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99 votes
1 answer

Cannot access field in Big Query with type ARRAY<STRUCT<hitNumber INT64, time INT64, hour INT64, ...>>

I'm trying to run a query using Standard SQL Dialect (ie not Legacy SQL) on BigQuery. My query is: SELECT date, hits.referer FROM `refresh.ga_sessions_xxxxxx*` LIMIT 1000 But keep getting the error ...
Feynman27's user avatar
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56 votes
1 answer

SQL array flattening: Why doesn't CROSS JOIN UNNEST join every nested value with every row?

This question isn't about solving a particular problem, it's about understanding what's actually happening behind the scenes in a common SQL idiom used to flatten arrays. There's some magic behind ...
conradlee's user avatar
  • 13.3k
42 votes
6 answers

Bigquery query to find the column names of a table

I need a query to find column names of a table (table metadata) in Bigquery, like the following query in SQL: SELECT column_name,data_type,data_length,data_precision,nullable FROM all_tab_cols where ...
user1487985's user avatar
38 votes
3 answers

How can I extract date from epoch time in BigQuery SQL

I have date stored in Epoch Time and I want to extract Date from it. I tried the code below and I get null as output. date_add( (timestamp( Hp.ASSIGN_TIME)), 1970-01-01,"second" ) as ...
Zia J's user avatar
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37 votes
3 answers

BigQuery SQL WHERE Date Between Current Date and -15 Days

I am trying to code the following condition in the WHERE clause of SQL in BigQuery, but I am having difficulty with the syntax, specifically date math: WHERE date_column between current_date() and ...
Eric Hendershott's user avatar
37 votes
3 answers

BigQuery Date-Partitioned Views

BigQuery allows you to create date-partitioned tables: I'd like to be able to create views on top of date-partitioned tables and ...
tomwoodruff's user avatar
34 votes
3 answers

efficient way to compare two tables in bigquery

I am interested in comparing, whether two tables contain the same data. I could do it like this: #standardSQL SELECT key1, key2 FROM ( SELECT table1.key1, table1.key2, table1....
Nico Albers's user avatar
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32 votes
1 answer

Google BigQuery, I lost null row when using 'unnest' function

#StandardSQL WITH tableA AS ( SELECT ["T001", "T002", "T003"] AS T_id, [1, 5] AS L_id UNION ALL SELECT ["T008", "T009"] AS T_id, NULL AS L_id ) SELECT * FROM tableA, UNNEST(L_id) AS unnest When I ...
柳沼慎哉's user avatar
28 votes
3 answers

What is the difference between NUMERIC and FLOAT in BigQuery?

I read the docs: I know that FLOAT is 8 bytes while NUMERIC is 16 bytes Is that ...
Luis's user avatar
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27 votes
6 answers

Support UNION function in BigQuery SQL

BigQuery does not seem to have support for UNION yet: (I don't mean unioning tables together for the source. It has that.) Is it coming ...
mdahlman's user avatar
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27 votes
2 answers

How do I find elements in an array in BigQuery

I am trying to search for a row that has certain key value pairs in an array. A row in my BigQuery table would look something like this. { "ip": "", "cookie&...
dorachan2010's user avatar
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26 votes
2 answers

Difference between two dates in dates using Google bigquery?

How can I get the difference in days between 2 timestamp fields in Google Big Query? The only function I know is Datediff which only works in Legacy SQL but I'm in Standard SQL. For example: the ...
Evyatar Aviram's user avatar
25 votes
3 answers

BigQuery - No matching signature for operator = for argument types: INT64, STRING

Im getting a weird error(Maybe im getting this error for the first time) from BQ. No matching signature for operator = for argument types: INT64, STRING. Supported signatures: ANY = ANY at [27:1] ...
TheDataGuy's user avatar
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24 votes
2 answers

WITH in BigQuery

Does BigQuery support the WITH clause? I don't like formatting too many subqueries. For example: WITH alias_1 AS (SELECT foo1 c FROM bar) , alias_2 AS (SELECT foo2 c FROM bar a, alias_1 b WHERE b.c =...
cshin9's user avatar
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24 votes
11 answers

Alternative to BigQuery for medium-sized data

This is a follow-up to the question Why doesn't BigQuery perform as well on small data sets. Let's suppose I have a data-set that is ~1M rows. In the current database that we're using (mysql) ...
David542's user avatar
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24 votes
4 answers

'Create Table As' in BigQuery

How to create a table on the basis of result of select query in BigQuery? For example: create table abc as select x,y,z from mnp; Is there any way or workaround to achieve the same in BigQuery? ...
Balajee Venkatesh's user avatar
23 votes
3 answers

Google BigQuery: how to create a new column with SQL

I would like to add an column to an already existing table without using legacy SQL. The basic SQL syntax for this is: ALTER TABLE table_name ADD column_name datatype; I formatted the query for ...
scre_www's user avatar
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22 votes
2 answers

Bigquery - json_extract all elements from an array

i'm trying to extract two key from every json in an arry of jsons(using sql legacy) currently i am using json extract function : json_extract(json_column , '$[1].X') AS X, json_extract(json_column , '...
am_am's user avatar
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22 votes
2 answers

Get the Last Modified date for all BigQuery tables in a BigQuery Project

I have several databases within a BigQuery project which are populated by various jobs engines and applications. I would like to maintain a dashboard of all of the Last Modified dates for every table ...
unique_beast's user avatar
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22 votes
1 answer

Transpose rows into columns in BigQuery (Pivot implementation) [duplicate]

I want to generate a new table and place all key value pairs with keys as column names and values as their respective values using BigQuery. Example: **Key** **Value** channel_title ...
Prabhjot's user avatar
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22 votes
2 answers

BigQuery replaced most of my Spark jobs, am I missing something? [closed]

I've been developing Spark jobs for some years using on-premise clusters and our team recently moved to the Google Cloud Platform allowing us to leverage the power of BigQuery and such. The thing is, ...
CARREAU Clément's user avatar
21 votes
7 answers

Scalable Solution to get latest row for each ID in BigQuery

I have a quite large table with a field ID and another field as collection_time. I want to select latest record for each ID. Unfortunately combination of (ID, collection_time) time is not unique ...
S.Mohsen sh's user avatar
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20 votes
9 answers

Use google bigquery to build histogram graph

How can write a query that makes histogram graph rendering easier? For example, we have 100 million people with ages, we want to draw the histogram/buckets for age 0-10, 11-20, 21-30 etc... What does ...
Tom Fishman's user avatar
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19 votes
5 answers

How to generate date series to occupy absent dates in google BiqQuery?

I am trying to get daily sum of sales from a google big-query table. I used following code for that. select Day(InvoiceDate) date, Sum(InvoiceAmount) sales from test_gmail_com.sales where year(...
Manura Omal's user avatar
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19 votes
5 answers

Querying multiple tables in Big Query

As it is not possible to update data within a table in BigQuery, and supports only append mechanism, I have decided to create new tables on monthly basis. So suppose for year 2012 the tables would be (...
Pratik Borkar's user avatar
19 votes
2 answers

BigQuery select * except nested column

What I want to do should be simple: Given a BigQuery schema, I want to select all tables (including nested ones) apart from a few. The tricky thing is that BigQuery has a nested structure and the few ...
Spikey's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

Stratified random sampling with BigQuery?

How can I do stratified sampling on BigQuery? For example, we want a 10% proportionate stratified sample using the category_id as the strata. We have up to 11000 category_ids in some of our tables.
Felipe Hoffa's user avatar
  • 57.7k
18 votes
3 answers

What to try to get BigQuery to CAST BYTES to STRING?

BigQuery Standard SQL documentation suggests that BYTE fields can be coerced into STRINGS. We have a byte field that is the result of SHA256 hashing a field using BigQuery itself. We now want to ...
Praxiteles's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers


How can I filter in a count in BigQuery? In Postgres I was doing something like: COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE event_date>('{{ report_date }}'::date-INTERVAL '2 WEEK')) Though this does not work in ...
Marco Greselin's user avatar
17 votes
4 answers

How to calculate Session and Session duration in Firebase Analytics raw data?

How to calculate Session Duration in Firebase analytics raw data which is linked to BigQuery? I have used the following blog to calculate the users by using the flatten command for the events which ...
Joshua Johnson's user avatar
17 votes
4 answers

Default values for columns in Big Query Tables

Is there a way to set default values for columns in tables in big query? I would like to set 'false' as a default value for a column of boolean data type.
user2831859's user avatar
16 votes
4 answers

BigQuery SQL for 28-day sliding window aggregate (without writing 28 lines of SQL)

I'm trying to compute a 28 day moving sum in BigQuery using the LAG function. The top answer to this question Bigquery SQL for sliding window aggregate from Felipe Hoffa indicates that that you can ...
alan's user avatar
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16 votes
4 answers

How to unpivot in BigQuery?

Not sure what functions to call, but transpose is the closest thing I can think of. I have a table in BigQuery that is configured like this: but I want to query a table that is configured like this: ...
Ben Leathers's user avatar
16 votes
2 answers

Google BigQuery CASE function

I'm trying to run a query like what's answered here, SQL Selecting multiple sums? SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN order_date >= '01/01/09' THEN quantity ELSE 0 END) AS items_sold_since_date, SUM(...
seaders's user avatar
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16 votes
6 answers

BigQuery: Return First Value from Different Groups in a Group By

I am currently having a problem with a Standard SQL query. I have a list of emails where every email can have multiple functions. See the example below on how the table looks like. Email ...
Peter Nagel's user avatar
16 votes
6 answers

Equivalent of string contains in google bigquery

I have a table like as shown below I would like to create two new binary columns indicating whether the subject had steroids and aspirin. I am looking to implement this in Postgresql and google ...
The Great's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

BigQuery compare Date

In BigQuery table what I using some date stored in DateTime typed columns with value like "2016-01-20T00:00:00". I want to run query that for example show row which included in some range (lets say ...
maximelian1986's user avatar
16 votes
6 answers

Error in Google BigQuery <EOF>

I am new to Google BigQuery. I need help with the query error: "Encountered " "WITH" "with "" at line 1, column 1. Was expecting: EOF" with t1 as ( select date(USEC_TO_TIMESTAMP(...
Francesco Bria's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

BigQuery JOINs between tables in different projects

I have datasets in two distinct projects. I want to perform join of one table from a dataset in the first project to table in a dataset in the second project. Can you provide an example of such a ...
Sunil Garg's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

Unnesting structs in BigQuery

What is the correct way to flatten a struct of two arrays in BigQuery? I have a dataset like the one pictured here (the struct.destination and struct.visitors arrays are ordered - i.e. the visitor ...
seeess1's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

google-bigquery format date as mm/dd/yyyy in query results

I am using Bigquery SQL to generate a report. The standard Bigquery date format is yyyy-mm-dd, but I want it to be formatted as mm/dd/yyyy. Is there a way via Bigquery SQL to convert the date format ...
Eric Hendershott's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

BigQuery standard SQL: how to group by an ARRAY field

My table has two columns, id and a. Column id contains a number, column a contains an array of strings. I want to count the number of unique id for a given array, equality between arrays being defined ...
Ted's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

how to set named parameter on bigquery query

I am trying to use named parameters in my query on bigquery. @val '123'; SELECT * FROM [project_id:my_dataset.my_table] where name=@val I get Encountered " <MAX_TOKEN_VAL> "R "" at line 1, ...
dina's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Resources Exceeded during query execution

I'm trying to run a query joining 2 large sets of data and I'm hitting the resources exceeded during query execution error. I've read that there are work around when using Join Each and Group Each ...
user2388120's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

Improving performance for a nested for loop iterating over dates

I am looking to learn how to improve the performance of code over a large dataframe (10 million rows) and my solution loops over multiple dates (2023-01-10, 2023-01-20, 2023-01-30) for different ...
user4933's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

How to sort an array in BigQuery standard SQL?

I am wondering if it is possible to order (apply order by) for individual array values in Google BigQuery? I am able to achieve this by applying order by on the whole transactonal base table first, ...
Mari's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

bigQuery throws "division by zero: 0 / 0" error

I am doing the percentage by the frequency of column value using bigquery. However, some of the value might be zero, so the query will return error for sure (division by zero: 0 / 0) How to apply ...
swm's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

"contains" in Bigquery standard SQL

I wish to migrate from Legacy SQL to Standard SQL I had the following code in Legacy SQL SELECT FROM [mytable] WHERE contains '%' And I tried this in ...
MFR's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

How to get the historical weather for any city with BigQuery?

BigQuery has NOAA's gsod data loaded as a public dataset - starting in 1929: How can I retrieve the ...
Felipe Hoffa's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

How to create dummy variable columns for thousands of categories in Google BigQuery?

I have a simple table with 2 columns: UserID and Category, and each UserID can repeat with a few categories, like so: UserID Category ------ -------- 1 A 1 B 2 C 3 ...
wubr2000's user avatar
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