Questions tagged [stanford-nlp]

Questions on the open source natural language processing software from the Stanford University NLP Group, in Java, Python, and C, including Stanford CoreNLP, Stanza, and GloVe.

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186 votes
10 answers

Java Stanford NLP: Part of Speech labels?

The Stanford NLP, demo'd here, gives an output like this: Colorless/JJ green/JJ ideas/NNS sleep/VBP furiously/RB ./. What do the Part of Speech tags mean? I am unable to find an official list. Is it ...
Nick Heiner's user avatar
99 votes
18 answers

How to use Stanford Parser in NLTK using Python

Is it possible to use Stanford Parser in NLTK? (I am not talking about Stanford POS.)
ThanaDaray's user avatar
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93 votes
3 answers

How to train the Stanford Parser with Genia Corpus?

I have some problems to create a new model for Stanford Parser. I have also downloaded the last version from Stanford: And here, Genia Corpus in 2 ...
nathan's user avatar
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34 votes
8 answers

NLTK vs Stanford NLP

I have recently started to use NLTK toolkit for creating few solutions using Python. I hear a lot of community activity regarding using Stanford NLP. Can anyone tell me the difference between NLTK and ...
RData's user avatar
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30 votes
10 answers

Stanford nlp for python

All I want to do is find the sentiment (positive/negative/neutral) of any given string. On researching I came across Stanford NLP. But sadly its in Java. Any ideas on how can I make it work for python?...
90abyss's user avatar
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29 votes
3 answers

How can a tree be encoded as input to a neural network?

I have a tree, specifically a parse tree with tags at the nodes and strings/words at the leaves. I want to pass this tree as input into a neural network all the while preserving its structure. ...
wemadeit's user avatar
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28 votes
12 answers

How can I split a text into sentences using the Stanford parser?

How can I split a text or paragraph into sentences using Stanford parser? Is there any method that can extract sentences, such as getSentencesFromString() as it's provided for Ruby?
S Gaber's user avatar
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28 votes
3 answers

Ease of use: Stanford CoreNLP vs. OpenNLP [closed]

I looking to use a suite of NLP tools for a personal project, and I was wondering whether Stanford's CoreNLP is easier to use or OpenNLP. Or is there another free package you would reccomend? I haven'...
Pratik Thaker's user avatar
28 votes
3 answers

How to detect that two sentences are similar?

I want to compute how similar two arbitrary sentences are to each other. For example: A mathematician found a solution to the problem. The problem was solved by a young mathematician. I ...
SahelSoft's user avatar
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28 votes
5 answers

How to Train GloVe algorithm on my own corpus

I tried to follow this. But some how I wasted a lot of time ending up with nothing useful. I just want to train a GloVe model on my own corpus (~900Mb corpus.txt file). I downloaded the files provided ...
Codir's user avatar
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28 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to train Stanford NER system to recognize more named entities types?

I'm using some NLP libraries now, (stanford and nltk) Stanford I saw the demo part but just want to ask if it possible to use it to identify more entity types. So currently stanford NER system (as ...
JudyJiang's user avatar
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27 votes
6 answers

Extract list of Persons and Organizations using Stanford NER Tagger in NLTK

I am trying to extract list of persons and organizations using Stanford Named Entity Recognizer (NER) in Python NLTK. When I run: from nltk.tag.stanford import NERTagger st = NERTagger('/usr/share/...
user1680859's user avatar
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26 votes
3 answers

Maven fails to download CoreNLP models

When building the sample application from the Stanford CoreNLP website, I ran into a curious exception: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: ...
Jonny's user avatar
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26 votes
2 answers

What's the major difference between glove and word2vec?

What is the difference between word2vec and glove? Are both the ways to train a word embedding? if yes then how can we use both?
Hrithik Puri's user avatar
24 votes
2 answers

What is "unk" in the pretrained GloVe vector files (e.g. glove.6B.50d.txt)?

I found "unk" token in the glove vector file glove.6B.50d.txt downloaded from Its value is as follows: unk -0.79149 0.86617 0.11998 0.00092287 0.2776 -0....
Abhay Gupta's user avatar
24 votes
1 answer

pronoun resolution backwards

The usual coreference resolution works in the following way: Provided The man likes math. He really does. it figures out that he refers to the man. There are plenty of tools to do this. ...
ytrewq's user avatar
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23 votes
3 answers

Training n-gram NER with Stanford NLP

Recently I have been trying to train n-gram entities with Stanford Core NLP. I have followed the following tutorials - With this, I am able to specify ...
Arun A K's user avatar
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20 votes
2 answers

Stanford Parser tags

I just started using Stanford Parser but I do not understand the tags very well. This might be a stupid question to ask but can anyone tell me what does the SBARQ and SQ tags represent and where can I ...
Cryssie's user avatar
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19 votes
8 answers

Multi-term named entities in Stanford Named Entity Recognizer

I'm using the Stanford Named Entity Recognizer and it's working fine. This is List<List<CoreLabel>> out = classifier.classify(text); ...
Krt_Malta's user avatar
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19 votes
1 answer

EM score in SQuAD Challenge

The SQuAD Challenge ranks the results against the F1 and EM scores. There is a lot of information about the F1 score (a function of precision and recall). But what would the EM score be?
Celso França's user avatar
19 votes
2 answers

what is distant supervision?

According to my understanding, Distant Supervision is the process of specifying the concept which the individual words of a passage, usually a sentence, are trying to convey. For example, a database ...
smatthewenglish's user avatar
18 votes
4 answers

Tools for text simplification (Java) [closed]

What is the best tool that can do text simplification using Java? Here is an example of text simplification: John, who was the CEO of a company, played golf. ↓ John played ...
S Gaber's user avatar
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18 votes
1 answer

What does the tag SBAR mean in Stanford’s parse-tree representation?

When the Online Stanford Parser tool is fed this original sentence: After she ate the cake, Emma visited Tony in his room. It produces the following parse-tree representation as its output: (...
user3054733's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

stanford core nlp java output

I'm a newbie with Java and Stanford NLP toolkit and trying to use them for a project. Specifically, I'm trying to use Stanford Corenlp toolkit to annotate a text (with Netbeans and not command line) ...
SophieM's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

Accuracy: ANNIE vs Stanford NLP vs OpenNLP with UIMA

My work is planning on using a UIMA cluster to run documents through to extract named entities and what not. As I understand it, UIMA have very few NLP components packaged with it. I've been testing ...
Drag's user avatar
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17 votes
4 answers

how to get a dependency tree with Stanford NLP parser

How can I get the dependency tree as Figure below. I can get the dependency relation as pure text, and also the dependency graph with the help of dependencysee tool. But how about the dependency tree ...
happy77's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

Clause Extraction using Stanford parser

I have a complex sentence and I need to separate it into main and dependent clause. For example for the sentence ABC cites the fact that chemical additives are banned in many countries and feels they ...
AMisra's user avatar
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16 votes
4 answers

How can I extract address from raw text using NLTK in python?

I have this text '''Hi, Mr. Sam D. Richards lives here, 44 West 22nd Street, New York, NY 12345. Can you contact him now? If you need any help, call me on 12345678''' . How the address part ...
ngrj's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

Stanford Core NLP - understanding coreference resolution

I'm having some trouble understanding the changes made to the coref resolver in the last version of the Stanford NLP tools. As an example, below is a sentence and the corresponding ...
pnsilva's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to freeze only certain embedding weights in the embedding layer in pytorch?

When using GloVe embedding in NLP tasks, some words from the dataset might not exist in GloVe. Therefore, we instantiate random weights for these unknown words. Would it be possible to freeze weights ...
rcshon's user avatar
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16 votes
4 answers

Sentence compression using NLP [closed]

Using Machine translation, can I obtain a very compressed version of a sentence, eg. I would really like to have a delicious tasty cup of coffee would be translated to I want coffee Does any of the ...
Codevalley's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

How do I manipulate parse trees?

I've been playing around with natural language parse trees and manipulating them in various ways. I've been using Stanford's Tregex and Tsurgeon tools but the code is a mess and doesn't fit in well ...
guidoism's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

OpenNLP vs Stanford CoreNLP

I've been doing a little comparison of these two packages and am not sure which direction to go in. What I am looking for briefly is: Named Entity Recognition (people, places, organizations and such)....
Mike Thomsen's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

how do I create my own training corpus for stanford tagger?

I have to analyze informal english text with lots of short hands and local lingo. Hence I was thinking of creating the model for the stanford tagger. How do i create my own set of labelled corpus for ...
goh's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

How to train the Stanford NLP Sentiment Analysis tool

Hell everyone! I'm using the Stanford Core NLP package and my goal is to perform sentiment analysis on a live-stream of tweets. Using the sentiment analysis tool as is returns a very poor analysis ...
Jordan H's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

'Can't return head of null or leaf Tree' with CoreNLP on Android

I want to use CoreNLP in my Android project. But when I create a CoreNLP instance like this: import java.util.Properties; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations; import edu.stanford.nlp.neural....
user2212461's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Extracting multi word named entities using CoreNLP

I'm using CoreNLP for named entity extraction and have run into a bit of an issue. The issue is that whenever a named entity is composed of more than one token, such as "Han Solo", the annotator does ...
MarkB's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

Difference between feature selection, feature extraction, feature weights

I am slightly confused as to what "feature selection / extractor / weights" mean and the difference between them. As I read the literature sometimes I feel lost as I find the term used quite loosely, ...
Rahul Dighe's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

NLTK was unable to find stanford-postagger.jar! Set the CLASSPATH environment variable

I am working on a project that requires me to tag tokens using nltk and python. So I wanted to use this. But came up with a few problems. I went through a lot of other already asked questions and ...
Spoorthi Marakkini's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

How do I use python interface of Stanford NER(named entity recogniser)?

I want to use Stanford NER in python using pyner library. Here is one basic code snippet. import ner tagger = ner.HttpNER(host='localhost', port=80) tagger.get_entities("University of California is ...
Vinit Gaikwad's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

Maven dependency:get does not download Stanford NLP model files

The core component of the Stanford Natural Language Processing Toolkit has Java code in a stanford-corenlp-1.3.4.jar file, and has (very large) model files in a separate stanford-corenlp-1.3.4-models....
W.P. McNeill's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Scala get file path of file in resources folder

I am using the Stanford CRFClassifier and in order to run, it requires a file that is the trained classifier model. I have put this file in the resources directory. From the Javadocs for the ...
user1893354's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Extracting noun phrases from a text file using stanford typed parser

I have a text which I want to extract the noun phrases from it. I can easily get the typed parser for the text that i have, but wondering how i can extract the noun phrases in the text ?
S Gaber's user avatar
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13 votes
5 answers

Extracting the relationship between entities in Stanford CoreNLP

I want to extract the complete relationship between two entities using Stanford CoreNLP (or maybe other tools). For example: Windows is more popular than Linux. This tool requires Java. ...
Orion's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

How to extract the noun phrases using Open nlp's chunking parser

I am newbie to Natural Language processing.I need to extract the noun phrases from the text.So far i have used open nlp's chunking parser for parsing my text to get the Tree structure.But i am not ...
user2024234's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Converting tokens to word vectors effectively with TensorFlow Transform

I would like to use TensorFlow Transform to convert tokens to word vectors during my training, validation and inference phase. I followed this StackOverflow post and implemented the initial ...
Tony Yotto's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Need a good relation extractor

I'm doing a NLP project. The purpose of the project is to extract possible relationship between two things. For example, for a pair "location" and "person" the extracted results would be "near", "...
Yangrui's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

Coreference resolution in python nltk using Stanford coreNLP

Stanford CoreNLP provides coreference resolution as mentioned here, also this thread, this, provides some insights about its implementation in Java. However, I am using python and NLTK and I am not ...
Riken Shah's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

How to improve speed with Stanford NLP Tagger and NLTK

Is there any way to use the Standford Tagger in a more performant fashion? Each call to NLTK's wrapper starts a new java instance per analyzed string which is very very slow especially when a larger ...
Jabb's user avatar
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