Yesterday I deployed my project (using Sanity.io) to Vercel and no issue.

Today I edited my code and want to deploy the new version with this commands:

vercel build
vercel deploy --prebuilt
vercel --prod

The last command gave me an error message:

vercel error screenshot

And it's seem the error comes from fetchPageInfo.js


export const fetchPageInfo = async() => {
    const res = await fetch(`${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL}/api/getPageInfo`);
    const data = await res.json();
    const pageInfo: PageInfo = data.pageInfo
    return pageInfo; 


export const getStaticProps: GetStaticProps<Props> = async () => {
  const pageInfo: PageInfo = await fetchPageInfo();
  const experience: Experience[] = await fetchExperience();
  const skills: Skill[] = await fetchSkills();
  const projets: Projet[] = await fetchProjet();
  const socials: Social[] = await fetchSocial();
  return {
    props: {


NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL = http://localhost:3000/

I'm new on Sanity and Vercel and I suppose that Sanity and Vercel communicated together and Vercel convert NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL to the real URL and not the local

I tried to directly pass the projetId key in the sanity.ts and put the real online URL in the fetchPageInfo (this edit gave me this error: Failed to parse URL from undefined/api/getExperience

But when I put the URL in Safari I retrieved all the data.

So I'm stuck...

Can someone help me please ?

  • I am also having the same issue, but I'm getting this same error, but vercel build itself is failing for me. By any chance, have you found any fix?
    – Nauman
    Jan 30, 2023 at 6:08

1 Answer 1


I solved this issue by following the below steps:

  • Added NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL = "Vercel URL goes here instead of localhost"
  • Replaced fetch requests with axios requests at all utility files (fetch requests have some default timeouts)
  • Added staticPageGenerationTimeout: 200, at next.config.js

You have to remember:

With NextJS, client is server is ONE

This is the reason NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL has to be the final deployment URL of your project instead of localhost.

Note: The last two actions I made to solve the problem, (axios and staticPage timeout) are due to the fact that my internet connection is slow

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