Questions tagged [teechart]

TeeChart is a commercial set of powerful charting components originally written for Delphi. A basic component called TChart is included in every Delphi IDE supporting VCL and FireMonkey frameworks. TeeChart is also available for major languages: .NET Framework, Xamarin (including Android, iOS and Forms) Java (including Swing, SWT and Android), ActiveX, Javascript/HTML5 and PHP.

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7 votes
1 answer

What can cause a pie chart to come out "squished"?

I have a pie chart, created with TeeChart, that looks just fine on the system I develop on, but when I run it on a different machine, the "pie" comes out all squished into an oval shape instead of ...
Mason Wheeler's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

"Detected problems with API-compatibility"

I am using the current Delphi 10.3 release along with the current TeeChart FMX 2018.26 release. The Android device is a onePlus 6T with Android 9. Unfortunately, a "detected problems with API-...
Jens Werschmoeller's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

how to do a stacked barchart from a dataset using teechart in delphi

I can create a stacked barchart in Delphi using TeeChart. This is using values and series added in a loop. I would prefer to create this chart by just using a query as the datasource and not have to ...
user2455609's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Creating area chart coloring the part of overflowed values with other color

Can you help me creating the area chart, where the part (top) of chart has other color? I would like to indicate that the values over any number value are critical. This is a screenshot: I've ...
user1332578's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Plotting a TChart with time as the X-axis

I have a series of 3,600 values, one every second for an hour. I want to chart them as a single series, using TChart in Delphi 7. The values should be plotted on the Y-axis. What should I pass to ...
Mawg's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Draw on TeeChart directly with GDI+

How to rotate and draw a transperent PNG image using GDI+ directly on TChart? Currently I load PNG image to a bitmap and use two bitmaps for GDI+ rotation (it works very fast) and then make the ...
Paul's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

TeeChart fast draw in TFastLineSeries

I am using evaluation version of TeeChart VCL v2012 in Embarcadero C++Builder XE. In my program I get about one thousand of points every second and put them into FastLineSeries. To put points into ...
Vasyl Hordynskyy's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to fix TChart Axis Margin Delphi

I was a dynamic data, and I want to show it on the same TChart. How can I fix the axis margin with different data? For Example: First Data Have a 'thousand' value Second Data Have a 'hundred' value ...
Tommy Sayugo's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

minor ticks TeeChart delphi logarithmic scale

I have a very specific request regarding minor ticks. My client want a graph with a different number of minor ticks according to different decades. For example, if the decade is less than 1 he wants ...
Derek Seymour's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Teechart HTML5, line color and thickness

How do you change the line color and thickness of a series in Teechart HTML5. I have been looking through the examples, but i can't find anything describing that.
NikolajSvendsen's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Error when TChart is docked

I get an AV when I dock a Form, wich contains a TChart, into another Form. The error does not occure when the AutoPaint property of the TChart is set to True. I have tested this with C++Builder XE6, ...
Kerem's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Synchronized zooming of two TChart components

I'm using two TChart components and would like to do synchronized zooming for them. I found that TChart has ZoomRect procedure for zooming into a desired rectangle on the chart but I haven't found any ...
Ville Salonen's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Large TChart takes a long time to draw

Top post: I have accepted an answer,but it doesn't work for me. I will post a new question, stressing Delphi 7. Thanks to all who gave some good input I have measurements taken at one second ...
Mawg's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to Install a COM using ClickOnce

I have installed my windows application that uses TeeChart ActiveX (a COM Component for charting) using ClickOnce. If I register manually TeeChart using regsvr32 teechart8.ocx, my application works ...
Jonas's user avatar
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2 answers

What is TeeChart Library alternative in Linux?

I have found TeeChart library was wonderful to create 2D chart based on mathematic/physic simulation formula in C/C++/Java/Delphi. My friends used TeeChart in Microsoft Visual Studio and Delphi IDE ...
Ade Malsasa Akbar's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Setting Line Colour In TChart

How can I change the colour of a line in a TChart in Delphi at run time? For example, how would I change the colour of: Chart1.Series[a].
chendriksen's user avatar
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Delphi TChart Bar Width

I'm trying to figure it out how to set a fixed size to the bars' width in TChart. I've tried to search a lot for a similar "problem", but I may be using the wrong terms, because I found no related ...
Kelver Merlotti's user avatar
3 votes
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How to set TAreaSeries color at runtime?

I have a TAreaSeries filled with data like this: I'm using this code to draw vertical lines on the chart: procedure TfrmDistributionChart.dbcDistributionAfterDraw(Sender: TObject); var XPos: ...
iMan Biglari's user avatar
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Delphi 7: How to print a TChart?

How do I print a TChart? I displayed a TChart, and there is a TButton in the screen. When the TButton clicked, Windows Printer Dialog will be shown and the TChart will be printed to the selected ...
Kawaii-Hachii's user avatar
3 votes
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Dashed series in TChart

Are true dashed series possible in TeeChart? I am trying to represent several data channels on TChart to show data outages. According to the plan each series should contain multiple ranges. Each ...
Paul's user avatar
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Series not showing in TeeChart when created at runtime?

I have a dataset which returns data like below Date, Area, Sales 01/01/2017, Canteen, 1000 01/01/2017, Gym, 3000 01/01/2017, Salon, 2000 02/01/2017, Canteen, 5000 02/01/2017, Gym, 6000 02/01/2017, ...
Paul's user avatar
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Multiple graph on same canvas in Tee chart

Using the example from the teecharts evaluation copy we tried to plot multiple charts on the same canvas but it is not working. All it does is that it simply plots the graph that is drawn at the end(...
Mitul Shah's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Delphi7 TeeChart v4 Legend - How to Scroll?

I have a TChart (Steema TeeChart included in Delphi IDE) component which may have up to 64 Chart Series (Stacked Area in my case). I need to display all existent series in chart, but Legend, ...
ALZ's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Zooming with mouse: marquee color

When I use zooming with mouse on a chart (TeeChart) (left button and drag bottom right) cursor draws a marquee rectangle for zoom area. Marquee line is barely visible in light-grey color. Is there any ...
user1324628's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Circular Gauge Gradient - TeeChart - MonoAndroid

I am using TreeChart to make an indicator as shown in the picture. But I have a problem I can not make the three-color gradient to that gauge. This is my code Steema.TeeChart.TChart tChart = ...
dev_xinito's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to make a stacked bars chart using a single dataset with TDBChart VCL Teechart component?

I would like to create a stacked bars chart with TDBChart using a single dataset. As far as i can see if I use TDBChart as i choose a stacked chart 2 series are added. This component seems good to ...
UnDiUdin's user avatar
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0 answers

How to show combined regions/continents in TeeChart map series?

I am using TeeChart(4.1.2015.8062) for Winforms to display world map in our applicaton. This map can be displayed for predefined regions/continents. Teechart refers to this as world map types. e.g. ...
Sharad Sapre's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Delphi teechart locking form on update

I have a tdbchart running in my app, that updates every 5 seconds, however when it updates it locks up my form so I cant use it while its updating. Is there any way I can stop the form from locking ...
Silentdarkness's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Delphi TeeChart - print preview and save dialog

I'm using the built in TeeChart in Delphi XE for graphs. When I just put a graph on a form, I have all these options to export/save or print preview, but those aren't there at runtime. I want to add ...
KingOfKong's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Prevent series from using clWhite with Delphi TChart

I have a report that uses a TChart that I am maintaining. One of the TLineSeries that gets added automatically gets assigned the color clWhite, which is too close to the background (clBtnFace). If ...
Jim McKeeth's user avatar
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2 votes
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TFDQuery and SQLite: Type mismatch for field, expecting: LargeInt actual: WideString

Using Delphi 10.2, SQLite and Teecharts. My SQLite database has two fields, created with: CREATE TABLE HistoryRuntime ('DayTime' DateTime, Device1 INTEGER DEFAULT (0)); I access the table using a ...
Rick Hollerich's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to use TeeChart to produce such chart?

Using the data points pasted at the end, I get a chart using TeeChart looking like below (2nd image). However, what I want to get is as shown as the 1st image (black line). I am wondering how to do ...
SOUser's user avatar
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1 answer

Teechart axis title

I have a Delphi charting application, I want the user to select the charts they want from a dropdown menu (combobox) which is fine. I want to be able to change the chart x-axis (bottom axis) title to ...
Silentdarkness's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Copy XValues from one TChartSeries to another

Does anyone know how to copy the XValues from one TChartSeries to another in Delphi7 (and TeeChart 4.04)? TChartSeries.ReplaceList(CopySeries.XValues, OriginalSeries.XValues) does not work, since it ...
Truls's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Different axes for different series in TeeChart

I am using TChart with a set of TFastLineSeries, created at run time. Is it possible to use for a half of series the left axis as Y-axis, for another half - the right one, with individual min/max for ...
Paul's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

change in sequence of the points using AddXY in Delphi

Using a TChart line graph I want to allow users to optionally rotate the plots. This is to say it will draw (Y,-X) instead of (X,Y), but when the plots are drawn, the sequence of point changes and ...
hamid's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Draw multiple pie chart vertically?

With default settings I have a result like this: Q: Is there any way to draw multiple pie chart vertically?
SAMPro's user avatar
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With Delphi 11.2 and TeeChart converting VCL to FMX - Where is the function LoadChartFromfile?

With TeeChart VCL there are two functions to save and load a chart: VclTee.TeeStore.SaveChartToFile VclTee.TeeStore.LoadChartFromFile I do not find these functions in TeeChart FMX ? I saw that a ...
user20127427's user avatar
2 votes
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Change chart bar offset (OffsetPercent) at runtime

There is a property inside Teechart edit window named bar offset. Like the following picture. Inside .dfm file it's name is OffsetPercent. Q: How to change it at runtime.
SAMPro's user avatar
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Can PieSeries of TeeChart summarize non-signifant data into an "Other" slice?

I have a TPieSeries which looks like this image when populated with data. Not very bright... Can I instruct the pie series to show the top N most significant records, and summarize the rest in another ...
iMan Biglari's user avatar
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TeeChart: Fast way to show series values at current mouse position

I want to show the values of all series at the current mouse position if the cursor is on the chart. Exactly as it is displayed in this figure: To accomplish this behavior I used an TAnnotationTool ...
FlorianSchunke's user avatar
2 votes
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Using Delphi TChart to display information from a database

I want to create a pie chart in Delphi that will show the user the number of people who play a specific sport. The following SQL statements gets the information from the database and stores the ...
Visiobibliophobia's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

TeEngine.pas not found

I am creating a program that produces bar graphs. Yesterday, the code compiled normally and ran without a glitch. But when I try to run it now, a read address error occurs. This piece of code is ...
Marnu123's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to repaint only a region of TeeChart when modifying series points?

I have encountered the performance issue while refreshing the whole graph with a lot of points on it and would like to ask if there is a way to decrease the time taken to redraw the graph. For ...
Wrackage's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How do I display StringLabelValue?

I'm use Teechart version .Net & VS2005. X-axis of the graph type of date and time, Y-axis was added to the Point Series. I want to show the StringLabelValue. My Code : private void GridPoint() ...
김찌질's user avatar
2 votes
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Reduce the number of drawn TChart points

My TChart has a lot of points added by series.AddXY method. A point is added every second (but there could be also long periods without data). After the chart has been changed (point added), when I go ...
Paul's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

TeeChart VCL - Add Marks

I'm trying to create a aditional mark from TDonutSeries at runtime. I have used this source code below: with Series1.Marks.Children.Add do begin Shape.Font.Size:= 10; Shape....
Valber Custódio's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

tchart in delphi remove text over each bar

I am using a tchart in Delphi. It is a bar chart, and to add to each series, it requires 3 parameters like this: chart1.series[0].add(123,'annoying',clred); The middle parameter, in this example ...
SteveL's user avatar
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Why does TChart left axis title position depend on title length?

I use fixed LabelsSize and TitleSize to keep my TChart LeftAxis at the same position, but the axis title (90° vertical) move around depending on its length. It is clear that the title's X position is ...
user2618654's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Teechart + Paging and Scroll together

Can I use paging and scrollAxis Tool together because once we do a Scroll and after that try to do next page or prev page using page Number tool it doesn't work. Thanks Akshay
Akshay Bhalla's user avatar

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