Questions tagged [windows]

Writing software specific to the Microsoft Windows operating system: APIs, behaviours, etc. GENERAL WINDOWS SUPPORT IS OFF-TOPIC. Support questions may be asked on

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Running external app from my c/c++ app, in hidden or minimized mode, not stealing my focus

I am writing an app for hobby astronomy. It gets pictures from camera and does some image processing. I am using c/c++ in Visual Studio, under Windows 7 and 10, for image processing mostly opencv. Now ...
Andriy's user avatar
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Malicious page automatically opening in browser at 12 p.m

On my father's computer, for several months, an internet page has opened on his default browser at 12 p.m. precisely. This is a phishing page saying he won a phone. Anti-virus software such as ...
Wolfyz's user avatar
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While connecting to a remote machine with New-PSSession command -OpenTimeout option not working

I am trying to implement a script, which connects to a remote windows machine via winRM. For that, I am using New-PSSession command. But, there are some machines for which this command takes more than ...
Rashid Raza's user avatar
5 votes
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How to attach Nuget package.config file for cmake project

I’m working on CPP WinUI3 desktop application with cmake. By default WinUI3 project uses MSBuild. We made the project use cmake with the help of this sample project. ref -
Harshith's user avatar
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Error initializing ONNX-model from C# on Windows Server 2022: Unknown model file format version

We have an exported ONNX-model, built using Python and imported to a .NET Core 8 application. Everything works as expected on our local machines, Windows 11 and Windows 10. However, when deploying to ...
LordSilvermort's user avatar
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Can I change Directory Server from GC (global catalogue) to DC (Domain Controller) [closed]

How can I change server type from GC to Dc, Because at the time of creating new Active Directory User, it show the error: Windows cannot create the object because the Directory Service was unable to ...
Sajjad Hussain's user avatar
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How can I add timestamp to the output from AWS CLI in windows in command prompt?

I am unable to add timestamp to the output from AWS CLI in log file I have tried through awk but its giving me error aws s3 --output text sync localPath s3://bucketName --endpoint-url https://s3-...
Nitesh Singh's user avatar
-1 votes
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RS232 (FT232R) - Different TX voltages with the same adapter under Windows and Linux [closed]

I have a USB to RS232 adapter cable (FT232R) that I use with Windows and Linux. Under Windows, the lowest voltage during a data transfer is -6.3V and the highest voltage is 6.3V on the TX line. ...
mec-kon's user avatar
-3 votes
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Full stack e-store development (MERN stack) [closed]

When running my server file called server.js using node, my ejs main page displays all my elements as a hyperlink, how do I fix this?? The main page is supposed to display products as well as its data ...
Ditira's user avatar
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Open-Source solution for protecting/license manager for windows executable (that is maintained in 2024)

Ciao everyone, As part of a small project, I have a simple executable (.exe) file that I want to deliver to my 'customers'. I'm looking for an easy to use framework/tool that will manage the license ...
Matan Dobrushin's user avatar
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I am trying to install tensorflow in windows, but after installing 250MB/ 370MB it is automatically stops download and shows network error everytime

windows TensorFlow not installing through pip, from where can i install it manually I was using pip install tensorflow, i was expecting it to be installed, but it shows network error after installing ...
Gaming Channel's user avatar
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İis failed to connect to localhost port 9595: connection refused [closed]

From my website hosted by a hosting company, I encounter the following error when posting data to a script running on IIS on my local computer: Error: failed to connect to localhost port 9595: ...
Yunus Emre Polat's user avatar
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Unable to elevate permissions in Python module entry points

I'm trying to design a Python module with entry points that would request an elevation in permission when called on Windows. setup( name='SomePackage', ... package_dir={'': 'src'},...
Kevin Liu's user avatar
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How to include space character in "delims" of a FOR /F loop

I need to run a for loop and delim on the following characters " (&:=+" and the space character is the problem here What I am trying to do is create a function where you give the number ...
Shodan's user avatar
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How to add custom option in the right click menu (Windows 11)

I want to add an option in the menu when right clicking on any file (Windows 11). I already changed the menu appearance so it looks like Windows 10's menu and I already added an option that opens ...
rcp's user avatar
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Get-IISAppPool returns zero instances with pwsh.exe but many with powershell.exe

I created a Windows scheduled task that executes a script with PowerShell like this: powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -WindowStyle Hidden C:\script.ps1 The task is configured to run as SYSTEM ...
dokaspar's user avatar
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GCC compiler unexpectedly tries to convert LPCWSTR and LPCSTR

I have an application that I originally worked on on VS 2019 with no issue compiling whatsoever and that would now need to be compiled with GCC. I'm essentially trying to create a Ruby 3.2.0 virtual ...
Alexandre Dansereau's user avatar
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Windows 64-bit NASM - Why does this code not print anything, when using a variable? [duplicate]

Hello I have the following code: extern GetStdHandle, WriteConsoleA, ExitProcess section .text _main: mov rcx, STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE call GetStdHandle mov rcx, rax ; hConsoleOutput ...
user2868758's user avatar
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Facing Blue Screen Error During Windows Installation: Need Assistance [closed]

I got the Blue Screen problem . so to overcome this I tried out various troubleshooting methods but all no benefits... At last I decided to install the windows via bootable usb drive but yet again I ...
vedant tiwari's user avatar
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I can't disable VirtualizationBasedSecurity (VBS). WHY?

My specs: Windows 10 Pro, AMD Ryzen 5000. Joined domain. a bug? I tried turn off Memory Integrity in the Window Security panel with admin privilege, it still become on after I restarted my PC. I ...
user24549651's user avatar
-3 votes
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Windows 11 - How To Configure Laptop Display Sleep, Screen Saver, and Lock Screen Settings? [closed]

I need to configure the sleep, screen saver, and lock screen settings on my new HP 17" laptop so that the following will happen: The laptop would not go to sleep for 1 hour when plugged in (10 ...
Bill Vallance's user avatar
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Incremental Backup/Archiving with no file deletion on Windows

I am running on Windows 10. I would like to set up a scheduled back-up that would be the equivalent of copy-pasting the source folder onto the backup location, thus copying over any new files, any ...
Stefi's user avatar
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How to reference a list of words within the Windows command line (character limit)

I'm running a single curl -X POST command using the Windows command line. I get an error stating: The input line is too long. This is because the command is longer than 8092 characters. Its syntax is ...
aprogrammer's user avatar
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How to fix "Windows is still setting up class configuration (code56)?" [closed]

I am not able to use usb tethering on my laptop. I am currently running windows 11 and I see that RNDIS driver is showing a ⚠️ symbol. I even tried to update the drivers but the updation process is ...
Mohit Tembhurkar's user avatar
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Netsh command not working, it is showing command not found

showing "The following command was not found: wlan profile='profile_name' key=clear", running in admin mode, no type o error still not working, runnig on latest windows(windows 11). ...
Sachin Tak's user avatar
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Can't launch terminal in Jupyter Notebook on Windows

So, I can't open a terminal in Jupyter Notebook. I tried to reinstall Anaconda several times, but it did't work. Now I've installed Miniconda, but it's still the same. I have Windows 10, x64. Here is ...
John Malkovich's user avatar
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How would I build a simple tool returning playing-cards depending on cards that I choose? [closed]

I am a total beginner who recently started learning about programming I think it would be nice to have a project while learning and figured this might be suitable: While playing poker (Texas Hold Em), ...
Bujibena's user avatar
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Writing over already existing characters in the Windows console using cpp

I am trying to render a video in ascii art, using c++ in the windows console. However, clearing the screen and drawing the entire frame again is far too slow for the windows console, and also creates ...
The Armored Panda's user avatar
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text doesnt show on toolbar button

tbb[0].iBitmap = 0; tbb[0].idCommand = TB_TEST1; tbb[0].fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED; tbb[0].fsStyle = TBSTYLE_BUTTON| TBSTYLE_AUTOSIZE| TBSTYLE_LIST|TBSTYLE_FLAT; tbb[0].dwData = 0; tbb[0].iString = (...
anaconda57's user avatar
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error for browser-sync start --server --directory --files "*" how can Fix the error

enter image description here i download nap and browser-sync but the The same problem browser-sync start --server --directory --files "*" this is my error browser-sync : File C:\Users\...
شهد الازوري's user avatar
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Is there a way to send data between Windows processes and authenticate the user?

I am looking to have a secure communications channel, such as a socket, between two processes on the same Windows based machine. In particular, I am looking to have the operating system authenticate ...
Cort Ammon's user avatar
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How to access files whose encryption was done by a deleted account [closed]

I am trying to access files in a windows drive which are encrypted. The user account which had access permissions has been deleted and can't grant the rights to other users. Therefore I cannot access ...
drsiya180's user avatar
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Running C++ file with a pipe: {echo 100;} gets recognized as 0? [duplicate]

When I try to get a number from the console in C++ with #include <iostream> int main() { int n; std::cin >> n; std::out << n; } And I want to execute the compiled C++ file ...
TheWalkingLag's user avatar
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How can i provide interfaces from a windows service to use its functions with a c# application? [closed]

So, here is the thing, i'm trying to consume an SDK from an existing software, It works with .Net 4.7.2, and runs in 32 bits, c#, the application that im developing is with .Net MAUI 7, and i tried to ...
1 vote
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Using Python 'subprocess' to open and close programs

Opening external programs with either subprocess or os works fine. However, using terminate() or kill() to close them only works sometimes. E.g. I can open and close the Notepad application and I'm ...
TheMercury79's user avatar
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Windows 11 error when running python code .exe file

I am getting a error by windows when trying to run my python code in the form of exe file. i used pyinstaller, and successfully installed the exe file, but i am getting a error message showing that ...
Saurav Mishra's user avatar
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QLIstView with interactive custom widgets

I'm developing a list using QLIstView in C++/Qt, based on the view/model technology. I wish each item in the list to be a custom widget (derived from QWidget), thereby better displaying ...
coucou's user avatar
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Import pandas not working, showing "RESTART: shell"

whenever im using import pandas as pd it isn't working other than that anything like import math module is working. it shows "RESTART: shell". i am unable to install any other IDE so i am ...
Savi Sharma's user avatar
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How to use build number as part of INF driverVer

I am a beginner working on INF files. My .vcxproj file is having a property that uses to use it in driverVer . My INF driverVer as follows DriverVer=04/10/2024, I would like to use ...
shravya's user avatar
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problem while updating and upgrading kali linux wsl

while using command $sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y the system got hanged and now using same command again it is showing dpkg: error processing package libc6:amd64 (--configure): ...
Sushant Kumar Oraon's user avatar
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What is the most recent version of Docker Desktop that allows reverting to compose V1?

I have recently upgraded my Docker Desktop to v4.29.0. The container setup I'm running doesn't work with Compose V2 and so previously I have unchecked the "Use Docker Compose V2" checkbox in ...
pjpscriv's user avatar
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Error while running "docker compose pull" in Apache Superset

Following the steps provided in this guide while installing Apache Superset on Windows, I've had errors while setting up a docker container using Docker Compose (after cloning the project in apache/...
Jose Luiz Durigon's user avatar
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opencv with CUDA support on visual c++ 2022 cv::cudev::blockReduce error [closed]

Anyone know how to fix this error? I followed This is one of the error. 26>Compiling CUDA source file ..\..\..\...
Andrew Xiang's user avatar
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How to change .esd files to .cab files for Win 10 interface language change?

I want to change the interface language for my PC that has Windows 10 Single Language version. According to a thread here I need to download the language package from and change the .esd ...
Tiedemann's user avatar
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can anyone please help me, it seems my contract isnt deploying correctly

i have been trying to test my smart contract and this is what I keep getting address undefined PS C:\Users\HP-PC\Desktop\dapp\My Dappazon\dappazon> npx hardhat test Dappazon Deployment ...
Kelvin's user avatar
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I can't use allegro draw function in function on visual studio2022

(sorry for my bad english) I want to create a pong game whit classes on c++. So i used classes and object using allegro5 as graphic library, i installed it whit the NutGen. I create the class of the ...
endervorld 303's user avatar
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Difficulty accessing Flask API running on Windows [closed]

I have a Flask API hosted that supposed to fetch real-time data and display it, then I try to fetch from the terminal it fetches normally and if accessed the API endpoint it shows data normally but ...
Alanoud Abdullah's user avatar
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python shell does not recognize any commands. python commands work in anaconda shell [duplicate]

every command i try in the python shell does not work. am i using the python shell wrong? I am using python 3.12.3, but the version doesn't matter. I have tried earlier versions of python, but that ...
Kevin Hanson's user avatar
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How do i fix this Boost build error from vcpkg

boost fails to build after being downloaded i tried redoing it reinstalling vcpkg and i expected it to build boost and for it to finish but it fails to build every boost library Logs: PS C:\Users\...
konstantin koko's user avatar
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Downloading dataset from ONA using R

is there a function to download datasets from ONA using form id and token with R I tried this code below to download a dataset from a form id but it didn't work dataobject <- onaDownload("...
Ture's user avatar
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