Questions tagged [simulation]

Simulation is the imitation of some real thing, state of affairs, or process. The act of simulating something generally entails representing certain key characteristics or behaviours of a selected physical or abstract system.

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611 votes
24 answers

Simulator or Emulator? What is the difference?

While I understand what simulation and emulation mean in general, I almost always get confused about them. Assume that I create a piece of software that mimics existing hardware/software, what should ...
Khaled Alshaya's user avatar
262 votes
16 answers

Network tools that simulate slow network connection [closed]

I would like to visually evaluate web pages response time for several Internet connections types (DSL, Cable, T1, dial-up etc.) while my browser and web server are on the same LAN or even on the same ...
MaxK's user avatar
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243 votes
18 answers

source of historical stock data [closed]

I'm trying to make a stock market simulator (perhaps eventually growing into a predicting AI), but I'm having trouble finding data to use. I'm looking for a (hopefully free) source of historical stock ...
rmeador's user avatar
  • 25.6k
204 votes
13 answers

Simulating tremor (from e.g. Parkinson's Disease) with the mouse on a webpage?

I'm working for a foundation that raises awareness for accessibility in the internet. For a presentation, we want to offer a small workshop that simulates different disabilities/impairments to people. ...
Joshua Muheim's user avatar
152 votes
7 answers

iPhone Simulator - Simulate a slow connection?

Is there a way to slow down the internet connection to the iPhone Simulator, so as to mimic how the App might react when you are in a slow spot on the cellular network?
Chris's user avatar
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121 votes
3 answers

How to use curl to get a GET request exactly same as using Chrome?

I have a web api and I want to use GET to get the response body. This is my command: curl "" Of course, it fails and gives an error message. When I ...
wdetac's user avatar
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110 votes
10 answers

What's the difference between emulation and simulation? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Simulator or Emulator? What is the difference? In simple understandable terms, what is the difference between the two terms? [I have already looked at this, this and this]
Lazer's user avatar
  • 92.6k
94 votes
8 answers

Simulate a click on 'a' element using javascript/jquery

I am trying to simulate a click on on an element. HTML for the same is as follows <a id="gift-close" href="javascript:void(0)" class="cart-mask-close p-abs" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent','...
user2373137's user avatar
80 votes
9 answers

Using Camera in the Android emulator

I wish to simulate camera in the android emulator using the webcam. Basically I need to only take photos with the camera in the emulator (live preview is not needed i.e if it makes it any easier) I ...
Primal Pappachan's user avatar
72 votes
5 answers

iPhone Browser simulator for Windows?

Note: This is a question about simulating the Browser on the iPhone, not simulating the whole device. I know that iPhone-device simulation is not possible on Windows, as discussed at length here. I ...
codeulike's user avatar
  • 22.9k
56 votes
1 answer

Play audio as microphone input

I am to test voice recognition programs. Some which I have access to the code and others where I don't. Sadly my (beautiful) voice is not perfect, so when I am reading a text it sounds slightly ...
Mr. JWolf's user avatar
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46 votes
9 answers

How to set fake GPS location on IOS real device

Currently I have to test app and set the different fake GPS locations on real IOS 7 devices. On Android I use 'My Fake Location'. Unfortunately, I didn't find the same app for IOS 7. Any ideas to ...
Maksim Alekseychik's user avatar
45 votes
10 answers

Suggestions for Python debugging tools? [closed]

Yesterday I made a simulation using Python. I had a few difficulties with variables and debugging. Is there any software for Python, which provides a decent debugger? Related question: What is the ...
Léo Léopold Hertz 준영's user avatar
43 votes
1 answer

How do you simulate Stripe Subscription Renewal Failure? [closed]

I'm trying to test different Stripe Subscription failures. Specifically, what happens when an active subscription gets renewed when initially the card got accepted and the subscription is active, but ...
Charlie Fish's user avatar
  • 19.5k
41 votes
2 answers

Simulate Python keypresses for controlling a game

I'm trying to control a game (my two test games are Half Life 2 and Minecraft) using my Kinect and Python. Everything works except for one thing. The game will respond to simulated mouse events and ...
user573949's user avatar
40 votes
5 answers

Python simulate keydown

After searching for several hours i´m wondering if its possible to simulate a keydown press on the keyboard. For example I want my program to hold the x key down for five seconds so when I run it in ...
inControl's user avatar
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38 votes
4 answers

VHDL - How should I create a clock in a testbench?

How should I create a clock in a testbench? I already have found one answer, however others on stack overflow have suggested that there are alternative or better ways of achieving this: LIBRARY ieee; ...
alexdavey's user avatar
  • 672
38 votes
4 answers

Simulating low battery for iPhones

I am working on a mobile game, which appearantly crashes when the Low Battery alert is displayed. It works fine on low memory, incoming calls and other messages. Its a pain to test and debug this, ...
Nils Munch's user avatar
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35 votes
6 answers

How to make virtual organisms learn using neural networks? [closed]

I'm making a simple learning simulation, where there are multiple organisms on screen. They're supposed to learn how to eat, using their simple neural networks. They have 4 neurons, and each neuron ...
corazza's user avatar
  • 31.8k
33 votes
4 answers

Android simulate key press

How can I programmatically simulate a key press on a Droid? I would like to mimic a manual key press (appearing on the droid that someone is pressing a key but it is being done programmatically). ...
calcrisk33's user avatar
31 votes
8 answers

Experiences with Test Driven Development (TDD) for logic (chip) design in Verilog or VHDL

I have looked on the web and the discussions/examples appear to be for traditional software development. Since Verilog and VHDL (used for chip design, e.g. FPGAs and ASICs) are similar to software ...
Brian Carlton's user avatar
31 votes
4 answers

Simulate pressing tab key with jQuery

I have some textboxes on a .net-page and want to achieve the following with jQuery: if the user presses return, the program should behave "as if" he had used the tab key, thus, selecting the next ...
AGuyCalledGerald's user avatar
31 votes
3 answers

numpy array of objects

I'm trying to implement a simulation for a lattice model (lattice boltzmann) in Python. Each site of the lattice has a number of properties, and interact with neighboring sites according to certain ...
jonalm's user avatar
  • 945
30 votes
2 answers

Simulate fake location on real iOS device

I want to simulate fake location on my iPhone 5S device using specific longitude and latitude. Is there a way to do this in XCode. I tried using the simulate location feature by adding a GPX file in ...
AWSSET's user avatar
  • 417
30 votes
9 answers

Software simulation of a quantum computer

While we are waiting for our quantum computers, is it possible to write a software simulation of one? I suspect the answer is no, but hope the reasons why not will throw some light on the mystery.
Geog's user avatar
  • 301
30 votes
7 answers

How to plot data by c program?

I am a mechanical engineer who has only limited knowledge in C programming. I wrote some code in order to make simulations, and I want to visualize the simulation results. At the moment I am using Dev-...
CrazyHorse's user avatar
29 votes
3 answers

Simulating a keyboard's output (making a computer pose as another computer's keyboard)

I want to be able to connect a computer A's USB port to computer B's USB port so as to make computer A act as computer B's keyboard. Any idea how I would go about doing that? I'm not looking for a ...
Anonymous Coward's user avatar
28 votes
4 answers

Soccer simulation for a game

I would like to build a simulation engine which can simulate a soccer (association football) match. It would be cool great if you could help me. What is important to me is to decide which actions ...
28 votes
12 answers

What are some algorithms that will allow me to simulate planetary physics?

I'm interested in doing a "Solar System" simulator that will allow me to simulate the rotational and gravitational forces of planets and stars. I'd like to be able to say, simulate our solar system, ...
Gaius's user avatar
  • 349
26 votes
4 answers

Recursion in Python? RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object [duplicate]

I have another problem with my code. I'm writing my first program in Vpython and I have to make a simulation of mixing two gases. First, I had a problem with borders, but now when the balls(that ...
Emil Smęt's user avatar
25 votes
3 answers

Program design in Haskell: how to do simulation without mutability

I have a question about the best way to design a program I'm working on in Haskell. I'm writing a physics simulator, which is something I've done a bunch in standard imperative languages, and usually ...
Haldean Brown's user avatar
25 votes
2 answers

Why does my water explode?

I am trying to implement the Clavet method for simulating fluids in JavaScript, so debugging is a nightmare, which is why I'm asking here, hoping that someone who has gone through the same thing will ...
Alex's user avatar
  • 846
24 votes
4 answers

Checkbox is not `checked` after simulate `change` with enzyme

I tried to use enzyme to simulate change event on a checkbox, and use chai-enzyme to assert if it's been checked. This is my Hello react component: import React from 'react'; class Hello extends ...
Freewind's user avatar
  • 196k
24 votes
4 answers

Just how good is VTK? [closed]

I have heard some good reviews of the Visualization ToolKit (VTK) from developers. But exactly how powerful is it? For example, can it handle visualization of an entire oil reservoir (in a simulator) ...
Adit Gupta's user avatar
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23 votes
5 answers

How to simulate touch for any application in Android?

I know some similar questions have already been asked, but I think they are asking for simulating touch in their own applications, however I want to make an agent that can "use" any application. So ...
jeff's user avatar
  • 13.4k
23 votes
2 answers

java simple neural network setup

I have decided to play around with some simple concepts involving neural networks in Java, and in adapting somewhat useless code I found on a forum, I have been able to create a very simple model for ...
jerluc's user avatar
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22 votes
6 answers

Simulate keystroke in Linux with Python

How can I simulate a keystroke in python? I also want to press multiple keys simultaneously. Something like: keystroke('CTRL+F4') or keystroke('Shift+A')
microo8's user avatar
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22 votes
3 answers

Generate N random integers that sum to M in R

I would like to generate N random positive integers that sum to M. I would like the random positive integers to be selected around a fairly normal distribution whose mean is M/N, with a small ...
itpetersen's user avatar
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21 votes
4 answers

How can I simulate a "locked" file (one which has a write lock)

I am trying to debug a problem where users occasionally have locked files which they try to open. The code appears to have correct exception handling but users are still reporting seeing error ...
Daisetsu's user avatar
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21 votes
7 answers

How can I simulate SerialPort interactions for testing?

I'm about to start developing a small app (C#) that communicates with a PLC and a testing unit via Serial Ports - this is my first venture into this area. In essence, I am going to send the PLC a ...
CJM's user avatar
  • 12k
20 votes
6 answers

How to simulate a mouse movement

How can I simulate a mouse event causing the pointer to move 500 pixels to the left, then click using C++. How would I do something like this?
Josh Polk's user avatar
  • 255
20 votes
6 answers

plotting package for c++ [closed]

I have got a question about plotting package for c++. For last few years I was using python and matplotlib, right now I am using c++ and I would like to find something similar to matplotlib (http://...
nykon's user avatar
  • 625
20 votes
6 answers

How to simulate OutOfMemory exception

I need to refactor my project in order to make it immune to OutOfMemory exception. There are huge collections used in my project and by changing one parameter I can make my program to be more ...
Gacek's user avatar
  • 10.3k
20 votes
6 answers

Bullet vs Newton Game Dynamics vs ODE physics engines [closed]

I am trying to pick a physics engine for a simple software application. It would be to simulate a rather small number of objects so performance isn't a huge concern. I am mostly concerned with the ...
Anon's user avatar
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20 votes
5 answers

How to simulate DDOS/Slashdotting?

So, I'd like to get more experience working with high-traffic websites, but unfortunately the Internet is not beating down the doors to my blog. How can I simulate tens/hundreds of hits per second on ...
Kevin Burke's user avatar
  • 63.1k
20 votes
6 answers

How does functional programming apply to simulations?

Besides the general question in the title, How do functional programmers and functional languages approach the domain of simulations, which seem to be most naturally handled by object-oriented ...
limist's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

How to test what will happen when you publish an update to your app to the Market

I'm about to publish a new version of an app to the Market. In order to avoid any potential problems once its been pushed to the Market and people get notified of an update, I'd like to simulate that ...
charlest's user avatar
  • 925
18 votes
1 answer

How to make verlet integration collisions more stable?

I'm not using any engine, but instead trying to build my own softbody dynamics for fun using verlet integeration. I made a cube defined by 4x4 points with segments keeping its shape like so: I have ...
Green Cell's user avatar
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17 votes
5 answers

High-level Architecture (HLA) versus Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS)

Is there a high-level overview of HLA versus DIS simulation frameworks? Can one host the other and vice-versa?
fogus's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

What to use for VHDL/digital-logic simulation on Mac OS X

I suddenly realized that there is no Altera Quartus or Xilins ISE or ModelSim on Mac OS X. What do people use to at least simulate VHDL and schematic designs on Macs?
Vladimir Keleshev's user avatar

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