Questions tagged [google-oauth]

Google APIs use the OAuth 2.0 protocol for authentication and authorization. Google supports common OAuth 2.0 scenarios such as those for web server, installed, and client-side applications. When posting questions, it is most helpful if you could explain who owns the resource that is to be accessed.

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361 votes
16 answers

Refused to display in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'SAMEORIGIN' [duplicate]

I am developing a website that is supposed to be responsive so that people can access it from their phones. The site has got some secured parts that can be logged into using Google, Facebook, etc. (...
Ali Hmer's user avatar
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224 votes
5 answers

Why do access tokens expire?

I am just getting started working with Google API and OAuth2. When the client authorizes my app I am given a "refresh token" and a short lived "access token". Now every time the access token expires, ...
levi's user avatar
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199 votes
13 answers

How can I verify a Google authentication API access token?

How can I verify a Google authentication access token? I need to somehow query Google and ask: Is [given access token] valid for the [[email protected]] Google account? Short version It's clear how ...
Jon Cram's user avatar
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155 votes
10 answers

Google Authenticator available as a public service?

Is there public API for using the Google Authenticator (two factor authentication) on self-running (e.g. LAMP stack) web apps?
ohho's user avatar
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132 votes
8 answers

Where can I find a list of scopes for Google's OAuth 2.0 API? [closed]

The example I'm working with specifies the scope in the OAuth request as: ...
Dylan Beattie's user avatar
120 votes
6 answers

How to get list of downloaded apps (paid/free) by a user from Google Play?

I recently came across this app Purchase Apps, which is somehow able to retrieve apps I've paid for in google play after I signed in using my google account. I'm trying to find out how it is being ...
vepzfe's user avatar
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107 votes
8 answers

Using Postman to access OAuth 2.0 Google APIs

I am trying to access Proximity Google API using Postman chrome app. I have followed tutorials on postman and google dev website but I'm still getting 401 error message. What am I doing? Step 1 - ...
Sai's user avatar
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106 votes
3 answers

client secret in OAuth 2.0

To use google drive api, I have to play with the authentication using OAuth2.0. And I got a few question about this. Client id and client secret are used to identify what my app is. But they must be ...
Bear's user avatar
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104 votes
6 answers

Restrict Login Email with Google OAuth2.0 to Specific Domain Name

I can't seem to find any documentation on how to restrict the login to my web application (which uses OAuth2.0 and Google APIs) to only accept authentication requests from users with an email on a ...
paradox870's user avatar
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101 votes
2 answers

How do I authorise an app (web or installed) without user intervention?

Let's say that I have a web app ("mydriveapp") that needs to access Drive files in a background service. It will either own the files it is accessing, or be run in a Google Account with ...
pinoyyid's user avatar
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101 votes
16 answers

Where can I get Google developer key

I am working on Google API like chat, contacts and so on... I am stuck on developer_key as mentioned in gdata doc. You can get this at 'developer_key' => '' ...
Neelesh's user avatar
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100 votes
26 answers

invalid_client in google oauth2

I try to make a web page for youtube video upload, therefore I try to get the client id from google api console, and in the api console it shows something like this: Client ID: 533832195920.apps....
Bob's user avatar
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95 votes
31 answers

Google sign in failed 10:

So I'm Stuck on this frustrating issue. I am quite new to Google Auth on Firebase but I done everything the firebase docs instructed in how to integrate the Google SignIn Auth, yet I'm still receiving ...
Hudi Ilfeld's user avatar
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95 votes
15 answers

OAuth consent screen - ability to remove application logo

I added an application logo by mistake on the OAuth consent screen (URL:, and now it says my consent screen requires verification by Google. ...
Dipen Bhikadya's user avatar
92 votes
13 answers

Google OAuth API to get user's email address?

I am playing with Google's OAuth 2.0 Playground using my own personal Google account, but I cannot seem to recover my Gmail address using the playground. The scope I am using is: email profile https:...
RevolutionTech's user avatar
91 votes
18 answers

Google API authentication: Not valid origin for the client

When making an auth request to the Google API (gapi), it's returning false on the checkOrigin. I have removed any client id's or anything that would link directly to my account and replaced it with a ...
Francis Lewis's user avatar
85 votes
3 answers

Delegate OpenID to Google (NOT Google Apps)

Is it possible to use my personal website/blog to login to sites that use openid, and delegating to my Google account? OK, I searched this question on SO but no good answer. After spent some time I ...
77 votes
2 answers

OAuth2 and Google API: access token expiration time?

We have a standalone Java application (see "Installed application") which runs periodically and uses Google API (updates some information from customer databases/ldap/...). To access Google APIs we ...
Martin V.'s user avatar
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77 votes
5 answers

Google OAUTH: The redirect URI in the request did not match a registered redirect URI

I am trying to make an upload to YouTube from my Java based web app, I spent a few days to understand what and where is the problem and I cannot get it, for now I am pulling my hair out off my head. ...
Denees's user avatar
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75 votes
14 answers

Not a valid origin for the client from Google API Oauth

I'm receiving this error from Google API Oauth: idpiframe_initialization_failed", details: "Not a valid origin for the client: http://127.0.0.…itelist this origin for your project's client ID I'm ...
Filipe Ferminiano's user avatar
73 votes
2 answers

what is id_token google oauth

I just got the following result when I tried to do oauth2 to googleapi. Only one thing: I couldn't find what is id_token used for in documentation. { "access_token": "xxxx", "token_type": "Bearer"...
kitokid's user avatar
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72 votes
6 answers

How to change Google consent screen email?

I created new Google Play game and would like to change the email displayed on Google Consent Screen. Google Developers Console screen has a dropdown to choose email, but just one - admin's email - is ...
LA_'s user avatar
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71 votes
2 answers

What does "offline" access in OAuth mean?

What exactly does the word "offline" mean with regard to the offline access granted by an OAuth server? Does it mean that the resource server will return data about the user even when the user is ...
Water Cooler v2's user avatar
71 votes
8 answers

How do I implement ‘sign in with google’ on my site?

On my site I would like to allow users to sign in with a google account. I plan to use openid but I would like to allow signing in with google because it has more benefits. I've noticed in the past a ...
user avatar
70 votes
20 answers

Error: Could not load the default credentials (Firebase function to firestore)

I am attempting to write an onCall function for Firebase Cloud Functions that performs advanced querying tasks on a firestore database (i.e. checking a text query up against AutoML natural lang to get ...
BurnDownTheIgloo's user avatar
68 votes
6 answers

Authenticating with OAuth2 for an app *and* a website

I'm developing a website that is primarily accessed via an app, and I want to use OAuth2 for user registration and authentication. Since it is an Android app I will start using Google's OAuth2 stuff, ...
Timmmm's user avatar
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66 votes
5 answers

Force google account chooser

Is there is a way I can force the google account chooser to appear even if the user is logged in just with one account. I have tried by redirecting to this URL:
José F. Romaniello's user avatar
62 votes
9 answers

Can a public IP address be used as Google OAuth redirect URI?

I'm trying to set a web service that needs the user's Google Latitude info, so I'm using Google OAuth to get the user authorization stuff. However, when trying to set the redirection URI in the ...
jgg's user avatar
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62 votes
9 answers

Using Google OAuth2 with Flask

Can anyone point me to a complete example for authenticating with Google accounts using OAuth2 and Flask, and not on App Engine? I am trying to have users give access to Google Calendar, and then use ...
emning's user avatar
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61 votes
9 answers

Authentication using Facebook at first and then Google causes an error in Firebase for Android

As I understand from the Firebase Docs, if a user authenticates his account with a credential, he should strictly login by using the same credential if the credential is not linked with another one ...
Dorukhan Arslan's user avatar
58 votes
9 answers

"This app would like to: Have offline access" when access_type=online

I have a Google App with OAuth 2.0 authentication. Everything used to work fine but recently I started getting the following "Request for permission" screen: The strange part is that I get this ...
Tzach's user avatar
  • 13.2k
55 votes
15 answers

403 Error - Thats an error. Error: disallowed_useragent

I am trying to authorise a user for Google calendar API inside an IOS app. I am using the OAuth2 feature of Google to authenticate users. Authorisation page opens with a 403 error with the description:...
Subbu's user avatar
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55 votes
10 answers

Google OAuth 2.0 failing with Error 400: invalid_request for some client_id, but works well for others in the same project

We have some apps (or maybe we should call them a handful of scripts) that use Google APIs to facilitate some administrative tasks. Recently, after making another client_id in the same project, I ...
chutz's user avatar
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54 votes
1 answer

Error 403: access_denied The developer hasn’t given you access to this app despite a new project being created [duplicate]

Please note: This is NOT a duplicate as I followed the SO only verified answer by creating a new project yet it didn't work. Also my case is with chrome extension or chrome app client ID from dev ...
Daniyal dehleh's user avatar
54 votes
5 answers

gapi.auth2.ExternallyVisibleError: Invalid cookiePolicy

I'm trying to add a Google Sign In Authentication system to my app, but I keep getting a strange error that I haven't seen anyone get. I'm using EXACTLY the google example code. I thought it could be ...
KoJoVe's user avatar
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53 votes
11 answers
66k views An internal error has occurred. [ CONFIGURATION_NOT_FOUND ]

Ok so I get the following exception. No idea why it is happening. I have followed the guides how to set up auth for google account. I tried to search the google but no success of any solution for this....
parohy's user avatar
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53 votes
2 answers

Google Drive API, Oauth and service account

I've some issues with Google Drive API, service account and authentication. I read a lot, but I cannot figure out how to solve this. Context: I have some files on my Drive account (about 35GB) and a ...
user avatar
52 votes
4 answers

google oauth error invalid_client no support email

I try to implement google oauth, following the Google OAuth2ForDevices. My App is registered on Google Cloud Console, as native App. When I try to follow the OAuth2ForDevices using Google Chromes - ...
jerik's user avatar
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51 votes
5 answers

Error: req#logout requires a callback function

can't able to find solution of this tried everything, i am just new in using passport. Error: req#logout requires a callback function i have coded this before but that time i have not received any ...
Harsh Gupta's user avatar
49 votes
13 answers

idpiframe_initialization_failed in Google Sign In from Localhost

I'm trying to create a Google Sign In button by following this link. So far the account choose dialogue box is coming but after that I don't see any result in the console. Instead I'm getting this ...
Shihan Khan's user avatar
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49 votes
1 answer

How can I decode a google OAuth 2.0 JWT (OpenID Connect) in a node app?

I'm having a heck of a time here trying to use google OAuth to authenticate users in my node express app. I can successfully do the OAuth, which returns a response like so: { access_token: 'token ...
ThePuzzleMaster's user avatar
49 votes
1 answer

How to add Google Authenticator to my website?

I have a web app that is Angular2 on the front-end and NodeJS on the back-end. I want to allow clients to use Google Authenticator to make their accounts more secure. How can I implement/use Google ...
georgej's user avatar
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47 votes
6 answers

Undefined class 'FirebaseUser'

I'm new to Flutter. I have an Issue with Firebase Auth/ Google Auth The FirebaseUser is not defined Code: FirebaseAuth _auth = FirebaseAuth.instance; GoogleSignIn googleSignIn = GoogleSignIn(); ...
AbdullahTh's user avatar
45 votes
6 answers

Error: invalid_request device_id and device_name are required for private IP

I was doing my development with Google Drive API using [localhost:8080]. Suddenly I felt to test it in my local deployment sandbox and it has IP address as []. And as per that I ...
phenomenon.aurora's user avatar
45 votes
3 answers

Does Google provide test users for integration testing

Test users are very good to do integration testing. When I develop facebook oauth enabled stuff I can programmatically create test users and use them as real users of my application. They behave in ...
Fabio's user avatar
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44 votes
18 answers

Issue when trying to register an app for consent screen in google oauth

I am trying to register my app for Oauth consent screen, so that I can create a OAuth client ID. I keep getting this validation error at end of the form, even though I have submitted everything ...
v1shva's user avatar
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44 votes
9 answers

The signing fingerprint you specified is already used by another Android OAuth2 client

Some time ago I created an example project (lets call it "example project") with Oauth2 client id for android application in Google APIs console. I also added SHA1 fingerprint and package name (for ...
Elena's user avatar
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44 votes
9 answers

Testing Google OAuth 2.0 with localhost?

How do I test the Google OAuth 2.0 on my app with localhost, since Google requires a top private domain as the authorized domain? I tried to look up solutions, but all the solutions given have been a ...
Katie 's user avatar
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43 votes
3 answers

Sign in with Google temporarily disabled for this app

We are facing the below screen when trying to authenticate to Google. The app that we are trying to authenticate is used for internal development and we did not publish it to our users. Any idea why ...
Ranjani's user avatar
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