I need to XOR a string/text in PHP the base64 encode it, but something goes wrong:


$mustget = 'Kw4SCQ==';
$string = 'Josh';

echo("Must get: " . $mustget . "\n");
echo("We got: " . base64_encode(xor_this($string)) . "\n");

function xor_this($text) {
    $key = 'frtkj';
    $i = 0;
    $encrypted = '';
    foreach (str_split($text) as $char) {
        $encrypted .= chr(ord($char) ^ ord($key{$i++ % strlen($key)}));
    return $encrypted;


I get the following result, but I need to get the "$mustget" one:

Must get: Kw4SCQ==
We got: LB0HAw==

What do I do wrong?

  • I'm working on decrypting a malware in the wild that uses that "encryption" to communicate with its PHP admin panel: blog.spiderlabs.com/2012/12/…
    – bsteo
    Dec 14, 2012 at 9:35
  • Question is, how did you get that result $mustget = 'Kw4SCQ==' ?
    – Touki
    Dec 14, 2012 at 9:36
  • @xtmtrx: "Each character in the decoded string is xored sequentially against each character of the key we previously identified". So you should xor each data character with each key character
    – zerkms
    Dec 14, 2012 at 9:36
  • 1.The data is Base64 decoded 2.Each character in the decoded string is xored sequentially against each character of the key we previously identified. In Ruby, it looks something like this: "A".xor("f").xor("r").xor("t").xor("k").xor("j")
    – bsteo
    Dec 14, 2012 at 9:37
  • @xtmtrx: right "A".xor("f").xor("r").xor("t").xor("k").xor("j") --- you xor data character with every key character, not with one
    – zerkms
    Dec 14, 2012 at 9:37

1 Answer 1

$mustget = 'Kw4SCQ==';

$key = 'frtkj';
$key_length = strlen($key);

$encoded_data = base64_decode($mustget);

$result = '';

$length = strlen($encoded_data);
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
    $tmp = $encoded_data[$i];

    for ($j = 0; $j < $key_length; $j++) {
        $tmp = chr(ord($tmp) ^ ord($key[$j]));

    $result .= $tmp;

echo $result; // Josh


I'm sure you can reverse it and create a function, that "crypts" the data ;-)

  • Modulo is your friend !
    – Drasill
    Dec 30, 2013 at 15:17

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