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how to run a task in the background even if the app is closed with flutter

I'm using supabase for the backend of my flutter application, there is no cloud messaging for pushing notifications in the supabase and I need to notify the user when a new item is added . So what I ...
mohammadmnyer's user avatar
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how to mock Supabase with Flutter for unit testing?

I'm trying to do unit test with Supabase in Flutter like the code bellow: import 'package:bloc_test/bloc_test.dart'; import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart'; import 'package:mockito/mockito....
Jaafar Melhem's user avatar
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Provide two separate json from complex json using supabase in flutter

I have two tables in Supabase, one called places which stores just basic information of the place such as name etc. The other called places_information which stores addresses and other details. A ...
iKreateCode's user avatar
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Supabase join and nested select

Let's say I have 3 tables: Table1 (id, col1, col2) Table2 (id, col3, col4) Table3 (table1_id, table2_id) What I want to do is to join Table1 and Table2 and then select the rows with a specific ...
Fabio's user avatar
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Supabase: problem with login with Flutter

I'm trying to login to the Supabase using password: final supabaseClient = SupabaseClient('supabaseUrl','supabaseKey'); final response = await supabaseClient.auth.signInWithPassword(email: '...
Jaafar Melhem's user avatar
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How to use socket hooks with Stream Builder

I want to use real-time data and StreamBuilder with the package called realtime_dart because of my BaaS. Supabase uses this package so I need it too as well. But I don't know how to use Socket hooks ...
Jack Spicy's user avatar
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supabase flutter get multiple data (JSON object requested, multiple (or no) rows returned)

I am trying to print out multiple data from Supabase using flutter but it just isn't working getResponse(String uid) async { await client .from("privChatRoom") .select() ...
Brightcode's user avatar
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How to queries in supabase realtime?

Most of the blogs and stacks suggests below database for chat. message_table -id -message -conversationId -sender -receiverId conversation_table -id -conversationId Now message_table look like this. ...
tailor's user avatar
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How can I know if a DELETE request was completed successfully using SupaBase?

If I make a request to delete, and the supplied id is not found in the db, how can I know that this operation did not complete successfully? The same goes for update and insert. I'm thinking of an ...
devblock's user avatar
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type 'File/*1*/' can't be assigned to the type 'File/*2* - 'File/*1*/' is from 'dart:io'.- 'File/*2*/' is from 'package:universal_io/src/io/file.dart

I want to upload image to my supabase storage using this function, and I am using riverpod_flutter for state management, here is my code: class ServicesRepository{ Future<String> ...
killua's user avatar
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Flutter - Problem mocking supabase with mocktail

I'm trying to mock a query to a table in Supabase with mocktail, and it doesn't work. My problem is mocking the await on the PostgrestTransformBuilder, it doesn't work at all: import 'package:...
Foulrai's user avatar
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Execution failed for task ':app:mergeDexDebug' using Cloud Firestore and Supabase

I was trying to use Cloud Firestore in my project, and it gave me this error. So, I tried to switch to Supabase service, and it continues to give the same error. My pubspec.yaml dependencies: ...
Denis Duarth's user avatar
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TextLocal Integration for OTP Verification is not working with supabase and flutter

I am using Supabase for OTP Verification in my flutter project. I added textlocal as provider in Supabase auth . I already registered sms template in both DLT and Textlocal side.I added all the ...
Abhi sharma's user avatar
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Issue with containedBy in Supabase Flutter Integration

I am encountering an issue while attempting to utilize the containedBy method in the Supabase Flutter integration. Below is the relevant code snippet: var query = Supabase.instance.client.from('...
Ahmed Wagdi's user avatar
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Supabase RLS policy turns into recursive loop when selecting same table

I am trying to retrieve data from a table, bit it is getting stuck in an infinite recursive loop due to my RLS policies, which look at the same table. I have a table called 'community_members' that ...
Koen's user avatar
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Supabase many-to-many join issue with dart

I'm trying to get the mentioned many-to-many join feature to work as described here: I have three simple tables: create table ...
Ranil Wijeyratne's user avatar
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Pulling data from one to many relation ship supabase

Currently in my app I am facing the issue of pulling the categories table, item in category table has one-to-many relationship with items from subcategory table. This is my current code: @override ...
Jan Cahlík's user avatar
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Supabase - navigate to a file in the storage with Flutter

I have several folders in the Bucket in Supabase storage, I need to access to the files inside it to get informations, for example : "user1" Bucket has 3 folders(files , images , notes).. ...
Jaafar Melhem's user avatar
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Is there a way to find out which exceptions is the Dart function throwing?

Simply, I am working with SupabaseAPI: Future<AuthResponse> signUp({ String? email, String? phone, required String password, String? emailRedirectTo, Map<String, dynamic&...
Jan Cahlík's user avatar
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How to insert and query clients favorite restaurants in supabase

I have created clients, restaurants and favorites tables in supabase and linked them using foreign keys, I want to list a client's favorite restaurant if any and also insert favorite restaurants when ...
ASA Serge's user avatar
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Flutter and realtime table in Supabase

I am using Provider to listen to realtime changes in a Supabase table. Using MVVM the view is initialised by listening to the realtime table "poll_options" poll_screen.dart @override void ...
olavur's user avatar
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Issue with the supabase initalization before calling Supabase.instance during unit testing

I'm trying to do unit test on one of the functions in a cubit. The error says that Supabase was not initalized before calling Supabase.instance. Supabase is used for authentication via google OAuth, ...
Tom's user avatar
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How to listen to database changes with condition flutter supabase?

How to listen to database changes with condition if the item in a json row in the supabase database? supabase.from('countries') .stream(primaryKey: ['id']) .eq('user_ids', '???') //what code ...
Jaafar Melhem's user avatar
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Riverpod's basic provider isn't working while using Supabase SDK

This is the code snippet with Supabase SDK Code block with Supabase SDK enabled Code block the Supabase SDK disabled As you can see from the first picture, only the basic provider is having an error &...
RC0106's user avatar
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Getting 'The name 'LoginScreen' isn't a class' error despite creating the class and importing required packages

Hello Stack Overflow community, I've been facing an issue for a while now and I can't seem to figure out why I'm getting the following error: "The name 'LoginScreen' isn't a class. Try correcting ...
Mauz's user avatar
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Using supabase_flutter package to add new users using email and password

I am learning to use supabase for my backend and I see that there is a lot of examples of how to add new users using the dart package supabase [docs]. However, I wanted to know how I can add new users ...
eHarazi's user avatar
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how to stream my data from supabase to the flutter app

I'm trying to stream a tables data into my flutter app, but I keep getting some errors. I'm trying to do it as I would do it with Firebase but with no success :( Can someone point out what is it that ...
NiiTii's user avatar
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How to fix error: "The method 'execute' isn't defined for the type 'PostgrestFilterBuilder'

I'm trying to create a login page for an app that's linked to a supabase database but I'm getting an error for the user authentication method. Error login_page.dart The method 'execute' isn't ...
MikeWazowski's user avatar
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When using supabase_flutter, why am I getting compileSdkVersion is not specified error?

When I attempt to use Supabase flutter in an empty flutter project this happens: What went wrong: A problem occurred configuring project ':shared_preferences_android'. Failed to notify project ...
A.Sanchez.SD's user avatar
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Flutter - supabase_flutter 2.1.0 throwing an error on flutter run

I ran flutter pub get supabase_flutter and imported the package into main.dart and ran flutter run and it gave me this error. Anyone else experiencing this? ../../../AppData/Local/Pub/Cache/hosted/pub....
Tommy Johnson's user avatar
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Link Login System in Flutter app to Supabase database

I am trying to create a flutter app and one of my goals is to setup a login system with a cloud-based database. The database i am trying to use is Supabase. The way i want to set this up (for now) is ...
unofficialdxnny's user avatar
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Supabase Flutter initialization is failing

this is exception, which i got in debug console, while i tried to debug my app. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Saaho Knight's user avatar
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Model's following entity return empty while data in database

I created a model called userProfileModel that returns entities called (id, name, List) User_Profile_model.dart class UserProfileModel extends User { @override final String email; @override ...
Viet Pham's user avatar
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Flutter app freezes when retrieving data from database

I'm creating a flutter app that graphs temperature and heart rate values stored in a database, but upon navigating to the page that shows the graphs the app freezes with a circular loading bar. I had ...
MikeWazowski's user avatar
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28 views Issue. Not defined for type 'Map<String, dynamic>'

I's working on an app that retrieves data from a flutter database but I'm having issues with my fetch queries. Fetch method: void _fetchUserData() async { // Assuming you store the current user ...
MikeWazowski's user avatar
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Unhandled Exception: UnimplementedError in Flutter while compressing image using flutter_image_compress

I'm trying to compress an image in flutter that I'm clicking from the camera. After which I'm uploading the image to supabase storage bucket. The code was working fine before adding the compression ...
ChaoticQubit's user avatar
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Supabase-Flutter Login verification error "User is not found" but the user is clearly in the database table

I've run into a problem where the app says 'User not found. Please check credentials.' although the credentials used is for user in the profiles user_profiles table. Is this because response of the ...
MikeWazowski's user avatar
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How can I use two filters from supabase in flutter?

I am trying to stream data from supabase in flutter. I want to fetch data that post_id is postId and deleted_at is null, so I tried to fetch using following code. But if I use more than one filter, an ...
ddongyun's user avatar
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How to Implement Nested Filters in a Supabase Query with Flutter

I am currently working on a Flutter application where I need to perform a Supabase query with multiple levels of filters. The goal is to dynamically generate an endpoint based on the applied filters. ...
Ahmed Wagdi's user avatar
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Having issues with register page with Bloc in Flutter

I'm following a guide on how to integrate Supabase with a OTP registration page. Around 9:51 in this vid, they access their build context, however because I'm trying have this handled with a bloc, I'm ...
frontendLearner's user avatar
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How to fetch data from supabase in flutter?

This is now my database in supabase. I'm trying to fetch all the rows with post id 1. So I want to get potato, carrot, meat, water. ingredient_id(pk) post_id(fk) order ingredient 1 1 1 potato 2 1 2 ...
ddongyun's user avatar
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How to fetch other data using the arguments?

I passed arguments to next page, and I'm trying to fetch other data using arguments in flutter. I'm using supabase, the data I'm trying to fetch is thumbNailUrl. Navigator.of(context).pushNamed( '/...
ddongyun's user avatar
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How do I decode received data from supabase in Dart/Flutter?

In Dart/Flutter, using the supabase package, I'm trying to decode the data I receive for example from the following code: final data = await supabase .from('countries') .select(''' name, ...
Peter's user avatar
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how to do a query filter (foreign key) for supabase in flutter

I'm trying to do a query filtering using a foreign key from my supabase backend to my flutter app. It works with all fields but only this one depends on forgien key filters are not working, here is my ...
Ahmed Wagdi's user avatar
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How do I get the data from the supabase to the flutter?

child: StreamBuilder<List<Map<String, dynamic>>>( stream: Supabase.instance.client.from("todo").stream( primaryKey: [ {"idx": 1}, ], ), ...
ddongyun's user avatar
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Schedule Supabase Dart edge function to run at midnight every day?

A couple of questions on Supabase edge functions in DART... a). Running a job at mid night every day I want to execute a job at midnight every day to perform various end of day data summarization and ...
user2868835's user avatar
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Update Authenticated User in Supabase

I am updating user's email using the .update({"email": newEmail}) method. It is sending me the confirmation email only on the new email as I disabled secure email change in Supabase settings....
Shresth Mittal's user avatar
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Supabase social auth: Unable to match the desired swap behavior

When I try to use google oauth with supabase auth ui on Flutter, the following error message has shown. E/OpenGLRenderer( 8967): Unable to match the desired swap behavior. Judging from supabase auth ...
dev000 's user avatar
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Flutter iOS Emulator 'Failed Host Lookup' Error

Hello fellow developers I'm developing a location-sharing application with Flutter. When I launch the iOS emulator, I encounter a 'Failed host lookup' error. This issue is happening for both the map ...
natady's user avatar
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Database of Supabase UPDATE doesn't work on Flutter

I had a problem with Database of Supabase on Flutter. I couldn't update the database. I implemented the sign in feature with Google. And I referenced this video: Flutter Database & User ...
atom's user avatar
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