Questions tagged [vuejs3]

Use this tag for questions specific to version 3 of Vue.js, an open-source, progressive Javascript framework for building user interfaces.

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237 votes
8 answers

ref vs reactive in Vue 3?

Looking at some examples of some people's preview tutorials for Vue 3. [Currently beta right now] I've found two examples: Reactive <template> <button @click="increment"> ...
Denis Tsoi's user avatar
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176 votes
9 answers

How to watch props change with Vue Composition API / Vue 3?

While Vue Composition API RFC Reference site has many advanced use scenarios with the watch module, there are no examples of how to watch component props. Neither is it mentioned in Vue Composition ...'s user avatar
  • 10.9k
168 votes
7 answers

Using Bootstrap 5 with Vue 3

I want to use Bootstrap 5 with Vue 3. As Bootstrap 5 uses vanilla JS (no JQuery), can I use Bootstrap 5 directly in a Vue 3 project (without using Bootstrap-Vue)? Can someone guide me how to use ...
Aditya Sharma's user avatar
136 votes
14 answers

`Vue3 - Vite` project alias src to @ not working

I have installed the project with vue3 - vite importing a component like import Component from '../../../../components/Component.vue' i just want to alias the src folder and do import Component from '...
Oleksii Zelenko's user avatar
116 votes
10 answers

Vue.js 3 Event Bus

How to create Event Bus in Vue 3? In Vue 2, it was: export const bus = new Vue(); bus.$on(...) bus.$emit(...) In Vue 3, Vue is not a constructor anymore, and Vue.createApp({}); returns an object ...
KeyKi's user avatar
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105 votes
8 answers

How can I use Vite env variables in vite.config.js?

With the following .env in my Vite project: # To prevent accidentally leaking env variables to the client, only # variables prefixed with VITE_ are exposed to your Vite-processed code VITE_NAME=...
Matt's user avatar
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102 votes
8 answers

How to use props in <script setup> in vue3

Just like the title says, related Links: New script setup (without ref sugar) <template> <TopNavbar title="room" /> <div> {{ no }} </div> </template> ...
Molingran's user avatar
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100 votes
6 answers

vue 3 emit warning " Extraneous non-emits event listeners"

I am trying to emit data from child to parent using the composition API I get the following warning. [Vue warn]: Extraneous non-emits event listeners (updatedcount) were passed to component but could ...
Fanna1119's user avatar
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86 votes
10 answers

Vue 3 passing array warning: Extraneous non-props attributes were passed to component but could not be automatically inherited

please, I'm learning a VueJS 3 and I have probably begineer problem. I have warn in browser developer console like this one: The Message is: [Vue warn]: Extraneous non-props attributes (class) were ...
Bambi Bunny's user avatar
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81 votes
8 answers

Add global variable in Vue.js 3

How to add a global variable in Vue.js 3? In Vue.js 2 we use this in the main.js file: Vue.prototype.$myGlobalVariable = globalVariable
Adri HM's user avatar
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76 votes
8 answers

How to disable eslint rule max line length for paragraph in <template> of vue.js?

I am using airbnb eslint and currently I am getting error: error: Line 6 exceeds the maximum line length of 100 (max-len) at path/to/file.vue:6:1: <template lang="pug"> div ....
Syed's user avatar
  • 16.2k
70 votes
14 answers

Vue 3 Vite - dynamic image src

I'm using Vue 3 with Vite. And I have a problem with dynamic img src after Vite build for production. For static img src there's no problem. <img src="/src/assets/images/my-image.png" alt=...
Ondrej Vencovsky's user avatar
64 votes
9 answers

How to get $refs using Composition API in Vue3?

I am trying to get $refs in Vue 3 using Composition API. This is my template that has two child components and I need to get reference to one child component instance: <template> <comp-...
Pavel_K's user avatar
  • 11.6k
64 votes
3 answers

Vue 3 Composition API - How to get the component element ($el) on which the component is mounted?

I want to use onMounted to initiate a third-party library. To do that I need the component element as its context. In Vue 2 I would get it with this.$el but not sure how to do it with composition ...
Damir Miladinov's user avatar
63 votes
7 answers

Props typing in Vue.js 3 with TypeScript

I'm trying to type hint my props in a Vue 3 component, with composition API. So, I'm doing this: <script lang="ts"> import FlashInterface from '@/interfaces/FlashInterface'; import { ...
chindit's user avatar
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62 votes
6 answers

How to configure proxy in Vite?

I was trying to follow the docs and created vite.config.js like this: const config = { outDir: '../wwwroot/', proxy: { // string shorthand '/foo': 'http://localhost:4567', // with ...
Roman Koliada's user avatar
62 votes
3 answers

Vue.js run a code in mounted and again for restart functionality

I am creating a game in VueJS, where, when the page loads, I want a method to fire, make an ajax call to an external API and create a bunch of data properties. When the player wins the round, I want ...
lnamba's user avatar
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59 votes
7 answers

How to define type for ref(binding on template) In Vue3, using TypeScript?

Template: <tremplate> <div ref="element"></div> </template> Script: export default { setup() { const element = ref(null); return { element, }; ...
Shook Lyngs's user avatar
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58 votes
7 answers

Vue.js 3 and typescript : Property '$store' does not exist on type 'ComponentPublicInstance

Can't find anything to solve this seemingly obvious issue. Just upgraded from Vue 2 to Vue 3 and Vuex with Typescript. this.$store doesn't seem to be accessible, despite following the Vue 3 ...
Narkanister's user avatar
58 votes
1 answer

How to define component name in Vue3 setup tag? [duplicate]

In the export default {} method, there is a name property to define the component name, which is useful for the Vue Devtools, but what's the equivalent in the new <script setup> syntax?
Mashiro's user avatar
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57 votes
5 answers

Vue Composition API: Defining emits

When defining custom events Vue encourages us to define emitted events on the component via the emits option: app.component('custom-form', { emits: ['inFocus', 'submit'] }) Using Vue 3's ...
PeterB's user avatar
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57 votes
6 answers

Vue.js 3 - replace/update reactive object without losing reactivity

I need to update a reactive object with some data after fetching: setup(){ const formData = reactive({}) onMounted(() => { fetchData().then((data) => { if (data) { ...'s user avatar
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54 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between ref, toRef and toRefs?

I have just started working with Vue 3 and the Composition API. What are the differences between ref, toRef and toRefs?
Zumm's user avatar
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53 votes
4 answers

Vue 3 ::v-deep usage as a combinator has been deprecated. Use ::v-deep(<inner-selector>) instead

I started getting the following warning in Vue 3 with the ::v-deep usage. ::v-deep usage as a combinator has been deprecated. Use ::v-deep(<inner-selector>) instead The CSS looks like as ...
Manoj Shrestha's user avatar
52 votes
4 answers

How can I use async/await in the Vue 3.0 setup() function using Typescript

(This question has been answered for JavaScript, see below, but this question is specific for TypeScript, which behaves differently) I'm trying to use async functionality in Vue3.0 using typescript. ...
Hendrik Jan's user avatar
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49 votes
12 answers

Vue 3 – <Transition> renders non-element root node that cannot be animated

App.vue has a transition tag to fade the pages out and in. <router-view v-slot="{ Component }"> <transition name="fade" mode="out-in" appear> <...
To E's user avatar
  • 657
48 votes
13 answers

How to set compilerOptions.isCustomElement for VueJS 3 in Laravel project

I'm working on VueJS 3 inside Laravel project and I'm using a JS file which providing me with elements that I use for markdown toolbar. Basically it's a set of functions that provides me with buttons ...
Mostafa Said's user avatar
48 votes
2 answers

Why did I get blank (empty) content when I used async setup() in Vue.js 3?

Problem I use async setup() in Vue.js 3, but I got my HTML content to disappear. My component template did not insert to HTML, but when I remove the async and await prefix, my HTML content comes back. ...
g6165310's user avatar
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47 votes
2 answers

Vue 3 Composition API data() function

Reading the composition api documentation for Vue 3, I didn't quite understand how the new Composition API works. Could you please explain where the data() function has gone? And if it is no longer ...
Xth's user avatar
  • 780
46 votes
4 answers

How to get params of router in Vue 3?

I created a project in Vue.js 3 and TypeScript. router.js { path: "/app/:id", name: "Detail", component: Detail, props: true }, App.js <script lang="ts"> ....
이상진's user avatar
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44 votes
5 answers

Using Font Awesome in Vue 3

I'm trying to use Font Awesome with Vue 3. I have it in my package.json "dependencies": { "@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core": "^1.2.34", "@fortawesome/free-brands-...
Šimon Slabý's user avatar
43 votes
2 answers

How to emit event from child to parent in Vue3 with <script setup> syntax?

I have the following component: <SomeModal :is-modal-active="isAddingThing" @close="isAddingThing = false" /> Inside that component looks like this: <script setup> ...
agm1984's user avatar
  • 16.4k
43 votes
4 answers

Vuejs 3 webpack : Problem with vue-template-compiler

I am trying to integrate vuejs 3 to an existing project which uses webpack. I read about vue-loader, so I am trying to use it. In the official documentation I have this: Every time a new version of ...
Alejo Dev's user avatar
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42 votes
2 answers

How to use Vue.prototype or global variable in Vue 3?

Like the title, I want to add Axios into Vue prototype. So when I want to use it, I can use it like this.$axios instead of importing it every time. CODE: //plugins/axios.ts import axios from 'axios' ...
R.Q's user avatar
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42 votes
2 answers

How to re-mount a component in VueJS?

I have a component which is mounted as part of the DOM rendering. The skeleton of the application is <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title&...
WoJ's user avatar
  • 28.7k
42 votes
5 answers

Vitest - @ src folder alias not resolved in test files

I have a vue3 project using Vite/Vitest, as recommanded in Vue.js documentation. Here is the structure of the project: src components // my Vue components here, potentially in sub-folders. For ...
Eria's user avatar
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40 votes
7 answers

How to `emit` event out of `setup` method in vue3?

I know I can call the emit method from the setup method, but is there any way to emit event from any other functions without passing the emit method from setup method(not the the functions in the ...
yaquawa's user avatar
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39 votes
6 answers

can't use template ref on component in vue 3 composition api

I want to get the dimensions of a vue.js component from the parent (I'm working with the experimental script setup). When I use the ref inside a component, it works as expected. I get the dimensions: /...
wittgenstein's user avatar
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37 votes
2 answers

Vue Router - catch all wildcard not working

I'm using Vue Router with Vue 3 and am trying to add a catch-all route to redirect the user if they try and access an invalid URL. When I try and use the wildcard (*), i get the following error logged ...
user14131782's user avatar
37 votes
2 answers

How do I do Vue.set() in Vue 3?

As explained here, Vue 3 has moved a bunch of functions that were available on the global Vue instance. They are now named imports. This leads me to think I should be able to do import {set} from 'vue'...
bbsimonbb's user avatar
  • 28.1k
37 votes
7 answers

After upgrading to vue 3 : "Cannot find module '@vue/compiler-sfc/package.json' "

After upgrading to vue 3 : yarn add vue@next I get this error: "Cannot find module '@vue/compiler-sfc/package.json" when executing yarn electron:serve (base) marco@pc01:~/webMatters/...
Raphael10's user avatar
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35 votes
7 answers

how to use sass using in vuejs3/vite

I starting with vite / vuejs 3 after installing sass with npm install -D sass I tried to add my _variables.js file this to vite.config.js css: {preprocessorOptions: {scss: {additionalData: `@import&...
bluelemonade's user avatar
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35 votes
5 answers

Vue Array converted to Proxy object

I'm new to Vue. While making this component I got stuck here. I'm making an AJAX request to an API that returns an array using this code: import axios from 'axios'; export default { data() { ...
Eduardo Robles's user avatar
34 votes
9 answers

How to properly reset Vue Composition Api's reactive values

I'm wondering how should I reset a reactive in vuejs setup? (i know if change it to the ref and using view.value will solve this problem, but there should be an answer to this for using reactive) ...
SeyyedKhandon's user avatar
34 votes
2 answers

How does Computed work in Vue 3 script setup?

I'm trying to get computed to work in <script setup>: <template> <div> <p>{{ whatever.get() }}</p> </div> </template> <script setup> import {...
Artur Müller Romanov's user avatar
34 votes
9 answers

Vue.js - Component is missing template or render function

In Vue 3, I created the following Home component, 2 other components (Foo and Bar), and passed it to vue-router as shown below. The Home component is created using Vue's component function, whereas ...
Circuit Breaker's user avatar
33 votes
18 answers

Vue 3 The template root requires exactly one element. eslint-plugin-vue

After scaffolding a Vue 3 project I noticed an error in my App.vue. A functional component that renders the matched component for the given path. Components rendered in can also contain its own , ...
anonymous-dev's user avatar
33 votes
2 answers

Why Pinia vs Vuex for Vue 3? [closed]

I am a Vue.js developer who is coming up to speed with the the new features added to Vue 3, from Vue 2, namely the Composition API (added in Vue 3). For State Management, it appears that along with ...
Kobi's user avatar
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33 votes
3 answers

String replacements in index.html in vite

I am trying to inject some strings into the index.html of a Vite app (using vue3 template). In a vue-cli project for example we would have <link rel="icon" href="<%= BASE_URL %>...
v-moe's user avatar
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33 votes
5 answers

Vue 3 - "Failed to resolve component" with global components

My Vue components work fine when declared in the top level HTML file, like this <body> <div class='app' id='app'> <header-bar id='headerBar'></header-bar> ...
Richard's user avatar
  • 15.9k

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