Questions tagged [aggregation-framework]

The MongoDB Aggregation Framework provides a means to reshape and aggregate data in MongoDB 2.2+.

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544 votes
12 answers

Update MongoDB field using value of another field

In MongoDB, is it possible to update the value of a field using the value from another field? The equivalent SQL would be something like: UPDATE Person SET Name = FirstName + ' ' + LastName And the ...
Chris Fulstow's user avatar
485 votes
20 answers

Retrieve only the queried element in an object array in MongoDB collection

Suppose you have the following documents in my collection: { "_id":ObjectId("562e7c594c12942f08fe4192"), "shapes":[ { "shape":"square", "color":"blue" }, ...
Sebtm's user avatar
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348 votes
9 answers


I am playing around with MongoDB trying to figure out how to do a simple SELECT province, COUNT(*) FROM contest GROUP BY province But I can't seem to figure it out using the aggregate function. I ...
Steven's user avatar
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315 votes
11 answers

MongoDB: Combine data from multiple collections into

How can I (in MongoDB) combine data from multiple collections into one collection? Can I use map-reduce and if so then how? I would greatly appreciate some example as I am a novice.
user697697's user avatar
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234 votes
10 answers

Find duplicate records in MongoDB

How would I find duplicate fields in a mongo collection. I'd like to check if any of the "name" fields are duplicates. { "name" : "ksqn291", "__v" : 0, "_id" : ObjectId("...
Chris's user avatar
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193 votes
4 answers

mongodb group values by multiple fields

For example, I have these documents: { "addr": "address1", "book": "book1" }, { "addr": "address2", "book": "book1" }, { "addr": "address1", "book": "book5" }, { "addr": "address3", "...
fervid's user avatar
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180 votes
6 answers

Include all existing fields and add new fields to document

I would like to define a $project aggregation stage where I can instruct it to add a new field and include all existing fields, without having to list all the existing fields. My document looks like ...
samuelluis's user avatar
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172 votes
10 answers

mongodb count num of distinct values per field/key

Is there a query for calculating how many distinct values a field contains in DB. f.e I have a field for country and there are 8 types of country values (spain, england, france, etc...) If someone ...
Liatz's user avatar
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152 votes
3 answers

Mongodb Explain for Aggregation framework

Is there an explain function for the Aggregation framework in MongoDB? I can't see it in the documentation. If not is there some other way to check, how a query performs within the aggregation ...
SCB's user avatar
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151 votes
8 answers

$lookup on ObjectId's in an array

What's the syntax for doing a $lookup on a field that is an array of ObjectIds rather than just a single ObjectId? Example Order Document: { _id: ObjectId("..."), products: [ ObjectId("..<...
Jason Lin's user avatar
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145 votes
5 answers

What's the $unwind operator in MongoDB?

This is my first day with MongoDB so please go easy with me :) I can't understand the $unwind operator, maybe because English is not my native language. db.article.aggregate( { $project : { ...
gremo's user avatar
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137 votes
3 answers

MongoDB aggregation framework match OR

Is it possible to do an OR in the $match? I mean something like this: db.articles.aggregate( { $or: [ $match : { author : "dave" }, $match : { author : "john" }] } );
Gergely Németh's user avatar
137 votes
3 answers

How to filter array in subdocument with MongoDB [duplicate]

I have array in subdocument like this { "_id" : ObjectId("512e28984815cbfcb21646a7"), "list" : [ { "a" : 1 }, { "a" : 2 }, { ...
chenka's user avatar
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123 votes
11 answers

Does MongoDB's $in clause guarantee order

When using MongoDB's $in clause, does the order of the returned documents always correspond to the order of the array argument?
user2066880's user avatar
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107 votes
3 answers

Return only matched sub-document elements within a nested array

The main collection is retailer, which contains an array for stores. Each store contains an array of offers (you can buy in this store). This offers array has an array of sizes. (See example below) ...
Vico's user avatar
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101 votes
10 answers

MongoDB aggregate by field exists

I have a hard time believing this question hasn't been asked and answered somewhere already, but I can't find any trace of it. I have a MongoDB aggregation query that needs to group by a boolean: the ...
Erik Buchanan's user avatar
101 votes
11 answers

MongoDB Full and Partial Text Search

Env: MongoDB (3.2.0) with Mongoose Collection: users Text Index creation: BasicDBObject keys = new BasicDBObject(); keys.put("name","text"); BasicDBObject options = new ...
Leonel's user avatar
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95 votes
3 answers

Project first item in an array to new field (MongoDB aggregation)

I am using Mongoose aggregation (MongoDB version 3.2). I have a field users which is an array. I want to $project first item in this array to a new field user. I tried { $project: { user: '$...
Hongbo Miao's user avatar
  • 47.9k
94 votes
23 answers

Convert ObjectID (Mongodb) to String in JavaScript

I want to convert ObjectID (Mongodb) to String in JavaScript. When I get a Object form MongoDB. it like as a object has: timestamp, second, inc, machine. I can't convert to string.
vhlen's user avatar
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94 votes
6 answers

How to use MongoDBs aggregate `$lookup` as `findOne()`

So as you all know, find() returns an array of results, with findOne() returning just a simply object. With Angular, this makes a huge difference. Instead of going {{myresult[0].name}}, I can simply ...
Fizzix's user avatar
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93 votes
3 answers

MongoDB {aggregation $match} vs {find} speed

I have a mongoDB collection with millions of rows and I'm trying to optimize my queries. I'm currently using the aggregation framework to retrieve data and group them as I want. My typical aggregation ...
Antek's user avatar
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90 votes
1 answer

How to aggregate sum in MongoDB to get a total count?

For some collection with a field { wins: Number }, how could I use MongoDB Aggregation Framework to get the total number of wins across all documents in a collection? Example: If I have 3 documents ...
Sahat Yalkabov's user avatar
84 votes
18 answers

Get a count of total documents with MongoDB when using limit

I am interested in optimizing a "pagination" solution I'm working on with MongoDB. My problem is straight forward. I usually limit the number of documents returned using the limit() functionality. ...
randombits's user avatar
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83 votes
3 answers

How to get all the values that contains part of a string using mongoose find?

I have the following problem retrieving data from MongoDB using mongoose. Here is my Schema: const BookSchema = new Schema( { _id:Number, title:String, authors:[String], ...
Dyan's user avatar
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81 votes
2 answers

MongoDB nested lookup with 3 levels

I need to retrieve the entire single object hierarchy from the database as a JSON. Actually, the proposal about any other solution to achieve this result would be highly appreciated. I decided to use ...
Yuriy's user avatar
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79 votes
3 answers

MongoDB - The argument to $size must be an Array, but was of type: EOO / missing

Trying to create a MongoDB data source with icCube. The idea is to return the size of an array as a new field. Something like : $project: { "people": 1, "Count myFieldArray" : {$size : "$...
ic3's user avatar
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72 votes
4 answers

Mongodb Join on _id field from String to ObjectId

I have two collections User { "_id" : ObjectId("584aac38686860d502929b8b"), "name" : "John" } Role { "_id" : ObjectId("584aaca6686860d502929b8d"), "role" : "Admin", "userId" : "...
Kavya Mugali's user avatar
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71 votes
5 answers

MongoDB aggregation with $lookup only include (or project) some fields to return from query

In mongo, after doing an aggregation with $lookup, I would like the request to return only some fields and not the whole document. I have the following query : db.somecollection.aggregate([{ $...
Samuel Rondeau-Millaire's user avatar
70 votes
3 answers

Conditional $sum in MongoDB

My collection in mongodb is similar to the following table in SQL: Sentiments(Company,Sentiment) Now, I need to execute a query like this: SELECT Company, SUM(CASE WHEN Sentiment >0 THEN ...
Aafreen Sheikh's user avatar
68 votes
3 answers

MongoDB aggregate within daily grouping [duplicate]

I have some docs in mongo that looks something like this: { _id : ObjectId("..."), "make" : "Nissan", .. }, { _id : ObjectId("..."), "make" : "Nissan", "saleDate" : ISODate("2013-04-...
Kevin's user avatar
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68 votes
4 answers

How do I rename fields when performing search/projection in MongoDB?

Is it possible to rename the name of fields returned in a find query? I would like to use something like $rename, however I wouldn't like to change the documents I'm accessing. I want just to retrieve ...
themiurgo's user avatar
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67 votes
7 answers

Is it possible to rename _id field after mongo's group aggregation?

I have a query like this (simplified): db.collection.aggregate([ { $match: { main_id: ObjectId("58f0f67f50c6af16709fd2c7") } }, { $group: { _id: "$name", ...
mykola's user avatar
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67 votes
4 answers

$skip and $limit in aggregation framework

When I read the document I found the following notes: When a $sort immediately precedes a $limit in the pipeline, the $sort operation only maintains the top n results as it progresses, where n is ...
yaoxing's user avatar
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64 votes
7 answers

Group result by 15 minutes time interval in MongoDb

I have a "status" collection like this strcture - { _id: ObjectId("545a0b63b03dbcd1238b4567"), status: 1004, comment: "Rem dolor ipsam placeat omnis non. Aspernatur nobis qui nisi ...
Hein Zaw Htet's user avatar
62 votes
5 answers

Find all duplicate documents in a MongoDB collection by a key field

Suppose I have a collection with some set of documents. something like this. { "_id" : ObjectId("4f127fa55e7242718200002d"), "id":1, "name" : "foo"} { "_id" : ObjectId("4f127fa55e7242718200002d"), "...
frazman's user avatar
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60 votes
1 answer

MongoDB group by array inner-elements

I've got a list of articles, and each of them has an array property which lists various individuals mentioned in them: _id: { $oid: "52b632a9e4f2ba13c82ccd23" }, providerName: "The Guardian", url:...
Gil Adirim's user avatar
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57 votes
6 answers

Moongoose aggregate $match does not match id's

I want to show products by ids (56e641d4864e5b780bb992c6 and 56e65504a323ee0812e511f2) and show price after subtracted by discount if available. I can count the final price using aggregate, but this ...
Muhammad Fasalir Rahman's user avatar
57 votes
2 answers

Is Mongodb Aggregation framework faster than map/reduce?

Is the aggregation framework introduced in mongodb 2.2, has any special performance improvements over map/reduce? If yes, why and how and how much? (Already I have done a test for myself, and the ...
Taha Jahangir's user avatar
56 votes
2 answers

Mongoose: how to use aggregate and find together

How can I use aggregate and find together in Mongoose? i.e I have the following schema: const schema = new Mongoose.Schema({ created: { type: Date, default: }, name: { type: String, ...
Colin Wang's user avatar
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55 votes
3 answers

$unwind empty array

I have a collection of users where each document has following structure: { "_id": "<id>", "login": "xxx", "solved": [ { "problem": "<problemID>", "points": 10 },...
Karel Horak's user avatar
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54 votes
8 answers

How to flatten a subdocument into root level in MongoDB?

For example, if I have a document like this { a: 1, subdoc: { b: 2, c: 3 } } How can I convert it into a format like this? (without using project) { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }
zachguo's user avatar
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51 votes
3 answers

Check if every element in array matches condition

I have a collection of documents: date: Date users: [ { user: 1, group: 1 } { user: 5, group: 2 } ] date: Date users: [ { user: 1, group: 1 } { user: 3, group: 2 } ] I would like to query ...
Wex's user avatar
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51 votes
3 answers

The field "$name" must be an accumulator object

I have a query and when I use a $group a error shows "the field "$name must be an accumulator object", if if remove the filed "$name" all works well and i have tried to use only "name" instead of "$...
Matheus Barem's user avatar
50 votes
7 answers

Search on multiple collections in MongoDB

I know the theory of MongoDB and the fact that is doesn't support joins, and that I should use embeded documents or denormalize as much as possible, but here goes: I have multiple documents, such as: ...
Adrian Istrate's user avatar
49 votes
6 answers

Converting string to date in mongodb

Is there a way to convert string to date using custom format using mongodb shell I am trying to convert "21/May/2012:16:35:33 -0400" to date, Is there a way to pass DateFormatter or something to ...
user883257's user avatar
49 votes
3 answers

how to $project ObjectId to string value in mongodb aggregate?

Is there an operator I could use in aggregate function to get a string instead of ObjectId in response? db.something.aggregate([ { "$match": { "property": { "$exists": true } } }, { "$project": {...
matus's user avatar
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48 votes
4 answers

Multiple join conditions using the $lookup operator

Have the two following collections: // collection1: { user1: 1, user2: 2, percent: 0.56 } // collection2: { user1: 1, user2: 2, percent: 0.3 } I want to join these two collections on ...
user6148078's user avatar
48 votes
5 answers

how to group in mongoDB and return all fields in result

I am using aggregate method in mongoDB to group but when I use $group it returns the only field which I used to group. I have tried $project but it is not working either. I also tried $first and it ...
Anukool's user avatar
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47 votes
8 answers

MongoDB Aggregation: Counting distinct fields

I am trying to write an aggregation to identify accounts that use multiple payment sources. Typical data would be. { account:"abc", vendor:"amazon", } ... { account:"abc", vendor:"overstock", } ...
user1438162's user avatar
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47 votes
9 answers

Mongo error when using aggregation: sort exceeded memory limit

I get the mongo error exceeded memory limit with error code 16819 when I use aggregation sort. Im using mongo 2.6. The query is as follows: db.BASE_TABLE_CREATION_ExecuteHiveScript_26_V0.aggregate([...
acube's user avatar
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