Questions tagged [sql]

Structured Query Language (SQL) is a language for querying databases. Questions should include code examples, table structure, sample data, and a tag for the DBMS implementation (e.g. MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, MS SQL Server, IBM DB2, etc.) being used. If your question relates solely to a specific DBMS (uses specific extensions/features), use that DBMS's tag instead. Answers to questions tagged with SQL should use ISO/IEC standard SQL.

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911 votes
22 answers

How can I SELECT rows with MAX(Column value), PARTITION by another column in MYSQL?

I have a table of player performance: CREATE TABLE TopTen ( id INT UNSIGNED PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, home INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `datetime`DATETIME NOT NULL, player VARCHAR(6) NOT NULL, ...
Kaptah's user avatar
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896 votes
14 answers

Should I use != or <> for not equal in T-SQL?

I have seen SQL that uses both != and <> for not equal. What is the preferred syntax and why? I like !=, because <> reminds me of Visual Basic.
Bob The Janitor's user avatar
891 votes
17 answers

DateTime2 vs DateTime in SQL Server

Which one: datetime datetime2 is the recommended way to store date and time in SQL Server 2008+? I'm aware of differences in precision (and storage space probably), but ignoring those for now, is ...
Mikeon's user avatar
  • 10.6k
880 votes
15 answers

How can I do a FULL OUTER JOIN in MySQL?

I want to do a full outer join in MySQL. Is this possible? Is a full outer join supported by MySQL?
Spencer's user avatar
  • 21.9k
879 votes
13 answers

Count(*) vs Count(1) - SQL Server

Just wondering if any of you people use Count(1) over Count(*) and if there is a noticeable difference in performance or if this is just a legacy habit that has been brought forward from days gone ...
super9's user avatar
  • 29.7k
847 votes
38 answers

How do I get the query builder to output its raw SQL query as a string?

Given the following code: DB::table('users')->get(); I want to get the raw SQL query string that the database query builder above will generate. In this example, it would be SELECT * FROM users. ...
meiryo's user avatar
  • 11.4k
826 votes
9 answers

How can I temporarily disable a foreign key constraint in MySQL?

Is it possible to temporarily disable constraints in MySQL? I have two Django models, each with a foreign key to the other one. Deleting instances of a model returns an error because of the foreign ...
jul's user avatar
  • 36.9k
813 votes
13 answers

SQL update query using joins

I have to update a field with a value which is returned by a join of 3 tables. Example: select im.itemid ,im.sku as iSku ,gm.SKU as GSKU ,mm.ManufacturerId as ManuId ,mm....
Shyju's user avatar
  • 217k
808 votes
32 answers

Fastest Way of Inserting in Entity Framework

I'm looking for the fastest way of inserting in Entity Framework. I'm asking this because of the scenario where you have an active TransactionScope and the insertion is huge (4000+). It can ...
Bongo Sharp's user avatar
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803 votes
11 answers

Rename column SQL Server 2008

I am using SQL Server 2008 and Navicat. I need to rename a column in a table using SQL. ALTER TABLE table_name RENAME COLUMN old_name to new_name; This statement doesn't work.
Serhio g. Lazin's user avatar
798 votes
19 answers

MySQL Query GROUP BY day / month / year

Is it possible to make a simple query to count how many records I have in a determined period of time like a year, month, or day, having a TIMESTAMP field, like: SELECT COUNT(id) FROM stats WHERE ...
Fernando Barrocal's user avatar
797 votes
17 answers

MySQL: Get character-set of database or table or column?

What is the (default) charset for: MySQL database MySQL table MySQL column
Amandasaurus's user avatar
  • 59.5k
788 votes
13 answers

When to use single quotes, double quotes, and backticks in MySQL

I am trying to learn the best way to write queries. I also understand the importance of being consistent. Until now, I have randomly used single quotes, double quotes, and backticks without any real ...
Nate's user avatar
  • 27k
786 votes
4 answers

SQL injection that gets around mysql_real_escape_string()

Is there an SQL injection possibility even when using mysql_real_escape_string() function? Consider this sample situation. SQL is constructed in PHP like this: $login = mysql_real_escape_string(...
Richard Knop's user avatar
  • 82.4k
778 votes
19 answers

Get top 1 row of each group

I have a table which I want to get the latest entry for each group. Here's the table: DocumentStatusLogs Table ID DocumentID Status DateCreated 2 1 S1 7/29/2011 3 1 S2 7/30/2011 6 1 S1 8/02/2011 ...
kazinix's user avatar
  • 29.7k
763 votes
8 answers

'IF' in 'SELECT' statement - choose output value based on column values

SELECT id, amount FROM report I need amount to be amount if report.type='P' and -amount if report.type='N'. How do I add this to the above query?
Michael's user avatar
  • 14k
757 votes
8 answers

Insert text with single quotes in PostgreSQL

I have a table test(id,name). I need to insert values like: user's log, 'my user', customer's. insert into test values (1,'user's log'); insert into test values (2,''my users''); insert into ...
MAHI's user avatar
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752 votes
15 answers

How to select all records from one table that do not exist in another table?

table1 (id, name) table2 (id, name) Query: SELECT name FROM table2 -- that are not in table1 already
z-boss's user avatar
  • 17.4k
746 votes
10 answers

Create new user in MySQL and give it full access to one database

I want to create a new user in MySQL and give it full access only to one database, say dbTest that I create with a command like create database dbTest;. What would be the MySQL commands to do that?
jimgh's user avatar
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738 votes
12 answers

Postgres: upgrade a user to be a superuser?

In postgres, how do I change an existing user to be a superuser? I don't want to delete the existing user, for various reasons. # alter user myuser ...?
flossfan's user avatar
  • 10.7k
738 votes
22 answers

Solutions for INSERT OR UPDATE on SQL Server

Assume a table structure of MyTable(KEY, datafield1, datafield2...). Often I want to either update an existing record, or insert a new record if it doesn't exist. Essentially: IF (key exists) run ...
Chris Cudmore's user avatar
737 votes
35 answers

How to reset Postgres' primary key sequence when it falls out of sync?

I ran into the problem that my primary key sequence is not in sync with my table rows. That is, when I insert a new row I get a duplicate key error because the sequence implied in the serial ...
meleyal's user avatar
  • 32.8k
698 votes
11 answers

How to insert a line break in a SQL Server VARCHAR/NVARCHAR string

I didn't see any similar questions asked on this topic, and I had to research this for something I'm working on right now. Thought I would post the answer for it in case anyone else had the same ...
Mark Struzinski's user avatar
678 votes
12 answers

How to skip certain database tables with mysqldump?

Is there a way to restrict certain tables from the mysqldump command? For example, I'd use the following syntax to dump only table1 and table2: mysqldump -u username -p database table1 table2 > ...
674 votes
35 answers

Fetch the rows which have the Max value for a column for each distinct value of another column

Table: UserId, Value, Date. I want to get the UserId, Value for the max(Date) for each UserId. That is, the Value for each UserId that has the latest date. How do I do this in SQL? (Preferably Oracle....
Umang's user avatar
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670 votes
16 answers

Export schema without data

I'm using a MySql database with a Java program, now I want to give the program to somebody else. How to export the MySQL database structure without the data in it, just the structure?
Darth Blue Ray's user avatar
669 votes
19 answers

How do I restore a dump file from mysqldump?

I was given a MySQL database file that I need to restore as a database on my Windows Server 2008 machine. I tried using MySQL Administrator, but I got the following error: The selected file was ...
Zack Peterson's user avatar
667 votes
26 answers

How to insert multiple rows in SQLite?

In MySQL you can insert multiple rows like this: INSERT INTO 'tablename' ('column1', 'column2') VALUES ('data1', 'data2'), ('data1', 'data2'), ('data1', 'data2'), ('data1', 'data2'); ...
Andrew's user avatar
  • 233k
639 votes
31 answers

Is there a Max function in SQL Server that takes two values like Math.Max in .NET?

I want to write a query like this: SELECT o.OrderId, MAX(o.NegotiatedPrice, o.SuggestedPrice) FROM Order o But this isn't how the MAX function works, right? It is an aggregate function so it ...
skb's user avatar
  • 30.6k
639 votes
11 answers


Which of these queries is the faster? NOT EXISTS: SELECT ProductID, ProductName FROM Northwind..Products p WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM Northwind..[Order Details] od WHERE p....
ilitirit's user avatar
  • 16.3k
625 votes
19 answers

UPSERT *not* INSERT or REPLACE Insert Update stored proc on SQL Server Is there some clever way to do this in SQLite that I have not thought of? Basically I want to update three out of four ...
Mike Trader's user avatar
  • 8,644
625 votes
7 answers

How to turn IDENTITY_INSERT on and off using SQL Server 2008?

Why am I getting an error doing an insert when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF? How do I turn it on properly in SQL Server 2008? Is it by using SQL Server Management Studio? I have run this query: ...
Beginner's user avatar
  • 29k
613 votes
9 answers

UPDATE and REPLACE part of a string

I've got a table with two columns, ID and Value. I want to change a part of some strings in the second column. Example of Table: ID Value --------------------------------- 1 c:...
aston_zh's user avatar
  • 6,693
611 votes
32 answers

How to request a random row in SQL?

How can I request a random row (or as close to truly random as possible) in pure SQL?
sverrejoh's user avatar
  • 16.7k
609 votes
23 answers

Best approach to remove time part of datetime in SQL Server

Which method provides the best performance when removing the time portion from a datetime field in SQL Server? a) select DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, getdate()), 0) or b) select cast(convert(char(11)...
Stephen Perelson's user avatar
607 votes
11 answers

OR is not supported with CASE Statement in SQL Server

The OR operator in the WHEN clause of a CASE statement is not supported. How can I do this? CASE ebv.db_no WHEN 22978 OR 23218 OR 23219 THEN 'WECS 9500' ELSE 'WECS 9520' END as wecs_system
Werner's user avatar
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605 votes
19 answers

What is the best way to paginate results in SQL Server

What is the best way (performance wise) to paginate results in SQL Server 2000, 2005, 2008, 2012 if you also want to get the total number of results (before paginating)?
Panagiotis Korros's user avatar
602 votes
25 answers

How to get a list of column names on Sqlite3 database?

I want to migrate my iPhone app to a new database version. Since I don't have some version saved, I need to check if certain column names exist. This Stackoverflow entry suggests doing the select ...
luebken's user avatar
  • 6,561
598 votes
7 answers

Selecting COUNT(*) with DISTINCT

In SQL Server 2005 I have a table cm_production that lists all the code that's been put into production. The table has a ticket_number, program_type, program_name and push_number along with some other ...
somacore's user avatar
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589 votes
13 answers

Is it possible to specify condition in Count()?

Is it possible to specify a condition in Count()? I would like to count only the rows that have, for example, "Manager" in the Position column. I want to do it in the count statement, not using WHERE;...
agnieszka's user avatar
  • 15.2k
585 votes
29 answers

Delete duplicate rows keeping the first row

How can I delete duplicate rows where no unique row id exists? My table is col1 col2 col3 col4 col5 col6 col7 john 1 1 1 1 1 1 john 1 1 1 1 1 1 sally 2 2 2 ...
Fearghal's user avatar
  • 10.9k
583 votes
5 answers

How do I (or can I) SELECT DISTINCT on multiple columns?

I need to retrieve all rows from a table where 2 columns combined are all different. So I want all the sales that do not have any other sales that happened on the same day for the same price. The ...
sheats's user avatar
  • 33.9k
582 votes
9 answers

How to declare a variable in MySQL?

How to declare a variable in mysql, so that my second query can use it? I would like to write something like: SET start = 1; SET finish = 10; SELECT * FROM places WHERE place BETWEEN start AND ...
cdub's user avatar
  • 25.2k
577 votes
15 answers

What is the most efficient/elegant way to parse a flat table into a tree?

Assume you have a flat table that stores an ordered tree hierarchy: Id Name ParentId Order 1 'Node 1' 0 10 2 'Node 1.1' 1 10 3 'Node 2' 0 ...
Tomalak's user avatar
  • 335k
567 votes
21 answers

Adding an identity to an existing column

I need to change the primary key of a table to an identity column, and there's already a number of rows in table. I've got a script to clean up the IDs to ensure they're sequential starting at 1, ...
Kirschstein's user avatar
  • 14.7k
560 votes
7 answers

java.util.Date vs java.sql.Date

java.util.Date vs java.sql.Date: when to use which and why?
flybywire's user avatar
  • 267k
554 votes
29 answers

MySQL select 10 random rows from 600K rows fast

How can I best write a query that selects 10 rows randomly from a total of 600k?
Francisc's user avatar
  • 79k
553 votes
6 answers

MySQL: @variable vs. variable. What's the difference?

In another question I posted someone told me that there is a difference between: @variable and: variable in MySQL. He also mentioned how MSSQL has batch scope and MySQL has session scope. Can ...
aarona's user avatar
  • 36.7k
552 votes
29 answers

MySQL Error: : 'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'

Consider: ./mysqladmin -u root -p** '_redacted_' Output (including typing the password): Enter password: mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed error: 'Access denied for user 'root'@'...
Harsh Trivedi's user avatar
548 votes
8 answers

updating table rows in postgres using subquery

I have this table in a postgres 8.4 database: CREATE TABLE public.dummy ( address_id SERIAL, addr1 character(40), addr2 character(40), city character(25), state character(2), zip character(...
stackover's user avatar
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