Questions tagged [supabase]

Supabase is a collection of open source tools to build modern applications quickly and efficiently. It uses the PostgreSQL database to power its authentication, database, and storage features. Use this tag when you are having problems, and not to ask for new features.

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How to query a NextJS route handler from a server component and get data from Supabase

Whenever I try to fetch data from my route handler from within a server component in NextJS, the query is made by the server, therefor the route handler returns this error : { error: 'JSON object ...
Masoj's user avatar
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Flutter and Supabase - OAuth deep link not working

I have set up OAuth with my Flutter app and Supabase. It works on the web... I sign in to the provider and I'm redirected to my website with the credential. However, in iOS, it does not work. I sign ...
Globe's user avatar
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How to implement a callback when auth state changes in supabase

I'm struggling to implement an idea. If a user is logged in, I want to show a hidden div. For example in firebase I can do this: firebase.auth.signInAnonymessly() // Detecting if the auth state ...
Khaled-The-Dev's user avatar
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How to customize supabase email?

My application leverages supabase's magic link for user authentication. It works great but the email looks pretty basic. That's what it looks like: Is there a way to edit this email template? I'd ...
Felipe Chernicharo's user avatar
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Supabase: filter rows based on if any of their one to many relations has property

In supabase I have a list of tracks and each track can have multiple artists (kept in a separate table). I only want tracks in which at least one of the artists associated with that track contains a ...
Kishan Sripada's user avatar
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Supabase returns multiple errors from custom SMTP settings?

I am working to add custom SMTP to my Supabase project so that emails are routed through Mailgun instead. I've started a discussion over here on the Supabase repo, however it hasn't gained any ...
J. Jackson's user avatar
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Unable to run pg_dump from Supabase

I intend to backup my postgres database at Supabase $ pg_dump -h -U postgres --clean --schema-only > supabase_backup.sql I ran the command GRANT ALL ON ALL SEQUENCES IN ...
Nditah's user avatar
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Can I Auth a user through Firebase and use Supabase (private) buckets without relying on Supabase Auth users limitation

I have an Ionic application that use a pretty small file(1kb) to store user info. I want to implement cloud backup for it. The user just need to download it once, when restoring backup. All other ...
Rafael de Castro's user avatar
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Supabase middleware for business logic

New to the supabase universe. Simple questions Is there a way to setup middleware in supabase?. Can Supabase fulfill this? Add business logic middleware when creating an entity Add special ...
delpo's user avatar
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Phonetic Algorithms for Postgresql

please, I am working on a PoC for Person Real-time Identification, and one of the critical aspects of it is to support both minor misspelling and phonetic variations of First, Middle, and Last name. ...
jfbaro's user avatar
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Count the occurrences of DISTINCT values using supabase

I want alternative supabase code for this SQL command SELECT order_date,COUNT(*) as count FROM orders GROUP BY order_date ORDER BY order_date Desc; What I am trying to do is, I want the number of ...
Hadi azeez's user avatar
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Call Edge Function from Database Trigger

I am using supabase and I try to implement some warning functionality. I want to send an E-Mail when a value drops under a specific value. I know about database triggers but I am not sure about two ...
progNewbie's user avatar
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SQL : to_tsvector on a specific value of a jsonB colonne

I want to make a full search query on a spécific value of my jsonb like the format of the json is : { "highlights": { "concise": null, "complete": null }, &...
Léo Bournizien's user avatar
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After Revoking Select in postgres, RLS stopped working

I ran this query REVOKE SELECT ON services_connected FROM anon; and added this policy create policy "workspace_only" on "public"."services_connected" for all to anon ...
Alwaysblue's user avatar
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Supabase join with sdk on auth.users() table

I have this table called appointments: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | id | createdat | date | timeslot | user_id (FK on auth.users().id) ---------------------...
Menash Bouhadana's user avatar
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Implementing Distinct Sign In and Sign Up Views with @supabase/auth-ui-react

I'm working with @supabase/auth-ui-react, and I'm trying to implement different types of authentication views, specifically for Sign In and Sign Up. I've looked at the documentation, but I couldn't ...
Vladimirzb's user avatar
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Supabase sign in with magic link not calling onAuthStateChange

I'm using react native and supabase I call await supabase.auth.signInWithOtp({ email: email, options: { emailRedirectTo: 'myURL', }, }) and this successfully ...
MobileMon's user avatar
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Supabase Auth and Remix

Supabase offers a tutorial on how to implement auth with Remix and Supabase. Part of the tutorial is focused on client-side authentication where it even exposes the env variables SUPABASE_URL and ...
Joao Gui's user avatar
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Mocking supabase-js supabase.auth.signUp

I want to mock supabase.auth.signUp of @supabase/supabase-js. I am not directly calling supabase.auth.signUp, but in a wrapper I created. If I don't use jest.fn(), but a default JS function, it is ...
HotFix's user avatar
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Same google clientId and clientSecret for multiple devices (andorid, ios and web)

I am developing an application using Supabase, Flutter and Google OAuth and I would like to know if it is possible to have a single clientId and clientSecret for each device type (ios, android and web)...
Andrea D'Attero's user avatar
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Get count and specify range in a supabase js query

Im making a recipe website with nextjs and supabase. I have an occasions table which has a foreign key to many recipes. I can easily query the occasions for all recipe in that occasion however I want ...
Yesthe Cia's user avatar
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TypeError: supabaseClient.auth.getSession is not a function. Error with NextJS and Supabse

I'm using supabase auth helper package to React and Next in my project. Immediately, when I start the page, I get an error message that says the following: And it is that I am not calling that ...
Cesar Mejias's user avatar
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Deploying Node Js application with express framework in Supabase (Edge Functions)

I developed a node Js application integrated with some services like database, authentication from Supabase, It works fine and gave success results in local development for each routes when called ...
sathish kumar's user avatar
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psycopg2 execute_values fails with > 100 rows in supabase?

Not sure if this is a Supabase issue or a psycopg2 issue honestly and would love some help debugging. I have the following code: args = [('HaurGlass','60000','2022-10-20T21:15:39.751Z','10130506261','...
gkv's user avatar
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How to set expiry time for reset password link - Supabase

Have some doubts in Supabase reset-password How can we make the email link a One-time click to reset the password? If the user uses that link again it should not reset the password. How can we make ...
Haris George's user avatar
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How to use ."in" filter in Supabase URL

I am trying to use ".in" filter of Supabase using its URL. However I can't query for more than 1 filter. Working url https://DATABASE_URL/rest/v1/patients?payer=in.(TERM1) Here I get all the ...
Yash's user avatar
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Can I use a service like Firebase or Supabase in a Tauri desktop application?

I am a full-stack web developer that has experience with JavaScript and React. I want to create a desktop application using these technologies using a framework like Tauri. I enjoy using services like ...
moetheman112's user avatar
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Is there a way to remove previous session without hard refreshing (sveltekit and Supabase)

im practicing authentication at the moment with sveltekit and Supabase RLS is on and one of the issues im having is after i log out, and i sign in with another email, i can see the info from the ...
Nicholas Singh's user avatar
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Use Supabase .select with Sveltekit store

if in my current .svelte file i have let todos = []; onMount(async () => { let { data, error } = await supabase .from('todos') .select('*') todos = data; however i don't think that's pretty ...
Nicholas Singh's user avatar
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Stripe webhook checkout.session items to Supabase

Im using next.js and Stripe webhooks to insert checkout sessions to Supabase that will create a customer's order history. I'm able to get the information about the whole order written to a table ...
Steve's user avatar
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Why is this empty?

Please does anyone know why this: SELECT to_tsvector('an'); returns nothing but SELECT to_tsvector('nn'); or SELECT to_tsvector('n'); or SELECT to_tsvector('aa'); do? I am testing this on ...
jfbaro's user avatar
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Ionic5 App connection to SupaBase gives "process is not defined"

Hello I have the following problem: I wanted to test a few small things with the "new" SupaBase service. I have also implemented everything using an example angularapp. https://stackblitz....
lucky 7's user avatar
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Supabase: Invalid JWT after having app running for some time

I am calling await Supabase.initialize( url: config.api.url, anonKey: config.api.anonKey, ); in my main.dart and later using this code to call an Edge-Function: final authHeader = Supabase....
progNewbie's user avatar
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Supabase returns error "JWSError JWSInvalidSignature"?

I've got a custom Node GraphQL backend and a Vue3 frontend, both of which implement Supabase. The frontend passes the bearer token to the backend, which simply validates the token and processes the ...
J. Jackson's user avatar
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supabase storage not downloading correctly

I am trying to download images that I have uploaded to my bucket as an ArrayBuffer as that is what is recommended by the docs when using react native. When downloading the file it returns a Blob. When ...
Carson's user avatar
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Supabase not storing session data in localstorage correctly

I have a vite + react + supabase application and I have a simple signup/login form. Signup and login seem to be working, except that session data is not being stored in localstorage (it's my ...
Kyle Pendergast's user avatar
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Is it advisable to use localStorage to store JWT for Expo for Web?

I'm using Expo Secure Store to store JWT credentials from Supabase: const ExpoSecureStoreAdapter = { getItem: (key: string) => { return SecureStore.getItemAsync(key); }, setItem: (key: ...
alyx's user avatar
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SwiftUI can't find SFSafariViewController in scope error

I'm trying to implement social auth for google with SwiftUI in Supabase: The problem is with this part of the code in the tutorial: ...
alyx's user avatar
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How can I stop the infinite loop in my React supabase Authentication?

I have two files a "Home" and a "LoginPage". The defined routes are that "/" goes to LoginPage and "/home" goes to Home. When I try to login using the Auth ...
Jack Hanlon's user avatar
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Typescript error with SvelteKit and Supabase data fetching (Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'ArrayLike<unknown>')

I have a SvelteKit project set up which authenticates with supabase. I used this guide for that. The authentication and data fetching works fine so far. Actually, in terms of the app itself, ...
Liam's user avatar
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supabase auth helpers ui with Google social login, how to restrict users to domain

Google offer a 'hd' parameter to restrict oauth access to domain. Anyway to set this when using supabase auth helpers / auth UI?
Mike Thrussell's user avatar
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Sveltekit update reactive variable from form action

Hi! So I'm working on a simple crud application with Sveltekit and Supabase. I'm trying to implement this sorting feature by fetching the table with the added .order() function when the user selects a ...
bob's user avatar
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Supabase SQL Database Functions and Parameters

In my supabase database, I have a list of words along with their uuids in the form of uuid word unique_chars found_count x1 apple 4 0 y2 banana 3 0 I want to return all words, which contain a ...
j___.___j's user avatar
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3 answers

Fetching image from Supabase storage through database table returns undefined URL

I am building an app in Next.js, which fetches dynamic data from a Supabase table. The table (called product) has several data points (title, description, image). My table in Supabase looks like this: ...
nelakay's user avatar
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Is it possible to set up posgresql cron job to invoke supabsae edge function?

I'm trying to set up CRON job using postresql with supabase edge function. Is it at all possible? This edge function is inserting data to a table and it works properly when invoked using curl. I found ...
xkm's user avatar
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SvelteKit + Supabase - get data onMount, keep pre-fetch working

I am building the site which seems fairly simple show data on page from database. I want it to be as fast as possible. It already works/partially works in 3 ways: #Approach 1 +page.server.js -> ...
Ryszard Kozłowski's user avatar
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Trying to get an understanding of Plaid tokens and security

Plaid and security newbie here. From what I understand, access tokens are valid indefinitely, granting the user access to information regarding one of their accounts. Each account possesses a unique ...
workinprogress98's user avatar
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Migrating from Heroku to + Supabase : "Failed due to unhealthy allocations"

I'm trying to move from Heroku to + Supabase. I managed to have my app working on when connected to the postgres database of my heroku app, using the command: fly secrets set ...
gordie's user avatar
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Supabase: How to filter data from foreign tables?

hello I wish you a nice day I need help, I want to filter a relational column, I am using Supabase. In the documentation it says that you can find all the rows in the column that satisfy the filter. ....
Florentino Moore's user avatar
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How do you find table intersections in PostgREST clients?

Simple question from a rookie to PostgREST - is there an intersect function for the equivalent below PSQL query? select a from table1 intersect select a from table2; I read through the documentation ...
walle's user avatar
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