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ReferenceError: window is not defined in React Native project after adding Supabase call

I'm using a React Native project with Expo v49, and I added a Supabase call to read some data from the database, and it works on ios/android, But when I open the web version, I get "...
shadowcrux's user avatar
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Why am I getting "URL.hostname is not implemented, js engine hermes" when supabase is intialized?

I am building an expo project. So far I'm just trying to create the login/sign up auth logic. I want to use supabase. The project will load if there is no supabase initialization, but when supabase.js ...
Archie's user avatar
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Is it advisable to use localStorage to store JWT for Expo for Web?

I'm using Expo Secure Store to store JWT credentials from Supabase: const ExpoSecureStoreAdapter = { getItem: (key: string) => { return SecureStore.getItemAsync(key); }, setItem: (key: ...
alyx's user avatar
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Expo/Supabase app receives a Network request failed error after a while

I have built an app with Supabase and Expo (React Native). The app works well and everything is fine. However, After I leave the app open for a while, I get an error which is difficult to track. It ...
Shalaw Fatah's user avatar
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react native supabase auth with google redirect issue & no session update

I am a little confused about trying to make a redirect URL to go along with the openAuthSessionAsync in app mobile browser view (docs:
Phil Lucks's user avatar
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Unhandled JS Exception: Can't find variable: SharedArrayBuffer

I'm starting my react-native project using expo in the iOS version and getting this obscure error which is blocking development progress. I've only started to see this error after trying to setup the ...
tscafie's user avatar
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TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'window.location.href')

i have been creating a app with supabase and expo and before it worked correctly... but now it keeps getting this error... TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'window.location.href') at ...
Hassan Iyan's user avatar
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React Native Expo Facebook Auth with Supabase and react-native-fbsdk-next: Nonces Mismatch

I'm trying to implement Facebook authentication in a React Native Expo app using Supabase and react-native-fbsdk-next. I'm currently following the Google auth implementation guide provided by Supabase ...
Adam Sucharda's user avatar
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Supabase Auth not working unless application is refreshed

I'm currently using supabase auth for users to sign in and sign out into an application I'm working on. I have this simple function that handle signing in: const signIn = async (email: string, ...
Doolan's user avatar
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Yarn install stuck on building packages

after yarn install complete, it seems started another thread and it just sutck at there forever, doese somebody ever had this problem? Is this a problem of supabase? stuck after finishied building ...
Gwyn's user avatar
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Supabase session not saved with React Native after cold-start

I have an issue regarding supabase sessions after cold-starting the app. Everytime I force quit the app on the phone, its asking me to sign in again. Here is my API.js export const api = createClient(...
Menash Bouhadana's user avatar
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Expected a string or a class/function but got: undefined - React Native Error

I am extremely new to React Native and keep running into errors. Coming from Flutter, I have no idea how to handle some of these errors. Right now I have two screens with their own navigation stacks ...
Globe's user avatar
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Supabase: Unable to validate email address: invalid format

I integrated supabase with react-native I followed this article But I couldn't signUp import AsyncStorage from '@react-native-async-storage/async-storage' import { createClient } from '@supabase/...
Ghyath Darwish's user avatar
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How to upload an image from gallery to supabase storage

I want users to be able to pick a profile picture from the gallery using the Image Picker from expo and upload it to supabase in a filename that is structured like this userid.jpeg. I then want to ...
elvis obondo's user avatar
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Supabase and expo check if user is connected

I'm using the supabase authentication system in my expo app and I'd like to know how to redirect the user to the Login screen when he's not logged in. I've followed the instructions but even if I log ...
ambroiselebs's user avatar
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Implementing Facebook Login with Supabase

I'm implementing Facebook login. The Supabase official documentation seems to be out of date and I've had little luck with it. Here's what I've done so far Create an app on Meta for Developers. ...
n8o's user avatar
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Expo with Supabase crashes on device but works on Expo Go

I have an expo app with supabase. It works find on Expo Go but when I build an apk and install it on a real device, it crashes. After investigation, I have found out that supabase is the reason for ...
Neville Lemein's user avatar
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2 answers

Cannot upload most video files to supabase server in React Native

I have the issue that some files, for example many videos seemingly cannot be properly uploaded with base64 encoding, but with React Native the update function of supabase only works with base64 ...
timo_omit's user avatar
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supabase + react native: Access token not refreshed after a week of inactivity

I use the @supabase/supabase-js (v2.23.0) sdk in my expo react native application. To initialise the react native client I do createClient( '<supabaseUrl>', '<anonKey>', { auth: {...
astoiccoder's user avatar
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Supabase realtime subscriptions times out

Im trying to listen to realtime changes in my react-native app from a supabase table called "profiles". Whatever i try, i can't get it to subscribe to change son the table. Even when copying ...
Gustav Pernber's user avatar
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Apple Sign-In Not Returning Email or Name in Expo React Native App After Custom URL Update on Supabase

I'm using Expo's Apple Authentication for sign-in in my React Native app, following the guide here: We've recently updated to a custom ...
user19793518's user avatar
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Supabase, how to get the session on the mobile, after the account has been confirmed on the website

I have the following scenario. A user creates an account on a mobile app and lands in the /confirm screen on the mobile app. A user confirms the created account via clicking on the confirmation link ...
Nikolay Melnikov's user avatar
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Expo, Supabase Google-Sign-In DEVELOPER_ERROR. NOT using Firebase

I'm trying to get google oauth to work using Expo and Supabase, but I keep getting the below error ONLY when trying to sign in on Android. I am not using Firebase. I do not receive this error on web ...
Richard O's user avatar
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Supabase corrupting file react native expo

when i try to upload a pdf file to the supabase bucket it uploads it but when i try to look at the pdf file manually through the supabase dashboard i cant open it and it gives me a error that reads &...
Juvenson Pierre's user avatar
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Failed network request on Expo Go Android App

I'm adding the ability to upload an image to a users profile in my expo go app (Referencing this guide). However, I'm running into an issue only on android apps where I'm unable to upload the file to ...
Doolan's user avatar
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How to transfer login session from website to react native app using supabase auth and expo router?

I am trying to create a mobile app onboarding experience that happens on the web. Once the user completes the onboarding and signs in to my web app, I want to transfer them to my mobile app, where ...
Ripas55's user avatar
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Why am I getting "ERROR: right operand of 'in' is not an object' when running a signup function in React Native and Supabase?

I am trying to sign up users to Supabase in React Native (expo). Upon pressing the sign up button, I get the error: ERROR: [TypeError: right operand of 'in' is not an object] Here is my sign-up logic: ...
Archie's user avatar
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React Native with Supabase Auth Error [AuthRetryableFetchError]

I got this error with Expo and Supabase auth (email & pass), Anyone can help? Error shown as below: My login code const onLogin = async () => { try { const { data, error } = await ...
KHUT Lihong's user avatar
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Supabase only letting me add text columns

I'm still new to supabase and backend in general so need a bit of guidance. I created a "profiles" table with row level security on the supabase dashboard. I have a function that is ...
user8930909's user avatar
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Supabse check if user is connected expo-router

How to use the supabase and expo-router authentication system to check that the user is logged in on the Index.tsx page before performing other functions, otherwise redirecting him to the Login.tsx ...
ambroiselebs's user avatar
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TypeError: Invalid URL: undefined/auth/v1, js engine: hermes

I am using react-native with expo and trying to connect supabase. This is my code: lib/supabase.ts import 'react-native-url-polyfill/auto' import * as SecureStore from 'expo-secure-store' import { ...
Giannis Giannoulakos's user avatar
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Can't login with Supabase Facebook provider in Expo React-Native app

I’m trying to authenticate with Facebook through Supabase, but I’m having trouble. Here is my code on the page with a link to login: import { View, Text, Button } from "react-native"; import ...
Ryan Clare's user avatar
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useAuthStateChange isn't updating state in useEffect Supabase

Using expo and supabase (no typescript), I am trying to call useAuthStateChange inside a useEffect hook to update useState with the session. From what I understand, this is the most common approach ...
windosiller's user avatar
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ERROR [TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'globalThis.localStorage.getItem')]

I am trying to just select everything from a table from supabase. When I perform my fetch function, this is thrown and I dont know why.I have my URL and Key set into my supbase.js file. picture of ...
Zach812's user avatar