Questions tagged [sql]

Structured Query Language (SQL) is a language for querying databases. Questions should include code examples, table structure, sample data, and a tag for the DBMS implementation (e.g. MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, MS SQL Server, IBM DB2, etc.) being used. If your question relates solely to a specific DBMS (uses specific extensions/features), use that DBMS's tag instead. Answers to questions tagged with SQL should use ISO/IEC standard SQL.

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I have a table with transaction details, I want to apply subtract the amount of each payment to invoices on FIFO basis. ny help is greatly appreciated

Posting Date Transaction Type Document No Value Remaining Amount 13-06-23 Invoice 2324PSI2802 176866.8 0 04-07-23 Invoice 2324PSI3778 79725 12297 19-07-23 Invoice 2324PSI4407 9835.8 9835.8 02-08-...
Arulbhargav Reddy's user avatar
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Using a merge function using scala via Databricks is creating additional columns in target table which is causing failure due to schema mismatch

so I have a problem with a task in work. My Manager has asked that I create scala code that will upsert data from source table to a target table as well as delete from target table if the data row ...
Mark McCallum's user avatar
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Can I Pivot in Snowflake without single quotes, without manually aliasing the column names?

My use case is quite specific, and I couldn't find a way of doing that as for now. I am dynamically pivoting my tables using a stored procedure, because my pivoted outputs sometimes have hundreds of ...
afdkj's user avatar
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MsSQL stored procedure syntax error when using TestContainers in Spring Boot integration test

I'd really appreciate some help with MS-SQL server stored procedure syntax. I am trying to integration test a Java Spring Boot application using MSSQL TestContainers with R2DBC connection: mcr....
bkk's user avatar
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H2 DB executes wrong query while configuring test db for spring boot test

I am writing Junit for one my applications in which I want to use H2 as a test db. So, I have created a test with using @AutoConfigureTestDatabase and used below application-test.yml values spring: ...
Avijit Saxena's user avatar
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SQL Stored Procedure adding values to table run successful, but no result show in the table

I have created a stored procedure in SQL Server to add new student record to Student table. I have grant permission to one of the roles I created that is "DBAdmins". I have also login as &...
Jason Low's user avatar
-1 votes
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Result of multiple querys based on other querys values in PHP

I have a php that receive from a form some values as variables, i make a query with this values and show them in a table. PHP code is: $sql1="SELECT via,codvia,cp,municipio,provincia,( 6371000 * ...
Dummy's user avatar
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SQL join 3 databases [closed]

I am right joining a table "FinalData" at last which should bring all the values of the right joining table and the matching values of the inner join tables but as the inner join values are ...
user9252202's user avatar
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filter on union entities with JPA specification

Considering this java JPA model: @Entity @Table(name = "PARENT") @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS) public abstract class ParentEntity { } @Entity @Table(...
Thomas's user avatar
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SQL/BQ Error: there is no matching signature

Im trying to query a table in BQ. I keep getting an error that "there is no matching signature = for argument type string." Its weird because the data formats are all strings '''Select city ...
Max's user avatar
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How can I solve sqlite3near "(": syntax error? [closed]

import base64 import sqlite3 def pic_bin(pic_file): conex = sqlite3.connect('products.db') cursor = conex.cursor() code = "T0003" pic_file= base64.b64encode(pic_file) ...
Juan David Clavijo Ortiz's user avatar
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How to get the first and last records from an unordered table in sql

Here from the below image I want to get only first and last records in SQL. From the below table I want to get "White Clover Markets" and "Cardinal" as a result.
Radhika P's user avatar
-3 votes
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Split week number between two dates [closed]

I am using SQL Server 2019. I want to calculate the week number between two dates. E.g. StatDate = 2024-01-01 EndDate = 2024-01-31 Expected output: StatDate EndDate WeekNo 2024-01-01 2024-01-07 1 ...
Naweez's user avatar
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DuckDB prepared statement list

I wanted a parameterized query using which I wanted to fetch persons dynamically: import duckdb query = "SELECT * FROM person WHERE id IN(?)" duckdb.execute(query, [[4,5,6]]) This is ...
Tapabrata Mukherjee's user avatar
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Disallow user from querying database structure

How can I use SQL Server 2019 Developer edition's permissions to deny the curerntly logged in user from selecting data from the sys.objects, sys.tables, sys.columns, etc. system views, as well as the ...
Amber Cahill's user avatar
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Same query, same data - but much longer execution time and more reads in another server

I have a query that includes an inner join between 2 tables. When I use SET STATISTICS to get some information, I can see that the order of execution and reads is much different from one server to ...
pileup's user avatar
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Data entry for 2 related tables with form, automatically input foreign key into main table

Working in MS Access. I am developing a customer loyalty database and I have 2 tables: Customers Names Admission Creation_Date Expiry_Date Contact_ID John Smith Adult 01/02/2024 01/02/2025 1 ...
MickyJ's user avatar
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How to create a dynamic SELECT clause with jOOQ

I want to create a select query using JOOQ. I have couple of fields which I want to include or exclude from the query based on a system property value. In the below method String getBankDetails(){ ...
riteshmaurya's user avatar
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How handle null in dynamic pivot query

I am writing a SQL query for create a sheet for attendance of employees, I am using pivot for that which looks like this ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[demoforattendance] ( @year varchar(max), ...
Ajay Singh Bisht's user avatar
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1 When I run my pgm class I get the following error:

Apr 22, 2024 8:45:54 AM org.hibernate.Version logVersion INFO: HHH000412: Hibernate ORM core version 5.6.5.Final Exception in thread "main" org.hibernate.internal.util.config....
Basavaraj. Malagi's user avatar
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Split String based on condition in Snowflake/SQL

In a column if there is a string in the column col1 like 'abc_def', I can split and take the part like this split(col1, '_')[0] In the same column if there is another value like 'abc_def_xyz', I need ...
Dhiraj Bezbaruah's user avatar
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String formatting with object parameters in intellij

I am creating a standard function that uses jpa's createQuery function, as it will be a generic class, I can format the sql elsewhere, but when using the same pattern and definition of parameters only ...
El PsyCongrou Men at Working's user avatar
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Comparing and updating changes - SQL

I have 2 tables: latest and history. History will have all the rows loaded before and latest will have latest data in it. I want to come up with a consolidated table based on load_date and the table ...
Rick's user avatar
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Is a HAVING condition with no aggregate always exactly equivalent to WHERE?

I recently ran across an interesting comment in the PostgreSQL test suite: -- HAVING is effectively equivalent to WHERE in this case SELECT b, c FROM test_having GROUP BY b, c HAVING b = 3 ORDER ...
Mason Wheeler's user avatar
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Could we get the expected output with cross join similar to the SQL code

I am trying to write a similar code with cross join in R like that we do in proc SQL. However, I am unable to write a code, please help me. Here is the data: data.frame( all_names = c("PARENT1&...
jkatam's user avatar
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Complex SQL update in the stored procedure

I'm beginner in stored procedures for Postgres. i have one working procedure and I need to change it a little: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION krv.delete_krvs_sridsv2(_krvs jsonb) RETURNS void LANGUAGE ...
Roman Kazmin's user avatar
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How to get the resulted error from SQL server insert query to be displayed in a textbox using JSP

I am in the middle of a project , where I have to display the results of a set of insert command ran in SQL server to be displayed in a text box in UI with JSP. I can able to initiate the SQL Insert ...
JeyanthiRanjit's user avatar
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I am using PostgreSQL. I am facing an error while inserting values in columns, everything is correct all column names, case sensitive, values

I am learning SQL, here while entering values into the customer table with five columns CustID, CustName, Age, City, Salary. I am entering everything correctly, and case sensitive, but I still get an ...
Mayank Kumar Choudhary's user avatar
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Need help in postgreSQL version 13 for triggers [duplicate]

CREATE TRIGGER update_summaryofdetailed1 AFTER INSERT ON detailed7 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE summaryofdetailed1 SET amount = amount + NEW.amount WHERE country_id = NEW.country_id; END; ...
Hayley Gideon's user avatar
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SQL : creating query to add reducing totals

I have following two tables. Table #1 ID Amount 1 5000 2 3000 3 4000 Table #2 PO_ID PO Sequence PO_Amount 1 PO1 1 2000 2 PO2 2 4000 I want to join these 2 tables in such a way that PO amount ...
dilip gangurde's user avatar
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deleting record and all records belong to hem

i design this database for a simple clinic application, a user can be doctor or not The question is when I want to delete a user and the user is a doctor so I need to delete all appointments that ...
Ahmad Sa's user avatar
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Python merge/join/concat with boolean condition

I would translate this SQL code (see below) in python code. I think I can use pandas.merge/join but I don't know how define the boolean condition. create table gg as select b.*, a.value from table b ...
Pex82's user avatar
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In MySQL deep page query, the select * and select [primary key] data are inconsistent. Procedure

Background introduction MySQL table t_order, total record of 160w select count(*) from t_order; order_id is primary key, order_status is Secondary index show index from t_order; field order_status ...
muzi li's user avatar
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How to connect DB to botpress [closed]

I'm making botpress that need to be connected to my sql data base. i want to connect it in a way that i could use it as a file (that the botpress AI could answer questions or even edit the data base) ...
Itai Tsayeg's user avatar
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Confusion about errors when trying to create object views in PL/SQL. Encountering the following error: ORA-00932 [closed]

I'm currently trying to learn PL/SQL and in my practice I've encountered some issues I don't understand relating to the Oracle documentation. I'm a novice at PLSQL but I hope you can help me further ...
Dbarr8's user avatar
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Mapping NULL values via CASE statement in Oracle SQL

I am trying to map few values using CASE statement. Everything seems to work fine except when there is a NULL value in the ID column. It shows 'OTHER STATE' from else instead of 'NO STATE' from WHEN ...
Anudyoti Deb's user avatar
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best way to create a "String" sql query with multiple parameter values at runtime?

I need to create a SQL query which I further need to pass it as a request body in REST API. I am struggling to find a best way to create this sql as a string What i have so far is via the ...
user641887's user avatar
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Why the float in mySQL homework shows empty set? [closed]

I have a table here and I need to select all the values with the height of 1.65 Here's the result, why it is showing empty set even if there's 1.65 in that table, I used float as its datatype I hope ...
Jonel Malonzo's user avatar
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"invalid input syntax for type double precision" error on PGADMIN

postgres error encountered excel column data anytime i try to import the csv file on postgres I get the following error "invalid input syntax for type double precision" error, I have tried ...
Emmanuel Jefferson's user avatar
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SQL Server Replication(Log Reader Agent error) [closed]

I tried setting up a transactional replication in SQL Server but I keep getting an error from the log reader agent with the below error message Procedure or function sp_get_redirected_publisher has ...
SAAKA ABDUL RASHID's user avatar
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I am trying to create a table to build a datawarehouse but I had some problem that i couldn't solve it [closed]

This is the problem enter image description here When I imported the source file into the table that I had made it caused a problem a CustomerKey. I couldn't set the type INT for it because the source ...
thư nguyễn's user avatar
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Optimizing SQL Query Performance for Hierarchical Data Retrieval

I'm working on a project where I need to retrieve hierarchical data from a table stored in a SQL database. The table structure follows the adjacency list model, with each row containing a parent ID ...
Ritika_mehta21's user avatar
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Error: maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000, how can I modify the code below to take more than 1000 records?

I have the code below and I know I could be probably close, but I still get the error that I have exceded the 1000. I added the generate_sql_in_binds function but I guess I dont know how to pass it ...
arsham vosoughinia's user avatar
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Json file from SQL Table using ADF is adding Escape characters

I ma trying to create json file from SQL table using ADF through Stored Procedure Stored Procedue: SELECT ( SELECT * FROM [dbo].[TEST_TABLE] FOR JSON PATH, INCLUDE_NULL_VALUES ) AS json_file; I am ...
newbie's user avatar
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how to query against a json column with key value pairs in mariadb

goal: i need to create a query that finds the records that meet a given condition. the condition is stored as JSON in sys_conditions column. this is how the data is stored: SELECT sys_conditions FROM ...
Juan Casas's user avatar
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SQL query to sum some values from preceeding rows depending on the row values

I managed to get the following table: from to value id start_row end_row A B 20 1 NULL 1 C D 30 2 NULL 2 B C 100 3 NULL 3 E A 50 4 NULL 4 A D 70 5 1 5 C A 20 6 2 6 For the rows having both ...
Daniele Morbidelli's user avatar
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How can I populate a column with same values which is there in that column

I have the following table: The flat_id column will only contain 2 distinct values i.e. 'ABC123' and 'NA'. I need to create a new column new_flat_id which will contain the 'ABC123' values in all rows ...
Sk2415's user avatar
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I would like to build a hierarchy view that splits out data across multiple columns

I have 40k rows of data which is a combination of codes and parents codes. There are two columns, codes and parent code, so for example Code Parent code A 2 B 1 1 3 2 B 3 What I want to extract ...
gelegeta's user avatar
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VB.Net application connect to SQL Azure Instance with MFA

I have a VB.NET application that has 2 routines to open databases in SQL which all worked fine until we migrated databases to an SQL Azure Instance with MFA. The first sequence works fine with MFA and ...
Brian76's user avatar
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In PostgreSQL, how can I select all the contents in two tables without explicitly listing all the fields? [closed]

Since there are many fields in both tables A and B, when joining the two tables for query, if all the fields are explicitly listed, the workload will be huge and the code will be very long. How can I ...
dbcoffee's user avatar
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