Questions tagged [geopandas]

GeoPandas is an open source project to make working with geospatial data in python easier. GeoPandas extends the datatypes used by pandas to allow spatial operations on geometric types.

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113 votes
17 answers

Error installing geopandas:" A GDAL API version must be specified " in Anaconda

This error raised while installing geopandas. I've looking for its solution on the web, but none of them really explain what happened and how to solve it.. This is the full error: Collecting ...
Alvaro Morales's user avatar
80 votes
3 answers

Make a union of polygons in GeoPandas, or Shapely (into a single geometry)

I am trying to find the union of two polygons in GeoPandas and output a single geometry that encompasses points from both polygons as its vertices. The geopandas.overlay function gives me polygons ...
p-robot's user avatar
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54 votes
2 answers

GeoPandas Label Polygons

Given the shape file available here: I'd like to label each polygon (county) in the map. Is this possible with GeoPandas? import geopandas as gpd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt %matplotlib inline ...
Dance Party2's user avatar
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44 votes
1 answer

Converting a geopandas geodataframe into a pandas dataframe

What is the most efficient way to convert a geopandas geodataframe into a pandas dataframe? Below is the method I use, is there another method which is more efficient or better in general at not ...
jberrio's user avatar
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39 votes
17 answers

how to successfully install pyproj and geopandas?

I have tried to install geopandas via I python by running !pip install geopandas, but this fails with "python egg_info" failed with error code 1 and then Path to long directory. I read online ...
user3144095's user avatar
36 votes
3 answers

GeoPandas Set CRS on Points

Given the following GeoDataFrame: h=pd.DataFrame({'zip':[19152,19047], 'Lat':[40.058841,40.202162], 'Lon':[-75.042164,-74.924594]}) crs='none' geometry = [Point(xy) for ...
Dance Party2's user avatar
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34 votes
8 answers

Convert geopandas shapely polygon to geojson

I created a circle using geopandas and it returned a shapely polygon: POLYGON: ((...)) I want this same polygon as a geojson object. I ran across this: shapely.geometry.mapping(shapelyObject) ...
conv3d's user avatar
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34 votes
1 answer

geopandas point in polygon

I have a GeoDataFrame of polygons (~30) and a GeoDataFrame of Points (~10k) I'm looking to create 30 new columns (with appropriate polygon names) in my GeoDataFrame of Points with a simple boolean ...
Kvothe's user avatar
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34 votes
1 answer

Which geopandas datasets (maps) are available?

I just created a very simple geopandas example (see below). It works, but I noticed that it is important for me to be able to have a custom part of the world. Sometimes Germany and sometimes only ...
Martin Thoma's user avatar
33 votes
4 answers

Geopandas: how to read a csv and convert to a geopandas dataframe with polygons?

I read a .csv file as a dataframe that looks like the following: import pandas as pd df = pd.read_csv('myFile.csv') df.head() BoroName geometry 0 Brooklyn MULTIPOLYGON (((-73....
emax's user avatar
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31 votes
3 answers

Shapely point geometry in geopandas df to lat/lon columns

I have a geopandas df with a column of shapely point objects. I want to extract the coordinate (lat/lon) from the shapely point objects to generate latitude and longitude columns. There must be an ...
jtam's user avatar
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28 votes
4 answers

Loading JSON into a GeoDataFrame

I'm having difficulty loading the following JSON containing GIS data ( into a GeoDataFrame. The following code fails when I try to set the ...
blahblahblah's user avatar
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28 votes
1 answer

Converting a column of Polygons from string to GeoPandas geometry

I have a dataframe stored as csv file, one column of which is Polygon object. However, this column is stored as strings instead of GeoPandas geometry object. How can I convert this column to Geopandas ...
xinyuanliu's user avatar
23 votes
4 answers

why can't I import geopandas?

My only line of code is import geopandas and it gives me the error OSError: Could not find libspatialindex_c library file has anyone encountered this before? my script was working just fine ...
jrowley's user avatar
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22 votes
1 answer

Colorbar on Geopandas

I am trying to create a Matplotlib colorbar on GeoPandas. import geopandas as gp import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #Import csv data df = df.from_csv('data.csv') #Convert Pandas ...
Jack_The_Ripper's user avatar
20 votes
3 answers

Relocating legend from GeoPandas plot

I'm plotting a map with legends using the GeoPandas plotting function. When I plot, my legends appear in the upper right corner of the figure. Here is how it looks like: I wanted to move the ...
josecoto's user avatar
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20 votes
2 answers

Plotting a geopandas dataframe using plotly

I have a geopandas dataframe, which consists of the region name(District), the geometry column, and the amount column. My goal is to plot a choropleth map using the method mentioned below https://...
jb12n's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

DataFrame with WKT Column to GeoPandas Geometry

I wrote a script to query a PostGIS database, returning a Pandas dataframe like this: ID ... WKT 0 1 ... LINESTRING(1.5047434 42.6319022,1.5053385 42.6... 1 2 ... ...
TOuyang's user avatar
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18 votes
8 answers

RuntimeError: b'no arguments in initialization list'

I'm trying to solve my issue in my own but I couldn't, I'm trying to run this code in every format you can imagine and in ArcGIS pro software it's the same I can't find this error message in any other ...
Maram Mubarak's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

Get Distance Between Two Points in GeoPandas

I have two points as below. I need to get the distance between them in meters. POINT (80.99456 7.86795) POINT (80.97454 7.872174) How can this be done via GeoPandas?
Dumindurr's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

Geopandas ImportError: The descartes package is required for plotting polygons in geopandas

I'am trying to run a simple geopandas code using ANACONDA spyder. However, I'am encountering an error. I have included the code and the error as below: -- here is the code: import geopandas as ...
The Oracle's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

Geopandas PostGIS connection

I recently started using Geopandas in python for some of my spatial work and am very pleased with it - I'm currently trying to read in PostGIS features and don't quite understand how to parameterize ...
mweber's user avatar
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17 votes
5 answers

How to find which points intersect with a polygon in geopandas?

I've been trying to use the "intersects" feature on a geodataframe, looking to see which points lie inside a polygon. However, only the first feature in the frame will return as true. What am I ...
Thomas Pingel's user avatar
17 votes
1 answer

Create a GeoDataFrame from a GeoJSON object

I have a Feature Collection of polygons and I have to first write it in a temporary file to then load it with geopandas.GeoDataFrame.from_file(tmp_json_file), is there any way to not write the ...
kwn's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

Calculate Distance to Nearest Feature with Geopandas

I'm looking to do the equivalent of the ArcPy Generate Near Table using Geopandas / Shapely. I'm very new to Geopandas and Shapely and have developed a methodology that works, but I'm wondering if ...
AJG519's user avatar
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17 votes
4 answers

ImportError: Spatial indexes require either `rtree` or `pygeos` in geopanda but rtree is installed

I am trying to clip spatial data in python but when I run my code... europe = gpd.clip(worldmap, europe_bound_gdf) ... I get the error: (ImportError: Spatial indexes require either rtreeorpygeos`.) ...
JoshuaAJones's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

Multi-Layer .gdb files in Python?

I'm trying to read in some .gdb files(folders?) from here: . I use GeoPandas and do the following: # file from local path mallard = gpd.read_file('./bird-species/E00039600_mallard.gdb/') # geopandas ...
pngbrianb's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

Using Geopandas, how do I select all points not within a polygon?

I have a DataFrame containing Chicago addresses which I've geocoded into latitude and longitude values, and then into Point objects (making the DataFrame a GeoDataFrame). A small fraction have been ...
MattTriano's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

Convert Points to Lines Geopandas

Hello I am trying to convert a list of X and Y coordinates to lines. I want to mapped this data by groupby the IDs and also by time. My code executes successfully as long as I grouby one column, but ...
mm_nieder's user avatar
  • 431
16 votes
1 answer

Intersection of Two LineStrings Geopandas

Let's say I have the following to GeoDataFrames of linestrings, one of which represents roads and one of which represents contour lines. >>> import geopandas as gpd >>> import ...
AJG519's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

GeoPandas: How to obtain bounding boxes for every geometry in a geodataframe

I am using GeoPandas in python and have a valid GeoDataframe of polygons. 0 POLYGON Z ((68.70999999999999 623.1 0, 35.71 6... 1 POLYGON Z ((221.33 645.02 0, 185.7 640.33 0, 1... 2 ...
krishnab's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

Convert Geopandas Multipolygon to Polygon

I have a geodataframe with a Multipolygon geometry: I would like to convert them to Polygons i.e. fill in the holes of multipolygon and make it a single polygon. I have tried the code from this ...
SCool's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

Conda install some-package hangs with (Solving environment: failed)

I have tried multiple ways but can't conda install packages (in my case, geopandas). I tried geopandas install guide, but get output that the solver runs forever. I tried without creating an ...
SadHak's user avatar
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15 votes
6 answers

Can't install geopandas in Anaconda environment

I am trying to install the geopandas package with Anaconda Prompt, but after I use conda install geopandas an unexpected thing happened: Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done ...
Santiago Cardona Urrea's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

Concat multiple shapefiles via geopandas

I'm trying to combine multiple shapefiles by implementing the follwing: import geopandas as gpd import pandas as pd for i in range(10,56): interesting_files = "/Users/m3105/Downloads/area/...
M3105's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Geopandas reduce legend size (and remove white space below map)

I would like to know how to change the legend automatically generated by Geopandas. Mostly I would like to reduce its size because it's quite big on the generated image. The legend seems to take all ...
Arnaud Geotribu's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

Get the nearest distance with two geodataframe in pandas

Here is my first geodatframe : !pip install geopandas import pandas as pd import geopandas city1 = [{'City':"Buenos Aires","Country":"Argentina","Latitude":-34.58,"Longitude":-58.66}, {'...
Bussiere's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Geopandas add labels to points on plot

I have a geodataframe 'all_locations' with a geometry column and a column with the name of the point. Plotting the points on a map works just fine but I want to annotate the points with location name. ...
J-man's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Plot the Geometry of one row of a GeoDataFrame

I would like to plot the geometry contained in a single row of a geopandas dataframe, but I am having problems. Here an example import geopandas as gpd import numpy as np from shapely.geometry import ...
Duccio Piovani's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Can geopandas get a geopackage's (or other vector file) all layers?

I want to use geopandas read a geopackage file, It can read the first layer or specific layer with layer='' parameter. But how can it read all layers? May be like: all_layers = gp.read_xxxx('xxx.gpkg'...
wsf1990's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

Write GeoDataFrame into SQL Database

I hope that my question is not ridiculous since, surprisingly, this question has apparently not really been asked yet (to the best of my knowledge) on the popular websites. The situation is that I ...
Jhonny's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Overly Function from GeoPandas Not Working

I simply want to use geopandas to get a union and intersection of two polygonal areas. I define: import geopandas as gpd from shapely.geometry import Polygon polys1 = gpd.GeoSeries([Polygon([(0,0), (...
Rotail's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Change background map for contextily

I have this code: import pandas as pd import numpy as np from geopandas import GeoDataFrame import geopandas from shapely.geometry import LineString, Point import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import ...
SingaporePythonProgrammer's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Plotly: How to set choropleth map color for a discrete categorical variable?

I am trying to plot a world map with all the countries having different risk levels (low, moderate and high). I would like to make each risk level a different color but am not sure how to change the ...
Sanch's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

What is the most efficient way to convert numpy arrays to Shapely Points?

I have a function that outputs a grid of points as x and y numpy arrays for interpolation, but before I interpolate, I want to use Geopandas to perform an intersection with my research boundary (...
Ryan's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Shapely polygon to binary mask

I have seen this question asked but have not really been able to find a full response. I have a simple shapely polygon, called polygon. I would like to extract this polygon as a binary mask (ideally a ...
hex93's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

GEOPANDAS .sjoin 'index_left' and 'index_right' cannot be names in the frames being joined

I am trying to make a spatial join of 2 geo data frames. Both the indexes are of this kind: RangeIndex(start=0, stop=312, step=1) I get the following error: -----------------------------------------...
Dmitriy Grankin's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

How to use geopanda or shapely to find nearest point in same geodataframe

I have a geodataframe showing ~25 locations represented as point geometry. I am trying to come up with a script that goes through each point, identifies the nearest location and returns the name of ...
rzt101's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

How do I test if Point is in Polygon/Multipolygon with geopandas in Python?

I have the Polygon data from the States from the USA from the website arcgis and I also have an excel file with coordinates of citys. I have converted the coordinates to geometry data (Points). Now ...
Kamel's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Geopandas warning on read_file()

I'm getting the following warning reading a geojson with geopanda's read_file(): RuntimeWarning: Sequential read of iterator was interrupted. Resetting iterator. This can ...
leosole's user avatar
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