I have the following select query:

return supabase
    .select(`*, Users (userId, firstname)`)
    .eq("Users.userId", "Content.userId")
    .eq("contentId", contentId)

the response object has this structure:

  contentId: string;
  content: json;
    | ({
        userId: string;
      } & {
        firstname: string | null;
    | ({
        userId: string;
      } & {
        firstname: string | null;
    | null
    | undefined;

I know for a fact that Users join will always return a single element, can I avoid the typescript definition to be an element or an array? I want it to just be an element (or null, or undefined).

1 Answer 1


Turns out you can specify the Typescript type in the select statement:

type ReturnType = Content["Row"] & {
  User: Users;

 return supabase
    .eq("short_id", shortId)
  • 1
    Google brought me here with supabase typescript database schema list return arrray - pretty dumb search request but I did find what I was looking for. I was not aware of the use of returns there.
    – alexander
    Jul 19, 2023 at 18:15

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