Questions tagged [react-native-skia]

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How can I allow the user to scroll a very large Skia canvas?

I have a React Native app which will include a graph that the user can scroll through. For the sake of this example, I'm just using a horizontal row of circles. To draw my graph, I am using Skia (...
Victor Chelaru's user avatar
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Where to configure webpack manual installation for web

Description We're encountering an issues on the web side while trying to run React Native Skia in NextJS as part of a Solito monorepo. Mobile (Expo) seems to work fine, but the "warning" ...
Arjun-Dm's user avatar
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How can I center a rectangle in a Canvas in React Native and Skia (react-native-skia)?

Summary I would like to center a Skia Rect inside a Skia Canvas in React Native using react-native-skia ( If I refresh my app, or launch it fresh, the ...
Victor Chelaru's user avatar
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Shader transitions on an Image (on press) with react-native-skia

I'm pretty new to react-native-skia, I have a grayscale shader applied on an Image and I would like to apply this kind of transition animation on press to switch between grayscale and full colored ...
HichamELBSI's user avatar
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Is there a way to compare a drawing with an SVG in React Native Skia?

I'm making an app where you need to draw a given SVG above, in Expo, React Native. Is there a way to compare the SkPath array with my svg? Here is the component I use for my drawing (most of the code ...
feusanc's user avatar
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How to improve performance of bitmap operations with react-native-reanimated and react-native-skia

I'm creating a pixel art editor with react-native-reanimated and react-native-skia, and I was wondering how I can improve performance? I have some code which manipulates a uint8array and converts it ...
thebluepandabear's user avatar