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Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the world’s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform, offering over 200 fully featured services from data centers globally. The AWS Collective is a community-driven site with resources for developers.
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HPA not scaling down on EKS even though current metric 0

I have deployed a simple dummy application that performs a numer of "calculations" (sleeps) in parallel. I have deployed it using Terraform / Terrgrunt here
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COMPUTE STATS IMPALA results in DiskErrorException

I'm trying to execute a compute stats (COMPUTE STATS db.table;) on one of my tables via IMPALA (on a ClouderaDataPlatform), but for this table only I'm encountering the following error: ...
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amplify configure : Error fetching release: unable to verify the first certificate

I did this "npm install -g @aws-amplify/cli" and then I did "amplify configure" but, I have an error "Downloading release from
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When i try to run this error shows up : TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable

This is my file : EKS.PY Error it is showing : \myenv\Lib\site-packages\kubernetes\config\", line 491, in safe_get key in self.value): ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ TypeError:...
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Unity Catalog Databricks got error "Filesystem not supported by this committer"

I want to write a file to S3 from Databricks Caused by: org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.commit.PathCommitException: `s3a:///databricks.txt': Filesystem not supported by this committer at org.apache.hadoop.fs....

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NSUrlErrorDomain -1004 on Django Backend hosted by AWS (Route 53 + ELB) on iOS

Noticed today that some users are getting NSUrlErrorDomain (code -1004) by accessing our website, which is managed by ECS + ELB (6 rules) + Route 53. Obviously, those domains have ssl, but accessing ...
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Load data from S3 to Snowflake, overwrite vs using stream

I'm trying to load files from S3 to Snowflake using copy into commands. The pipeline is scheduled using Airflow. Each day there would be new files (e.g. source_20240501.csv). In order to rerun a ...
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How to create multiple index fields in Amazon CloudSearch

Trying to create a Amazon CloudSearch domain and index fields. I have manage to create the domain through AWS PHP SDK. I want to create those index field through API SDK as well but I have many ...
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LocalStack: URL created by `awslocal lambda create-function-url-config` gives 404 Not Found error

EDIT: I have added my lambda function code at the end. Using LocalStack hosted in Docker on Windows 11, I have successfully bootstrapped my environment and deployed my ASP.NET Core (net8.0) Lambda ...
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AWS SecurityLake roll-up regions in Terraform

In the example usage on , the following region is set to "eu-west-1". The documentation is ...

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Overcoming Front-End Back-End Coupling with AWS Event-Driven Architecture

introduction As a developer, I've always been interested in event-driven architectures (EDAs) and how they can improve the overall performance and scalability of web applications. However, I never ...
Marawan Mamdouh's user avatar
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Code Change Best Practices: Smaller Pull Requests for Smoother Merging

In today's fast-paced software development world, collaboration and efficiency are paramount. One of the key challenges new developers face is managing code changes effectively, particularly when it ...
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Always-on access for your data in Amazon S3, using cross-Region replication and Multi-Region Access Points (MRAP)

To improve durability of your data in the cloud, you should replicate it to multiple locations. For data in Amazon S3, it is automatically stored across multiple devices spanning a minimum of three ...
Seth E's user avatar
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Local development, testing, and debugging of serverless applications defined in Terraform using AWS SAM CLI

One question we hear from developers using Terraform and AWS Lambda functions is how to locally test the Lambda function. Here’s a great example — I have a simple terraform file with a Lambda function....
Julie's user avatar
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Deploying a Kafka Connect connector on Amazon MSK Connect using Terraform

Apache Kafka has been growing in popularity as the de facto way to share streams of events with different systems. While Kafka itself provides the perfect durable log-based storage for events; Kafka ...
Ricardo Ferreira's user avatar