Questions tagged [upgrade]

This tag refers to the process of replacing a particular system with a newer version of the same system

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1165 votes
18 answers

How to upgrade Git on Windows to the latest version

I just upgraded to Git for Windows, from my previous version 1.7.9.mysysgit.0. I downloaded the new version from the Git site and installed through the normal Git installer EXE. That said, ...
BrianScottK's user avatar
  • 11.8k
1129 votes
40 answers

Upgrading Node.js to the latest version

So, I have Node.js installed and now when I tried to install Mongoosejs, I got an error telling me that I don't have the needed version of Node.js (I have v0.4.11 and v0.4.12 is needed). How can I ...
holyredbeard's user avatar
  • 20.4k
1031 votes
32 answers

Upgrade Node.js to the latest version on Mac OS

Currently I am using Node.js v0.6.16 on Mac OS X 10.7.4. Now I want to upgrade it to the latest Node.js v0.8.1. But after downloading and installing the latest package file from, I found ...
afterglowlee's user avatar
933 votes
23 answers

How do I update/upgrade pip itself from inside my virtual environment?

I'm able to update pip-managed packages, but how do I update pip itself? According to pip --version, I currently have pip 1.1 installed in my virtualenv and I want to update to the latest version. ...
zakdances's user avatar
  • 22.8k
359 votes
5 answers

How to safely upgrade an Amazon EC2 instance from t1.micro to large? [closed]

I have an Amazon EC2 micro instance (t1.micro). I want to upgrade this instance to large. This is our production environment, so what is the safest way to do this? Is there any step by step guide to ...
gandil's user avatar
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332 votes
9 answers

Table 'performance_schema.session_variables' doesn't exist

After upgrading MySQL to 5.7.8-rc and loging to server I got error: Table 'performance_schema.session_variables' doesn't exist I can't find any solution for this. Can you help ?
Taz's user avatar
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231 votes
15 answers

How to upgrade PostgreSQL from version 9.6 to version 10.1 without losing data? [closed]

I'm using the PostgreSQL database for my Ruby on Rails application (on Mac OS X 10.9). Are there any detailed instructions on how to upgrade PostgreSQL database? I'm afraid I will destroy the data ...
user3675188's user avatar
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201 votes
10 answers

Compilation error after upgrading to JDK 21 - "NoSuchFieldError: JCImport does not have member field JCTree qualid"

After upgrading to JDK 21, I have the following compilation error in my Spring Boot project: Fatal error compiling: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: Class$JCImport does not ...
Honza Zidek's user avatar
  • 15.3k
177 votes
12 answers

Painless way to install a new version of R?

Andrew Gelman recently lamented the lack of an easy upgrade process for R (probably more relevant on Windows than Linux). Does anyone have a good trick for doing the upgrade, from installing the ...
Shane's user avatar
  • 99.5k
166 votes
32 answers

Problems after upgrading to Xcode 10: Build input file cannot be found

I upgraded my Xcode SDK to version 10 last night and then find I cannot build. I'm getting this error: Build input file cannot be found: '/Users/call01/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Comp-...
user616076's user avatar
  • 3,971
150 votes
9 answers

Can't update Macports (with Mac OS X Mavericks)

After upgrading Mac OS X to newest version Mavericks, I attempted to selfupdate my Macports, but it failed: $ sudo port -v selfupdate ---> Updating MacPorts base sources using rsync receiving ...
qazwsx's user avatar
  • 26.2k
145 votes
4 answers

How to update Python?

I have version 2.7 installed from early 2012. I can't find any consensus on whether I should completely uninstall and wipe this version before putting on the latest version. "Soft"-removing old ...
Coldblackice's user avatar
  • 3,480
119 votes
12 answers

Want to upgrade project from Angular v5 to Angular v6

As Angular 6 is here, I want to upgrade or move my angular 5 client application to angular 6, but I'm not getting any tutorial or anything which can guide me through. According to me I just need to ...
Abhishek Chokra's user avatar
117 votes
7 answers

How to upgrade PowerShell version from 2.0 to 3.0

The OS that I am using is Windows 7, and the PowerShell version that is installed here is 2.0. Is it possible for me to upgrade it to version 3.0 or 4.0? Because there are cmdlets that version 2.0 ...
Teppie's user avatar
  • 1,171
105 votes
3 answers

How to upgrade Eclipse for Java EE Developers?

Is there any non-painful way to upgrade an Eclipse installation? I have tried browsing the eclipse site but I cannot find an useful description.
Mariano Sánchez's user avatar
96 votes
14 answers

Upgrading React version and its dependencies by reading package.json

I have an existing project, which has react@15 and all its dependencies according to that. But now I have to upgrade to react@16 along with it's dependencies. Now, the problem is - there are a lot of ...
AlwaysALearner's user avatar
82 votes
14 answers

An assembly specified in the application dependencies manifest (...) was not found

I upgraded Microsoft.AspNetCore from 2.0.3 to 2.0.5 and my WebAPI project, although running successfully locally, fails to start in production (IIS). Everything was fine in production until this ...
KSwift87's user avatar
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80 votes
2 answers

How to trust a apt repository : Debian apt-get update error public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY <id> [closed]

Trying to update some repositories on Debian Etch installation and getting the following errors from running "apt-get update" W: GPG error: etch Release: The ...
Chris Harris's user avatar
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68 votes
2 answers

How to upgrade from VS 2017 to 2019?

VS 2019 is RTM, and I was wondering what's the proper way to upgrade from VS 2017, is there a dedicated 'upgrade' method, or is it uninstall and install? Maybe install and uninstall? What's the right ...
Shimmy Weitzhandler's user avatar
67 votes
1 answer

How to run --upgrade with pipenv?

Running (say for numpy) pipenv install --upgrade numpy tries to install --upgrade and numpy instead of normal pip behavior for --upgrade switch. Is anyone else having this problem? Edit: I suggest ...
adam.hendry's user avatar
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65 votes
12 answers

How can I upgrade Visual Studio Code?

What's the best way to upgrade Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu? For the time being, I was periodically getting the newest version (.deb) from their official site: sudo dpkg -i code_*.deb
zurfyx's user avatar
  • 32k
58 votes
9 answers

Angular 2 Component is not part of any NgModule

i'm upgrading my Angular 2 project from RC5 to 2.0.0. I get this Error Unhandled Promise rejection: Component LoginComponent is not part of any NgModule or the module has not been imported into ...
Lyror's user avatar
  • 944
58 votes
6 answers

go version command shows old version number after update to 1.8

Pretty much the title. I downloaded/installed Go 1.8 for OS X, but when I go $ go version go version go1.7.5 darwin/amd64 My .bashrc look like the following # some exports omitted NPM_PACKAGES=/...
Arnaud H's user avatar
  • 931
57 votes
4 answers

upgrading from MVC4 to MVC5

I have made that dreadful error of upgrading from MVC4 to MVC5 pre-release by updating the razor, and mvc webpage in my references I have System.Web.Mvc, System.Web.Webpages, System.Web.Webpages.Razor ...
Jack M's user avatar
  • 2,564
56 votes
5 answers

upgrade python version using pip

So I have python 2.7.3 installed on Windows 7 64 bit and I want to do an incremental upgrade to version 2.7.5. I have pip installed and it works fine; I just installed Django using it. I ran into ...
Snerd's user avatar
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54 votes
6 answers

How do I upgrade SQL Server localDB to a newer version?

Is it possible to upgrade SqlServer localDB from 2012 to 2014? We currently use version 11 from SQL Server 2012. I need to upgrade to version 12 from SQL Server 2014. I would like to be able to ...
Don Chambers's user avatar
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51 votes
6 answers

How do I add time-stamp information to Maven artifacts?

I am upgrading a large build-system to use Maven2 instead of Ant, and we have two related requirements that I'm stuck on: We need to generate a time-stamped artifact, so a part of the package phase (...
Ryan's user avatar
  • 525
49 votes
3 answers

Upgrade from jQuery 1.x to jQuery 2.x

I am trying to upgrade from jQuery 1.x to jQuery 2.x. I have jQuery 1.8 and jQueryUI 1.8, and now I want to upgrade to jQuery 2.x and enhance my web app. So my question is what to change and ...
ucefkh's user avatar
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48 votes
10 answers

Turn off Null Safety for previous Flutter Project?

I want to upgrade my flutter to get new features such as null safety, but I didn't want my previous project to affect them. I want new changes only for my new flutter project, I want to run my old ...
MRazaImtiaz's user avatar
  • 2,049
47 votes
1 answer

Upgrade the Python package dateutil: Could not find a version

I tried to upgrade dateutil from 2.5.3 to the newest version 2.6.0 with pip install dateutil --upgrade, but got the issue Could not find a version. $ pip install dateutil --upgrade Collecting ...
SparkAndShine's user avatar
44 votes
32 answers

How best to convince people to upgrade IE?

I recently asked a question that got shot down for being too strongly worded. I'm having another go today because it's something I really am concerned about and I really do want feedback and ideas ...
42 votes
8 answers

Update TensorFlow

I'm working with Ubuntu 14.04 , I had a TensorFlow V0.10 but I want to update this version. if i do: $ pip install --upgrade $TF_BINARY_URL but it prints: Exception: Traceback (most recent call ...
stevGates's user avatar
  • 932
42 votes
11 answers

debian apt packages hash sum mismatch [closed]

From the Debian command line, I'm getting a hash sum mismatch after executing aptitude update; aptitude upgrade. Below is the command line output. I've tried an aptitude clean, but this does not seem ...
Mark Giles's user avatar
41 votes
10 answers

How can I upgrade react-native gradle version

I need help. I can't upgrade gradle version of my react-native project. I try a lot of things, downloaded last version of Android Studio & SDK Tools etc. I changed this file \android\gradle\...
Siberhecy's user avatar
  • 591
39 votes
11 answers

Pycharm debugger instantly exits with 139 code

After upgrade from Pycharm 2017.2.3 to Pycharm 2017.1.4 Pycharm's Debugger suggested to build cpython (or sth associated with it): path/to/my/python /opt/pycharm-community-2017.1.4/helpers/pydev/...
dankal444's user avatar
  • 3,772
39 votes
6 answers

How to upgrade csproj files with VS2017

VS2017 has so far correctly converted several project.json/.xproj based projects to the new .csproj format. I would also like to use the new .csproj format with older .csproj projects that previously ...
Drew Noakes's user avatar
37 votes
7 answers

After upgrading to vue 3 : "Cannot find module '@vue/compiler-sfc/package.json' "

After upgrading to vue 3 : yarn add vue@next I get this error: "Cannot find module '@vue/compiler-sfc/package.json" when executing yarn electron:serve (base) marco@pc01:~/webMatters/...
Raphael10's user avatar
  • 2,940
37 votes
9 answers

I want my C# Windows Service to automatically update itself [closed]

Is there a framework that can be used to enable a C# Windows Service to automatically check for a newer version and upgrade itself? I can certainly write code to accomplish this, but I am looking for ...
Larry Smithmier's user avatar
36 votes
11 answers

Reasons and advantages for upgrading to Java 6 for a non-technical decider (at the client)

I'd like to upgrade from Java 5 to Java 6. We all know about the technical advantages and benefits, but: I have the problem that a major client refuses to upgrade from java 5 to java 6 because of "...
35 votes
3 answers

upgrade eclipse to java 8

I am trying to update my eclipse environment to java 8. I installed the jdk and jre version 8. I also did this: then in project -> ...
Andi Keikha's user avatar
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34 votes
6 answers

Cannot upgrade pip 9.0.1 to 9.0.3 - requirement already satisfied

I'm trying to update pip using pip install --upgrade pip, but I get a "requirement satisfied" error and an "outdated version" message at the same time $ pip install --upgrade pip Requirement already ...
Soundtemple's user avatar
34 votes
13 answers

Android_Install failed version downgrade

I'm going to update my apk on GooglePlay Store and I know that i have to upgrade the version code and name in manifest file however, it made install_failed. Installation error: ...
user3503072's user avatar
34 votes
1 answer

After I upgrade my R version, how can I easily reinstall all the packages that were installed in the old version? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Painless way to install a new version of R? In R, packages are not compatible across upgrades, and must be reinstalled. Is there any way to easily install the same set of ...
Ryan C. Thompson's user avatar
32 votes
9 answers

I don't "get" how a program can update itself. How can I make my software update?

Say I make an .exe file and everything is peachy. Wonderful it works. Say I worked on a new feature on the software and I want it to be available for people who already have the older version, how ...
Sergio Tapia's user avatar
  • 40.7k
32 votes
3 answers

How to update an installed Windows service?

I have written a Windows service in C#. I have since installed it on my machine, and it runs just fine. When you install a service, does the exe get copied somewhere? Or does it point to my bin ...
shenku's user avatar
  • 12.2k
30 votes
4 answers

flutter --flow-control-collections are needed, but are they?

After upgrading flutter (both master and stable versions) and dart, I get an error about the experiment --flow-control-collections not being enabled for various for-loops that I'm using in the project....
William Terrill's user avatar
30 votes
4 answers

RPM upgrade uninstalls the RPM

I am upgrading our project RPM. The problem is when I upgrade from projectname-1.0-0 to projectname-1.0-1, it first installs the new project and uninstalls the old project, which, in overall view, ...
Vidya's user avatar
  • 301
30 votes
2 answers

How to upgrade R in linux?

I am new to Linux. I am using Linux mint 18.1. I have installed R using system software manager. My current R version is 3.2. But I want to upgrade it to version 3.4. How can I do it?
Ayubur Rahaman's user avatar
29 votes
7 answers

What are best practices for self-updating PHP+MySQL applications?

It is pretty standard practice now for desktop applications to be self-updating. On the Mac, every non-Apple program that uses Sparkle in my book is an instant win. For Windows developers, this has ...
Barnabas Kendall's user avatar
28 votes
4 answers

Best way to Upgrade wamp 2.0 to 2.5

My wamp 2.0 is using around more than 100 large database and a lot of projects.I also made around more than 50 virtual host. Now I need to upgrade wamp 2.0 to 2.5. I got some suggestion on internet ...
Devis Luis's user avatar

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