Questions tagged [where-clause]

A syntactic form in functional languages used to bind a value to a name in a local scope. Similar, but not identical to, let.

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962 votes
22 answers

SQL JOIN: what is the difference between WHERE clause and ON clause?

What is the difference and what should go in each? If I understand the theory correctly, the query optimizer should be able to use both interchangeably. (Note: this question is not a duplicate of ...
BCS's user avatar
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587 votes
16 answers

How to make "case-insensitive" query in Postgresql?

Is there any way to write case-insensitive queries in PostgreSQL, E.g. I want that following 3 queries return same result. SELECT id FROM groups where name='administrator' SELECT id FROM groups ...
Jame's user avatar
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288 votes
18 answers

What is the difference between HAVING and WHERE in SQL?

What is the difference between HAVING and WHERE in an SQL SELECT statement? EDIT: I have marked Steven's answer as the correct one as it contained the key bit of information on the link: When GROUP ...
ColinYounger's user avatar
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285 votes
10 answers


I have the following two tables: 1. Lecturers (LectID, Fname, Lname, degree). 2. Lecturers_Specialization (LectID, Expertise). I want to find the lecturer with the most Specialization. When I try ...
Adam Sh's user avatar
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276 votes
7 answers


Why do you need to place columns you create yourself (for example select 1 as "number") after HAVING and not WHERE in MySQL? And are there any downsides instead of doing WHERE 1 (writing the whole ...
baloo's user avatar
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248 votes
7 answers

Left Join With Where Clause

I need to retrieve all default settings from the settings table but also grab the character setting if exists for x character. But this query is only retrieving those settings where character is = 1,...
Sein Kraft's user avatar
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231 votes
7 answers

Select records from NOW() -1 Day

Is there a way in a MySQL statement to order records (through a date stamp) by >= NOW() -1 so all records from the day before today to the future are selected?
user1092780's user avatar
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221 votes
15 answers

Detect if value is number in MySQL

Is there a way to detect if a value is a number in a MySQL query? Such as SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE isANumber(col1) = true
Urbycoz's user avatar
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221 votes
19 answers

How to use NULL or empty string in SQL

I would like to know how to use NULL and an empty string at the same time in a WHERE clause in SQL Server. I need to find records that have either null values or an empty string. Thanks.
poshan's user avatar
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175 votes
6 answers

Does the order of where clauses matter in SQL?

Let's say I have a table called PEOPLE having three columns, ID, LastName, and FirstName. None of these columns are indexed. LastName is more unique, and FirstName is less unique. If I do two searches:...
ZZZ's user avatar
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164 votes
10 answers

SQL : BETWEEN vs <= and >=

In SQL Server 2000 and 2005: what is the difference between these two WHERE clauses? which one I should use on which scenarios? Query 1: SELECT EventId, EventName FROM EventMaster WHERE EventDate ...
Shyju's user avatar
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163 votes
8 answers

Laravel where on relationship object

I'm developing a web API with Laravel 5.0 but I'm not sure about a specific query I'm trying to build. My classes are as follows: class Event extends Model { protected $table = 'events'; ...
Lic's user avatar
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163 votes
3 answers

MySQL join with where clause

I have two tables I want to join. I want all of the categories in the categories table and also all of the categories subscribed to by a user in the category_subscriptions table. essentially this is ...
mmundiff's user avatar
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160 votes
8 answers

Linq: What is the difference between Select and Where

The Select and Where methods are available in Linq. What should every developer know about these two methods? For example: when to use one over the other, any advantages of using one over the other, ...
144 votes
5 answers

Haskell: Where vs. Let

I am new to Haskell and I am very confused by Where vs. Let. They both seem to provide a similar purpose. I have read a few comparisons between Where vs. Let but I am having trouble discerning when to ...
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131 votes
6 answers

MySQL - ORDER BY values within IN()

I'm hoping to sort the items returned in the following query by the order they're entered into the IN() function. INPUT: SELECT id, name FROM mytable WHERE name IN ('B', 'A', 'D', 'E', 'C'); OUTPUT:...
Matt's user avatar
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129 votes
2 answers

C# generic "where constraint" with "any generic type" definition?

Let me give example: I have some generic class/interface definition: interface IGenericCar< T > {...} I have another class/interface that I want to relate with class above, for example: ...
Nenad's user avatar
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119 votes
6 answers

How to write a SQL DELETE statement with a SELECT statement in the WHERE clause?

Database: Sybase Advantage 11 On my quest to normalize data, I am trying to delete the results I get from this SELECT statement: SELECT tableA.entitynum FROM tableA q INNER JOIN tableB u on (u....
LuiCami's user avatar
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117 votes
6 answers

MySQL select with CONCAT condition

I'm trying to compile this in my mind.. i have a table with firstname and lastname fields and i have a string like "Bob Jones" or "Bob Michael Jones" and several others. the thing is, i have for ...
Alex K's user avatar
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116 votes
16 answers

Get only records created today in laravel

How do I use the created_at field to get only the records that were created today and no other day or time? I was thinking of a ->where('created_at', '>=', Carbon::now()) But Im not sure that ...
TheWebs's user avatar
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115 votes
3 answers

querying WHERE condition to character length?

I have a database with a large number of words but i want to select only those records where the character length is equal to a given number (in example case 3): $query = ("SELECT * FROM $db WHERE ...
faq's user avatar
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115 votes
4 answers

Filter Table Before Applying Left Join

I have 2 tables, I want to filter the 1 table before the 2 tables are joined together. Customer Table: ╔══════════╦═══════╗ ║ Customer ║ State ║ ╠══════════╬═══════╣ ║ A ║ S ║ ...
Tom Jenkin's user avatar
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109 votes
7 answers

SQL server ignore case in a where expression

How do I construct a SQL query (MS SQL Server) where the "where" clause is case-insensitive? SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE myField = 'sOmeVal' I want the results to come back ignoring the case
Raul Agrait's user avatar
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108 votes
10 answers

SQL WHERE condition is not equal to?

Is it possible to negate a where clause? e.g. DELETE * FROM table WHERE id != 2;
Frank Vilea's user avatar
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106 votes
6 answers

"Or" equivalent in Linq Where() lambda expression

Is there a method in Linq where you can use to build SQL strings like "...where (a=1) OR (a=2)"?
dstr's user avatar
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95 votes
12 answers

SELECTING with multiple WHERE conditions on same column

Ok, I think I might be overlooking something obvious/simple here... but I need to write a query that returns only records that match multiple criteria on the same column... My table is a very simple ...
RyanNehring's user avatar
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93 votes
6 answers

Conditional WHERE clause in SQL Server

I am creating a SQL query in which I need a conditional where clause. It should be something like this: SELECT DateAppr, TimeAppr, TAT, LaserLTR, Permit, LtrPrinter, ...
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93 votes
5 answers

EF: Include with where clause [duplicate]

As the title suggest I am looking for a way to do a where clause in combination with an include. Here is my situations: I am responsible for the support of a large application full of code smells. ...
Beejee's user avatar
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87 votes
4 answers

In Haskell, when do we use in with let?

In the following code, the last phrase I can put an in in front. Will it change anything? Another question: If I decide to put in in front of the last phrase, do I need to indent it? I tried ...
McBear Holden's user avatar
86 votes
3 answers

pandas equivalent of np.where

np.where has the semantics of a vectorized if/else (similar to Apache Spark's when/otherwise DataFrame method). I know that I can use np.where on pandas.Series, but pandas often defines its own API to ...
max's user avatar
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73 votes
2 answers

MySQL Select last 7 days

I read some posts here and seems like nothing special but I can not still select the entries of the last days. SELECT p1.kArtikel, p1.cName, p1.cKurzBeschreibung, p1....
karadayi's user avatar
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72 votes
2 answers

Oracle SQL : timestamps in where clause

I need to look up rows within a particular time frame. select * from TableA where startdate >= '12-01-2012 21:24:00' and startdate <= '12-01-2012 21:25:33' I.e.: I need to look up rows ...
sid's user avatar
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72 votes
6 answers

What is the purpose of using WHERE 1=1 in SQL statements? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicates: Why would a sql query have “where 1 = 1” Why would someone use WHERE 1=1 AND <conditions> in a SQL clause? I've seen that a lot in different query ...
RaYell's user avatar
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72 votes
10 answers

Is a JOIN faster than a WHERE?

Suppose I have two tables that are linked (one has a foreign key to the other): CREATE TABLE Document ( Id INT PRIMARY KEY, Name VARCHAR 255 ) CREATE TABLE DocumentStats ( Id INT PRIMARY KEY, ...
Wookai's user avatar
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69 votes
10 answers

Dynamic WHERE clause in LINQ

What is the best way to assemble a dynamic WHERE clause to a LINQ statement? I have several dozen checkboxes on a form and am passing them back as: Dictionary<string, List<string>> (...
Keith Barrows's user avatar
66 votes
6 answers

How can I have IS NULL condition in TypeORM find options?

In my queries I'm using TypeORM find option. How can I have IS NULL condition in the where clause?
user4092086's user avatar
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65 votes
7 answers

Checking an input param if not Null and using it in where in SQL Server

What is the best way to include an input param in the WHERE clause but exclude it if it is null? There are a number of ways I believe, but I can't seem to remember then. Also could I use the ...
Martin's user avatar
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64 votes
6 answers

In SQL / MySQL, what is the difference between "ON" and "WHERE" in a join statement?

The following statements give the same result (one is using on, and the other using where): mysql> select * from gifts INNER JOIN sentGifts ON gifts.giftID = sentGifts.giftID; mysql> select * ...
nonopolarity's user avatar
63 votes
3 answers

Usage of where in if let assignment in Swift

The Swift documentation at page 61 of the Swift manual hints to the possibility of using where to join an optional binding with a regular condition. Yet when I do it I have a warning suggesting me to ...
Fabrizio Bartolomucci's user avatar
63 votes
4 answers

sql query if parameter is null select all

Can the following query be modified to return all records if the ? is null? SELECT NAME, SURNAME FROM MY_TABLE WHERE NAME = ?;
Fseee's user avatar
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60 votes
4 answers

Selecting rows where remainder (modulo) is 1 after division by 2?

There is a column in options that hold an integer. I want to select the row only if that value % 2 = 1. I know this can be done in 2 queries but is it possible to do it in 1?
Carlos's user avatar
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58 votes
4 answers

MySql Inner Join with WHERE clause [closed]

Here is my code: SELECT table1.f_id FROM table1 WHERE table1.f_com_id = '430' AND table1.f_status = 'Submitted' INNER JOIN table2 ON table2.f_id = table1.f_id where table2.f_type = '...
Aditya Kumar's user avatar
57 votes
5 answers

Oracle date "Between" Query

I am using oracle database. I want to execute one query to check the data between two dates. NAME START_DATE ------------- ------------- Small Widget 15-JAN-10 04.25.32....
Gnaniyar Zubair's user avatar
54 votes
1 answer

How to use numpy.where with logical operators

I'm trying to find the indices of all elements in an array that are greater than a but less than b. It's probably just a problem with my syntax but this doesn't work: numpy.where((my_array > a) ...
ylangylang's user avatar
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53 votes
8 answers

WHERE clause before INNER JOIN

If I have SELECT * FROM Table1 t1 LEFT JOIN Table2 t2 ON = WHERE t1.user='bob'; Does the WHERE clause run after the two tables are JOINED? How do I make it so it runs prior to the ...
user1124535's user avatar
50 votes
3 answers

Can I use 'where' inside a for-loop in swift?

Is there also a possibility to use the 'where' keyword in another place then a switch? Can I use it in a for in loop for example? I have an array with bools, all with a value, can I do something like ...
Simon's user avatar
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49 votes
13 answers

why would you use WHERE 1=0 statement in SQL?

I saw a query run in a log file on an application. and it contained a query like: SELECT ID FROM CUST_ATTR49 WHERE 1=0 what is the use of such a query that is bound to return nothing?
MozenRath's user avatar
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49 votes
3 answers

SQL JOIN where to place the WHERE condition?

I have two following examples. 1. Example (WHERE) SELECT 1 FROM table1 t1 JOIN table2 t2 ON = WHERE t2.field = true 2. Example (JOIN AND) SELECT 1 FROM table1 t1 JOIN table2 ...
Aley's user avatar
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46 votes
5 answers

SQL Not Like Statement not working

I have the following code within a stored procedure. WHERE WPP.ACCEPTED = 1 AND WPI.EMAIL LIKE '%@MATH.UCLA.EDU%' AND (WPP.SPEAKER = 0 OR WPP.SPEAKER IS NULL) AND WPP.COMMENT NOT ...
mattgcon's user avatar
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46 votes
12 answers

DISTINCT clause with WHERE

How can I use the DISTINCT clause with WHERE? For example: SELECT * FROM table WHERE DISTINCT email; -- email is a column name I want to select all columns from a table with distinct email addresses....
Mohit's user avatar
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