Questions tagged [swiftui-navigationstack]

For questions about SwiftUI's NavigationStack, a view that displays a root view and enables you to present additional views over the root view.

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Why does the navigation title display mode change from large to inline when popped in iOS 16?

When I pop from a pushed view that has a display mode of inline the display mode of the parent view which was originally large is changed to inline and the user has to scroll down for the title to ...
Jack Rogers's user avatar
6 votes
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Dealing with Nested NavigationStacks in SwiftUI?

I've looked around but haven't seen any info on this. If I want to have multiple navigation stacks in SwiftUI, and have multiple navigation links that add to different navigation stacks, how can I do ...
Nicolas Gimelli's user avatar
6 votes
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macOS NavigationStack use push and pop animation

how to set the Push / Pop animation in macOS for a NavigationStack ? as currently there is no animation and i want to push / pop the controller sliding right (sliding left), similar to AppStore app ...
Peter Lapisu's user avatar
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Animating transition in NavigationStack on macOS

I made a simple macOS application with NavigationStack and few views presented using NavigationLink(value:label:). It works really nice, except there is no animation at all. Is it possible to add ...
Damian Dudycz's user avatar
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navigationDestination(isPresented) with a path in swiftui 4

Im trying to pop back to a specific view point or the root view with navigationDestination(isPresented) being used to push views. Here is a simpler version of the code I am working with import SwiftUI ...
EmeraldLockdown's user avatar
4 votes
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How to fix infinite loop in navigationDestination, why this happens?

What's wrong with navigationDestination with binding on ios 16? I have an infinite loop in nested navigation with binding and navigation stack struct Visit: Identifiable, Hashable { var id: String ...
hitrain's user avatar
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NavigationStack inside paged TabView is broken

I want to have horizontal paging with navigation bars on each page. Going with TabView, there is an issue in combination with page style when nesting NavigationStack. Let me show you an example. The ...
Borut Tomazin's user avatar
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Infinite loop by using @Binding when passing data between views

High-level description: There is a nested view problem when a state object is being passed through views. At the end of the deepest view in the hierarchy, the app is frozen and memory consumption is ...
vargab's user avatar
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Are multiple NavigationStacks allowed in SwiftUI for nested navigation scenarios while utilizing .toolbar modifier?

I am working on a SwiftUI application where I have a list of items on the main screen. When an item is selected, it navigates to a detailed view of that item. On this detailed view, there are other ...
Timo's user avatar
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SwiftUI navigation router issues

I have a simple navigation router: @Observable class BaseRouter { var path = NavigationPath() var isEmpty: Bool { return path.isEmpty } func navigateBack() { path....
ItayAmza's user avatar
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How to use Navigation Stack with a Protocol as the data type?

I have a List that iterates over an array of protocols and creates a NavigationLink for each protocol, with a label that displays a field of the protocol. When trying to use the .navigationDestination ...
yambo's user avatar
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Moving between NavigationStacks(path:...) throwing "Update NavigationAuthority bound path tried to update multiple times per frame."

I have a segmented picker on my main page allowing the user to select between views to be loaded into that main view. Each of those views has a NavigationStack with a path. Moving between them results ...
Ricardo B.'s user avatar
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SwiftUI: Customizing the Native Navigation Bar in SwiftUI to Mimic the Apple TV App's Style and Animations - iOS 16

How can I customize the native navigation bar in SwiftUI to resemble the one used in the Apple TV app for iOS? On the detail screen, there's a native navigation bar where the tint color of the toolbar ...
Yatheesha's user avatar
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NavigationStack inside TabView inside NavigationStack does not work

I want to have a root NavigationStack that lets the user navigate around a SwiftUI app, including to a TabView with tabs that have their own navigation stack. Unfortunately, this seems to not work at ...
Greg Ennis's user avatar
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Search Bar is briefly visible when navigating with NavigationStack (SwiftUI)

I have a .searchable modifier on a list where I navigate to with new NavigationStack. However when the view loads the search box is briefly visible which looks weird. Am I using the navigation stack ...
Can Celik's user avatar
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SwiftUI: searchable weird push animation?

I have the following code: enum ContentViewRouter { case details } struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { NavigationStack { ZStack { ...
zumzum's user avatar
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NavigationStack: Destination not updated on path removal during animation

In my application I am using a custom navigation bar which, besides other functionality, allows the user to navigate back. I am using a NavigationStack with an array with enums as path. On navigating ...
J. Cervus's user avatar
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SwiftUI 4.0 - Passing a Binding via .navigationDestination(for: , destination: )

How do I pass a Binding via the new .navigationDestination(for: , destination: )? import SwiftUI enum TestEnum: String, Hashable, CaseIterable { case first, second, third } struct ContentView: ...
Peanutsmasher's user avatar
2 votes
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Programmatic Routing in SwiftUI for TabView

I'm working on a SwiftUI application that follows a navigation pattern similar to Instagram, with a TabView at the root and complex navigation paths starting from different tabs. I've set up my ...
faizy's user avatar
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SwiftData - using @Query with a filter predicate does not work as expected

I am using SwiftData & SwiftUI. This is the rough setup of my code: struct ListItemView: View { @Environment(\.modelContext) var modelContext @Query private var items: [Items] @...
Rajiv Nair's user avatar
2 votes
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Replace top view in NavigationStack

I have a fairly complex app that uses NavigationStack with several navigationDestinations. Things were working well until I got a request to have a button which replaces the current view with a new ...
P. Ent's user avatar
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Persist navigation paths in NavigationSplitView with NavigationStacks

I have an SwiftUI iOS app that uses TabView to display 4 different NavigationStacks. Each stack can be navigated into. To make this app work better on iPad OS I'd like to use a NavigationSplitView ...
Sebastian's user avatar
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In SwiftUI showing an AdMob Interstitial breaks NavigationLink objects - what am I doing wrong?

I have a simple app with a Home View, a Content View and a Settings View. I am trying to show an AdMob Interstitial when I navigate from the Home View to the Content View. The navigation between views ...
zBandit's user avatar
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Change NavigationStack-path from ViewModel?

I'm trying to implement the MVVM-architecture in my little app and I am confused about how to update the path of my NavigationStack from the ViewModel. My path is a @Published property and gets ...
J. Mann's user avatar
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NavigationStack push animation disappears after presenting a view with .sheet modifier

I need to present a view with .sheet modifier in NavigationStack. But the default push animation of NavigationStack will disappear if I present a view with .sheet modifier first. This is my code: ...
Rufus's user avatar
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NavigationSplitView detail not updating

Why does the button "Show second view" not work here? struct ContentView: View { @State private var showSecondView = false var body: some View { NavigationSplitView { ...
John's user avatar
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SwiftUI - NavigationStack: Why my NavigationPath() is printing the wrong path.count?

I have the following basic utilization of NavigationStack with SwiftUI for iOS 16, Xcode. The issues I am facing is that when I click back and printing the count, the root count is wrong and shows as &...
Pro Girl's user avatar
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Use NavigationStack + NavigationLink + .navigationDestination without Hashable conformation

Consider the following code, import SwiftUI class Product: Identifiable { let id = UUID() let title: String init(title: String) { self.title = title } } struct ContentView: ...
Adrian Föder's user avatar
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NavigationLink In NavigationStack is disabled

I wrote test code for NavigationStack. The behavior of the code is a two-step transition(ContentView -> SubsubTestView -> DetailView). But I got an error when I have selected a name in ...
tbt's user avatar
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Removing more than one view from NavigationStack is not animated

I noticed that removing more than 1 view from a NavigationStack (using .removeLast(k) on its NavigationPath, where k > 1) is not animated at all. I was expecting to see the previous view sliding ...
Paul Mielle's user avatar
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SwiftUI Navigation Stack with Routes

I'm trying to create navigation for my app using Navigation Stack and routing. My code is functioning and navigating to views, the problem I'm having is that the view is getting called several times ...
steve lang's user avatar
2 votes
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SearchBar leads to warning. SwiftUI

I noticed that Xcode shows warning when a view has list with SearchBar and swipe down action leads to it. The warning message: [Assert] What changed the navigation bar bounds size to something ...
Alexander Khitev's user avatar
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How to properly manage view focus while pushing multiple views to NavigationStack path in SwiftUI iOS 17+

I'm trying to save the state of my NavigationPath for my NavigationStack in SwiftUI by pushing all the views to the stack at once. That way if the user taps the Back button, they will still see the ...
nickelx's user avatar
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SwiftUI navigation link infinite loop causes app to freeze

I have the following SwiftUI set up In my main, I have something like this // singleton @StateObject var authStatusManager = Factory.shared.authStatusManager var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { ...
Shawn Frank's user avatar
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How to use navigation paths when views are the same across tabs?

I have a tab view at the highest level, and right now, only one view has a navigation path cause I am working on adding the others, but I've run into a blocker first. I was planning for each tab view ...
amelia's user avatar
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Divider() not shown as it should be with SwiftUI

I want to make a divider in white with some opacity (under the navigation view) but for a reason I don't know the Divider() isn't shown as it should be. Here's a screenshot of the design: And here's ...
Alexnnd's user avatar
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TabView Inside of NavigationStack has extra inset when ignoring Safe Area

I am using the following code to setup a TabView with a paging style inside of a NavigationStack struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { NavigationStack() { TabView { ...
faircloud's user avatar
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How to fix Update NavigationAuthority bound path tried to update multiple times per frame

For navigation I am using the iOS 16 NavigationStack API. I keep my NavigationPath instance inside my view models as @Published instead of in the views with @State. When navigating between the ...
pineapple's user avatar
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SwiftUI, prevent the subview to inherit parent's animation

I've been playing with the NavigationPath for some time. I first figured that when a view is inserted into the path (full code is on this answer), the inserted page doesn't have standard navigation ...
kelalaka's user avatar
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SwiftUI - .navigationTitle and .toolbar not showing up

I'm following Apple's SwiftUI tutorial and currently stuck on this chapter. I'm trying to add a navigation title and toolbar to this View but it isn't showing up for some reason. Here's my code: ...
NQ2Resq's user avatar
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Increase padding to NavigationStack title causes weird issue

I have a set up like this: NavigationStack { List { ForEach(allProjects) { project in Section { NavigationLink(destination: ProjectView()) { ...
Shawn Frank's user avatar
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visionOS weird behaviour on NavigationStack title

I have a very simple navigation architecture so far, I left inner views (CourseDetail and CourseRows) as clean as possible to make sure there's nothing inside provoking the issue. Here's how it looks ...
ssantos's user avatar
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Error with FullScreenCover in SwiftUI: A new orientation transaction token is being requested while a valid one already exists

I'm encountering an error when using the fullScreenCover modifier in SwiftUI. The error message states: "A new orientation transaction token is being requested while a valid one already exists.&...
Lawal Abdulganiy's user avatar
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Deleting Object from EditView and Popping back to Root

Below is a simple representation of what I am trying to achieve in my own (much larger) application. This example has 3 Views: ItemsView - displaying [Item] DetailView - The selected Item with an ...
OxfordSi's user avatar
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Path of NavigationStack inside NavigationSplitView emptied on change

I have the following view inside WindowGroup: struct SidebarSelection: View { @State var selection: Int? @State var path: [Int] = [] var body: some View { ...
Dominik's user avatar
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use navigationDestination(isPresented: ) and .navigationDestination(for: data) together

I come across a strange navigation bug, this is my code: import SwiftUI struct TestNavView: View { @State var isPresented = false var body: some View { NavigationStack{ ...
Rufus's user avatar
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SwiftUI hanging with @Environment and NavigationStack when passing Bindings

I've got a NavigationStack and I'm passing bindings to multiple children through a couple of different views. If I don't pass the children as bindings then everything works as intended. Also if I ...
dwl96's user avatar
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SwiftUI] access multiple NavigationStack

I use TabView & NavigationStack. TabView covered NavigationStack & inner View also covered NavigationStack. I want an inner navigation Push but it's always the root Navigation Push (in ...
이기완's user avatar
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Why is my navigation path not appending the model the further I go in?

I've implemented a navigation stack that appends the next view's view model so that the appending and .navigationDestination looks like the below. Whenever I press the continue button to add the ...
kenada97's user avatar
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How to call Task in NavigationLink destination in SwiftUI?

I've created a list using LazyVStack and inside of the list there are ListItemViews. What I'm trying to do is, when a ListItemView gets tapped, I want to make an async call depending on the selected ...
Burak Akyalçın's user avatar