Questions tagged [video]

Video is an electronic medium for the recording, copying, and broadcasting of moving visual images. Use more specific tags when relevant, such as [video-editing] for questions related to trimming and modifying videos, [video-encoding] for questions related to editing videos into any format, and [video-processing] for questions related to processing videos with filtering video frames.

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557 votes
9 answers

How do we download a blob url video [closed]

I want to download a video whose URL is not a simple MP4 file, but rather a blob type for example: <video id="playerVideo" width="450px" autoplay="autoplay" height=&...
SidD's user avatar
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478 votes
11 answers

How can I embed a YouTube video on GitHub wiki pages?

I am fairly new to markup (though it's extremely easy to pickup). I am working on a package and am trying to get the wiki pages looking nice as a help manual. I can insert a YouTube video link into ...
Tyler Rinker's user avatar
357 votes
24 answers

Programmatically generate video or animated GIF in Python?

I have a series of images that I want to create a video from. Ideally I could specify a frame duration for each frame but a fixed frame rate would be fine too. I'm doing this in wxPython, so I can ...
FogleBird's user avatar
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300 votes
25 answers

An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions. Why? [duplicate]

private void StartReceivingData(string ipAddress, int iPort) { try { if (!_bContinueReciving) { //initializeMainSocket(ipAddress, iPort); _mSocket = new ...
andrew's user avatar
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293 votes
9 answers

Streaming video from Android camera to server [closed]

I've seen plenty of info about how to stream video from the server to an android device, but not much about the other way, ala Qik. Could someone point me in the right direction here, or give me some ...
JCL's user avatar
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281 votes
20 answers

How to handle "Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: play() failed because the user didn't interact with the document first." on Desktop with Chrome 66?

I'm getting the error message.. Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: play() failed because the user didn't interact with the document first. ..when trying to play video on desktop using Chrome ...
Steven's user avatar
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262 votes
10 answers

How to add a new audio (not mixing) into a video using ffmpeg?

I used a command like: ffmpeg -i video.avi -i audio.mp3 -vcodec codec -acodec codec output_video.avi -newaudio in latest version for adding new audio track to video (not mix). But I updated the ...
Vetalll's user avatar
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259 votes
5 answers

Embed YouTube video - Refused to display in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'SAMEORIGIN' [duplicate]

I am trying to feed my Django page with some resource I am getting from somewhere else. Inside the feed, I have YouTube videos with URL like: Once I ...
doniyor's user avatar
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250 votes
0 answers

GStreamer Editing Services freezes when transitions are added [closed]

I'm trying to use Gstreamer's GStreamer Editing Services to concatenate 2 videos, and to have a transition between the two. This command, which joins 2 segments of the videos together without a ...
Amandasaurus's user avatar
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249 votes
15 answers

How to change the playing speed of videos in HTML5?

How to change the video play speed in HTML5? I've checked video tag's attributes in w3school but couldn't approach that.
Young's user avatar
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233 votes
10 answers

Fastest way to extract frames using ffmpeg? [closed]

Hi I need to extract frames from videos using ffmpeg.. Is there a faster way to do it than this: ffmpeg -i file.mpg -r 1/1 $filename%03d.jpg ?
Stpn's user avatar
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221 votes
1 answer

Meaning of ffmpeg output (tbc, tbn, tbr) [closed]

I am using ffmpeg to tell me video info. Specifically: ffmpeg -i video.ext I get the output: Stream #0.0[0x1e0]: Video: mpeg2video, yuv420p, 704x576 [PAR 12:11 DAR 4:3], 9578 kb/s, 25 tbr, 90k tbn, ...
user7289's user avatar
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211 votes
4 answers

Correct mime type for .mp4

I have two applications as mentioned below: Admin application through which I am able to upload a .mp4 file to the server. I am trying to download the .mp4 using mobile application in iPad. The ...
santosh kumar patro's user avatar
205 votes
15 answers

How can I autoplay a video using the new embed code style for Youtube?

I can't work out how to autoplay a video using the new embed code style for Youtube. I tried adding &autoplay=1 to the url, which worked with the old style, but it didn't work. For example, http://...
ben's user avatar
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201 votes
24 answers

changing source on html5 video tag

I'm trying to build a video player that works everywhere. so far I'd be going with: <video> <source src="video.mp4"></source> <source src="video.ogv"&...
sashn's user avatar
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200 votes
2 answers

How to extract 1 screenshot for a video with ffmpeg at a given time?

There are many tutorials and stuff showing how to extract multiple screenshots from a video using ffmpeg. You set -r and you can even start a certain amount in. But I just want 1 screenshot at, say ...
Peter Bengtsson's user avatar
195 votes
17 answers

Fetch frame count with ffmpeg

Does anyone know how to fetch the number of total frames from a video file using ffmpeg? The render output of ffmpeg shows the current frame and I need the frame count to calculate the progress in ...
Hansl's user avatar
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192 votes
6 answers

What are all codecs and formats supported by FFmpeg? [closed]

I need a list of codecs and formats supported by FFmpeg. Where can I find it?
poobalan's user avatar
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177 votes
3 answers

How can I extract a good quality JPEG image from a video file with ffmpeg?

Currently I am using this command to extract the images: ffmpeg -i input.mp4 output_%03d.jpeg But how can I improve the JPEG image quality?
Daniel Gartmann's user avatar
173 votes
10 answers

Streaming via RTSP or RTP in HTML5

I'm building a web app that should play back an RTSP/RTP stream from a server Does the HTML5 video/audio tag support the rtsp or rtp? If not, what would the easiest ...
Elben Shira's user avatar
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170 votes
7 answers

HTML5 Video autoplay on iPhone

I have some kind of a strange problem. I try to create a website with a looped background video. The code looks like this one: <video src="video/bg.mp4" style="z-index: -1;object-fit: cover;" ...
SeBa's user avatar
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168 votes
6 answers

Trying to understand CMTime and CMTimeMake

1) CMTimeMake(1,10) means duration of 1 second and timescale of 10, or 10 frames per second. This means 1s duration of video with 10 frames? 2) CMTime lastTime=CMTimeMake(1,10); CMTime frameTime=...
lilzz's user avatar
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162 votes
21 answers

Is there a way to make HTML5 video fullscreen?

Is there a way to play a video fullscreen using the HTML5 <video> tag? And if this is not possible, does anybody know if there is a reason for this decision?
nicudotro's user avatar
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149 votes
7 answers

Can I avoid the native fullscreen video player with HTML5 on iPhone or android?

I've built a web app that uses the HTML5 tag and JavaScript code that renders other content synchronized with the running video. It works great in desktop browsers: Firefox, Chrome, and Safari. On an ...
AlpineCarver's user avatar
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144 votes
11 answers

How can I record a video in my Android app?

How can I capture a video recording on Android?
user avatar
143 votes
4 answers

Creating a video from a single image for a specific duration in ffmpeg [closed]

How do I generate a movie using ffmpeg using a single image (image1.png) for a duration of 15 seconds with a specific resolution so when I play the video, the image will appear on screen for 15 ...
Dharmesh's user avatar
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134 votes
9 answers

WebRTC - scalable live stream broadcasting / multicasting

PROBLEM: WebRTC gives us peer-to-peer video/audio connections. It is perfect for p2p calls, hangouts. But what about broadcasting (one-to-many, for example, 1-to-10000)? Lets say we have a ...
igorpavlov's user avatar
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132 votes
4 answers

Play infinitely looping video on-load in HTML5

I'm looking to place a video in an HTML5 page that will begin playing on page-load, and once completed, loop back to the beginning without a break. The video should also NOT have any controls ...
stefmikhail's user avatar
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125 votes
13 answers

WebView and HTML5 <video>

I'm piecing together a cheapo app that amongst other things "frames" some of our websites... Pretty simple with the WebViewClient. until I hit the video. The video is done as HTML5 elements, and ...
brian moore's user avatar
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124 votes
15 answers

TDD/BDD screencast/video resources [closed]

I've recently finished watching the Autumn of Agile screencasts and I'm looking for more material of similar scope. Basically, I'm looking for screencasts that present TDD/BDD process while developing ...
Ree's user avatar
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119 votes
5 answers

Force HTML5 youtube video

Regarding the Youtube API Blog they are experimenting with their new HTML5 Video Player. Apparently to play a video in html5, you have to use the iframe embedding code : <iframe class="youtube-...
Kami's user avatar
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119 votes
4 answers

Live-stream video from one android phone to another over WiFi

I have searched the internet for days now on how to implement a video streaming feature from an android phone to another android phone over a WiFi connection but I can't seem to find anything useful. ...
androidu's user avatar
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117 votes
31 answers

HTML 5 <video> tag vs Flash video. What are the pros and cons?

IMPORTANT UPDATE This question was made over 9 years ago. It made sense then, it doesn't make it now. Flash is hard on its way out; <video> support is ubiquitous, including mobile devices. ...
Vilx-'s user avatar
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116 votes
9 answers

HTML5 Video // Completely Hide Controls

How Could I completely hide HTML5 video controls? <video width="300" height="200" controls="false" autoplay="autoplay"> <source src="video/supercoolvideo.mp4" type="video/mp4" /> </...
Lieutenant Dan's user avatar
114 votes
5 answers

How to know total number of Frame in a file with cv2 in python

How to know total number of Frame in a file ( .avi) through Python using open cv module. If possible what all the information (resolution, fps,duration,etc) we can get of a video file through this.
Niraj's user avatar
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113 votes
3 answers

FFMPEG mux video and audio (from another video) - mapping issue

I would like to place the audio from a video to another video without an audio (in one command): ffmpeg.exe -i -i -vcodec copy -acodec copy video1_audioFromVideo2....
Mark's user avatar
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112 votes
3 answers

Streaming a video file to an html5 video player with Node.js so that the video controls continue to work?

Tl;Dr - The Question: What is the right way to handle streaming a video file to an html5 video player with Node.js so that the video controls continue to work? I think it has to do with the way that ...
WebDeveloper404's user avatar
112 votes
2 answers

Problem setting video frame rate using AVAssetWriter/AVAssetReader

Situation: I am trying to export video with some parameters like video bit rate, audio bit rate, frame rate, changing video resolution, etc. Note that I am letting the user set the video frame rate in ...
Sunil Chauhan's user avatar
111 votes
13 answers

TCP vs UDP on video stream

I just came home from my exam in network-programming, and one of the question they asked us was "If you are going to stream video, would you use TCP or UDP? Give an explanation for both stored video ...
Alxandr's user avatar
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108 votes
17 answers

Detect if HTML5 Video element is playing [duplicate]

I've looked through a couple of questions to find out if an HTML5 element is playing, but can't find the answer. I've looked at the W3 documentation and it has an event named "playing" but I can't ...
user avatar
108 votes
16 answers

Download content video from video stream with a path of .TS or .m3u8 file through actual code so i can make chrome extension [closed]

Videos on most sites make use of progressive downloading, which means that the video is downloaded to my computer, and easy to trace. There are lots of extensions out there to do this, and even in the ...
Nicky Smits's user avatar
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103 votes
4 answers

Using ffmpeg to encode a high quality video [closed]

I have a set of video frames saved as images in a directory, and I'm trying to encode these to a good quality video, however every setting and every format I try produces very noticeable artifacts. ...
CakeMaster's user avatar
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102 votes
4 answers

Play local (hard-drive) video file with HTML5 video tag?

I want to achieve the following. <video src="file:///Users/username/folder/video.webm"> </video> The intent is that the user will be able to select a file from his/her hard drive. And ...
Chris's user avatar
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101 votes
8 answers

How do you change video src using jQuery?

How do you change the src of a HTML5 video tag using jQuery? I got this HTML: <div id="divVideo"> <video controls> <source src="test1.mp4" type="video/mp4" /> </video>...
Aximili's user avatar
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100 votes
9 answers

How to make a movie out of images in python

I currently try to make a movie out of images, but i could not find anything helpful . Here is my code so far: import time from PIL import ImageGrab x =0 while True: try: x+= 1 ...
Victor's user avatar
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98 votes
2 answers

HTML5 - How to stream large .mp4 files?

I'm trying to setup a very basic html5 page that loads a .mp4 video that is 20MB. It appears that the browser needs to download the entire thing rather than just playing the first part of the video ...
longda's user avatar
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97 votes
10 answers

How can I get the resolution (width and height) for a video file from a linux command line?

I've been digging through the mplayer/mencoder and ffmpeg documentation and I can't seem to come up with anything. I'm not especially picky as to the output format as I can use a regular expression to ...
Jeremy Logan's user avatar
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95 votes
1 answer

How to add transparent watermark in center of a video with ffmpeg?

I am currently using these commands: Top left corner ffmpeg –i inputvideo.avi -vf "movie=watermarklogo.png [watermark]; [in][watermark] overlay=10:10 [out]" outputvideo.flv Top right corner ffmpeg –...
mirza's user avatar
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94 votes
12 answers

Solid FFmpeg wrapper for C#/.NET [closed]

I have been searching the web for some time for a solid FFmpeg wrapper for C#/.NET. But I have yet to come up with something useful. I have found the following three projects, but all of them apears ...
Jacob Poul Richardt's user avatar
91 votes
15 answers

HTML5 <video> element on Android

According to: Android 2.0 should support the HTML5 video element. I haven't been able to get this to work using a Motorola Droid, and ...
jmans's user avatar
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