Questions tagged [vue-router]

Vue Router is a routing library for single-page applications designed for use with the Vue.js framework.

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555 votes
15 answers

How can I get query parameters from a URL in Vue.js?

How can I fetch query parameters in Vue.js? E.g. Can’t find a way to fetch or do I need to use pure JS or some library for this?
Rob's user avatar
  • 11.1k
369 votes
16 answers

Vue.js - How to remove hashbang #! from url?

How to remove hashbang #! from url? I found option to disable hashbang in vue router documentation ( ) but this option removes #! and just put # Is ...
DokiCRO's user avatar
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311 votes
24 answers

How to add external JS scripts to VueJS Components?

I've to use two external scripts for the payment gateways. Right now both are put in the index.html file. However, I don't want to load these files at the beginning itself. The payment gateway is ...
Gijo Varghese's user avatar
248 votes
19 answers

Vue.js redirection to another page

I'd like to make a redirection in Vue.js similar to the vanilla javascript window.location.href = 'some_url' How could I achieve this in Vue.js?
Jimmy Obonyo Abor's user avatar
243 votes
16 answers

How to set URL query params in Vue with Vue-Router

I am trying to set query params with Vue-router when changing input fields, I don't want to navigate to some other page but just want to modify URL query params on the same page, I am doing this: ...
Saurabh's user avatar
  • 72.7k
239 votes
12 answers

Vuejs: Event on route change

On my main page I have dropdowns that show v-show=show by clicking on the link @click = "show=!show" and I want to set show=false when I change the route. Please advise me on how to realize ...
kipris's user avatar
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210 votes
3 answers

How to create and use an optional parameter in Vue Router?

I need to route to a certain component in two ways - one with a param, one without. I have searched for optional params and somehow can't find much info. So my route: { path: '/offers/:member', ...
yoyoma's user avatar
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202 votes
19 answers

Do we have router.reload in vue-router?

I see in this pull request: Add a router.reload() Reload with current path and call data hook again But when I try issuing the following command from a Vue component: this.$router.reload() I get ...
Saurabh's user avatar
  • 72.7k
199 votes
15 answers

Can vue-router open a link in a new tab?

I have a summary page and a detail subpage. All of the routes are implemented with vue-router (v 0.7.x) using programmatic navigation like this: this.$router.go({ path: "/link/to/page" }) However, ...
Tang Jiong's user avatar
  • 2,063
149 votes
8 answers

Vue.js - Making helper functions globally available to single-file components

I have a Vue 2 project that has many (50+) single-file components. I use Vue-Router for routing and Vuex for state. There is a file, called helpers.js, that contains a bunch of general-purpose ...
Ege Ersoz's user avatar
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147 votes
7 answers

How to VueJS router-link active style

My page currently has Navigation.vue component. I want to make the each navigation hover and active. The hover works but active doesn't. This is how Navigation.vue file looks like : <template> ...
doobean's user avatar
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138 votes
16 answers

How to get current name of route in Vue?

I want to get the name of the current route of vue-router, i have a component menu with navigation to another componentes, so i want to dispaly the name of the current route. I have this: created(){ ...
Isaías Orozco Toledo's user avatar
129 votes
8 answers

How can I go back/route-back on vue-router?

Ok, to explain this simply: I have 3x pages. Page 1 (Home) Page 2 (Menu) Page 3 (About) Page 1 has a- <router-link to="/menu"> button that when clicked routes to "/menu". ...
John107's user avatar
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119 votes
7 answers

Vue-router redirect on page not found (404)

I'm trying to redirect to 404.html on page not found using the router.beforeEach global hook, without much success (using Vueand Vue-Router 1.0): router.beforeEach(function (transition) { if (...
nunop's user avatar
  • 2,117
112 votes
16 answers

How to change page titles when using vue-router?

I would like to specify my titles within the route definition if possible. What is normally specified in <head><title> and appears in the browser title bar. I have my project set up as ...
darkhorse's user avatar
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111 votes
12 answers

Enclosing a router-link tag in a button in vuejs

Can I wrap or enclose a router-link tag in a button tag? When I press the button, I want it to route me to the desired page.
Kushagra Agarwal's user avatar
105 votes
11 answers

vue-router — Uncaught (in promise) Error: Redirected from "/login" to "/" via a navigation guard

Why is vue-router giving me this error? To be clear, the login flow works as intended but I want to a) get rid of the errro and b) understand why the error is happening. Error: Uncaught (in promise) ...
Kirk Ross's user avatar
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105 votes
9 answers

Accessing Vuex state when defining Vue-Router routes

I have the following Vuex store (main.js): import Vue from 'vue' import Vuex from 'vuex' Vue.use(Vuex) //init store const store = new Vuex.Store({ state: { globalError: '', user: ...
Ege Ersoz's user avatar
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102 votes
5 answers

VueJs get url query

I'm developing a website with vuejs and at this moment I'm with a problem, I need to get the URL query (page) from a URL like this but the this.$ gives me ...
Simão Lemos's user avatar
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83 votes
9 answers

Redirect to requested page after login using vue-router

In my application some routes are just accessible for authenticated users.When a unauthenticated user clicks on a link, for which he has to be signed in, he will be redirected to the login component. ...
Schwesi's user avatar
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74 votes
16 answers

Vue.js scroll to top of page for same route

I can set scrolling behaviour to Vue.js Router like this: const router = new Router({ mode: 'history', routes: [ { path: '/', name: 'index', ...
kuceram's user avatar
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74 votes
6 answers

Passing props to Vue.js components instantiated by Vue-router

Suppose I have a Vue.js component like this: var Bar = Vue.extend({ props: ['my-props'], template: '<p>This is bar!</p>' }); And I want to use it when some route in vue-router is ...
Robert's user avatar
  • 32.5k
72 votes
7 answers

vue-router - How to get previous page url?

I want to get previous page link or url in vue-router. Like a this. How to do it? const link = this.$router.getPrevLink(); // function is not exist? this.$router.push(link); Near concept is this.$...
arai's user avatar
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71 votes
2 answers

How to create dynamic tag based on props with Vue 2

How can I make a component similar to vue-router router-link where I get the tag via props to render my template ? <my-component tag="ul"> </my-component> Would render: <ul> ...
Cassio Cabral's user avatar
69 votes
22 answers

Vue Router return 404 when revisit to the url

I just enable Vue router history mode. And it work fine when I visit to vue routing via v-href or href. But, when I try to refresh that page or go directly from browser address bar, it just return 404....
Set Kyar Wa Lar's user avatar
69 votes
4 answers

Add event listener to <router-link> component using "v-on:" directive - VueJS

I'm attempting to add a custom handler InlineButtonClickHandler to a <router-link> component's click event, so that I can emit a custom appSidebarInlineButtonClick event. But, my code isn't ...
Evgeniy Miroshnichenko's user avatar
68 votes
8 answers

How to get current route name in Nuxt 2 and 3?

I'm using Nuxt.js for building a static website. How to access in component's script code currently displayed route name (I would like to avoid reading direct url from browser location)? Can I ...
lukaszkups's user avatar
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65 votes
8 answers

vuejs application with different layouts (e.g. login layout, page layout, signup etc.)

I generated a project using vue-cli. I see project has one App.vue which is kinda main layout of the app - if I'm not mistaken. Here I put my basic HTML layout and <router-view></router-view&...
user2343398's user avatar
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61 votes
4 answers

Passing props with programmatic navigation Vue.js

I have a Vue component that has a prop named 'title' e.g: <script> export default { props: ['title'], data() { return { } } } </script> I navigate to the component ...
Ash's user avatar
  • 6,613
61 votes
4 answers

Silently update url without triggering route in vue-router

I need to update the hash of the url, without actually triggering the vue-router to go to that route. Something in the likes of: router.replace('my/new/path', {silent:true}) This would update the ...
Rinux's user avatar
  • 875
60 votes
6 answers

get all routes in a vue router

I am trying to create a simple menu using vue router, I'd like to iterate all routes and display them in my menu, currently I am using below instance method in my component but I just get a function, ...
Jimmy Obonyo Abor's user avatar
59 votes
11 answers

VueJs vue-router linking an external website

This may be simple, but I've looked over documentation and can't find anything about it. I want to have my 'github' link redirect to say, However, its just appending '' ...
nateph's user avatar
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51 votes
2 answers

Vue.js page transition fade effect with vue-router

How to achieve a fade effect page transition between vue-router defined pages (components)?
Kaspi's user avatar
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47 votes
6 answers

How can Vue router get current route path of lazy-loaded modules on page load?

I have a vue app with router set up like: import index from './components/index.vue'; import http404 from './components/http404.vue'; // module lazy-loading const panda= () => import(/* ...
Valorad's user avatar
  • 726
47 votes
5 answers

How to create a 404 component in vuejs using vue-router

I'm new to vuejs and I'm working on my first project with vue. I'm just wondering how I will route to my 404.vue component when the requested url is not found. Any Idea?
Kamga Simo Junior's user avatar
47 votes
4 answers

How to display a "loading" animation while a lazy-loaded route component is being loaded?

I have split my app into multiple chunks with webpack's code splitting feature so that the entire application bundle isn't downloaded when the user visits my webpage. The chunks that some routes ...
Decade Moon's user avatar
  • 33.8k
45 votes
4 answers

Open link in new window with Vuetify v-btn and Vue router

Recent versions of Vue Router allow for links that open in a new tab, e.g. the following <router-link :to="{ name: 'fooRoute'}" target="_blank"> Link Text </router-link&...
Andrew Mao's user avatar
  • 36.3k
45 votes
4 answers

Access VueRouter outside Vue components

Is it possible to access the VueRouter outside of Vue components. I've tried importing Vue in a JavaScript file. In this file I can access Vue.http but not Vue.router or Vue.$router. The last 2 return ...
GroovyP's user avatar
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44 votes
4 answers

Vue-Test-Utils Unknown custom element: <router-link>

I'm using Jest to run my tests utilizing the vue-test-utils library. Even though I've added the VueRouter to the localVue instance, it says it can't actually find the router-link component. If the ...
Chad Carter's user avatar
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42 votes
10 answers

vue-router : how to remove underline from router-link

This results in an underlined link: <li><router-link to="/hello">Hello</router-link></li> My understanding is that the router-link element generates an a tag. I've tried ...
rpivovar's user avatar
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42 votes
7 answers

Vue Router: how to cast params as integers instead of strings?

When I enter a URL using the browser field, the params are cast as strings, rather than an integer, e.g. /user/1 returns {id: "1"}. However, when when using this.$route.push({}), the params are, ...
Fredrik's user avatar
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41 votes
4 answers

How to use vue-router with a predefined template

I have added a link in my items object items: [ { icon: 'dashboard' text: 'Home', link: '/'}, { icon: 'dashboard' text: 'Account', link: '/account'}, ] Where do I put the router-link component?
TheBAST's user avatar
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41 votes
12 answers

How to write test that mocks the $route object in vue components

I have a component that contains statement like this.$route.fullPath, how should I mock value of fullPathof $route object if I want to test that component?
Jerry Zhang's user avatar
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41 votes
6 answers

Vue $route is not defined

I'm learning Vue router. And I want to made programmatic navigation without using <router-link> in templates file. My router and view: router = new VueRouter({ routes: [ {...
Bogdan  Dubyk's user avatar
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41 votes
2 answers

What is <router-view :key="$route.fullPath">?

I'm completely new to Vue.js and I think I have a bit of understanding of how a router works with things like: <router-link to="/"> But I am not really understanding what the ...
Jordan's user avatar
  • 697
41 votes
5 answers

How to access async store data in vue-router for usage in beforeEnter hook?

How is it possible to access store data in beforeEnter which is retrieved asynchronously via the store action? import store from './vuex/store'; store.dispatch('initApp'); // in here, async data ...
santacruz's user avatar
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40 votes
4 answers

How to use vue-router params

I'm new to Vue now working with its router. I want to navigate to another page and I use the following code: this.$router.push({path: '/newLocation', params: { foo: "bar"}}); Then I expect ...
Gal Ziv's user avatar
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40 votes
8 answers

How to use router in vue composition api?

I defined a route in vue: /users/:userId Which point to UserComponent: <template> <div>{{username}}</div> </template> and I use computed from @vue/composition-api to get ...
Jon Sud's user avatar
  • 11.1k
39 votes
2 answers

(VueJS) vue-router match multiple paths

I am using vue-router, and am looking to match two very distinct paths. Is there some kind of array notation I can use?
sir_thursday's user avatar
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39 votes
3 answers

What is the best Vue-Router practice for very large webapplications?

I have to make a webapplication with many different modules (like a todo-module, document-modules, and a big usermanagement-module for admin users). The total number of pages is > 100. And the module ...
angelique000's user avatar

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