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Supabase: Invalid JWT after having app running for some time

I am calling await Supabase.initialize( url: config.api.url, anonKey: config.api.anonKey, ); in my main.dart and later using this code to call an Edge-Function: final authHeader = Supabase....
progNewbie's user avatar
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How to add username in supabase.auth.currentUser?

If already authenticated, i can access and call supabase.auth.currentUser to retrieve some user data like full_name, email, avatar_url, etc. But how to modify the data inside it?, so when i login and ...
ryandra's user avatar
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How to declare and save the values in a data class in Flutter

I am trying to learn Flutter and Supabase and still trying to learn its concepts coming from imperative programming. I am trying to save the returned results from the database query. Here are my ...
Sheenergizer's user avatar
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Issue with Supabase Flutter Integration: Unable to Update Row

I am currently working on a Flutter application that utilizes Supabase as its backend. I have encountered an issue where Supabase is not updating a specific row in my database. Below is the relevant ...
Lauritz Tieste's user avatar
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Getting values from 2 tables in Supabase and storing in a Flutter data model

How do I properly save the returned results of Supabase from 2 tables in a Flutter class. Here are the sql statements that created the 2 tables: -- Table for Survey Categories CREATE TABLE categories ...
Sheenergizer's user avatar
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How to implement User Authentication in a locally hosted Supabase for a a Flutter Web App beside the standard Supabase Auth?

As I am new to both Flutter and Supabase, I would like to ask how to implement a user authentication beside the standard Supabase auth. I am working on a Survey Web app project in Flutter that will ...
Sheenergizer's user avatar
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Execution failed for task ':app:mergeDexDebug' using Cloud Firestore and Supabase

I was trying to use Cloud Firestore in my project, and it gave me this error. So, I tried to switch to Supabase service, and it continues to give the same error. My pubspec.yaml dependencies: ...
Denis Duarth's user avatar
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TextLocal Integration for OTP Verification is not working with supabase and flutter

I am using Supabase for OTP Verification in my flutter project. I added textlocal as provider in Supabase auth . I already registered sms template in both DLT and Textlocal side.I added all the ...
Abhi sharma's user avatar
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Supabase RPC function not found

I have written a psql function in order to not have logic in my mobile app's code. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION getRepeatedQuestionsByUserIdWithSubjectNameAndOptions(userId uuid) RETURNS TABLE ( ...
Jan Cahlík's user avatar
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how to setup an integration test with authentication

I'm developing a flutter application which interacts with a supabase backend for both API and Auth. The only authentication is via email, specifically by means of magic link. The problem: I want to ...
Bertuz's user avatar
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Flutter Supabase Client Paginating Realtime Database Changes with Streams Paginations?

Hi I am currently making a chat application with Flutter and Supabase. Right now I am using the stream() method within flutter SDK to listen for Database changes as shown in the example here: https://...
jmsandiegoo's user avatar
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How to mock supabase storage when performing integration - e2e tests

I'm writing a flutter app which uses Supabase as its backend. I'm using the bucket and messaging functionalities the following way: await Supabase.initialize( url: dotenv.get('SUPABASE_URL'), ...
Bertuz's user avatar
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Creating and using a Model and Repository in Flutter issue

As a newbie in Flutter, I am trying to create a class and its corresponding repository for a Question type. I found a sample pattern here but it seems deprecated as shown below: class Note { final ...
Sheenergizer's user avatar
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How to handle the result/s of Supabase queries in Flutter

Related to my previous posting here about Flutter and Supabase, how can I handle the results of my queries using Supabase? It is not clear in the Supabase documentation about handling the returned ...
Sheenergizer's user avatar
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how to do nested queries in supabase for m2m relations

i have this structure in my database in supabase : create table categories ( "id" serial primary key, "name" text ); create table jobs ( "id" serial primary key, ...
Ahmed Wagdi's user avatar
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Supabase Bandwidth

I am new to Supabase and using a server and wanted to what does bandwidth limitation of 5gb would affect my project. Does this limit means that all my database, storage,etc upload/download is limited ...
Shresth Mittal's user avatar
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Optimal way to retain user session on Flutter Web and Supabase

I'm creating a web-app with Flutter and using Supabase to handle authentication. However, when I close the browser, my logged in session is not persistent when I start the app up again. (Logging in ...
liquardo's user avatar
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When using supabase_flutter, why am I getting compileSdkVersion is not specified error?

When I attempt to use Supabase flutter in an empty flutter project this happens: What went wrong: A problem occurred configuring project ':shared_preferences_android'. Failed to notify project ...
A.Sanchez.SD's user avatar
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How to debug the supabase_flutter repository and other melos based monorepos locally?

I'm trying to debug the supabase_flutter repository locally. Their is some functionality within the packages, that I can test best within an app I'm working on. Therefore I'm trying to use the local ...
Michel's user avatar
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Supabase auth in Flutter Desktop

I am writing a multi-platform Flutter desktop app (macOS, Windows, Linux) and am trying to get Supbase Auth to work. I can present a SupaMagicAuth widget, but for the app to know anything about the ...
Blake Barrett's user avatar
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Flutter - supabase_flutter 2.1.0 throwing an error on flutter run

I ran flutter pub get supabase_flutter and imported the package into main.dart and ran flutter run and it gave me this error. Anyone else experiencing this? ../../../AppData/Local/Pub/Cache/hosted/pub....
Tommy Johnson's user avatar
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Supabase Flutter initialization is failing

this is exception, which i got in debug console, while i tried to debug my app. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Saaho Knight's user avatar
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Model's following entity return empty while data in database

I created a model called userProfileModel that returns entities called (id, name, List) User_Profile_model.dart class UserProfileModel extends User { @override final String email; @override ...
Viet Pham's user avatar
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Storage of customer data to database during Supabse authentication process

in my mobile application, 2 different types of users are auth. client doctor. If type=client the data to the Client database must be stored. If type=doctor the data to the Doctor database must be ...
Eldor's user avatar
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28 views Issue. Not defined for type 'Map<String, dynamic>'

I's working on an app that retrieves data from a flutter database but I'm having issues with my fetch queries. Fetch method: void _fetchUserData() async { // Assuming you store the current user ...
MikeWazowski's user avatar
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Error handling in Flutter connecting to Supabase

I am just new to Flutter as well to Supabase and I'm wondering if there is a way to check if the database exist or it is connected during initialization like other PL or Scripting languages to connect ...
Sheenergizer's user avatar
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Can an RPC result be included in a Supabase select function in Flutter for Data Modeling?

In my Flutter Web Application, I have the following created tables for an address in Supabase: -- Table for Region CREATE TABLE regions ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, region_name TEXT NOT NULL ); --...
Sheenergizer's user avatar
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Listening to table inserts in supabase within radius of user location in Flutter

I have a table in Supabase which has reported_location column. I want to listen to inserts in Flutter within a given radius. I am using the code below but it isn't working. late RealtimeChannel ...
Tim Kariuki's user avatar
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Supabase-Flutter Login verification error "User is not found" but the user is clearly in the database table

I've run into a problem where the app says 'User not found. Please check credentials.' although the credentials used is for user in the profiles user_profiles table. Is this because response of the ...
MikeWazowski's user avatar
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Use arbitrary OpenID provider in flutter supabase

I am using supabase and flutter and I need to implement SSO with an OpenID (OIDC) provider that is not supported out of the box from supabase. As Facebook and some other standard providers use OIDC ...
progNewbie's user avatar
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Supabase auth currentuser id null sometimes

I'm experiencing intermittent occurrences of the 'auth uid null' error. Upon initial login to the app, everything functions correctly. However, if I revisit the app after a couple of hours, I ...
Huzzi's user avatar
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Assistance Required for Integrating Search Functionality with Supabase

I trust this message finds you in good health and high spirits. I have successfully implemented a "Search Bar" feature in our application, utilizing an API GET Call that interacts with a ...
Mike_Baltimore's user avatar
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Intellij/Flutter/Supabase edge function - How to suppress warning in TS file

I'm using Intellij as the IDE for my Flutter project. Part of this project includes a 'Supabase' edge function that has one TS file. The TS file is showing two parsing problems with the TS file ...
user2868835's user avatar
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Supabase trigger not being called

I'm following this guide Build a User Management App with Flutter and I'm at theStorage Management section but even after enabling the http extension and defining the SQL functions in the SQL Editor ...
Nana Kwame's user avatar
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Access data returned by Supabase rpc function on flutter using dart

I have written the following function on supabase to get the appropriate products that do not belong to a restaurant: create or replace function get_non_restaurant_products(id_arg uuid) returns setof ...
  FrizzyLeo's user avatar
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Connecting Flutter to a Self-hosted Supabase in Docker

As a beginner in Flutter and Supabase, I am trying to run the code found in the Supabase document here. I think my Supabase account is set-up correctly since I can accessed the Supabase dashboard ...
Sheenergizer's user avatar
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Is it possible to incorporate an OR condition in Supabase Realtime using the PostgresChangeFilter?

In Supabase Realtime, I aim to implement a filter that depends on either of two fields. Is it possible to use an OR condition in the PostgresChangeFilter for the following scenarios? ...
Tim Kariuki's user avatar
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Supabase Flutter: Realtime updates stop after app was in background

I have a view that is streaming data from a realtime-enabled table on Supabase. But when the app is briefly in the background or the phone is locked, the realtime updates stop until I close and reopen ...
JakesMD's user avatar
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Intercepting Supabase.from in Flutter for testing

I'm trying to intercept supabase.from() so that I can start testing my Flutter app. But since .execute() as been depreciated, I don't understand how supabase.from().select() works. I tried ...
Nathan b's user avatar
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Supabase API in Flutter

I am new to using Supabase and working with api in general. Does using CRUD operations with api on Supabase affects my bandwidth of 5gb in the free plan? Like can I read data from my table using the ...
Shresth Mittal's user avatar
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Schedule Supabase Dart edge function to run at midnight every day?

A couple of questions on Supabase edge functions in DART... a). Running a job at mid night every day I want to execute a job at midnight every day to perform various end of day data summarization and ...
user2868835's user avatar
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signOut() method dont work with a session opened with oauth google provider on supabase with flutter

Im trying signout with method auth.signOut() with a session of google signin with method signInWithOAuth() but the session after a hot restart stay opened with google provider Method signin Future ...
Ivan Gustin's user avatar
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Update Authenticated User in Supabase

I am updating user's email using the .update({"email": newEmail}) method. It is sending me the confirmation email only on the new email as I disabled secure email change in Supabase settings....
Shresth Mittal's user avatar
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How do you automatically set a UUID for a row in Supabase using the Flutter SDK?

I see in the Supabase docs that there is a built-in gen_random_uuid() function which can be used to generate an ID automatically for each new row. For some reason this isn't working for me. When I try ...
Yes Dev's user avatar
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Flutter Supabase fetching multiple tables

I'm currently working with a Supabase database that comprises several tables, including 'users' (for user metadata), 'network' (for user relationships like followers, following, and premium followers),...
Raj A's user avatar
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How to check if values already exists in the table which trigger get fired in Postgress

Considering table1 which have the follow fields: id1 uuid, id2 uuid, value text. I'm creating a mecanism which I would like to check if after a insert in table1, already exists the same record but ...
mendesbr's user avatar
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Flutter web supabse Oauth redirection issue

ElevatedButton( onPressed: () async { if(defaultTargetPlatform =={ signInWithGoogle(); ...
Hitesh Patel's user avatar
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Supabase policy for only one column

I have a table with articles and there is column "likes" and I need to allow to anyone (public) to INSERT into this column only "likes". How can I write SQL code for this policy ...
FelyAnony's user avatar
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getting the error: A problem occurred configuring project ':sign_in_with_apple'

i built a flutter application which i am planning to deploy on app center using the CI/CD of code magic, i have the workflow ready on codemagic for release but first i need to build the apk. so i ...
Malak Mehrez's user avatar
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Problems in Callback URLs when using Supabase Flutter and JavaScript SDK

I am currently developing an application that consists of two codebases: one for the web using Angular and the other for the mobile version using Flutter. The challenge I am facing is related to ...
Nejat Njono's user avatar