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1 answer

supabase.auth.getUser() returns error on vue-router route guard

I am attempting to build a Vue application that uses Supabase authentication. Inside one of the route guards in the router file, I implemented supabase.auth.getUser() in order to retrieve the user ...
JS_is_awesome18's user avatar
3 votes
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How to execute async code before redirect on vue-router?

I'm building a app with supabase. I have a route that receives query parameters from a email magic link and I want to validate those parameters on supabase service before I redirect to a target url (...
guizo's user avatar
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Nuxt.js3 plugin's context becomes undefined

I am developing an application using Nuxt.js3 and supabase. Nuxt.js in plugins/supabase.server.js (I haven't figured out if server or client is better for this too.) I want to use "supabase = ...
takumikunn15's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to use the signUp() method in Supabase to add additional user info when signing up

I am attempting to build a Vue.js application that includes authentication with Supabase. I wish to use the built-in Supabase signUp() method to handle additional user data when signing up. To do this,...
JS_is_awesome18's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to add Markes to a Leaflet-map with coordinates from Supabase database?

I want to add some Markers from coordinates stored in a supabase database colomn. Here is my vue code: <l-marker v-for="(marker, index) in markers" :key="index" ref="...
Lukas Lütke's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Cannot iterate the data from an array ref VUEJS

I'm having a slight issue here when i try to iterate through the data array from "history" ref As we see here, there is 2 console log, 1 from the request and 1 after we put the data in ...
CPPSauce's user avatar
1 vote
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Vue - Supabase error while doing NPM run npm

So I have a Vue application that I was working on. Later I wanted to add a backend to it using Supabase and deploy to Vercel. However, after I added the backend elements to it, it throws the following ...
Beaumont's user avatar
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supabase - How to prevent to not logged users to see vue app pages

I'm starting use supabase as an alternative to firebase. I'm implementing a siple authentication system for my vue webapp, I have a doubt about redirection. I've used the magic link solution to let ...
newbiedev's user avatar
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3 answers

Access my data after a useFetch into serverSupabaseClient

I'm using nuxt 3 with the supabase module I have a component "AddIngredients.vue", I try to make an api call using <script setup lang="ts"> const { data } = await useFetch(&...
spvvz's user avatar
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2 answers

Typescript Vuejs : Type 'Users[]' is missing the following properties from type 'ArrayConstructor': isArray, prototype, from, of, [Symbol.species]

I'm starting typescript with vuejs and I've just come across this error that I've been stuck on for 2 days. The error is as follows: Type 'Users[]' is missing the following properties from type '...
ambroiselebs's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

VueJS "this" is undefined

So i'm having a problem here is that i'm trying to store the data requested on my database on a variable "history" in the data object But i'm getting "this is undefined" export ...
CPPSauce's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Supabase client doesn't fetch anything

First of all, sorry if I make english mistakes I'm making this side-project for fun using Vue3 & Vite and it's my first time using Supabase I created the 'players' table in the Supabase dashboard ...
elchetibo's user avatar
1 vote
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Getting email from google auth using vue, pinia, supabase

wanting to add google auth to my vue app using supabase. How can i insert the users email from there google account into my users table once they sign up? my code to signup with email is below. const ...
chrisjarn's user avatar
1 vote
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How to add supabase nativescript

I am trying to build a supabase nativescript app. I cannot work with the detection or declare with require. I made a login already. It's working. But the supabase is not.
Pedro Vicente's user avatar
1 vote
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Get props from external redirect Vue

I am trying to add a reset password functionality to my website via Supabase. The url that I get from Supabase is like this:
Criepstar's user avatar
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Supabase not redirecting after login (Nuxt)

I'm having an issue where after a successful login using supabase nothing happens on the login page even though the user gets signed in. Here is my nuxt.config.ts //
user24110318's user avatar
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Supabase retrieve user

I am logged in Supabase, when I click button on my webpage it shows me details of the account, that is signed in, so it works. However I want show user email in html? How do I do that without calling ...
Michael's user avatar
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How to fix "undefined has no properties"?

Actual behavior: The account data is completely deleted from Supabase but it didn't logout automatically, and the console log says undefined has no properties. profile.vue: <script setup> const ...
Zhaolin Lau's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to use redirectTo during Sign In with Supabase and Nuxt?

This is the code that I use and works: const redirectTo = `${window.location.origin}${query.redirectTo}`; const { error } = await client.auth.signInWithOAuth({ provider: "google", ...
Adrian's user avatar
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Dev Tools console refreshes to fast and can't see the error with Nuxt 3 and Supabase

I have this strange issue with my Nuxt project. I have a button for signing in with email and password using Supabase. const signIn = async () => { const { data, error } = await client.auth....
Adrian's user avatar
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1 answer

Migrate error using Nuxt, Prisma, Supabase

npx prisma migrate status Environment variables loaded from .env Prisma schema loaded from prisma/schema.prisma Datasource "db": PostgreSQL database "postgres", schema "...
Jasurbek Mannonov's user avatar
0 votes
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Supabase Realtime makes page unresponsive on Nuxt 3 app hosted on Vercel

For some reason, the realtime feature for Supabase does not work on vercel in Prod. I am able to build and run the code with no problems locally on dev and prod builds, but when I deploy to Vercel, ...
Morgan Winbush's user avatar
0 votes
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Supabase Realtime Subscriptions with Ionic 7 and VueJS 3 not working properly

I am building an app with Ionic 7.1.1 and VueJS 3. Apart from that I am using Supabase for my data. I am declaring my respective database / table as being realtime, as stated in the documentation. ...
localhostport80's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Javascript Vue app multiuser Rest problem

I have an app created using VueJS that is used to schedule users in our organization. I am attempting to use server-less api, such as Supabase, as the database manager for the schedule "slots&...
mdRafn's user avatar
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Realtime (reactivity) issue Vue js 3 and Supabase

I have an issue with reactivity in my component created using Vue js 3 and Supabase, input and fetching is working, "Realtime" is turned on in table settings. I have an input and "ul&...
VolodymyrPTK's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why can't I use useSupabaseClient() on my Vite - Nuxt - Supabase project?

I have a project created with Vite that uses Nuxt. Within the script, I want to use useSupabaseClient(), but I'm getting an "is not defined" error. The dependency @nuxtjs/supabase is ...
Julian Safadi's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

supabase + nuxt3 = Multiple GoTrueClient instances detected in the same browser context

I'm getting the warning Multiple GoTrueClient instances detected in the same browser context. It is not an error, but this should be avoided as it may produce undefined behavior when used concurrently ...
Nick Schnee's user avatar
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Prevent insecure function

I have an application that, upon registration, creates a friend code for the user. In order for the codes to be unique, in the table in the supabase I made a column with the isUnique parameter and ...
Scheffio's user avatar
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1 answer

Vue 3/Nuxt v-if/watch prevents data attr from init

Link: I currently use Nuxt 3.4.2 along with Supabase. I have build a skeleton loading along with pagination, prior to this the Flowbite off-canvas ...
Anthony Vasquez's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Question about my vue test app with supabase

I have a question about if i am correctly getting one value of the array supabase gives. I use this code to do this countries.value = parseInt({ aantal }) => aantal)); If i ...
funkyj4ever's user avatar
0 votes
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locaStorage checkbox value in VUEJS - trying to format value being stored

Im saving checkbox value id to localStorage and would like to use this value to retrieve data from supabase that matches this id. Checkbox value is being saved to localStorage but populates likes this....
chrisjarn's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Pushing props into Supabase filtering - VUE3, Supabase

Trying to push through a prop to the .like filtering option in supabase function. Due to .like needing % in value, im not sure how to push the prop through. Please see below. const fetchData = async ()...
chrisjarn's user avatar
0 votes
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What is the usefulness of "Wrapper around Supabase.js" in Vue3? I've seen a few of these ^ Vue wrappers for Supabase, but I have not seen an explanation as to why one would want to use them. Can someone point me ...
Rio Weber's user avatar
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Vue,js used with Supabase - can't update signIn button after logging in with Oauth

async handleSignInSignOutButtonClick() { if (!this.isSignedIn) { supabase.auth.signIn({ provider: "google" }); this.$store.commit("signIn", supabase.auth.session()); ...
Ken Leung's user avatar
-1 votes
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Vue 3 + ts Login

Not long ago got acquainted with such technology as Supabase and everywhere all write registration on js why can not on ts. I started to make vue 3 + ts and met such errors help to solve them. The &...
Anime Geng's user avatar