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6 votes
2 answers

Supabase: how to query users by eMail?

I'm using Supabase in a Node JS middleware. I am developing an invite function thats receives an eMail address of an existing supabase user via a REST Endpoint. Now it should query the users table in ...
Niko Fischer's user avatar
5 votes
7 answers

Filtering in join in supabase

Im using supabase with a database which have 2 tables (that are implicates in this issue). Tables are teachers and users. Both have ID and id_teacher/id_user respectively. Im working in a query where ...
Facundo Serrano's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How to save a file from Supabase Storage using Node.js (converting blob to file)

I am downloading media files (mainly images) from Supabase Storage using in NodeJS. How can I save the Blob that is returned as a file on my local hard drive?
st_phan's user avatar
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Run slow background process when certain conditions in Postgres data are met?

I'm using Postgres (via Supabase) and Node (via NextJS on Vercel). I have a table report which has columns for an enum region, and generated_text which is content generated by AI. create type region ...
Evanss's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

supabase bucket policy to insert file not working

I am trying to insert a file into a supabase public bucket, I've created basic policies to insert, select. when I try to upload a file though it returns { statusCode: '401', error: 'Invalid JWT', ...
risky last's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

uploading a file on supabase: error RequestInit: duplex option is required when sending a body

I'm trying upload a file on supabase with node.js and I get this error: RequestInit: duplex option is required when sending a body. I don't konw what it means. What am I doing wrong in my code? router....
Ana's user avatar
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1 answer

Supabase JSON query JavaScript

Im trying to fetch single entry from my table that contains and JSONB array of objects. Can I match somehow that array to find the desired result? [ { "chats": [ { &...
Mugetsu's user avatar
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1 answer

Deploying Node Js application with express framework in Supabase (Edge Functions)

I developed a node Js application integrated with some services like database, authentication from Supabase, It works fine and gave success results in local development for each routes when called ...
sathish kumar's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

supabase auth helpers ui with Google social login, how to restrict users to domain

Google offer a 'hd' parameter to restrict oauth access to domain. Anyway to set this when using supabase auth helpers / auth UI?
Mike Thrussell's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Supabase: How to filter data from foreign tables?

hello I wish you a nice day I need help, I want to filter a relational column, I am using Supabase. In the documentation it says that you can find all the rows in the column that satisfy the filter. ....
Florentino Moore's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

supabase eq not filtering rows by join table association (querying with serverSupabaseClient)

I am trying to only fetch the rows for letters that are associated with user 80cdd279-1b2b-4df4-995c-a309f9cfd28a, but all the rows of letters are being returned. Here is the query I am using. It is ...
moonjelly's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Prisma & Supabase - Segmentation fault (core dumped)

I got the following error, while trying to populate my Supabase table using Prisma... Segmentation fault (core dumped) I'm using NodeJ, and the following script import { createRequire } from "...
Henri's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I sign out a user with Supabase from an express API endpoint?

I am using node and express as a backend for API endpoints with Vite as a frontend. So far, I have been able to send info from frontend to backend for signing in and signing up a user. However, I've ...
Alex N.'s user avatar
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1 answer

Is it possible to use the web-push library for node-js in a deno supabase edge function?

I tried to use/import the web-push library ( for node-js in a deno supabase edge function and it does not work. Is it possible to use the mentioned library ...
tobias hassebrock's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Supabase returns only 1 row (nodejs)

I'm a Supabase newbie. I'm getting the whole arrays fine on the first visit of the root '/' But once I visit the route for 1 specific restaurant '/:id', subsequent visits of '/' will always return ...
wysiwyg's user avatar
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1 answer

How to utilise Postgres RLS for Application level users?

I want to structure an application with scalability in mind and use postgres RLS for user authorization I have a Node JS & Express server I have a sequelize connection to postgres instance with ...
Abhay's user avatar
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1 answer

How to make custom jwt auth work on Supabase?

I need help setting up custom auth with RLS on Supabase and NextJS; I used the following tutorial to get me started but I quickly realized it was outdated. I'm stuck at generating a JWT and starting a ...
Benjythebee's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is it possible to run join query in supabase with GraphQL?

I have two tables in supabase category : id (int4 (pk)), name (text) product : id (int4 (pk)), name (text), price (int8), category_id (fk with id of category); What will be the query in my resolver ...
Parth Goti's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Can't fetch data with supabase in nodejs

I'm trying to implement supabase within my nodejs api but everytime i call the endpoint returns an error: TypeError: supabase.from is not a function. The function that is firing the supabase function ...
Richi's user avatar
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Need help parsing a value into a Supabase fetch data call

I am trying to parse a value from an HTML page: <td><a href="/Event?id=<>" title="event"><%=event.event_name%></a></td> to a ...
devmldg's user avatar
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Supabase & NodeJS: Invalid claim: AuthApiError: invalid claim: missing sub claim with getUser(jwt)

I have a custom backend that needs to authenticate users before letting them request some Express endpoints. It works that way: NextJS (front-end) sends a request to NodeJS/Express (backend) with a ...
Alexis's user avatar
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0 answers

Node.js fetch pdf upload with multipart/form-data

I am bashing my head against the wall here... I am trying to upload a pdf to supabase storage bucket. My code is working with jpg but not with a pdf. I am suspecting it has something to do with the ...
frankBang's user avatar
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0 answers

TypeError: process.versions.node is undefined

I have a Next.js dynamic route which is fetching 2 things: the context.query and a row from Supabase. This is the code for the getServerSideProps function of the route [username].js The page uses ...
Vidit Khandelwal's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Supabase connection returning undefined

I have a Vercel deployed Remix project with Supabase on the backend, Postgresql and using Prisma as the ORM. I have set up connection pooling as well as a direct connection to Supabase, but anytime I ...
T. Duke's user avatar
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2 answers

Postgres invalid input error on SELECT statement

I am using Supabase as my DB. I have users table with id field being populated with uuid_generate_v4(). I also have table bank_ao with foreign key bankId pointed to When I do following: ...
Korovjov's user avatar
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2 answers

Authentication not working with Supabase and Node.js

I am not sure even this is possible but I am trying to use Supabase with Node.js. I get the code from a React front-end, this link, which works okay. Below is my code client.js const { createClient } =...
fnisi's user avatar
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0 answers

Fetch data from Supabase with NodeJS (Error: invalid input syntax for type timestamp)

using Supabase JS library to fetch data from my tables. My code works fine if I use directly filter .eq but not with .or for comparing timestamps. I tried different combos such as defined toISOString ...
Alexander Thomsen's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Query the last record in supabase?

How to check the last record of a user in supabase. I would only need by means of the user ID to find his last record "date" in a descending way I have something like the following, but this ...
Florentino Moore's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

PostgreSQL query to Supabase Query

How can i make once of this PostgreSQL querys in supabase? I tried reading supabase doc but it doesn't work select as room_id, as member_id, user_id from rooms inner join members ...
Facundo Serrano's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

supabase auth-helpers with auth-ui, how to hide email/password when using social

When setting social login, there doesn't seem to be a way to hide the email/password boxes. <Auth supabaseClient={data.supabase} view="sign_in" ...
Mike Thrussell's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

400 Bad Request for POST request (Node)

I'm trying to sign in but getting 400 Bad Request & "Wrong credentialsss"."/signin", (req, res) => { const {email, password} = req.body; db.from ('login')....
Nora's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Executing a function on a specific date [closed]

I've seen a few solutions to this, but none feel quite right. I am building a full stack app with React and Node.js, and using Supabase as the database. It's for hobby purposes, and I can switch up ...
sandypockets's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Supabase Session Null/Undefined Even After Successful Authentication

I have an Express server that right now signs into Supabase. The authentication is successful as when I print data it gives me the user and session information. But when I try to retrieve the user or ...
Ansh's user avatar
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How to limit array size in supabase?

I am making an application which involves users storing their favorite content series (which each have a unique ID). The problem is : I want to check if those IDs exists in the database and also to ...
Oxey405's user avatar
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1 answer

How to set Supabase auth credentials in NodeJS?

I'm attempting to break my supabase database interactions out of my client Flutter app and into it's own dedicated NodeJS express app. At the moment, I've attached the credentials from the logged in ...
kevin's user avatar
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Unable to connect to supabase database

I am trying to connect to the supabase database using both pgadmin and using the pg library but as soon as the db connects I receive the error Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND aws-0-ap-south-1.pooler....
Kartic Joshi's user avatar
0 votes
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Uppy companion: How to set Bearer Tokens for Endpoint Uploads with Companion Server

While using the standalone Companion server, I encountered an error while attempting to upload to the target endpoint at http://localhost:54321/storage/v1/upload/resumable. It seems that adding an ...
SamuraiT's user avatar
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Prisma Supabase Connection failed Error: Schema engine error: ERROR: prepared statement "s0" does not exist

npm install prisma --save-dev npx prisma init --datasource-provider postgresql Setup .env database url from supabase. DATABASE_URL="postgres://postgres.pnfqkgzzcnikiuchyljz:g2lIVbri0JazB7eV@aws-0-...
Shivam Kushwaha's user avatar
0 votes
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How to update user on node backend with supabase Auth

I want to udate the user on the backend where all of the authentication takes place After the i recive the resetpassword email, i want to use the token sent in the URL and sign in the user then upate ...
JJAHMEDAMER's user avatar
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How to make my code complying with ACID principle?

export const addTransaction = async (newPurchase : PurchaseType) => { // Create an abortcontroller const ac = new AbortController(); try { const {error} = await supabase .from("...
Sanphet Songjindasak's user avatar
0 votes
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'Segmentation fault' when trying to set up chatbot ui

I'm currently facing an issue while setting up Chatbot UI v2 on my MacBook Air Sonoma. The primary problem arises when trying to start Supabase services, where I consistently receive a 'Segmentation ...
Learner's user avatar
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How do I insert Google OAuth data from Supabase signup into external table

my supabase login/signup with Google works fine and the data is being saved in auth.users(). But I am having issues also saving my user data eg email, id to an external table named "accounts"...
anon's user avatar
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I Need Help NodeJS Sessions Getting Cleared After Redirecting Pages When Posted On Vercel

Currently I'm using node.js and Supabase as database also I posted my website in vercel. Now after I logged in succesfully I go to homepage with the data and its working meaning in the studentHomePage ...
Dimsum's user avatar
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How to set multiple clients and channels in Supabase Realtime

I coded a simple app that connects to one supabase client and leverages the postgres_extension to listen for chnages of a particular table. This is a simple nodejs application like the one shown in ...
Kevin Cohen's user avatar
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Why am I getting "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'set')" when using middleware in Next.js 13?

I am currently working on a Next.js 13 project and trying to implement middleware for authentication using the @supabase/auth-helpers-nextjs package. However, I'm encountering an error that says "...
delfincortesb's user avatar
0 votes
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Azure Static Web App unable to connect to Supabase

So, I have a static web app hosted on Azure (learning purposes), and the same app hosted on Vercel. Both of them point to the same Supabase project. I have had in the past issues with Vercel caching ...
Ryan Gannon's user avatar
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TypeError: Invalid URL: undefined/auth/v1, js engine: hermes

I am using react-native with expo and trying to connect supabase. This is my code: lib/supabase.ts import 'react-native-url-polyfill/auto' import * as SecureStore from 'expo-secure-store' import { ...
Giannis Giannoulakos's user avatar
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How to access session data in a POST request within Sveltekit

Specifically, I wish to insert a record into a Supabase table by an authenticated user. Retrieving data by an authenticated user works fine: export const load = async ({ params, locals: { supabase, ...
Mike Thrussell's user avatar
0 votes
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Supabase self host: how to connect with nodejs and prisma

I have self hosted supabase on a VM on Digital ocean. I can access the dashboard through <ip-address>:3000 I have used nginx for proxy passing and also added SSL certification with a custom ...
Manas S. Roy's user avatar
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How to resolve multiple requests in a map using NodeJS?

I'm a bit confused on how to resolve my requests multiple times without affecting the performance of my code in nodejs (v16.13.0) It turns out that I am doing a monthly report and in this I need ...
Izlia's user avatar
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