Questions tagged [spring-data-hadoop]

Spring for Apache Hadoop is an open-source project that provides unified configuration model and easy to use APIs for using HDFS, MapReduce, Pig, and Hive as well as developing and deploying YARN applications.

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27 votes
5 answers

Triggering spark jobs with REST

I have been of late trying out apache spark. My question is more specific to trigger spark jobs. Here I had posted question on understanding spark jobs. After getting dirty on jobs I moved on to my ...
chaosguru's user avatar
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2 answers

How to submit multiple Spark applications in parallel without spawning separate JVMs?

The problem is that you need to launch separate JVM to create separate session with different number of RAM per job. How to submit few Spark applications simultaneously without manually spawning ...
VB_'s user avatar
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Why is spring-hadoop end-of-lifed and is there a successor?

According to the README in spring-hadoop, the project has reached an End-Of-Life: NOTICE: The Spring for Apache Hadoop project has reached End-Of-Life status on April 5th, 2019. The final Spring for ...
carlspring's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Use Hbase with spring boot [duplicate]

Is there a sample project show how to use hbase in spring boot ? I read this link How to use hbase with Spring Boot using Java instead of XML?. But the instruction is not detail enough.
SieuCau's user avatar
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2 answers

maven-shade-plugin vs maven-assembly-plugin

I wrote a hadoop MR job using spring-data-hadoop and used maven-shade-plugin to pack all necessary jars. But when I ran the job from comand line:hadoop jar , it gave me Exception for ClassNotFound ...
user1516083's user avatar
4 votes
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Spring Hadoop Java config

What is the current state of JavaConfig support? As I see it's possible to set up Hadoop configuration this way:
Yaroslav Yermilov's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Spring Boot Yarn - Passing Command line arguments

i'm trying to pass command line arguments in my Spring Boot Yarn application and am having difficulties. i understand that i can set these in the yml document spring.yarn.appmaster.launchcontext....'s user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

trap Spring context close error

I have a spring Integration project using spring-hadoop. I have an Hbase template as follows, <beans:bean id="fsh" class=""> </beans:bean> <...
ameet chaubal's user avatar
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Spring for Hadoop HBase

I have a question to Spring community. As stated in the article, Spring for Hadoop will no longer be supported on April, 2019. Is (or will) there be any other Spring project for Hadoop, HBase (...
Markiza's user avatar
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1 answer

Unknown host exception when using spring data hadoop to connect to Cloudera QuickStart VM Hbase

I use QuickStart VMs for CDH 5.3.x I try to implement this spring hadoop sample for hbase The sample from the host computer will connect to Hbase in the VM to create table, add data, read data. ...
SieuCau's user avatar
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Spring Hadoop config - No qualifying bean of type org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration

I am trying to configure beans for Hadoop/Hive environment. According to documentation I need Apache Hadoop Configuration class, which should be autowired. See:
wst's user avatar
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2 answers

spring data hive integration with hive template

I am trying to use spring data hadoop to integrate hive into my application and running into some issues. First thing I am not sure about is <hdp:hive-server host="some-other-host" port="10001" /&...
adeelmahmood's user avatar
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1 answer

Spring data - hadoop connectivity

I'm trying out Spring Data - Hadoop for executing the MR code on a remote cluster from my local machine's IDE Hadoop 1.1.2, Spring 3.2.4, Spring-Data-Hadoop 1.0.0 My bean configuration file viz. ...
Kaliyug Antagonist's user avatar
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How to "findAllBy{Column}" with HbaseTemplate?

I have been developing my first RESTful server utilizing such technologies as Spring and HBase. Message below is the core model of my server; @AllArgsConstructor @Getter public class Message { ...
Pasha's user avatar
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Spring Hadoop (Hive)

Am I supposed to understand how to implement Spring Hadoop / Hive by reading this quick guide? I don't know where the xml configurations should go (maybe hive.xml)?
Geoff L.'s user avatar
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spring hbaseTemplate throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Not a host:port pair: PBUF

I am a newbie for Hbase and I want to continue to use spring solution, hBaseTemplate to access HBase. But I tested a lot of times and can never be successful in doing so. This is what I did. The ...
user3006967's user avatar
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how to pass parameters from web requests to spring boot yarn application

I'm using spring-boot and spring-boot-yarn to submit yarn applications to a cluster. My use-case is close to the one described in this tutorial The ...
Victor Iacoban's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Spring HbaseTemplate keeping connection alive

I managed to integrate Hbase into a Spring app using HbaseTemplate: import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import; import ...
pawello2222's user avatar
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Fix Avro filename with spring data hadoop

My goal is to write a directory on HDFS. For that I use: spring-data-hadoop:2.4.0.RELEASE spring-data-hadoop-store:2.4.0.RELEASE In my config class I define a bean @Bean public DataStoreWriter<...
vincent's user avatar
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0 answers

spring distcp creates target folder as filename

I am using spring DistCp to copy a file within hdfs. My code looks like this distcp.copy(null, null, null, "/tmp", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, new String[]{"/user/aq728y/...
adeelmahmood's user avatar
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running a distcp job from spring in hadoop 2.x

I have been using spring data hadoop in on of my projects and have been able to run distcp jobs in hadoop 1.x. Recently we have upgraded to hadoop 2.x and for that I upgraded spring-data-hadoop to 2.0....
adeelmahmood's user avatar
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Spring Data Hadoop

I using Hadoop 2.4.x, Spring 4.0.6, Spring-Data-Hadoop 2.0.1.RELEASE-hadoop24 I'm running only jar file then no problems. But Running with tomcat have some error; my hadoop config is below: <...
JSH's user avatar
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0 answers

Is jar creation necessary to execute MR on a remote cluster

I have been trying Spring Data for Hadoop to execute a MR job from my local Windows STS on a remote Hadoop cluster. The issue I face is mentioned in detail here There's a similar thread that has ...
Kaliyug Antagonist's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

ClassNotFoundException after job submission

I'm trying out Spring Data - Hadoop for executing the MR code on a remote cluster from my local machine's IDE //Hadoop 1.1.2, Spring 3.2.4, Spring-Data-Hadoop 1.0.0 Tried with these versions : ...
Kaliyug Antagonist's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Issue when executing spring bean

I've a bean named textFileWriter to write string entities to HDFS. I've configured the spring bean in bean config file. While executing am getting NullPointerException. Please help me on this. My ...
Sachin's user avatar
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Spring Yarn @OnContainerStart - how to invoke Mapper?

i'm using the Spring Yarn package with Spring Boot and i'm trying to figure out how i can start a Mapper from the @OnContainerStart event. how do i pass arguments to the mapper? how do i configure ...'s user avatar
0 votes
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Issue when writing to HDFS using spring data hadoop

I was trying to write a simple text to HDFS using spring data hadoop. But I'm getting an unknown issue upon writing. Exception in thread "main"
Sachin's user avatar
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3 answers

Customizing Yarn container

I'm testing spring-yarn integration API and I'm little confused about what is the best practice of Yarn container customization in terms of: 1) If I want to use spring-boot-yarn combo, what is the ...
Tomas Kloucek's user avatar
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2 answers

How to filter records according to `timestamp` in Spring Data Hadoop?

I have a hbase table with a sample record as follows: 03af639717ae10eb743253433147e133 column=u:a, timestamp=1434300763147, value=apple 10f3d7f8fe8f25d5bdf52343a2601227 ...
Mubin Shrestha's user avatar
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1 answer

how can i use spring data for apache hadoop for cdh 5.4.x?

The official document note that "Spring for Apache Hadoop 2.2 GA" only support CDH 5.3.3 Is there a way to use "spring data hadoop" for CDH 5.4.X or i must wait for the next version ? Will the 2.3 ...
SieuCau's user avatar
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0 answers

hadoop configuration error in runtime with openjdk11

I am migrating our application to openjdk11 and with this setup my application is throwing below error. PLease help on this Note : With Jdk 1.8 the same code and configurations are working fine . Java ...
Avinash T S's user avatar
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Spring Hadoop - Unable to locate Spring NamespaceHandler for XML schema namespace

I want to enable Hive in my Spring Hadoop project. I understand that we can't use JavaConfiguration so I am using XML. I have an error regarding the Spring Namespace. Error starting ...
Geoff L.'s user avatar
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1 answer

How to simulate hdfs operations using spring data

I'm new to spring data-hadoop and would like to ask one general question. I have files in different format and would like to extract the useful content with Apache Tika and store as text files in HDFS....
Sachin's user avatar
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How to set up hadoop distributed cache using spring data

I'm new to spring data and trying to distribute all the spring data dependencies through distributed cache. But it's not working and no useful resources are found. My configuration inside application-...
Sachin's user avatar
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Spring boot AMQP and Spring Hadoop together ends up with missing EmbeddedServletContainerFactory bean

I have two small apps, one uses spring-boot-starter-amqp, other uses spring-data-hadoop-boot. I can run them separately without any problems. When I join them together, app start fails with exception:...
wst's user avatar
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Spring Data Hadoop and Hbase 1+

Since recently, hbase released the hbase 1.2, and there is a huge number of bugs fixed in hbase 1.0.0+, I am wondering if Spring is going to upgrade to use the new API.
Afshin Moazami's user avatar
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Spring Hadoop Samples Mapreduce throw auxService:mapreduce_shuffle exception

I am following spring hadoop samples here and after trying to run it under mapReduce project: $ mvn clean package $ sh ./target/appassembler/bin/wordcount I got this error: 17:42:55,067 INFO doop....
user3006967's user avatar
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Spring data Hadoop, Hbase Rest API, HBase Java Client : which one would be the best to implement to handle communication between Android and HBase

Does anybody know what is the best method to communicate between HBase database and Android? Basically I want to do following from my Android app to HBase table: i. Insert data into it. ii. Query ...
Mubin Shrestha's user avatar
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Can't run a HbaseTemplate demo

I am running HDP2.2 with Hbase and HDFS, so I add the 2.1.2.RELEASE version of spring-data-hadoop to my maven pom file, but failed to complie because of "The type org....
Xiaobo Gu's user avatar
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Errors while using both Spring Data Hadoop + Spring MVC

I just started with Spring and Hadoop. I had the following build.gradle which worked fine: dependencies { compile 'org.springframework:spring-webmvc:4.0.6.RELEASE' compile 'jstl:jstl:1.2' ...
celineu's user avatar
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Getting Spring-XD and the hdfs sink to work for maprfs

This is a question about spring-xd release 1.0.1 working together with maprfs, which is officially not yet supported. Still I would like to get it to work. So this is what we did: 1) adjusted the ...
user152468's user avatar
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Spring jdbchdfs job -

Currently the jdbchdfs job does not have partitionPath for output directory, like the hdfs sink. What is the recommended way for doing it? i don't also see any JIRA for this, any plan for such a thing ...
Ali's user avatar
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why "spring-data-hadoop" need to make jar to avoid 'class not found exception'

I have read spring-data-hadoop reference docuements alot. However, I cannot understand this framework architecture(or usage, necessary) The most useful point I expected is programming map-reduce job ...
user3205568's user avatar
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Spring Boot & Hadoop: Protocol message tag had invalid wire type

I'm working on making a web server that will run MapReduce jobs, however I cannot seem to get the server to start. when I try to run the jar for the project, i get the following error
god_of_the_raptors's user avatar
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How to configure MultiOutputFormat from HCatalog API in spring-hadoop project?

I was developing a hadoop application. And now I want to migrate it into a spring-hadoop project. The thing is in my mapreduce job. I was using MultiOutputFormat from the HCatalog API as I want to ...
AllenZheng's user avatar
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Issue in running job on Spring-data hadoop

I have created following Mapper and Reducer using Mahout package mypackage.ItemSimilarity; import; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org....
Tarun Nagpal's user avatar
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How to start a spring data hadoop job later?

I'm new for SpringData Hadoop. I checkout some examples from www, such as [1]: All of them are configured to ...
noodles's user avatar
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