MVC and DDD can be used together. What we call "Models" both in DDD and MVC are virtually the same: abstractions. Using pseudo-code we can illustrate a few examples.
Model View Controller (MVC)
The Model View Controller ARCHITECTURE separates the software into three parts:
The Model Layer
The Model layer from the MVC Architecture is where the logic resides. In this layer we have our models and business logic.
class Car {
String color;
String year;
Cat(color, year) {
this.color = color;
this.year = year;
//getters & setters
A simple Car abstraction.
class CarService {
save(car) {
if(car.getColor() != null && car.getYear() != null) {
} else {
find(car) {
return methodToFind(car);
update(car) {
delete(car) {
A simple CRUD for Car using a Service
The View Layer
The View layer is where the user interface resides. Here's where the user can interact with the system, which will then trigger the Controllers on actions performed, which will then inform the Model layer and request data. The View Layer can reside either in the client-side of the application or the server-side of the application (ie: JSF (Java Server Faces) as Server-Side, ReactJS as Client-Side). By any means, even if the View layer resides on the client side, the client will need to request the server-side for sending requests. This may be done by HTTP requests for a Web-Based Application.
A pseudo-page for the Car.
The Controller Layer
The Controller layer basically receives input from the View and then convert and send the data to the Model Layer and vice-versa.
class CarController {
getTheCarOnLoad() {
return theCar();
The method to load the Car.
Domain Driven Design (DDD)
Domain Driven Design is a concept:
DDD lays it's foundations in the concept that classes, class variables and class methods must match it's core business domain.
Domain Driven Design Resides into the "M"
In this case, when MVC is applied, the Domain Driven Design resides into the Model Layer of the MVC Architecture. As explained before, the Model Layer is where the Business Logic of the application resides.
Either if you have entities or not, they still are Models. A Model is just an abstraction of something in the real world. A cat can be a Model if abstracted:
class Cat {
String color;
String age;
Cat(color, age) {
this.color = color;
this.age = age;
//getters & setters
Simple Cat abstraction. It is a Model of Cat.
DDD Entities
In Domain Driven Design we have Entities, that are also classified as Models. The difference between them is that Entities are identifiable. If you have a class that is identifiable and can be persisted, then it's an Entity. An Entity still, is a Model.
class Cat {
Long id;
String color;
String age;
Cat(color, age) {
this.color = color;
this.age = age;
//getters & setters
A simple Entity. An Entity is a Model.
Data Transfer Objects (DTO)
Data Transfer Objects have no logic inside them and the only use to them is to be containers for transferring data from one endpoint to another. Usually Enterprise Entities are not Serializable by nature, so we need a way to send only the data that we need to be sent to a client.
Since a Model could have sensible data or simply data we don't want to share in a request for a fetch, for instance, then considering our Cat Model, we could create a DTO that does not share the Cat's ID:
class CatDTO {
String color;
String age;
//getters & setters
A Data Transfer Object for Cat. We only need it's properties and something to get and set the properties. We don't want to share it's ID.
So if we, for instance, had to request a list of all cats from our client using REST, then we would request the endpoint that responds with our CatDTO instead of our Cat Entity:
Cat {
"color": "yellow",
"age": "1"
Cat {
"color": "black",
"age": "4"
And that would be all the data that our client could see.