Questions tagged [pkpass]

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Consequences of the expiration of the signing certificate for a already issued PKPass file

I am currently exploring the possibility of using PKPass files to distribute some data to the users for a medium/long term time period (a few months to several years). One of the potential issues ...
jross's user avatar
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Unable to download PKpass from server

I've been trying several links to download pkpass from server but whenever i download it it shows me the size of file "0 kb", due to this i cannot convert it to pkpass data. is there any ...
Furqan Baig's user avatar
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Apple Wallet / PkPass File Error: "Safari Cannot Download This File"

I have a PkPass file I have generated using I have a valid certificate and the correct Apple Developer Relations Certificate, and I am serving the ...
Ben Curthoys's user avatar
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Call Typescript function from within an Phoenix / Elixir GET function

I am currently working within an Elixir / Phoenix project. I have some typescript code that I would like to run from within a GET function. What is the best practice for this? To give more context, I ...
redtomato's user avatar
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How to create pkpass file dynamically in java?

I am integrating Apple wallet functionality in my website. As I understood, we have to create the .pkpass file from pass.json, signature and manifest.json...etc . But this is for static coupon, but i ...
Gnaniyar Zubair's user avatar
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IOS pkpass download multiple passes at once

So I've managed to have single pkpass working with download button. However I am looking for solution that let's you download multiple passes at once for example for multiple legs tickets. there is ...
uneasy's user avatar
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Add pass to Apple Wallet in React Native

I am working on integrating adding passes to Apple and Google Wallet in my React Native app. I have got the Google/Android side of things working, but iOS is proving difficult. My backend side of ...
TreyCollier's user avatar
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Is it possible to automate creation of .pkpass files for AppleWallet and AndroidWallet for multiple users?

Depending on the fact that we have all the need data for the users to create the .pkpass files, the thing that misses is: .cer files (certification, converted to .pem files and private.key needed) For ...
Confidenc3's user avatar
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pkpass file open in Safari Mac but not on iPhone

I created a pass successfully and it opens properly on my MacBook safari browser however, when I try to open it on my physical iPhone or the Simulator it looks like safari doesn't recognize the pass ...
salim alzahrani's user avatar
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Cannot convert pass created from walletpass api to data

So here is what I got: I created two certificates both a signerCertificate and a signerKey and converted them to .pem files. They work, and I am able to sign the pass in the console on my Mac terminal ...
gavin wolfe's user avatar
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How to update the apple passes create without webServiceURL

Earlier, I had created some Apple pass without 'webServiceURL' using PHP. Those pass were added in the Apple wallet successfully, Now. I need to update the existing those passes. Are there options to ...
Robin Bronston's user avatar
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Chrome is not rendering/previewing Apple pass whereas Safari previewing the pass when I click the download link

I created Apple passes file and uploaded to my web server. I have Pkpass files under my web server folders. I am hosting them under IIS. I have added "application/" MIME ...
Fatih's user avatar
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2 answers

Pkpass generation fails after yearly signature renewal

I am generating the pkpass files via an AWS Lambda function. So far I have been using the certificate.pem, private.key and wwdr.pem certificates with wallet-3kpy( ...
YuKa's user avatar
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Is it possible to test NFC pass functionality on a device without having an NFC certificate?

I've created a pass.json file that will sign and open flawlessly as long as I omit the NFC dictionary. On my device, I've enabled the developer setting "NFC Pass Key Optional" which I ...
Risible's user avatar
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How to download a pkpass file converted to base64 using HTML?

From my server, I'm reading my pkpass file and converting it to base64. I want to make this file downloadable on my template. Here's what I'm doing. Server/Python (Django) passfile_bytes = passfile....
darkhorse's user avatar
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pkpass not downloading on physical iOS device

Background: I'm learning Apple Wallet by creating a barebones sample app and am trying to automatically update a pass. In order to do so, I understand I need to run a web server that sends push ...
user598247's user avatar
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Implementing membership card to apple wallet in C# [closed]

I have below requirement. mobile users will have the ability to choose to add the membership card to Apple Wallet. Ideally the membership card should continue to interact in Apple Wallet, updating ...
Sridevi Dinni's user avatar
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Passkit-generator library created an invalid .pkpass file despite inputs being (seemingly correct)

I have just started using the ( NPM library, and I would really appreciate help with this. It is the first (and hopefully the last) time I am working ...
Firippo's user avatar
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How to work with a "MIME type .pkpass file binary stream," or rather, how to send it as a response to the client and download it

I have been tasked with creating a simple feature that allows the users to fill a form and create an apple wallet pass (.pkpass) for themselves. I have decided to use Pass2u. My problem is, that after ...
Firippo's user avatar
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Links in Apple Wallet pass not interactive

I have a Apple Wallet Pass with a back field declared like so: { key: 'EnableLink', label: 'Powered by', value: '', attributedValue: "<a href=''>Enable....
DJRockstar1's user avatar
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Download Pkpass file and display in Swift

I put together a webservice that generates a pass. When I try to download the pass I get back nil. How do I connect my firebase cloud service and download the pass or just convert the bufferData my ...
Marcus Westbrooks's user avatar
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Unable to create NFC-Capable PKPass for Apple Wallet

I have successfully generated a .pkpass file, but it gives following error when trying to open the file: "The pass “Sample.pkpass” could not be opened." If I open a prepackaged pkpass from ...
EvMc's user avatar
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Is there a way to create multiple generic pass in iOS for apple wallet just by using swift and not using any server?

The application I am working on has a requirement for creating pass for each worker. Is there a way to create the same on front end?
Rajat Dhasmana's user avatar
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I'm stuck to create rfid card in ios app and create .pkpass file then add into apple wallet using flutter

this is my code in this doesn't create an RFID card and pk pass I want to create an RFID/NFC card in my app and create a pk pass file and add it to the apple wallet I search several websites but I ...
viranga LH's user avatar
0 votes
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pkpass: Unknown encoding of JSON format (iOS Wallet pass file)

I am trying to open a .pkpass file (or merely the contained pass.json file) in an app I am developing, however, while I didn't have issues with 3 passes I tried, the 4th seems to have some kind of ...
user826955's user avatar
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Apple Keychain does not have private key to export

I've created a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) file using KeyChain on an iMac and MacBook. I have successfully uploaded the CSR file to Apple for generating a Pass Type ID certificate. I can ...
Mikey007's user avatar
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Apple wallet update card from nodejs restify from api to api request

I have implemented apple wallet its generating card first time working fine, now im trying to push new changes to existing card. When I send push notification for new changes request. I get request ...
M.A's user avatar
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How to create a pkpass file in Visual Studio, in widows

I wonder if there is a way to create a pkpass file in windows from visual studio, or is there a way to generate its structure and change the information for testing? I've been looking at how to make ...
Camilo González's user avatar