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5 votes
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Run slow background process when certain conditions in Postgres data are met?

I'm using Postgres (via Supabase) and Node (via NextJS on Vercel). I have a table report which has columns for an enum region, and generated_text which is content generated by AI. create type region ...
Evanss's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Sveltekit,Supabase and Vercel (problem with Supabase when deploying to Vercel)

I'm trying to set up Sveltekit, Supabase and Vercel. It works correctly on a local environment (SvelteKit and Supabase), but when I deploy it to Vercel there is a problem with Supabase - "Error: ...
Todor Markov's user avatar
4 votes
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405 Method Not Allowed after deployment on vercel (using react app)

I have an app using redwood, supabase and prisma. I've just deployed it on vercel and now I can't access to my data. I have an error 405 Method Not Allowed, but I don't understand why, as it works ...
Nicolas Chusseau's user avatar
3 votes
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NextJs + supabase not deploying supabaseUrl is required

i'm trying to deploy my project but i keep getting this error saying that supabaseUrl is required. I'm getting this error This is my supabaseClient.js import { createClient } from "@supabase/...
José Carlos's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Input type hidden value not being recognized when deployed on vercel

Whenever, I try to update the data on Vercel, this is the error that it shows: invalid input syntax for type uuid: "undefined" - unable to save However, it successfully updates the data ...
JS3's user avatar
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Vercel Express 500 preflight error and custom headers not send

I am trying to create an application with supabase as DB, vercel backend (url: http://localhost:3000/api/) and netlify frontend (url: http://localhost:5173). The frontend is a react application with ...
Azzarian's user avatar
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Vue - Supabase error while doing NPM run npm

So I have a Vue application that I was working on. Later I wanted to add a backend to it using Supabase and deploy to Vercel. However, after I added the backend elements to it, it throws the following ...
Beaumont's user avatar
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How to access Stripe webhooks when using Vercel + Supabase (React JS)

I've been going around in circles for a bit with this - I'll try keep it concise. I have a React JS app, and have integrated with Stripe for the billing. I have a freemium version, but if someone ...
Jessie Mills's user avatar
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Database update functionality works locally but doesnt on vercel deployement. This bug only happens in the Car Page

I have a website about cars. The tech stack is typescript, preact, astro, vercel, and supabase. The current logic is if there are values for attributes like price, range, etc in the database then the ...
Yush Shrestha's user avatar
1 vote
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Disable supabase reads but allow real-time updates to anon and authenticated

I want to use supabase only for real-time updates of the PostgreSQL database. Meaning that I don't want to allow anon/authenticated to read/update/insert/delete, but only want to push live changes ...
Rutger Versteegden's user avatar
1 vote
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Cannot Delpoy Sveltekit app with Supabase From netlify

So i have a app with Sveltekit tailwindcss skeleton ui and supabase, i have tried to deploy from vercel and netlify but neither of them have been working! Error: import { 7:49:34 AM: 3: ...
ΔβΙΧΚαΓ K's user avatar
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Vercel serverless Node.js API (NOT Next.js): can't auth user with Supabase

supabase-js version: 2.0.4 I'm trying to build an API using Vercel serverless functions (NOT a Next.js API). I can't seem to be able to retrieve the user object from within the API handler. I'm not ...
sw1337's user avatar
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Inconsistent getServerSideProps behaviour using NextJS in vercel

I have the following setup /template. Loads a page that shows all the templates owned by the current user. /template/new. Loads a page that allows the user to create a template and save it. /api/save-...
Daniel Reina's user avatar
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Would a reverse proxy such as NGINX work to have my domain route to content on different servers (Kajabi and Vercel)?

Initial conditions: We have a highly converting site with multiple products on Kajabi. Problem: I have created a subscription service on Vercel (Next.js) that we wish to deploy on the same domain that ...
JohnnyK's user avatar
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1 answer

Supabase Email Redirect

How can I make dynamic redirect link in confirmation email after user create account? For example: If some user gets to the web site using link or /project/2 etc. And it ...
Aleksa_97's user avatar
0 votes
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Typescript type error - Type 'string[]' is not assignable to type 'string'

I'm working on a Next.js project. I use Typescript and .tsx files. I use Supabase as db. I'm unable to build the project in Vercel even if everything works perfectly on localhost. The error I get is : ...
ritchbeau's user avatar
0 votes
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Supabase returning "JSON object requested, multiple (or no) rows returned" in production (vercel) [closed]

I am using a tech stack consisting of Next.js 13 and Supabase. In local development, I can fetch the data properly; however, in production, the same query returns empty data or the error message "...
Aziz Kaukawala's user avatar
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I am trying to check if a user is logged in using Next.js and Supabase but it isn't working

I have cloned this repo and i want a navbar which adapts depending on whether the user is logged in or not. The ...
David McGuckin's user avatar
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Supabase Auth with Next 14 (app router) redirectTo link always redirects to base path

I'm using Supabase Auth for the first time with a Next.js 14 (app router) project hosted on Vercel. I'm using the Supabase Auth UI (magic link), and my redirectTo link always redirects to the base URL ...
techmeowt's user avatar
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Laravel Vercel + Postgre Supabase

when I use supabase on local and I try 'php artisan migrate' it works but when I try on production I get the error 'could find driver pgsql' I have tried the terminal on my Laravel Vercel and config: ...
teh bibi's user avatar
0 votes
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can't access to supabase in vercel deployed product Nextjs14

I am creating web app with Nextjs14, prisma, and supabase (postgreSQL). in localhost it works well, but I deployed it in vercel and then errors happen. I did integration in vercel to connect to ...
nakamura johnielo's user avatar
0 votes
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HashLocationStrategy prevents correct open redirectUrl from Supabase

I am making an application using Angular and Supabase. When uploading the application to Vercel, I ran into a problem: after reloading the page, if the user is not on the main page, a 404 error ...
krabochki's user avatar
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I Need Help NodeJS Sessions Getting Cleared After Redirecting Pages When Posted On Vercel

Currently I'm using node.js and Supabase as database also I posted my website in vercel. Now after I logged in succesfully I go to homepage with the data and its working meaning in the studentHomePage ...
Dimsum's user avatar
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Unable to make operations in supabase when stripe webhook fires

My ultimate goal is to do the following: have user choose stripe subscription and sign up (works successfully) when the invoice.payment_succeeded event fires, I want to increment a value in the db ...
COMMAND CENTER's user avatar
0 votes
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What is the right way to do a PUT in NextJS 13.4 API? (Response, NextAPIResponse, NextResponse) using the new App Router

What is the right way to do a simple PUT in NextJS 13.4 in the new App Router? The previous way of doing delete with using NextAPIRequest, NextAPIResponse, using if (req.method === 'PUT') , pulling ...
Octo Palm Tree's user avatar
0 votes
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What is the right way to do GET (all items or by a specific ID) in NextJS 13.4? (Response, NextAPIResponse, or NextResponse) using the new App Router?

What is the right way to do a GET (either getting all items or by a specific ID) in NextJS 13.4 in the new App Router? The previous way of doing delete with using NextAPIRequest, NextAPIResponse, ...
Octo Palm Tree's user avatar
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What is the right way to do a DELETE in NextJS 13.4 API? (Response, NextAPIResponse, NextResponse) using the new App Router

What is the right way to do a simple DELETE in NextJS 13.4 in the new App Router? The previous way of doing delete with using NextAPIRequest, NextAPIResponse, using if (req.method === 'DELETE') , ...
Octo Palm Tree's user avatar
0 votes
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Why does a client-side exception occur when deploying nextjs13 to vercel?

I created a project with nextjs version 13.4.2, supabase, and react-query and am hosting it with vercel. Page ssr that receives data from the server? This error appears in the console: Error: ...
vlovin's user avatar
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Supabase database not saving new user error NextJS project

I created a Profiles query that will create a new user and also a Collections query for each user created. This is my first time messing with a backend so I did my best to modify from the tutorial to ...
MasterYoshi97's user avatar
0 votes
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How to monthly update every users free credits? (change one column of every row of a users table)

My app gives new users a free amount of monthly credits to use. Every month I want to modify many rows of my users table if they are on the free plan. So my API call might be something like: supabase....
WayneSchuller's user avatar
0 votes
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Deploying Next 13 to Vercel error: Error: Export encountered errors on following paths:

I am trying to deploy my Next 13 project to Vercel, and I am encountering two errors on the dynamic route which looks like this: File Structure: Error: The code of said page looks like this: import ...
nelakay's user avatar
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Next, supabase, vercel - vercel drops supabase connection

For the last month, at least once every day, Vercel has dropped the connection to supabase. The Supabase 'support' people say it has nothing to do with supabase (the error is 'user not found - and the ...
Mel's user avatar
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Google OAuth works on localhost but not on production server [closed]

I have set up Google OAuth using Superbase, and it's working fine on my localhost:3000, but not on my production site which is hosted on Vercel. The problem is like this on my production server. I ...
Remy Jouni's user avatar