I have followed every example I can find online and cannot get my pm2 config to correctly load my Node server. I keep getting the error: Error: Cannot find module 'dotenv/config' . I have my .env in a seperate location from my node server. I have created the ecosystem.config.js file by following their docs. Here is the file contents, full directory paths redacted:

module.exports = {
  apps : [{
    name        : "node-server-prod",
    script      : "/my/absolute/path/server.js",
    cwd         : "/my/absolute/path",
    node_args   : "-r dotenv/config",
    args        : "dotenv_config_path=relative/to/cwd/.env"

I tried both absolute and relative paths in the args section. Same with the script path.

I know I have dotenv installed in my node server path. It is not installed in the directory where my ecosystem.config.js file are and where I am calling: pm2 start ecosystem.config.js. I am almost certain it would not need to be installed in that directory. Any help would be much appreciated.

**Update: ** Adding full stack trace if that helps at all. enter image description here

  • Did you try installing with this npm install dotenv --save-dev ? Apr 16 at 16:14
  • I have verified that is installed in my node server folder. Not where I am running pm2 from though.
    – dmikester1
    Apr 16 at 17:11

1 Answer 1


I have tried your config file with my path and it is working and even i had move the env file outside the project directory but still it is loading.

module.exports = {
    apps: [{
    name: "node-server-prod",
    script: "./temp/server.js",
    cwd: "./",
    node_args: "-r dotenv/config",
    // i have tried with both env file inside and outside cwd
    args: "dotenv_config_path=../.env"

And also you can use require('dotenv').config(); to directly load variables in server file.

************ Edited ***********

Okay , I have put the pm2 file outside the project directory . and i got your error . And it is resolved , all you have to do is just update your path in following manner.

script: "./temp/server.js",
cwd: "./project_dir",
node_args: "-r dotenv/config",
// as your cwd is in project directory you can give path of env file considering that.
args: "dotenv_config_path=./.env"
  • Where is the ecosystem config file? Is that the same folder you are running the start command from?
    – dmikester1
    Apr 17 at 16:44
  • In the root directory , env and ecosystem config file are at same location
    – Jack
    Apr 18 at 6:53
  • And do you have dotenv installed in the project_dir location? It seems there is no way to install that package globally.
    – dmikester1
    2 days ago
  • yes , its installed in project dir only. No need to install globally. All you have to do is give appropriate path.
    – Jack
    3 hours ago

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