I am trying to use statsmodels predict method for a multiple linear regression analysis in Python but I always get the same error:

TypeError: RegressionModel.predict() got multiple values for argument 'params'

After running model = sm.OLS(y_train, X_train).fit() I obtained the regression coefficients with model.params.values and the output is as follows:

array([ -0.23481626, 56.13254025, -61.06123804, 56.10006434, -53.70845756, -10.98175732, 26.32430393, 3.36806063, -10.48230617])

at this point I tried to make predictions:

X_test = sm.add_constant(X_test)

predictions = model.predict(params = model.params.values, exog = X_test)

but I get the error:

TypeError: RegressionModel.predict() got multiple values for argument 'params'

X_test is a pandas.core.frame.DataFrame with shape (38, 21)

I checked the official documentation at the link statsmodels.regression.linear_model.OLS.predict but could not solve the problem

any suggestions?


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