve spring batch processing speed creating 1 thread each 10 records. How to do it? ...
2 votes
2 answers

Spring Batch- ItemWriter - DataIntegrityViolationException - Skip Record - Retry - Not working

I am stuck with this problem from sometime. I am using spring-batch 3.0.7 Problem is in case of org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException in one record in ItemWriter, rest of the ...
2 votes
3 answers

Issue with white spaces in flat file in Spring batch

I am using Spring batch framework to parse a fixed length flat file using FlatFileItemReader with lineMapper asDefaultLineMapper and fieldSetMapper as PassThroughFieldSetMapper and lineTokenizer as ...
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0 answers

Can 2 scheduled batch jobs running in spring boot, on seperate microservices interfere with each other?

I have a strange error occurring in my java spring boot project where I create an @entity database object, and it says that it violates the primary keys uniqueness constraint when being written to the ...
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2 answers

read and write two files in one step in one file

I am doing a spring batch project in which I have to read and modify several TXT files and write them in a new file in JSON format. I created my steps for each file, they are written one after the ...
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1 answer

Spring Batch application not detecting the beans even if annotations are put

I believe I have correctly used the annotations @EnableBatchProcessing and @Autowire but I cannot resolve that error. The package structure is correct. enter image description here enter image ...
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0 answers

MockStatic and MockConstruction not working in spring batch test cases

I am trying to mock static function and new instantiations in the spring tasklet step testing, but the mocks are not working and are going to the actual implementations. @SpringBatchTest @...
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0 answers

spring batch tasklet to write a file reexecute the whole job

I implemented a spring batch tasklet that reads two files merges both txt files into a single String list, writes the list content to a file under resource folder The issue is that the step 3 (the ...
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0 answers

Spring batch jpaPagingItemReader Read Map from for step context and apply to queryString's inclause using xml configuration

Below is my step configuration. productIds is a HashMap attached to Step Execution Context <bean id="readCustomer" class="org.springframework.batch.item.database.JpaPagingItemReader&...
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1 answer

o.s.boot.SpringApplication , Error creating bean with name 'entityManagerFactory' defined in class path resource

My app is a simple spring-batch application which is introduced in by some changes but I find the following error when I compile it: Error starting ...
-1 votes
2 answers

Starting first job causes - Dispatcher has no subscribers for channel exception when declared multiple DirectChannels

I have a Spring Batch application which is successfully running spring batch jobs but i have exception when declaring multiple DirectChannels. The exception happens when i start the "firstJob&...
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0 answers

Restarting a FAILED job is not processing the failed chunk data again : Continuation

This is continuation for Restarting a FAILED job is not processing the failed chunk data again. This is my step definition for spring batch partition approach, @Bean public Step step1() { return new ...
4 votes
2 answers

Spring Batch Item Processor not Executing

I am creating a Spring Batch job using the Spring Batch template included with STS 2.81 and using examples from Spring Batch in Action by Manning. I am able to execute the chunk reader and writer ...
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0 answers

Pages are getting skipped in a step of a job in Spring Batch

Context: I am currently working on reading data from a database using pagination. To achieve this, I am using a RepositoryItemReader with a batch size of 1000. The reader fetches data from the ...
5 votes
2 answers

How can I know the total number of chunks/items to be processed at the beginning of a Spring Batch Step?

I am trying to get fancy with my batch jobs and utilize a progress bar for my batch jobs, like the one here: To accurately populate a progress bar like the one ...
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0 answers

Progress bar for my Spring Batch Application - need to get number of Chunks or total number of items

I am trying to build a progress bar for my spring batch application and for that I am stuck at point. I am unable to get the total number of items or total number of Chunks during runtime. Can someone ...
1 vote
0 answers

csv file reader, batch java spring

I am looking to read a csv file and convert the data into a Tarification object. At execution I get a parsing error. I do not understand why. I have already tried removing quotes, changing delimiters, ...
10 votes
1 answer

How to solve deprecation warning of JobBuilderFactory and StepBuilderFactory

I'm using the following factories to set up my Spring Batch application: private JobBuilderFactory jobBuilderFactory; private StepBuilderFactory stepBuilderFactory; However, I'm getting the following ...
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0 answers

Spring Batch 3 to 5 migration: Job not launching

I am migrating Spring Batch 3 to 5.1.1, and have made the following changes in the Configuration class, after which Jobs are not launching. Spring Batch 3: package com; import; ...
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1 answer

Is there any catch in Reading and Updating to the same Oracle table in Single Threaded Spring batch job?

I have written a Single-threaded Spring Batch Job to fix data in a table column. i.e. it's a simple job with no parallel or multi-threaded steps. It simply uses a JdbcCursorItemReader to "stream&...
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0 answers

JdbcCursorItemReader vs JdbcPagingItemReader impl and JpaPgaingItemReader and queryprovider

public JdbcPagingItemReader<Point> reader() { return new JdbcPagingItemReaderBuilder<Point>() .name("reader") .pageSize(chunkSize) ....
358 votes
52 answers

Failed to configure a DataSource: 'url' attribute is not specified and no embedded datasource could be configured

I am working on a Spring Boot Batch example with MongoDB and I have already started the mongod server. When I launch my application, I am getting the error below. Any pointers for this issue? ******...
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0 answers

Looping Over a Group of Steps in Spring Batch

I am working on a Spring Batch job with the following workflow: Start Step: Fetch the list of IDs to export via an SQL query. While there are data in the list, perform the following steps: Step: ...
-2 votes
0 answers

Already value [datasource.ConnectionHolder@6b144bd8] for key [datasource.DriverManagerDataSource@56739ee9] bound to thread [main]

org.springframework.transaction.CannotCreateTransactionException: Could not open JPA EntityManager for transaction; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: Already value [org....
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1 answer

Strange Spring Batch exception, something I did wrong?

I can break a working test with this diff: - protected void ingest(String filename) throws Exception { + protected JobExecution ingest(String filename) throws Exception { JobParameters ...
2 votes
1 answer

Spring Batch 5 - Don't want it to automatically create tables in database

I am migrating from Spring Boot 2 to Spring Boot 3, and from Spring Batch 4 to Spring Batch 5. I don't want Spring Batch to create the BATCH_JOB_INSTANCE tables in my database. @Autowired private ...
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0 answers

How to Use ControllerAdvice for Exception Handling in Spring Batch Application?

I am relatively new to Spring Boot and Spring Batch, and I'm currently working on a project where I need to implement exception handling. However, I'm facing difficulties in getting ControllerAdvice ...

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