I have been tasked with creating a simple feature that allows the users to fill a form and create an apple wallet pass (.pkpass) for themselves. I have decided to use Pass2u.
My problem is, that after I generate the .pkpass file, I try to call the getPkpass, and it returns a stream in the body. I have no idea how to work with it, and have found a very confusing explanation involving some kind of a reader online. The goal is for the entire thing to work like this:
- client sends a POST request to the server
- Server recieves the POST, and sends another post to the pass2u api which creates the pass
- with the passId (server gets that as a response in step 2), the server now makes a GET request to the pass2u api, asking for the specific pass file
- The API returns the MIME Binary stream file to the server
- The server somehow processes it, and sends it as a response to the initial POST request (this was sent in step 1.)
- the client side downloads the file
I am asking for help with part 5. and part 6., since I have gotten to a point where I can create the file and retrieve the binary stream.
Here is the relevant server code:
const options = {
method: "GET",
headers: {
"x-api-key": "myAPIkey",
Accept: "application/vnd.apple.pkpass",
.then((response) => {
.catch(function (error) {
"An error occured occured while sending the GET request to pass2u"
The client handles things as follows:
name: `${qr.name} ${qr.lastName}`,
mobile: `${qr.phone}`,
email: `${qr.email}`,
qr: `${qr.output}`
{ responseType: 'blob', timeout: 30000 }
.then((response) => {
this.isGenerating = false
const blobUrl = URL.createObjectURL(response.data)
// Create an anchor element
const anchor = document.createElement('a')
// Set the href attribute to the blob URL
anchor.href = blobUrl
// Set the download attribute to specify the filename
anchor.download = 'yourPkPass.pkpass'
// Simulate a click on the anchor element
// Clean up: revoke the temporary URL
// const filename = 'yourpass.pkpass'
// saveAs(response.data, filename)
I know the client should not be handling this as a blob probably, but I still think there is a problem on the server.
Guys, thanks a lot in advance, it is 1 am here, and I am feeling so exhausted by this. I a beginner dev and this is my first task at a new company I work for. I feel super bad for not knowing this, but I was hired as a frontend developer, and never worked with binary strings my whole life.
First I had the GET request to the pass2u api in axios, but I changed it into fetch, which cleared things up a bit, but now I am still facing the same issue of being unable to send the pass to the client. I additionally tried handling it on the frontend as an arraybuffer, and it downloaded the files, however, I was unable to open them on safari