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1 answer

How to check email already exists in Supabase table for signup in flutter?

Here I tried to move from firebase to Supabase in my flutter project. I stuck on first stage. onPress register button, final response = await Supabase.instance.client.auth.signUp(email,pass); This is ...
tailor's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Slow when stream video from supabase storage

I always get lag or buffer when playing video (size 28 Mb) from supabase storage in my mobile application. Every each lag can takes about 1 or 2 seconds, its not good for UX. I'm in free tier, if pro ...
ryandra's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Supabase Auth: onAuthStateChange not triggered

I'm trying to implement Google Auth in my app but I can't get it work. ElevatedButton( child: Text("Sign in"), onPressed: (){ supabase.auth....
faccio's user avatar
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3 votes
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Query JSON array of object in Flutter Supabase

I'm using Flutter and Supabase and I'm trying to fetch all elements in a table that partially match an array field. I have a table with a jsonb array column that contains a list of objects (PollItem) ...
clooock's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to get url of uploaded media in supabase storage in flutter?

In flutter for uploading image according to doc is final avatarFile = File('path/to/file'); final response = await supabase .storage .from('avatars') .upload('public/avatar1.png', avatarFile, ...
tailor's user avatar
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2 votes
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Flutter and Supabase - OAuth deep link not working

I have set up OAuth with my Flutter app and Supabase. It works on the web... I sign in to the provider and I'm redirected to my website with the credential. However, in iOS, it does not work. I sign ...
Globe's user avatar
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Same google clientId and clientSecret for multiple devices (andorid, ios and web)

I am developing an application using Supabase, Flutter and Google OAuth and I would like to know if it is possible to have a single clientId and clientSecret for each device type (ios, android and web)...
Andrea D'Attero's user avatar
2 votes
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how to run a task in the background even if the app is closed with flutter

I'm using supabase for the backend of my flutter application, there is no cloud messaging for pushing notifications in the supabase and I need to notify the user when a new item is added . So what I ...
mohammadmnyer's user avatar
2 votes
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Supabase throws Payload too large when I try to upload a file using the uploadBinary method in flutter web

I am trying to upload an image to a supabase bucket in flutter web, but I keep running into this error StorageException(message: The object exceeded the maximum allowed size, statusCode: 413, error: ...
Dean's user avatar
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2 answers

how to mock Supabase with Flutter for unit testing?

I'm trying to do unit test with Supabase in Flutter like the code bellow: import 'package:bloc_test/bloc_test.dart'; import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart'; import 'package:mockito/mockito....
Jaafar Melhem's user avatar
2 votes
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Supabase cli start with phone authentication provider

I'm trying to get a locally started Supabase instance to support phone authentication. I started Supabase using the CLI: supabase start I didn't find anything phone/sms/otp related in the CLI config ...
Ranil Wijeyratne's user avatar
2 votes
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Provide two separate json from complex json using supabase in flutter

I have two tables in Supabase, one called places which stores just basic information of the place such as name etc. The other called places_information which stores addresses and other details. A ...
iKreateCode's user avatar
1 vote
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Supabase join and nested select

Let's say I have 3 tables: Table1 (id, col1, col2) Table2 (id, col3, col4) Table3 (table1_id, table2_id) What I want to do is to join Table1 and Table2 and then select the rows with a specific ...
Fabio's user avatar
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Supabase: problem with login with Flutter

I'm trying to login to the Supabase using password: final supabaseClient = SupabaseClient('supabaseUrl','supabaseKey'); final response = await supabaseClient.auth.signInWithPassword(email: '...
Jaafar Melhem's user avatar
1 vote
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How to use socket hooks with Stream Builder

I want to use real-time data and StreamBuilder with the package called realtime_dart because of my BaaS. Supabase uses this package so I need it too as well. But I don't know how to use Socket hooks ...
Jack Spicy's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

supabase flutter get multiple data (JSON object requested, multiple (or no) rows returned)

I am trying to print out multiple data from Supabase using flutter but it just isn't working getResponse(String uid) async { await client .from("privChatRoom") .select() ...
Brightcode's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to queries in supabase realtime?

Most of the blogs and stacks suggests below database for chat. message_table -id -message -conversationId -sender -receiverId conversation_table -id -conversationId Now message_table look like this. ...
tailor's user avatar
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Supabase reset password in Flutter

I have some issues with the reset password with Supabase and Flutter. I am using supabase_flutter ^0.3.1+3 and this is my code: In my login page, that extends AuthState, I have a text button that ...
carloberd's user avatar
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2 answers

Query Foreign Table in Stream Supabase

Does anyone know how to perform a stream query to fetch some data from another table? Something like that? enter image description here I have this _supabase .from('$table:fk_ventas=eq.$fkSales') ...
ortegatomascl's user avatar
1 vote
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Supabase query return null in flutter app

What's the correct way to retrieve supabase data in flutter? I'm building up my code as below but seemed not to be parsing the response body the right way. sdk: ^3.1.1 supabase_flutter: ^2.0.0 In ...
Xiraff.C's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to add username in supabase.auth.currentUser?

If already authenticated, i can access and call supabase.auth.currentUser to retrieve some user data like full_name, email, avatar_url, etc. But how to modify the data inside it?, so when i login and ...
ryandra's user avatar
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1 answer

Supabase Auth: redirects to instead of my app

Following this tutorial, after the Google login i'm redirected to instead of bringing me back to my app. How could I solve this issue? Sample code of the login page: class _LoginScreenState ...
faccio's user avatar
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Redirect user back to flutter app for supabase password reset

I'm fairly new to supabase, flutter, and programming in general. I'm trying to achieve the following: When the user taps the "Reset Email" link in the password reset email, they are ...
Sam Yoon's user avatar
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How to fetch data from supabase

I tried this by exploring web and supabase docs but nothing really happens import 'package:supabase/supabase.dart'; class supahandelar { static const SupaUrl = 'UrlFromSupabase'; static const ...
Dixit Ram's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to query joins from multiple table using Flutter SupaseClient

This is my schema I am trying to fetch a list of events from the table along with the host info and the list of attendees by matching events.host_id with user.user_id and events.event_id with '...
Mahesh Jamdade's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How can I know if a DELETE request was completed successfully using SupaBase?

If I make a request to delete, and the supplied id is not found in the db, how can I know that this operation did not complete successfully? The same goes for update and insert. I'm thinking of an ...
devblock's user avatar
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How to declare and save the values in a data class in Flutter

I am trying to learn Flutter and Supabase and still trying to learn its concepts coming from imperative programming. I am trying to save the returned results from the database query. Here are my ...
Sheenergizer's user avatar
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Issue with Supabase Flutter Integration: Unable to Update Row

I am currently working on a Flutter application that utilizes Supabase as its backend. I have encountered an issue where Supabase is not updating a specific row in my database. Below is the relevant ...
Lauritz Tieste's user avatar
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How can I create a user in Superbase and remove email authentication?

I'm trying to make a easy login function. A user creation works, but users need to verify their email to use it. So this is not easy and complicated. await Supabase.instance.client.auth.signUp(email: ...
ddongyun's user avatar
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can I fully login with supabase on local and google OAuth on my flutter app?

I'm setting up a project with flutter based on supabase. The project logs in correctly when using a project hosted on supabase, on the other hand I'm having troubles setting it up with a local ...
Bertuz's user avatar
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type 'File/*1*/' can't be assigned to the type 'File/*2* - 'File/*1*/' is from 'dart:io'.- 'File/*2*/' is from 'package:universal_io/src/io/file.dart

I want to upload image to my supabase storage using this function, and I am using riverpod_flutter for state management, here is my code: class ServicesRepository{ Future<String> ...
killua's user avatar
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Supabase - post user sign up verification step - can Supabase handle this logic?

I am experimenting with Supabase as a replacement for Firebase. When it comes to the Authentication functions, I am trying to replicate what is offered in Firebase. With Firebase, if you create a new ...
user2868835's user avatar
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Flutterflow and Supabase: How do I filter one ListView in flutterflow based on the selected item in a parent ListView with data supplied by Supabase?

How do I filter one ListView in flutterflow based on the selected item in a parent ListView with data supplied by Supabase? I have two tables in Supabase (singers, songs) that are linked by the Singer ...
Gary's user avatar
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flutter update text on screen

I have the following code where i have buttons. i wpould like to get the numbers of the buttons to store the data and then also display the values on the screen in the text boxes in the order of them ...
Mark's user avatar
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Upload image Supabase Storage with Flutter Web issue on universal_io

I am trying upload image in Supabase Storage and I am using this method as document :'avatars').upload(fileName,file) Here file is : var file = File(_session.photoFilePath!); //...
bilalkubilay's user avatar
1 vote
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Twilio with Supabase & Flutter unmarshal number into Go struct field SmsStatus.status

I am using new package with documentation and implementation but every time when i try to send the otp to number through console or through function provided it returns the following error '''Sending ...
Usama Yousaf's user avatar
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Flutter - Problem mocking supabase with mocktail

I'm trying to mock a query to a table in Supabase with mocktail, and it doesn't work. My problem is mocking the await on the PostgrestTransformBuilder, it doesn't work at all: import 'package:...
Foulrai's user avatar
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Getting values from 2 tables in Supabase and storing in a Flutter data model

How do I properly save the returned results of Supabase from 2 tables in a Flutter class. Here are the sql statements that created the 2 tables: -- Table for Survey Categories CREATE TABLE categories ...
Sheenergizer's user avatar
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How to implement User Authentication in a locally hosted Supabase for a a Flutter Web App beside the standard Supabase Auth?

As I am new to both Flutter and Supabase, I would like to ask how to implement a user authentication beside the standard Supabase auth. I am working on a Survey Web app project in Flutter that will ...
Sheenergizer's user avatar
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Select rows of a bool column with false or null values

How to filter a database selection, for rows in the table 'notes' and the column 'archived', where the value is null or false? 'archived' is of type bool. I searched Stackoverflow, tried some CodeAI ...
Rasputin221's user avatar
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Execution failed for task ':app:mergeDexDebug' using Cloud Firestore and Supabase

I was trying to use Cloud Firestore in my project, and it gave me this error. So, I tried to switch to Supabase service, and it continues to give the same error. My pubspec.yaml dependencies: ...
Denis Duarth's user avatar
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TextLocal Integration for OTP Verification is not working with supabase and flutter

I am using Supabase for OTP Verification in my flutter project. I added textlocal as provider in Supabase auth . I already registered sms template in both DLT and Textlocal side.I added all the ...
Abhi sharma's user avatar
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How to implement complex filter query with join table in supabase from flutter?

I want to implement complex filter query in supabase with flutter. Table1: diaries has below fields. diaryId userId (linked with table users) todayDiary createdAt Table2: users has below fields. ...
Hyejung's user avatar
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Issue with containedBy in Supabase Flutter Integration

I am encountering an issue while attempting to utilize the containedBy method in the Supabase Flutter integration. Below is the relevant code snippet: var query = Supabase.instance.client.from('...
Ahmed Wagdi's user avatar
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Lag/buffer when playing video from network using video_player plugin flutter supabase

The code: final VideoPlayerController videoPlayerController = VideoPlayerController.networkUrl( Uri.parse('URL FROM SUPABASE STORAGE'), ); videoPlayerController.initialize(); ...
ryandra's user avatar
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Supabase Flutter ORM

I am pretty new to Supabase, but not to Flutter iself. I already implemented applications with Firebase and MongoDB Realm. I am currently struggling with two things, that I didnt have to worry about ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Supabase sending push notification via firebase

I am creating an edge function in supabase to send a push notification to a user's device. Here is my edge function import { serve } from "[email protected]/http/server.ts" ...
Adam O'Neill's user avatar
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Supabase RPC function not found

I have written a psql function in order to not have logic in my mobile app's code. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION getRepeatedQuestionsByUserIdWithSubjectNameAndOptions(userId uuid) RETURNS TABLE ( ...
Jan Cahlík's user avatar
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Cannot receive App Store Server Notification or see transaction in xcode

I'm building app for iOS with flutter and I encountered some problem implementing the IAP function. What I Encountered I configured the notification server url in the App Store Connect. Then I make a ...
RiverTwilight's user avatar
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how to setup an integration test with authentication

I'm developing a flutter application which interacts with a supabase backend for both API and Auth. The only authentication is via email, specifically by means of magic link. The problem: I want to ...
Bertuz's user avatar
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