Questions tagged [swiftui-navigationstack]

For questions about SwiftUI's NavigationStack, a view that displays a root view and enables you to present additional views over the root view.

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SwiftUI: NavigationStack appends all items of list

I have a NavigationStack in SwiftUI and an ObservedObject and enum that handle the routing. enum Route { case location(location: Location) } extension Route: Hashable { func hash(into hasher: ...
HarryMoy's user avatar
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Add space between NavigationStack toolbar and other elements

I am trying to add space between the yellow toolbar and the MiniView element below. When I add space, it looks like it extends the toolbar. The space needs to be similar to the space between the ...
thenakulchawla's user avatar
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Share ViewModel only across specific views in NavigationStack

I have a NavigationStack with three forms inside it and each form has a couple of screens. How can I share a form's ViewModel only across its screens without having to create an instance globally( ...
peeta's user avatar
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Dismiss all the NavigationLink View to go back to Starting View from the third View

This is a simple code that I am trying to test for my required feature. I want to be able to click on the button or something to take me back to the FirstView without me needing to click the back ...
Rahul Adepu's user avatar
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SwiftUI nested navigationDestination causes multiple init of @StateObject

I am building a navigation system based on NavigationStack and modifiers .navigationDestination(). What I am trying to achieve: I need to build a View hierarchy with navigation: - ContentView - ...
FunnyHorse's user avatar
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SwiftUI4.0 NavigationStack(path: $pathList) + CustomNavigationBar How can I manage PathList when doing swipe back?

When using NavigationStack and CustomNavigationBar together, I don't know how to manage PathList for Swipeback action. Do you know anything? public func navigationController( ...
Eggsy's user avatar
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Transition from inline to large navigationBarTitleDisplayMode is not smooth

The transition from the "detail view" which has inline title style to the "main view" which has large title style is not smooth. When I navigate from "detail view" the ...
albstr's user avatar
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SwiftUI | Strange behaviour after appending paths to Routerpath onAppear

I want to completely rework how NavigationBar's look and rework back button as I like and have my own router In my app. I created this sample project to understand how NavigationStack and ...
Arda Oğul Üçpınar's user avatar
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NavigationView doesn't update when @State changes (NavigationStack works well)

I encountered this situation when trying to replace my NavigationStack (iOS 16+) by a NavigationView (for backward compatibility reasons). What I hoped for would be that NavigationStack and ...
IMAGE-ET's user avatar
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NavigationStack and NavigationDestination, using NavigationPath Correctly passing data

I am trying to pass data from one View to another using @StateObject navigating using NavigationStack and NavigationPath. In my case I can't use NavigationLink. To achieve that a came up with this ...
Sebastian's user avatar
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NavigationLink does not append to path inside NavigationSplitView/NavigationStack

The following code shows that $path is always 0, despite tapping a NavigationLink inside the stack. That means that when I select a panel, and tap on the navigation link to go to 'firstPanel subview', ...
aspear's user avatar
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path.removeLast() throws EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION

I have NavigationStack with NavigationPath: ... @State var path = NavigationPath() ... var body: some View { NavigationStack(path: $path) { VStack() { MyView() { ...
ArisRS's user avatar
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NavigationDestination sliding transition not working

struct First_View: View { @State var secondViewShown = false var body: some View { NavigationStack { VStack { Text("Step 1") ...
aali's user avatar
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SwiftUI - PopToRoot IOS 16

In the below code please let me know how to perform popToRoot like from the rewards view to menu view thats my root view , using the navigation stack and navigating through the navigation link & ...
Naveen Kumar's user avatar
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Strange navigation with NavigationStack inside NavigationSplitView

Why does "Above NavigationStack" disappear when I click "Nav Link"? struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { NavigationSplitView { // Sidebar ...
John's user avatar
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Show detail page default in iOS with SwiftUI

I want to show the detail page on opening the app with back button. On clicking the back button list of accounts should display. Just like the iOS default mail app. I'm using the NavigationStack, ...
Azhagusundaram Tamil's user avatar
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SwiftUi NavigationLink opening multiple views at once

NavigationStack { TextField("Factor Name", text: $factName) .textFieldStyle(.roundedBorder) .padding() ...
nottaylorSwiftie's user avatar
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Reusable view with NavigationStack and size of visible cells / SwiftUI / Swift 5

I was wondering if you could help me with a SwiftUI question. Specifically, I'm trying to create a reusable view that includes a NavigationStack with ForEach loop and has adjustable cells sizes. Can I ...
Gucci's user avatar
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NavigationStack not showing master-detail view on iPad in landscape

I've the following code which displays a master-detail view on iPad when in landscape. However, when I use NavigationStack it collapses views as on iPhone. What am I missing here? Or how to achieve ...
M.Serag's user avatar
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How do I get rid of "A navigationDestination for AppExample.ViewOptions was declared earlier on the stack. Only the destination declared closest .."

I have implemented a navigation stack and enum following yet I am still receiving the following "A navigationDestination for AppExample....
kenada97's user avatar
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NavigationStack embedded in View

In my app I have a View inside another, and I want to navigate to another view from the subview, with a NavigationStack. The problem is that the navigation takes place at the top view level. I only ...
Jaime Bocio's user avatar
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How to navigate back programatically using nested navigationDestination in SwiftUI

I'm trying to implement programatic nested navigation using NavigationStack and navigationDestination(isPresented:). But I can't figure out why I can't navigate back to A (button Go back to A is not ...
Ella Gogo's user avatar
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Confirm Stripe payment in SwiftUI (iOS 16)

I am using Stripe API to accept card payment in SwiftUI. I managed to make successful payment using STPPaymentCardTextField wrapped in UIViewRepresentable and confirm it using the provided sheet ...
MatuskaApp's user avatar
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SwiftUI NavigationStack .searchable .onSubmit

I have MainView and where I have NavigationStack. I need to make it so that when I press the Search button, another view is shown and when I press the Cancel button, it is hidden again. var body: some ...
Aleš Slabý's user avatar
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3 answers

iOS 16 NavigationLinks in nested Lists unclickable

I am running xCode 14.2 on iOS 16.2 simulator and iOS 16.1.2 device. I have, in my app, NavigationLinks in sublists that are implemented as nested Lists. After updating my xCode, suddenly the ...
skywalkerdude's user avatar
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How to fix double back button in SwiftUI

I got 2 views. On the second view I have list of exercises and when I choose one of them and go inside I see double back. It's driving me crazy. First one: import SwiftUI struct ProgrammView: View { ...
Марк Егорчев's user avatar
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NavigationLink don't navigate anymore after incomplete swipe from left to right

In my app I have a NavigationStack inside the detail of a NavigationSplitView. With the code below the navigation back and forward works fine but if from the detail, I incompletely swipe left to ...
Gaspare's user avatar
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How to open custom view and bottom sheet in tabbar views and Subview with sticky bottom tabbar in SWIFTUI?

Given code is for custom bottom tab-bar with plus button in center by using we need to hide and show one detail view and from last tab we are just opens menu from bottom sheet. Problem :- When we are ...
Sarvesh Yadav's user avatar
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NavigationStack; View contents below navigation area(s)

I have a simple view that is somewhere in my navigationstack hierarchy. But the content is below the navigation areas top and bottom. How to solve this? I have not set to ignore safearea edges. What ...
DeveloperSammy's user avatar
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SwiftUI Navigation - List loading multiple time after navigating from details

I am creating a SwiftUI List with Details. This list is fetching JSON data from Firebase Realtime. The data consist of 5 birds with an ID, a name and an image URL. My problem is the following: Each ...
Sully07's user avatar
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2 answers

passing an array of views in navigation Destination in SwiftUI iOS16

In the old style of NavigationView I was able to assign manually each view in a Navigation Link. However in iOS16 I don't know how to pass a list of view [MovieTitles(),Literature(),TrafficLights(), ...
CNunc's user avatar
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Make Custom SwiftUI Views with ObservedObjects compatible with NavigationLink iOS 16

I don't feel that the following example is exhaustive (from Hacking With Swift). A lot of online examples tend to keep it quite elementary like this, where NavigationLinks are implemented based off of ...
Andre's user avatar
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2 answers

NavigationStack with array from relationship

I am doing navigation stack for the array of related entries var body: some View { NavigationStack(path: $navPath){ VStack { List(Array(plant.event as! Set<Event>), id: \....
user453575457's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why does swift navigation list with button open a sheet multiple times instead of just once?

TLDR: In the following code, clicking on the button from the top level ContentView opens multiple sheets, and then when closing the sheet it gets triggered again; yet clicking it from the RowView only ...
learnandgrow's user avatar
-1 votes
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NavigationStack and binding to a selection

I'm developing a watch app similar to Apple's demo workout app, but as of watchOS9 NavigationView has moved to NavigationStack. In the demo, a list of workouts are presented; when a workout is ...
Theo Carper's user avatar
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NavigationLink takes me to the parent view of the view with the navigation stack on it

I am new to SwiftUI and I am simply experimenting with different NavigationStack options. I have a navigation stack that shows a list of words. When the user clicks on the navigation link it shows a ...
Toni78's user avatar
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Getting crash while going back in Navigation Stack, Not getting much out of back trace

I am getting crash while getting back from navigation stack. Basically, I was trying to migrate from NavigationView to NavigationStack. below is the stack trace, some how not getting any hint why it's ...
Kraming's user avatar
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Passing data through Navigationlink with custom views - SwiftUI

Im trying to pass two kinds of different JSON data in an app with two different views in two navigationlinks, what works One custom view which with the name LaundryList that gets passed in the ...
Jeria93's user avatar
-3 votes
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NavigationPath(_items: SwiftUI.NavigationPath.(unknown context at $7ff84b690a28) Representation.eager([SwiftUI.(unknown context at $7ff84b6907f0).C

I tried to use navigationstack, and it works. but couldn't print the path, and with the message: " NavigationPath(_items: SwiftUI.NavigationPath.(unknown context at $7ff84b690a28).Representation....
xj zhang's user avatar

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