Setup using a simple example: I've got 1 table (Totals) that holds the sum of the amount column of each record in a second table (Things).

When a thing.amount gets updated, I'd like to simply add the difference between the old value and the new value to total.sum.

Right now I'm subtracting self.amount during before_update and adding self.amount during after_update. This places WAY too much trust in the update succeeding.

Constraint: I don't want to simply recalculate the sum of all the transactions.

Question: Quite simply, I'd like to access the original value during an after_update callback. What ways have you come up with do this?

Update: I'm going with Luke Francl's idea. During an after_update callback you still have access to the self.attr_was values which is exactly what I wanted. I also decided to go with an after_update implementation because I want to keep this kind of logic in the model. This way, no matter how I decide to update transactions in the future, I'll know that I'm updating the sum of the transactions correctly. Thanks to everyone for your implementation suggestions.

10 Answers 10


Ditto what everyone is saying about transactions.

That said...

ActiveRecord as of Rails 2.1 keeps track of the attribute values of an object. So if you have an attribute total, you will have a total_changed? method and a total_was method that returns the old value.

There's no need to add anything to your model to keep track of this anymore.

Update: Here is the documentation for ActiveModel::Dirty as requested.

  • I thought something like this existed. Can you link to the relevant documentation about attr_changed? and attr_was? Mar 3, 2009 at 16:37
  • Sure, I added a link to the answer. Mar 3, 2009 at 17:02

To get all changed fields, with their old and new values respectively:

person = Person.create!(:name => 'Bill')
person.name = 'Bob'
person.previous_changes        # => {"name" => ["Bill", "Bob"]}
  • 8
    I believe the last line should now read person.previous_changes instead of person.changes Feb 8, 2017 at 4:03

Appending "_was" to your attribute will give you the previous value before saving the data.

These methods are called dirty methods methods.



Some other folks are mentioning wrapping all this in a transaction, but I think that's done for you; you just need to trigger the rollback by raising an exception for errors in the after_* callbacks.

See http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/Callbacks.html

The entire callback chain of a save, save!, or destroy call runs within a transaction. That includes after_* hooks. If everything goes fine a COMMIT is executed once the chain has been completed.

If a before_* callback cancels the action a ROLLBACK is issued. You can also trigger a ROLLBACK raising an exception in any of the callbacks, including after_* hooks. Note, however, that in that case the client needs to be aware of it because an ordinary save will raise such exception instead of quietly returning false.


ActiveRecord::Dirty is a module that's built into ActiveRecord for tracking attribute changes. So you can use thing.amount_was to get the old value.


If you want to get value of particular field after update you can use field_before_last_save method.


u = User.last
u.update(name: "abc")

u.name_before_last_save will give you old value (before update value)

From Rails 5.1, the behavior of attribute_was inside of after callbacks have change. attribute_was will return the value after the save is done and return the current value in an after_save or after_update callback.

attribute_before_last_save is invoked two ways to get the previous value of a field in the after_save and after_update callbacks right now:

Option #1


Option #2


Add this to your model:

def amount=(new_value)
    @old_amount = read_attribute(:amount)

Then use @old_amount in your after_update code.


Firstly, you should be doing this in a transaction to ensure that your data gets written together.

To answer your question, you could just set a member variable to the old value in the before_update, which you can then access in the after_update, however this isn't a very elegant solution.

  • I'm struggling to see how i would implement what i want using a transaction. Does a transaction like this live in the model or in the controller? Do I remove my 'after_update' and 'before_update' callbacks? Finally, how do I get the old value that i need in order to determine the difference?
    – Abel
    Mar 3, 2009 at 18:21
  • nevermind, i see that i have to place the code in the controller. we're good.
    – Abel
    Mar 3, 2009 at 19:24

Idea 1: Wrap the update in a database transaction, so that if the update fails your Totals table isn't changed: ActiveRecord Transactions docs

Idea 2: Stash the old value in @old_total during the before_update.

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