I have a trigger function that runs after insert/delete on a table, but seems it's only working as expected when i add rows directly into the DB in supabase console, but when I do inserts/deletions via the supabase js client, it behaves differently, what could be the reason?

Here is my function & trigger:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION h2h_run_pool_entry_matrix()

    v_total_pool_amount numeric;
    v_primary_entry_amount numeric;
    v_alt_entry_amount numeric;
    v_commission numeric;

    v_primary_multiplier numeric;
    v_alt_multiplier numeric;

    v_entrant_count int;
        -- set counter
        SELECT COUNT(*)
        INTO v_entrant_count
        FROM (
            SELECT 1
            FROM public.h2h_pool_entry
            WHERE pool_id = NEW.pool_id
            FOR SHARE
        ) AS subquery;

        -- set commission
        SELECT commission
        INTO v_commission
        FROM public.h2h_pool
        WHERE id = NEW.pool_id;

        -- set primary entry amount 
        SELECT COALESCE(SUM(wager), 0)
        INTO v_primary_entry_amount
        FROM (
            SELECT wager
            FROM public.h2h_pool_entry
            WHERE pool_id = NEW.pool_id
            AND primary_outcome = TRUE
            FOR SHARE
        ) AS subquery;

        -- set alt entry count
        SELECT COALESCE(SUM(wager), 0)
        INTO v_alt_entry_amount
        FROM (
            SELECT wager
            FROM public.h2h_pool_entry
            WHERE pool_id = NEW.pool_id
            AND primary_outcome = FALSE
            FOR SHARE
        ) AS subquery;

        v_total_pool_amount := v_primary_entry_amount + v_alt_entry_amount;

        PERFORM pg_advisory_xact_lock(NEW.pool_id);

        v_primary_multiplier := (v_total_pool_amount - v_commission * v_total_pool_amount) / NULLIF(v_primary_entry_amount, 0);
        v_alt_multiplier := (v_total_pool_amount - v_commission * v_total_pool_amount) / NULLIF(v_alt_entry_amount, 0);

        UPDATE public.h2h_pool
        SET primary_entry_amount = v_primary_entry_amount, alt_entry_amount = v_alt_entry_amount, primary_multiplier = COALESCE(v_primary_multiplier, 0.00), alt_multiplier = COALESCE(v_alt_multiplier, 0.00), entrant_count = v_entrant_count
        WHERE id = NEW.pool_id;

        PERFORM pg_advisory_unlock(NEW.pool_id);

        RETURN NEW;

        SELECT COUNT(*)
        INTO v_entrant_count
        FROM (
            SELECT 1
            FROM public.h2h_pool_entry
            WHERE pool_id = OLD.pool_id
            FOR SHARE
        ) AS subquery;

        -- set commission
        SELECT commission
        INTO v_commission
        FROM public.h2h_pool
        WHERE id = OLD.pool_id;

        -- set primary entry amount 
        SELECT COALESCE(SUM(wager), 0)
        INTO v_primary_entry_amount
        FROM (
            SELECT wager
            FROM public.h2h_pool_entry
            WHERE pool_id = OLD.pool_id
            AND primary_outcome = TRUE
            FOR SHARE
        ) AS subquery;

        -- set alt entry count
        SELECT COALESCE(SUM(wager), 0)
        INTO v_alt_entry_amount
        FROM (
            SELECT wager
            FROM public.h2h_pool_entry
            WHERE pool_id = OLD.pool_id
            AND primary_outcome = FALSE
            FOR SHARE
        ) AS subquery;

        v_total_pool_amount := v_primary_entry_amount + v_alt_entry_amount;
        PERFORM pg_advisory_xact_lock(OLD.pool_id);

        v_primary_multiplier := (v_total_pool_amount - v_commission * v_total_pool_amount) / NULLIF(v_primary_entry_amount, 0);
        v_alt_multiplier := (v_total_pool_amount - v_commission * v_total_pool_amount) / NULLIF(v_alt_entry_amount, 0);

        UPDATE public.h2h_pool
        SET primary_entry_amount = v_primary_entry_amount, alt_entry_amount = v_alt_entry_amount, primary_multiplier = COALESCE(v_primary_multiplier, 0.00), alt_multiplier = COALESCE(v_alt_multiplier, 0.00), entrant_count = v_entrant_count
        WHERE id = OLD.pool_id;

        PERFORM pg_advisory_unlock(OLD.pool_id);

        RETURN OLD;
    END IF;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;

DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS h2h_pool_entry_matrix ON public.h2h_pool_entry;
CREATE TRIGGER h2h_pool_entry_matrix
AFTER INSERT OR DELETE ON public.h2h_pool_entry
EXECUTE FUNCTION h2h_run_pool_entry_matrix();

Here is the action that does the insert:

async ({ request, locals: { supabase, getSession } }) => {
    const {
        user: { id: userId }
    } = await getSession();

    const formData = await request.formData();

    const poolId = formData.get('poolId');
    const wager = formData.get('wager');
    const primaryOutcome = formData.get('primaryOutcome');

    const { data: entryData, error: entryErr } = await supabase.from('h2h_pool_entry').insert({
        /* required fields */
  • How exactly does it behave differently?
    – dshukertjr
    Jul 12, 2023 at 14:02
  • When records are created directly in the DB, the trigger function runs as expected, but via client, it just inserts and the function doesnt execute. Jul 12, 2023 at 14:15
  • Can you share the client side code you use to insert or delete the data?
    – dshukertjr
    Jul 19, 2023 at 6:09
  • I've added it to the question Jul 19, 2023 at 21:16

2 Answers 2


I ran into this problem and I noticed that I had RLS policies enabled on some of my tables that allowed admins to do some things that regular users couldn't do. When I updated rows in the DB console, I was acting as administrator, so I could get past the security. But when I updated a row from the client, as a regular non-admin user, I was stopped by the RLS policy and my changes wouldn't go through.

I changed my DB functions to SECURITY DEFINER instead of SECURITY INVOKER so that I could grant access with my security level instead of a regular user's privileges, and that gave users enough permissions. I don't know enough about RLS and security to know if that's the right thing to do yet... but it fixed my problem!

  • Your answer could be improved with additional supporting information. Please edit to add further details, such as citations or documentation, so that others can confirm that your answer is correct. You can find more information on how to write good answers in the help center.
    – Community Bot
    Oct 24, 2023 at 22:26

Try using aggregate functions in your queries instead of separate subqueries. This way, the queries will consider all the relevant rows within the transaction. e.g.

-- set primary entry amount 
SELECT COALESCE(SUM(wager) FILTER (WHERE primary_outcome = TRUE), 0)
INTO v_primary_entry_amount
FROM public.h2h_pool_entry
WHERE pool_id = NEW.pool_id
  • FOR SHARE is not allowed with aggregate functions Jul 10, 2023 at 7:59

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