I have followed every example I can find online and cannot get my pm2 config to correctly load my Node server. I keep getting the error: Error: Cannot find module 'dotenv/config'
. I have my .env in a seperate location from my node server. I have created the ecosystem.config.js file by following their docs.
Here is the file contents, full directory paths redacted:
module.exports = {
apps : [{
name : "node-server-prod",
script : "/my/absolute/path/server.js",
cwd : "/my/absolute/path",
node_args : "-r dotenv/config",
args : "dotenv_config_path=relative/to/cwd/.env"
I tried both absolute and relative paths in the args section. Same with the script path.
I know I have dotenv installed in my node server path. It is not installed in the directory where my ecosystem.config.js
file are and where I am calling: pm2 start ecosystem.config.js
. I am almost certain it would not need to be installed in that directory. Any help would be much appreciated.
npm install dotenv --save-dev