UtkarshPramodGupta's user avatar
UtkarshPramodGupta's user avatar
UtkarshPramodGupta's user avatar
Speaks JavaScript @ Microsoft
  • Member for 9 years, 8 months
  • Last seen this week
131 votes

Simplest/cleanest way to implement a singleton in JavaScript

26 votes

mini-css-extract-plugin WARNING in chunk chunkName [mini-css-extract-plugin] Conflicting order between:

25 votes

React Router V4 - Warning: You tried to redirect to the same route you're currently on: "/home/dashboard"

18 votes

How to create singleton classes in Javascript?

14 votes

how to get input field value on button click in react?

13 votes

How create a Date field with default value as the current timestamp in MongoDb?

11 votes

How to clear an input value on some button press?

9 votes

TokBox Error: OT.Session: Cannot connect, the session is already undefined

4 votes

How to update MongoDB document based on its previous values?

4 votes

Clicking on child elements gives undefined for onclick event reactjs

4 votes

React dynamic form input useRef typeError

3 votes

How do I use localstorage with redux?

3 votes

React Typescript: How run some lines at the same time as each other, and other parts need to wait

3 votes

Node.js Can't access variable in another javascript file

3 votes

Show or hide element in React

3 votes

React Native onChangeText like onChange in ReactJS

3 votes

Functions are not valid as a React child -----> from a React-Native Noobie

3 votes

What is the difference between specifying the parameter between brackets and without it?

3 votes

How to get all the properties assigned to the function object in javascript?

3 votes

URL Redirection to another domain with same query parameters

3 votes

Javascript: false || undefined vs undefined || false

3 votes

Which way should be used for null comparison in JavaScript

3 votes

getElementById().style.display Not Toggling HTML Button (Show/Hide)

3 votes

How to change key for array's objects' in javascript?

2 votes

Error: Cannot find module 'socket.io-client/dist/socket.io.min.js'

2 votes

How to set a textbox to an eval() in javascript

2 votes

connect.bodyParser is not a function

2 votes

ReferenceError include is not defined

2 votes

Why Object.getPrototypeOf(instance.constructor) is not equal to instance.constructor.prototype?

2 votes

Why I'm getting a blank page from running a node server that point to the /dist folder of an Angular app?

2 3 4 5