Questions tagged [swiftui-navigationview]

For questions about NavigationView - a view in Apple's SwiftUI framework that presents a stack of views representing a visible path in a navigation hierarchy. When using this tag also include the more generic [swiftui] tag where possible.

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219 votes
26 answers

How to remove the default Navigation Bar space in SwiftUI NavigationView

I am new to SwiftUI (like most people) and trying to figure out how to remove some whitespace above a List that I embedded in a NavigationView. In this image, you can see that there is some white ...
Vapidant's user avatar
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38 votes
4 answers

How to disable NavigationView push and pop animations

Given this simple NavigationView: struct ContentView : View { var body: some View { NavigationView { VStack { NavigationLink("Push Me", destination: Text("...
kontiki's user avatar
  • 39.1k
36 votes
3 answers

SwiftUI – How to set the title of a NavigationView to large title (or small)?

Using SwiftUI how do I change the navigation bar's title size? Choosing between a standard or a large title.
Clément Cardonnel's user avatar
29 votes
1 answer

SwiftUI iOS14 - NavigationView + List - Won't fill space

I'm having an issues with a List inside a NavigationView since iOS 14 update. Here is a simple breakdown of the code - I've striped everything that doesn't show the issue struct ContentView: View { ...
swift--help's user avatar
29 votes
5 answers

macOS SwiftUI Navigation for a Single View

I'm attempting to create a settings view for my macOS SwiftUI status bar app. My implementation so far has been using a NavigationView, and NavigationLink, but this solution produces a half view as ...
Husker28's user avatar
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20 votes
5 answers

Make List Sections non-collapsible in SwiftUI when embedded into a NavigationView SwiftUI

When I embed a List grouped into Sections into a NavigationView the section headers become collapsible. I'd like to keep them non-collapsible, just like when the List is not embedded into the ...
Tamas's user avatar
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18 votes
7 answers

SwiftUI Hide TabView bar inside NavigationLink views

I have a TabView and separate NavigationView stacks for every Tab item. It works well but when I open any NavigationLink the TabView bar is still displayed. I'd like it to disappear whenever I click ...
pawello2222's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

SwiftUI .toolbar disappears after following NavigationLink and coming back

I've added a .toolbar to the top level of a NavigationView that will eventually be used to select items in a list without using swipe gestures (up button, down button, etc.). I also have a ....
SunriseHurts's user avatar
17 votes
4 answers

How do you fix Xcode 14 warning: NavigationLink presenting a value must appear inside a NavigationContent-based NavigationView. Link will be disabled

Since installing Xcode 14, I am now getting the following error message printed in my console: NavigationLink presenting a value must appear inside a NavigationContent-based NavigationView. Link will ...
xanderbuck's user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

Where to place global NavigationPath in SwiftUI

I'm currently developing an app using NavigationStack. I wonder where should I put the NavigationPath variable so I can modify it anywhere. I tried to put it inside the root view as a State variable, ...
wheatset's user avatar
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12 votes
5 answers

SwiftUI: how to change NavigationView.toolbar background color

Any idea on how to apply a specific background color to the bottom toolbar? NavigationView { List { .... } .toolbar { ToolbarItem(placement: .bottomBar) { ...
Daniele B's user avatar
  • 20.3k
12 votes
3 answers

SwiftUI Navigation popping back when modifying list binding property in a pushed view

When I update a binding property from an array in a pushed view 2+ layers down, the navigation pops back instantly after a change to the property. Xcode 13.3 beta, iOS 15. I created a simple demo and ...
lacking-cypher's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

SwiftUI - NavigationView title and back button clipped under status bar after orientation change

Whenever I rotate the device to landscape and back again, the top of the NavigationView (including the title and back button) get clipped under the status bar. Minimal reproducible example: struct ...
aheze's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Keep navigation bar title during search with Searchable

Is it possible to not hide the Title in Navigation Bar in search mode using Searchable? Using the code below Title in Navigation Bar is hidden when Search Field is focused. NavigationView { } ...
Bogdan's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

searchable modifier not displaying search bar below navigation bar title

I'm using iOS 15 and trying out the new searchable modifier on Lists in SwiftUI. It looks like when you attach searchable(text: $searchText) to a NavigationView the search bar renders on the screen by ...
Petesta's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

What is the difference between navigationBarTitle and navigationTitle modifiers in SwiftUI 2.0?

Learning all the new SwiftUI 2.0 changes but came across .navigationTitle which seems to work almost exactly like .navigationBarTitle. I looked at the WWDC 2020 videos and found one video where it was ...
Super Noob's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

SwiftUI Error: Update NavigationAuthority bound path tried to update multiple times per frame

I am getting the following debug message: "Update NavigationAuthority bound path tried to update multiple times per frame." Does anyone know how to resolve the output message? I can't find ...
Romin's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

SwiftUI navigation titles within TabView

For the reason outlined in the answer outlined in this question SwiftUI TabView brightness views vertical location the menu structure for my app is NavigationView -> TabView -> sub view with ...
John Sorensen's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Navigation + Tabview + Sheet broken in iOS 15

It looks like Navigation + TabView + Sheet is broken in iOS 15. When I do this: ContentView -> DetailView -> Bottom Sheet When the bottom sheet comes up, the Detail view is automatically popped ...
skywalkerdude's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Add accessory view below navigation bar title in SwiftUI

I’m trying to add an accessory view embedded in a navigation bar below the title, which can be seen in the default iOS calendar app (the “s m t w t f s” row) or the GitHub mobile app: And I’d like it ...
Jay Lee's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Remove screen from navigation stack in SwiftUI

I'm using NavigationLink to navigate screens in NavigationView. How can I remove screen from navigation stack? Not just hide the navigation "Back" button but completely remove screen from ...
badadin's user avatar
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9 votes
0 answers

Why does the navigation title display mode change from large to inline when popped in iOS 16?

When I pop from a pushed view that has a display mode of inline the display mode of the parent view which was originally large is changed to inline and the user has to scroll down for the title to ...
Jack Rogers's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Scroll View Items Come Over the Navigation Bar in SwiftUI

I made a custom nav bar. and added a scroll view below it. The problem I am getting is when I scroll down, the data inside scroll view comes over the navigation bar. Here is the screenshot: My code ...
Taimoor Arif's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

SwiftUI's NavigationLink `tag` and `selection` in NavigationView stops working if not all NavigationLinks are displayed

I have a list of items in a Form in a NavigationView, each having a detail-view that can be reached with NavigationLink. When I add a new element to the list, I want to show its detail-view. For that ...
Jannik Arndt's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

SwiftUI NavigationView remove white space

I have a HomeView NavigationView { ZStack { VStack { NavigationLink(destination: ProfileView()) { if session.userInSession?.activated != 1 { ...
Gurmukh Singh's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

SwiftUI Toolbar item getting clipped when back button is pressed

I've run in to a strange behavior in SwiftUI that I can't seem to work around. Given the following simple example app I experience this behavior: The toolbar item renders correctly on the initial run, ...
diemer's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

How to push onto an existing UINavigationController stack from SwiftUI?

We're pushing to a SwiftUI view embedded in a UIHostingViewController in UIKit land like this: First making the UIViewController: func hostingController() -> UIViewController { let ...
ArielSD's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Too much space left between items when using ToolbarItemGroup

When I use toolbar group in SwiftUI, there is too much space between elements. I put it with HStack in iOS 13, it is ok. But when I put it with toolbar in iOS 14, there is a problem. How can I fix ...
ursan526's user avatar
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8 votes
0 answers

SwiftUI preview's subviews are unselectable when embedded in NavigationView

When I embed my view's body inside of a NavigationView I lose all ability to select subviews within the preview window, as well as the reverse ability of selecting code to trigger and display the blue ...
Aaron's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

swiftui list with custom header

I want to set a image header for list in swiftui. The effect I want is shown in the figure below: However, I can not remove padding in this image row. My code is as bellow: import SwiftUI struct ...
mars's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

SwiftUI macOS toolbar icons alignment for three column layout

Following this question, how to add a toolbar divider for a three column view in swiftUI life cycle , I have a slightly different issue. I am trying to achive the same thing but the second and third ...
horace1921's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

SwiftUI: How can I determine if a view is presented in a NavigationView, Sheet, or is the root?

I'm working on a project that requires a custom navigation bar that will have custom buttons and title styling, while also allowing an accessory view below the main nav portion. Essentially, I'd like ...
Ben M's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

SwiftUI NavigationView content only visible in iPad sidebar

My app is working as expected across all iPhone models, but when running on iPad I notice that the my application content, which is wrapped within a NavigationView, only displays in the iPad's sidebar,...
John Harrington's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

SwiftUI - Navigation bar back button appears for a fraction of second

I have looked into many solutions but none of them works. My app navigation flow is ViewController (UIKit) - pushes to SwiftUI view This SwiftUI view shows the back bar button for a fraction of ...
Bhuvan Bhatt's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Blur effect on SwiftUI NavigationBar stops working if I add content to the bottom of my view

I have a very simple View with NavigationBar and a List in a VStack. If I scroll up on the list, the list contents will appear behind the NavigationBar with a nice blur effect by default. This ...
Falco's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

In SwiftUI, how can I avoid redrawing a parent view while updating shared state data from a child view to avoid Navigation issues?

Since Xcode 12.5, I am seeing a lot of "Unable to present. Please file a bug." console logs in the Xcode console which I remember not seeing prior to 12.5. This message is shown when I am ...
user482594's user avatar
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6 votes
0 answers

SwiftUI toolbar covered by keyboard accessory view

Hi there I have a tricky problem to solve with SwiftUI in Xcode 12.4 (iOS 14): given I have a Form with numerous sections and TextEditors, this form having a .toolbar modifier (bottom bar) with some ...
pprochazka72's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

Navigation bar title stays inline in iOS 15

I have a NavigationView that contains a ScrollView with a large title. When I navigate to a page with an inline title, then navigate back, the title stays inline rather than reverting to the large ...
sia's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

NavigationView bar material invisible on iOS 15

On iOS 15, an app with a NavigationView with .inline mode no longer shows the blurry material color you would see for the navigation bar. Example code: struct ContentView: View { var body: some ...
George's user avatar
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6 votes
0 answers

Programmatic navigation with NavigationView/NavigationLink delay jumps back

I created a simple showcase where my problem can be reproduced; what I'm doing is navigating from the initial view => View1 => View2. The navigation from the initial to View1 happens via button ...
swalkner's user avatar
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6 votes
0 answers

SwiftUI NavigationView issue with Parent-Child-Grandchild scenario when attempting grandchild previous next navigation

I am using SwiftUI in a project that requires a model with a 'one to many to many' entity structure. I use a navigation view at the parent level with navigation links at parent and child levels. This ...
Mike Cooper's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Swiftui: align selected text in picker to leading edge

Currently I've a picker included in a Section included in a Form what I'm trying to reach is to align the selected value of the picker to the leading in both iOS 13 and 14, I've tried many solutions ...
Hesham Ali Kamal's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Why is viewModel not deiniting with a NavigationView?

I've got a problem with an object not being destroyed when put into the environment and used with a NavigationView. If a view creates an object, creates a NavigationView and inserts the object into ...
Jack Vanderpump's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Create a common layout for the navigation bar in SwiftUI, so other SwiftUI views should reuse same Nav Bar

In iOS SwiftUI, how can we make a common layout for the navigation bar, so we can use that in all projects without rewriting the same code? We can use ViewBuilder to create a base view for common ...
GrayFox's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How to show in SwiftUI the sidebar in iPad and portrait mode

I have an master detail app in iPad, and when run the app in portrait mode the sidebar is hidden. I need to push Back button to open the sidebar. Can anyone help me to show the sidebar by default? I ...
Ivang's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

TabView is not switching tabs properly in SwiftUI

I'm having a weird problem that I can't seem to figure out with SwiftUI. I have a TabView in my ContentView, there are 3 tabs (chat list, user list, and profile) the app loads up on the chat list tab. ...
Neglected Sanity's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

SwiftUI: Detect NavigationView goes back to main view

I have a NavigationView and the following view structure ViewA -> ViewB -> ViewC and I'm trying to figure out how to detect when ViewB goes back to ViewAViewB -> ViewA. Here is my Code: ...
user2924482's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

SwiftUI hidesBottomBarWhenPushed equivalent?

I'm trying to hide my TabView when I push a new view in my NavigationView but for now it seems that there is no way to do it (I saw a lot of thing on Internet, but nothing seems work properly for me)? ...
Alexandre Cools's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

NavigationLink keeps aligning my text elements to center instead of leading SwiftUI

I have a CustomSearchBar view that looks like this However, when I wrap it with NavigationLink, the placeholder text will be centered. And user inputs will be centered too. How do I maintain the ...
PipEvangelist's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

How to know when SwiftUI presentation has finished?

I want to know when my SwiftUI view has finished it's transition/animation in order to safely present additional views/modals. Example: I am in View A showing Sheet A. Within Sheet A I tap a button ...
Haensl's user avatar
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