I cannot figure out how to proceed with an Upsert & "multiple" onConflict constraints. I want to push a data batch in a Supabase table.
My data array would be structured as follows:
items = [
{ date: "2023-01-26", url: "https://wwww.hello.com"},
{ date: "2023-01-26", url: "https://wwww.goodbye.com"},
I would like to use the Upsert method to push this new batch in my Supabase table, unless if it already exists. To check if it already exists, I would like to use the date, and the url as onConflict criteria, if I understood well.
When I'm running this method
const { error } = await supabase
.upsert(items, { onConflict: ['date','url'] })
I'm having the following error:
code: '42P10',
details: null,
hint: null,
message: 'there is no unique or exclusion constraint matching the ON CONFLICT specification'
What am I missing? Where am I wrong?