We are running an event with around 1000 users who have to submit something every day. When they submit, their email is stored in a list in an option in WordPress.
I have encountered a problem where two users have submitted an entry at the same time - the following function is called twice at the same time:
function tw_add_user_to_submitted_today_list($user_email){
$tw_settings = get_option("tw_settings");
if (!in_Array($user_email, $tw_settings['submitted_today'])){
array_push( $tw_settings['submitted_today'], $user_email);
update_option("tw_settings", $tw_settings);
One of the users is not being added to the list because the list is being overwritten before being resaved.
I'm stuck to think of a better or different way of doing this. Is there a way of checking if a process is already running for example?