Let's say, I have 2 user types: admin and client and the following directory structure:

  • When a user of type admin heads to /productspages/admin/products.vue is used
  • When a user of type client heads to /products page – pages/client/products.vue is used
  • When a user of type admin heads to /settingspages/admin/settings.vue is used
  • When a user of type client heads to /settings – 404 not found because there's no pages/client/settings.vue page

In other words, I want each user to have its own routes

How can I approach this? I've played around with router.options.ts. But I can't get an instance of currently authorised user from there to read its type. If I could, there would be no problem to modify routes as needed:

// app/router.options.ts

import type { RouterConfig } from "@nuxt/schema"

export default <RouterConfig>{
  routes(routes) {
    const { user } = useAuthStore() // Error: [🍍]: "getActivePinia()" was called but there was no active Pinia. Are you trying to use a store before calling "app.use(pinia)"?
    if (user.type === 'admin') {
      // return admin routes 
    } else {
      // return client routes

1 Answer 1


Is your store auto imported ? Usually I have to import the pinia store before using it. Example

import { useAuthStore } from '@/stores/auth'
const store = useAuthStore()

And since were in the nuxt universe I would consider a route middleware here https://nuxt.com/docs/guide/directory-structure/middleware. Within this you can use your store and have conditions to call the navigateTo() https://nuxt.com/docs/api/utils/navigate-to composable to navigate the user to a 404 page you can use showError https://nuxt.com/docs/api/utils/show-error

I can imagine that the nuxt need to have all routes at startup since your users usually are authenticated in runtime

  • 1) I've tried both. I get the same Error: [🍍]: "getActivePinia()" was called but there was no active Pinia. Are you trying to use a store before calling "app.use(pinia)"?
    – Max Flex
    2 days ago
  • 2) I don't see how middleware & navigateTo can be used here. Say, I'm navigating to /products as admin, I expect /pages/admin/products.vue to open – but I get error right away because /products path doesn't exist
    – Max Flex
    2 days ago
  • 3) Yes, that's why the way I see it is to tinker with router.options.ts. Routes being initiated at startup also the reason why store is not yet available
    – Max Flex
    2 days ago

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