Questions tagged [supabase]

Supabase is a collection of open source tools to build modern applications quickly and efficiently. It uses the PostgreSQL database to power its authentication, database, and storage features. Use this tag when you are having problems, and not to ask for new features.

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Supabase JavaScript Client multiple joins

I am facing a problem with my supabase + Nuxt application In Supabase I have setup the following tables. Users, Events and a many-to-many reference table called Guests. 1 User can host 1 event n ...
Tim's user avatar
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Vercel Express 500 preflight error and custom headers not send

I am trying to create an application with supabase as DB, vercel backend (url: http://localhost:3000/api/) and netlify frontend (url: http://localhost:5173). The frontend is a react application with ...
Azzarian's user avatar
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4 answers

How can I implement Full text search by using Prisma + PostgreSQL ? (I'm using Supabase as the database)

This is my schema file: generator client { provider = "prisma-client-js" previewFeatures = ["fullTextSearch","fullTextIndex"] } datasource db { provider = "...
Aviroop Jana's user avatar
3 votes
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Next.js and Supabase: Method expects to have requestAsyncStorage

The issue: In prod, Next.js throws that error message: Invariant: Method expects to have requestAsyncStorage, none available. This error message occurs only server components and also in prod (Deploy ...
Emre's user avatar
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User gets logged in automatically when resetting password

I'm trying to develop a password reset process with Next.js (13.4) and Supabase Auth. Issue: After the user clicks on the password reset link received via email, if they refresh the page, they ...
Emre's user avatar
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Supabase SELECT with function call

From Javascript, I want to call a function in my supabase select statement (funcition name is id_encode in this example): const { data, error } = await supabase .from('table') .select(&...
Alan's user avatar
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2 answers

Supabase Realtime detecting duplicates for the same event

I have a simple page where I'm inserting a message into a message table and then on the frontend detecting it. I have used the sample code provided. However, everytime, I seem to be detecting 3 events ...
Saumil Shah's user avatar
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Authentication error Supabase and Prisma on Nextjs

This is the error message I’m getting when i run npx prisma db push I’ve created a project, database and a table in Supabase I also have the schema.prisma file and passing the DATABASE_URL from ...
Louis's user avatar
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2 answers

supabase auth.uid() = user_id equals false

I have a very strange problem that is driving we up the walls. I am creating the following table CREATE TABLE articles( id BIGINT generated by default as IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, user_id uuid ...
frankBang's user avatar
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Supabase functions local development setup error: Cannot assign requested address

I am using Supabase as my BaaS, and i have developed and deployed multiple Edge functions. Now i am attempting to develop and debug them locally. However, i am having some issues. As described here ...
Adrian Brenne's user avatar
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Auto-Incrementing IDs in Composite Primary Key

In my app, there are organizations that can create tasks. Instead of having a serial task ID, I would like to have an incrementing task ID for each organization ID. Just like in GitHub, where repo + ...
ccssmnn's user avatar
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Supabase check whether a user is currently in/listening to a realtime channel from postgres function

How can one, from a postgres function, check whether a user is currently in/listening to a realtime channel? I want to create notification entries in the database only if the user is not currently ...
Ruud14's user avatar
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Supabase types errors

Im using supabase with typescript and get some errors. I see them in webstorm, but not in vscode. Could u help me? supabase .channel('custom-all-channel') .on( 'postgres_changes', ...
harakiri's user avatar
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GetStaticProps Revalidate is not working as expected

Problem: Revalidate doesn't work when im useing (serverSideTranslations) from next-i18next. Please see my code below. When a new user register, an static page is generated for each language: (da (...
Charlie Østergaard's user avatar
3 votes
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How to filter text array with items in list case insensitively in Supabase?

I have a text array (text[]) in Supabase. Let's say it's like this: ["Car", "Red", "New"] I would like to get this row by filtering with list of words. So when I query ...
stackyname's user avatar
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Query JSON array of object in Flutter Supabase

I'm using Flutter and Supabase and I'm trying to fetch all elements in a table that partially match an array field. I have a table with a jsonb array column that contains a list of objects (PollItem) ...
clooock's user avatar
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3 answers

How to implement cookie authentication with Sveltekit & Supabase?

I'm fairly new to both SvelteKit & Supabase and have done a bit of experimentation on my own, but I would like to know what is the best way to implement user authentication with both of these ...
Mr.Bill's user avatar
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How to sign in with Apple and Google credentials in react-native and supabase

I have been trying to implement sign in with google and apple using the following libraries and supabase in bare react-native projects. react-native-apple-authentication react-native-google-signin ...
Hillkim Henry's user avatar
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Conditionally rendering UI based on cookies and supabase affects the rest of my program Next.js 13

I am trying to conditionally render an account button when a user is authenticated; render a login + sign-up button when the user is not authenticated as follows: My DesktopBar.tsx file import { ...
Daniel Craciun's user avatar
2 votes
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I can’t get Supabase real-time listen to Postgres changes to work

Inspired by the Supabase docs, I have this code in a React Native app: useEffect(() => { if (session?.user?.id === null) return const channel = supabase .channel('value-db-changes', { ...
Tom Söderlund's user avatar
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Supabase how to query the same table twice

I have been experimenting with Supabase recently and trying to make a twitter like 'replying to @user' comment feature. So I have a database ERD attached below for reference, As you can see each ...
Kentrell Jr's user avatar
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2 answers

Uploading Base64 images to supabase

My website wants to reduce the amount of things users can do with the for added security, we want to keep the image sources as a base64 strings instead of a supabase storage URL. Is this ...
Supabase Support's user avatar
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6 answers

Get supabase `user` server side in next.js

I am attempting to get the current logged in supabase user while server side. I have attempted to use const user = supabase.auth.user(); but I always get a null response. I have also attempted const ...
Brenton Beltrami's user avatar
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Github actions failing after upgrading to node v20

I'm trying to create a github workflow for my repo that is using supabase edge functions. The error I'm receiving is: Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node....
Doolan's user avatar
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Is there a better way to access Supabase generated TS types?

I have created a table called customer in my supabase db. Generated my types using npx supabase gen types typescript --project-id "$PROJECT_REF" --schema public > types/supabase.ts In my ...
Null Head's user avatar
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Importing Data into a Table in Supabase

Is it possible to import data into a table in supabase? For example if I have either a csv file or a json file -- can I import that data into a table via the backend of supabase?
Moshe's user avatar
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Row-level-security dual join

I have three tables journeys id user_id ... sections id journey_id ... stops id section_id ... I want to use row level security to make sure that a user can only insert a stop if the uid()...
hoan's user avatar
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Redirecting to Origin URL with Next.js Route Not Working

I'm currently working on a Next.js application where I have a layout component inside the app directory. Within that component, I have a navbar client component. I'm attempting to implement a logout ...
Vladimirzb's user avatar
2 votes
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How to use the signUp() method in Supabase to add additional user info when signing up

I am attempting to build a Vue.js application that includes authentication with Supabase. I wish to use the built-in Supabase signUp() method to handle additional user data when signing up. To do this,...
JS_is_awesome18's user avatar
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How to check if user already exists in Supabase?

How can I check if a user with the same email already exists when Enable email confirmations is turned on. When Enable email confirmations are turned on an obfuscated / fake user object is returned by ...
B45i's user avatar
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How to get url of uploaded media in supabase storage in flutter?

In flutter for uploading image according to doc is final avatarFile = File('path/to/file'); final response = await supabase .storage .from('avatars') .upload('public/avatar1.png', avatarFile, ...
tailor's user avatar
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How i can pull all data project production to local enviroment in supabase

I have created a project using supabase platform directly and not in local enviroment so all tables are in production, but now i need a local enviroment for development o test so i created a local ...
Ivan Gustin's user avatar
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Row-level-security based on relation table data

I am getting into Supabase and to practice I am making a suuuper simplified website-builder. However I am having troubles with the row-level-security policies. I have three tables: user → with users' ...
st_phan's user avatar
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Row-level security problems when creating a supabase's bucket

everyone. I'm new to Supabase and I'm exploring all the features available in this amazing platform. Unfortunately I'm having some troubles with bucket creation. I tried also create manually the ...
Gustavo's user avatar
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Match PotsgreSQL timestamptz by exact value

I am using PostgreSQL 13.3 via I have a table with a field called modified_at which has a type of timestamptz: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS knowledge_views ( id uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT ...
AJP's user avatar
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Where to store media file of Django on production?

So I am learning Django. And I have made some websites with it. Now I am hosting those to Heroku. I am using free Dyno on Heroku. Also, I am using database instead of Heroku's because ...
Nahidujjaman Hridoy's user avatar
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Supabase JSON query JavaScript

Im trying to fetch single entry from my table that contains and JSONB array of objects. Can I match somehow that array to find the desired result? [ { "chats": [ { &...
Mugetsu's user avatar
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Why am I getting "URL.hostname is not implemented, js engine hermes" when supabase is intialized?

I am building an expo project. So far I'm just trying to create the login/sign up auth logic. I want to use supabase. The project will load if there is no supabase initialization, but when supabase.js ...
Archie's user avatar
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Supabase update with incrementing value

I am using supabase-js and have a table like this: userID: string timesVisited: number eventName: string I am using update like this: Admin.from(tableName).update([{userID,eventName,timesVisited}]) ...
Shivam Sahil's user avatar
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Error:createClient is not defined When using supabase cdn

I'm using Supabase CDN's for a project. When I call the createClient() function this error comes up: createClient is not defined I tried it with an older version of the CDN, with another browser and ...
Khaled-The-Dev's user avatar
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Cannot log out user on the server side (Next.js and Supabase)

How can I log out a user on the server side when using Supabase as the auth provider? I thought the simplest and most obvious solution would be to just do that: export const getServerSideProps: ...
Damian Kociszewski's user avatar
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How to query text[] column in Supabase?

I want to retrieve rows based on a value being present in text column defined as multidimensional array in Supabase Table looks like following I am trying to query this records using following urls ...
Yash's user avatar
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Supabase policies on getServerSideProps - Next.js

I'm crafting a Trello clone with Next.js and Supabase as a BaaS. In my Supabase table I have this policies: Policies are working grate on client side with the following code: const { data } = await ...
Pedro Gómez's user avatar
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How to get width / height of a base64 image in deno?

This is a repeat of this question: Get image width and height from the Base64 code in JavaScript but I am asking with regards to deno. Deno does not have the new Image() that is used in all the ...
Alita's user avatar
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Handling Sign Up with Existing Email in Supabase

I'm working on a sign-up feature using Supabase and I want to provide feedback to the user if they try to sign up with an email that already exists in the system. However, I'm facing a challenge in ...
Vladimirzb's user avatar
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Supabase with Next.js 13 App Router OAuth not logging in

Whenever I log in with // twitch signin handler const handleTwitchSignIn = async () => { const { data, error } = await supabase.auth.signInWithOAuth({ provider: "twitch", ...
Seho's user avatar
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How to check if a user is signed in with Supabase in SvelteKit?

I am working on a SvelteKit application and using Supabase for user authentication. I have implemented the sign-in functionality in my /signin/+page.server.ts file using the supabase.auth....
Sebastian Trygg's user avatar
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Supabase and Cloudflare Workers

How do i protect a Cloudflare Worker route to authorize only if the user is authenticated on Supabase? I'm using Cloudflare Pages Function to create a worker inside the Cloudflare Pages: https://...
Joao Gui's user avatar
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How to subscribe to realtime data from Supabase in React Native application?

When I try to subscribe to my Supabase database for realtime updates, I am able to listen to changes (Insert/Update/Delete) but my React state resets. For example, let's say I get 5 names in the ...
Prateik's user avatar
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How to escape string characters in supabase js OR query?

I'm trying to write a query that matches rows where a user-provided string matches one of two text array columns. For example, imagine a table messages with text columns greeting and goodbye: // WORKS ...
Sam Pierce Lolla's user avatar

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