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5 votes
1 answer

How to upload file from python Flask web app to Supabase Storage

I want to be able to upload a file from Flask to Supabase Storage, but it only has documentation for the javascript api link to docs. Also, I can't find any examples or any open source project that ...
Stefan Asandei's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Supabase not allowing upload of files into storage bucket

I have a simple script for uploading a .txt file into a Supabase bucket named 'training-data'. The bucket was made public, and I made sure to include the necessary storage/object policies in order to ...
Chubbyman's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Manage Supabase as an infrastructure-as-a-code for version control

I want to be able to manage my Supabase project as a code, with regards to the SQL tables, the functions, auth, et cetera. The purpose is to allow myself to version control the project. I have gone ...
Nicolas Essipova's user avatar
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How can I use the verify_otp function on the python library for supabase / where can I find extended documentation on it?

I am trying to implement email otp using supabase via a flask backend (and working with a swift frontend). So far I have been able to implement a "send-otp" route that generate an otp and ...
Ayo's user avatar
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object APIResponse[~_ReturnT] can't be used in 'await' expression , error in API using Supabase , FastAPI

I have this service class in a FastAPI with Supabase API : class JournalLawService: def __init__(self): self.client = create_supabase_client() async def get_journal_law_by_id(self, ...
Moncef Moussaoui's user avatar
1 vote
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can't enable row level security using sqlalchemy engine

I have my sqlalchemy engine setup as such: DATABASE_URL = ( f"postgresql://postgres:{PG_PASS}" ) engine = create_engine(DATABASE_URL) And I use the ...
hud's user avatar
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Is it safe to store supabase session access token in streamlit session state?

I am using supabase authentication system for my streamlit app which is a multipage app. One page is the login and another page display the data of the logged in user. To retrieve the user in the page ...
pacdev's user avatar
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Alembic unable to build upon pre-existing data schema

Here is my current setup: An API running on fastAPI & AWS ECS A postgresql database hosted by Supabase; I'd like to use supabase for some of its on-the-shelf features such as user authentication ...
Pjob's user avatar
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I am facing this problem when I am connecting the supabase from Python

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'supabase' Code below: import supabase # Get the Supabase credentials from environment variables supabase_url = "" supabase_key ...
Sheng's user avatar
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Supabase upsert on-conflict do update (with unique constraints)

I have a python script that scrapes multiple websites, processes data and saves the results to a Supabase postgres table. Results are often duplicated because the script runs at ~5 minute intervals. ...
Matt's user avatar
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Exception in ASGI application when connecting to Supabase

In my code, I have created a supabase client, put the keys and URL in a .env file and made a client as shown from dotenv import load_dotenv from supabase import create_client, Client import os ...
Naman Nagelia's user avatar
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Tkinter - Create table using database fetched data

I'm learning Python and I want to make a GUI using Tkinter module. I'm reading some articles about usage and now I'm trying to create a simple table that needs to be pupulated from data fetched from a ...
ICTDEV's user avatar
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Supabase-Py: TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'headers' when making client

I have been using supabase in python without problem but today I got an error when I went to create my client. Code is below, all help would be great. Code from supabase import create_client, Client ...
Garberchov's user avatar
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Supabase: why is .eq() is negating my query?

I am using supabase python library to do a simple matching query: from supabase import Client query = supabase.table("jobs").select('*') if job_id is not None: query = query.eq("...
Nolan's user avatar
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ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'src' , trying to import from a sub package

I have this folder structure in my project : easylaw-api/ │ ├── src/ │ ├── api/ │ │ ├── │ │ ├── │ │ ├── models/ │ │ │ ├── │ │ │ └── │ ...
Moncef Moussaoui's user avatar
0 votes
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Supabase with JWT auth from Python client doesn't work with RLS

I have a problem with Supabase that is related to RLS. In my Python backend, I set up the supabase client and get the user based on the JWT jwt passed by the frontend: user = supabase.auth.get_user(...
shredEngineer's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Unauthorized: new row violates row-level security policy - while uploading to supabase storage

I am working with a project which needs to use python to store the jpg file into supabase storage. But I am getting an error: Failed to upload file: b'{"statusCode":"403","...
Priyanka Changediya's user avatar
0 votes
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Can't set up RLS on my locally run supabase in docker

I am learning supabase in python and I am stuck on this RLS for 3 days. I run it locally inside a supabase docker container. I am trying to insert a file to my test bucket that I have created inside ...
Josip Pavičić's user avatar
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I cant find the error in the code it always shows "error": "('count', None) whenever i tried to test it in postman

I am creating a content-based algorithm in python. I will use it to angular to make a recommendation, but every time I test it in postman it show { "error": "('count', None)" } ...
user23012011's user avatar
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Texttable - how to create a table from a for loop

I've seen this question and I want to format the output retrived from a database service to show it in cli when the python script is executed. I've installed this module and I've this code at the ...
ICTDEV's user avatar
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Is there a way to specify on conflict behavior based on a named constraint in the supabase python client?

I have a table, ('markdown') in supabase with a multi-column unique named constraint (i.e. the combination of the values of these three columns must be unique for a given row), let's call it 'unique-...
Eric's user avatar
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0 answers

Supabase - cannot remove file from storage objects even directly after creating them

from supabase import create_client, Client supabase: Client = create_client(url, key) bucket_name: str = "manabi/objects" data ="test_data....
natedjurus's user avatar
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Supabase is returning blank when I search for a specific row that I know exists

I'm searching for a specific row in my database table in Supabase but it's returning [] for some reason. Here's my code: def check_if_connection_exists(collection_name: str): supabase_url = os....
neil_ruaro's user avatar
0 votes
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ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'supabase' after having pip installed

I'm getting a: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'supabase' error despite having pip install supabase. Also tried with supabase-py but didn't change anything Using venv and bot packages appear ...
byder's user avatar
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Python: Same code plotting different charts during different runs

I am running a mini project for remote sensing water level in the underground tank. I am collecting data and uploading it using an ESP8266 Wifi to supabase into a table > reading the tables using ...
Vedant Mhatre's user avatar
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Error while connecting to supabase realtime server in python?

Error : Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/scelester/Desktop/finland-backend/", line 16, in <module> s.connect() File "/home/scelester/Desktop/finland-...
Nabin Paudel's user avatar
0 votes
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Receiving SSL wrong version number error when connecting to API

I'm attempting to connect to the Supabase API for my database. I've attempted to connect using Python client for Supabase and also using Insomnia. Both are giving me an SSL error of sorts. I upgraded ...
mitchellwright's user avatar
0 votes
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How to call async function?

I'm new inPython and to learn about this language I decided to create Telegram BOT. I have the problem trying to connect with supabase, idk if the problem is syntax or or am I forgetting something. I ...
Álvaro Matías Göede Rivera's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

supabase python - i'm trying to update an entry in a supabase table but postgrest returns 'Failed to parse [("id","Filters.EQ.1")]'

as the title says, im using the supabase python library for a small project which requires me to update a table regularly. i've set up this small test to construct an update function. updatedtime = ...
dangather's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

How do I perform a join supabase statement in python code

Below is a code where I am trying to perform a join operation. I have a table citizen which has a foreign key location_id from table location. Now i want to retrieve the the name of location when of ...
Accuman Angel Mafuva's user avatar